Chapter 15. Interactivity

I’m alive Oh oh, so alive I’m alive Oh oh, so alive ... My head is full of magic, baby And I can share this with you The feel I’m on top again, baby That’s got everything to do with you

Love and Rockets, "So Alive"

15.0 Introduction

The pièce de résistance of Mathematica 6 is its dynamic interactivity features. These features forced Wolfram to completely rethink and redesign its frontend. This had the unfortunate consequence of breaking many notebooks from version 5 and earlier, especially those that used graphics. However, it is my opinion that the gain was well worth the pain!

The interactive features of Mathematica 6 are even more impressive when one considers that they sit on relatively few new functions. The centerpiece of interactivity is the function Manipulate. Think of Manipulate as a very intelligent user-interface generator. Manipulate’s power comes by virtue of its ability to take any Mathematica expression plus a declarative description of the expression’s variables and generate a mini embedded GUI within the notebook for interacting with that expression. Of course, there are always caveats, and an important feature of this chapter is to help you get the best possible results with nontrivial Manipulate use cases.

The first five recipes of this chapter are intended to gradually introduce the reader to Manipulate by demonstrating increasingly sophisticated examples. These recipes are not necessarily intended for direct use but rather to illustrate the basic features and generality of Manipulate. Each recipe highlights a feature of Manipulate or a subtlety of its use in a particular context. Animate is a relative of Manipulate that puts its interactive features in autonomous mode. 15.15 Animating an Expression focuses on Animate and shows how animations can be exported to Flash and other Web-friendly formats.

Many users will never need anything beyond Manipulate, but more advanced applications require you to dig deeper and understand lower-level dynamic primitive functions called Dynamic, DynamicModule, and DynamicWrapper. 15.4 Creating Expressions for Which Value Dynamically Updates shows how Dynamic is used in conjunction with Manipulate to achieve better performance or smoother operation. DynamicModule is a preferred alternative to Module when working with dynamic content, and I use it liberally before introducing it formally. The initial usage does not require you to know more than its function as a scoping construct. 15.11 Improving Performance of Manipulate by Segregating Fast and Slow Operations illustrates the intimate relationship between Manipulate and DynamicModule and shows why you often want to use DynamicModule directly. Many useful dynamic techniques require the use of DynamicWrapper but, unfortunately (as of version 7), this important function is undocumented in the help system. 15.8 Using Scratch Variables with DynamicModule to Balance Speed Versus Space, 15.11 Improving Performance of Manipulate by Segregating Fast and Slow Operations, and 15.16 Creating Custom Interfaces show some interesting use cases for this hidden gem.


15.0 Introduction

You will get the most out of this chapter by downloading its associated notebook from the book’s website and playing along; see .

15.1 Manipulating a Variable


You want to control the value of one or more variables via an interactive interface and see their values update as you interact with the interface.


Use Manipulate with the desired variables and (optionally) their ranges.



This solution is strictly intended as a simple introduction to Manipulate. As it stands, it is not very practical because the variables are displayed rather than used to compute. Still, there are some important concepts.

The first concept is that Manipulate will automatically choose a control type based on the structure of the constraints you place on a variable’s value. The most common control is a slider. It is chosen when a variable is specified with a minimum and maximum value. Out[3] below shows three variations of this idea. The second example uses a specified increment, and the third adds an initial value.


When a multiple-choice list is specified, you will get either a series of buttons or a drop-down list, depending on the number of choices.


When a variable is unconstrained or just specified with an initial value, Manipulate infers an edit control. In the first case, the variable begins with a null value, so it is probably a good idea to provide an initial value.


A second concept, illustrated in Out[6], is that a single variable can be bound to multiple controls. This has the effect of tying the controls together so a change in one control changes the variable and is automatically reflected in the other controls bound to that variable. It’s possible in this circumstance to violate the constraints of one of the controls. In this case, Manipulate will display a red area in the control that has the violated constraint.


A third concept is the ability to provide an arbitrary label by specifying the label after the initial value. The label can be any Mathematica expression.


15.2 Manipulating a Symbolic Expression


You want to vary the structure of a symbolic expression interactively.


This recipe is intended to illustrate that any Mathematica expression that can be parametrized can be used with Manipulate.



Here are a few examples to reinforce the idea that any aspect of an expression can be manipulated. In Out[9] on Discussion, both of the function’s integration limits are variable. In Out[10] on Discussion, every aspect of the expression, including its display form, is subject to user manipulation. Finally, in Out[11] on 15.3 Manipulating a Plot, you see that tables of values can be dynamically generated and that Manipulate will adjust the display area to accommodate the additional rows. The ability of Manipulate to mostly do the right thing is immensely liberating: it allows you to focus on the concept you are illustrating rather than the GUI programming.


15.3 Manipulating a Plot


You want to create an interactive graph.


Possibly one of the most popular use cases for Manipulate is to create an interactive plot. However, a common stumbling block is forgetting to specify the PlotRange, causing a plot for which the axes vary instead of the plot itself varying.



Use Mathematica to compare the solution to the following variation and you will immediately see why PlotRange is essential.


Another common problem when manipulating graphics is sluggishness when controls are varied. A crude way of dealing with this problem is to tell Manipulate to not update the display until the control is released. You do this with the option ContinuousAction → False.


A more refined alternative is to perform a low-resolution plot while controls are changing and then switch automatically to a full-resolution plot when the control is released. The ControlActive function along with PlotPoints is exactly what the doctor ordered. Many graphics functions are self-adaptive when used inside a Manipulate, but ControlActive allows you to fine-tune this behavior to match the complexity of the graph and the speed of your computer.


Another way to fine-tune interactive plots is to separate those options that can be rendered quickly from those that require a lot of computation. A classic example is a plot with variable parameters that change the shape of the plot (expensive) and parameters that change the orientation of the plot (inexpensive). Ideally, parameters that are inexpensive to compute should not trigger computation of the expensive parts. You achieve this by wrapping the inexpensive parts in Dynamic[]. I discuss this use of Dynamic in detail in 15.11 Improving Performance of Manipulate by Segregating Fast and Slow Operations.


15.4 Creating Expressions for Which Value Dynamically Updates


You want to create output cells that have values that change in real time as variables used in computing the cell values change.


Normally an expression is evaluated and produces an output that remains static. You can wrap an expression in Dynamic[] to indicate you want Mathematica to update the value whenever a variable in the expression acquires a new value. Here I initialize three variables and create a list in which the first element is their sum and the second is the sum wrapped in Dynamic. Initially the result is {6,6} as you would expect. However, you are looking at the output after the variable xl was given a new value of 100. Notice how the second element reflects the new sum of 105.

In[17]:= xl = 1; x2 = 2; x3 = 3; {x1 + x2 + x3, Dynamic[x1 + x2 + x3]}
Out[17]= {6,105}

In[18]:= xl = 100
Out[18]= 100


Dynamic is one of the low-level primitives that make the functionality of Manipulate possible. A typical use case of Dynamic is creating free controls that update a variable.


Dynamic expressions can appear in a variety of contexts and work across multiple cells. Each output cell here will update as the slider changes the value of a1.


There are two key principles that underlie Dynamic, and you must keep these in mind to avoid common pitfalls. The first principle is that Dynamic has the attribute HoldFirst. This means that it does not immediately update its expression until it needs to and does so only to produce output.

In[24]:= Attributes[Dynamic]
Out[24]= {HoldFirst, Protected, ReadProtected}

This leads to the second key concept. Dynamic is strictly a frontend function and can’t be used to produce values that will be passed to other functions. The following example underscores this important point.


Moving the slider does nothing because passing the output of Dynamic to a kernel function like Sin can never work.



As a general rule, if Dynamic is not in a context where its output will be displayed directly or embedded in an expression that will be displayed (like a control or a graphics primitive), then you are almost certainly using Dynamic incorrectly.

See Also

See the tutorial "Introduction to Dynamic" under tutorial/IntroductionToDynamic in the Wolfram help system.

15.5 Intercepting the Values of a Control Attached to a Dynamic Expression


You want to apply a function to the output of a control before it affects the value of a Dynamic expression.


Normally when you adjust a control, the value produced is assigned to the expression in the first argument of Dynamic. However, if the expression is not a variable that can be assigned, this will lead to errors. The solution is provided by the second argument of Dynamic, which allows you to provide a function that can override the default behavior. A classic example is the creation of a control that inverts the value of the slider. Here are a normal slider and an inverted slider that uses an inversion function as its second argument.



The solution shows a case where the second argument of Dynamic is a function. Dynamic also supports a more advanced variation where a list of functions is passed in the second argument. A list with two functions tells Dynamic to evaluate the first function as the control is varied and the second function when interaction with the control is complete. A list with three functions defines a start function, a during function, and an end function.


Here is an example illustrating Ohm’s law (voltage = current * resistance) as a set of three coupled sliders. The goal is for voltage to be computed when the current or resistance sliders change. However, if voltage is changed, then current must be recomputed. The problem with such an example is that if you allow voltage to change when resistance is high, it can easily lead to very large currents that would violate the limits of the current slider. The solution is to make the sliders’ limits dynamic as well, but that requires the whole slider to be dynamic! Of course, you don’t want the interface to be constantly generated as a slider is moved. This is where the finish function comes in handy. When a slider interaction ends, the limits of the other sliders are recomputed, triggering the creation of a new slider.


See Also

See 15.7 Using DynamicModule As a Scoping Construct in Interactive Notebooks for an explanation of why DynamicModule is used in the Ohm’s law example.

15.6 Controlling Updates of Dynamic Values


You want to control the timing or variable dependencies that trigger and update to a dynamic value.


Use Refresh to explicitly control dynamic updates. The following dynamic expression will generate a random number once every second.


Also use Refresh to control dependencies between dynamic variables. Here you create two sliders that update the variables x and y and two dynamic sums of x and y, but you use Refresh to make the first sum respond to changes in x alone, whereas the second responds only to changes in y.



Refresh should be used with caution because it subverts the expected behavior of Dynamic. One legitimate use of Refresh is with functions that will not be triggered by Dynamic. Theodore Gray of Wolfram Research refers to these functions as nonticklish. The function Set normally written as = is ticklish, as you can see by evaluating the following expression.

In[33]:=  DynamicModule[{x = 1}, Dynamic[x = x + 1]]
Out[33]=  32872

This will create an output cell that increments about 20 times per second, which is the standard refresh rate for Dynamic. Contrast this with the evaluation of a nonticklish function, RandomReal.

In[34]:=  Dynamic[RandomReal[]]
Out[34]=  0.570894

This creates a single random number that will not update. However, wrapping it with a Refresh, like we did in the Solution section above, will force it to update.

See Also

See the tutorial "Advanced Dynamic Functionality" at tutorial/AdvancedDynamicFunctionality in the Wolfram help.

15.7 Using DynamicModule As a Scoping Construct in Interactive Notebooks


You want to create dynamic content with local, statically scoped variables (similar to Module) that maintain values across sessions.


DynamicModule is similar to Module in that it restricts the scope of variables, but DynamicModule has the additional behavior of preserving the values of the local variables in the output so that they are retained between Mathematica sessions. Further, if you copy and paste the output of a DynamicModule, the values of the pasted copy are also localized in the copy, leaving the original unchanged as the copy varies.


The dynamic plot on Discussion was copied from Out[35] above, pasted here, and then the locators manipulated. Each variable has its own independent state that will be retained after Mathematica is shut down and restarted with this notebook. This works because the values are bundled with the expression that underlies the output cells of a dynamic module.



Normal variables (including global variables and scoped variables inside a Block or Module) are stored inside the Mathematica kernel’s memory. When the kernel exits, the values are lost. DynamicModule variables are stored in the notebook output cells. Below are a trivial DynamicModule and a trivial Module. Each simply sets a local variable to 1 and outputs the value. In Figure 15-1 and Figure 15-2 you can see the difference in the underlying notebook representation (via ShowExpression).

Cells resulting from DynamicModule

Figure 15-1. Cells resulting from DynamicModule

Cells resulting from Module

Figure 15-2. Cells resulting from Module

15.8 Using Scratch Variables with DynamicModule to Balance Speed Versus Space


You want to avoid doing duplicate computations in a dynamic module by caching data, but you don’t want to create a bloated notebook when saved.


Use the UnsavedVariables option of DynamicModule to prevent saving in the notebook while keeping the variable localized in the frontend. Also use DynamicWrapper to guarantee cached data is calculated before any of the dynamic expressions. In this example, you wish to compute plotPoints once since we plot the points and their squares. You neither need nor want plotPoints to be saved in the notebook; saving the locator point is sufficient.



My first attempt at the solution did not use DynamicWrapper and seemed to work fine. However, as explained by Theodore Gray of Wolfram, there is a subtle bug that will likely cause this to break in future versions of Mathematica. The assumption is that the first Dynamic will be computed before the second, and Mathematica provides no such evaluation order guarantee. In contrast, the solution using DynamicWrapper will always guarantee that the second argument of DynamicWrapper will be computed before any dynamic expressions contained in the first argument.


See Also

DynamicWrapper is further discussed in the DynamicWrapper: A Useful Undocumented Function sidebar on DynamicWrapper: A Useful Undocumented Function and the Discussion section of 15.11 Improving Performance of Manipulate by Segregating Fast and Slow Operations.

15.9 Making a Manipulate Self-Contained


You want to make sure a Manipulate encapsulates all definitions necessary for its operation so it always starts up in a working state.


Manipulate can reference functions and variables from the current kernel’s environment. There is no guarantee that these will be defined or defined equivalently when a notebook is saved and reopened. Compare the following two cases. Although each Manipulate below will behave the same after initial evaluation, you are seeing the results after restarting Mathematica and reloading this notebook without reevaluating the definitions of fl and f2. Note how the first does not know what fl is, whereas the second remembers the definition of f2 as before.



For simple cases of self-contained formulas, the solution using SaveDefinitions is appropriate, but it has limitations. Although the definition of the function is saved within the context of the manipulate output, it is still in the Global` scope. This means a Clear[f2] will break the manipulation. To localize functions and variable definitions, you can wrap the Manipulate in a DynamicModule. Now the variables defined in the DynamicModule will be localized and values will be preserved across Mathematica sessions.


Another potential problem with SaveDefinitions is that a great deal of code can get pulled into the Manipulate output. Imagine your Manipulate uses a function that depends on code from an external package pulled in by Needs. All the code in the package could potentially be pulled into the Manipulate cell by SaveDefinitions. This will bloat the notebook and affect the time it takes the control to initialize each time. In situations like this, it is better to use the option Initialization. Further, if the Initialization code must complete before the results are displayed, you should also specify option SynchronousInitialization → True.




Mathematica 7 was released midway through the production of this book, hence I conditionalized the Initialization since Histogram is a built-in function in version 7.

15.10 Remembering the Values Found Using Manipulate


You found some interesting results using Manipulate and want to preserve them for future use.


Use the + icon in the Manipulate to select either "Paste Snapshot " or "Add To Bookmarks."

In[46]:=  DynamicModule[{x = 4.8732500000000005`},
           -0.07` x5 - 0.42` x4 + 0.94` x3 - 4.25` x2 + 86.5` x - 0.13`]
Out[46]=   -0.00816536


You can bookmark specific settings by adjusting the dynamic module output to the desired values and then choosing "Add To Bookmarks." You will be prompted for a bookmark name. From that point on you can return to those settings by selecting the bookmark. In the figure below I have added two bookmarks: "Initial Settings" and "Interesting."


15.11 Improving Performance of Manipulate by Segregating Fast and Slow Operations


You have a sluggish Manipulate with several controls and you would like to improve some aspects of its performance.


Isolate fast dynamic computations from computationally intensive ones by performing the fast computations local to an internal Dynamic. In the example below, the generation of the 50,000 data points using NestList is significantly more expensive than raising the values in the list to a power. You need not pay the price of the generation when manipulating the variable z, but to isolate that computation you need to wrap it in a Dynamic, as shown.



This technique works because internally Manipulate wraps its expression with a Dynamic and the net result is a Dynamic nested inside another Dynamic. In the solution, the inner Dynamic is monitoring changes in data and z but not r or x, and since data does not recompute when z changes, data need not be recomputed. The general rule is that changes that trigger only updates to an inner Dynamic will not trigger updates to any outer Dynamic.

You can also exploit this property when combining plots where one is slow and the other is fast. To make this work, you need to solicit the services of DynamicWrapper because Show cannot combine Dynamic output. The trick here is to use DynamicWrapper to capture the output of each plot, nesting the DynamicWrapper that computes the ReliefPlot (less expensive) inside the DynamicWrapper that computes the ListContourPlot (more expensive). The result is that you can change the color function cf or the plot points p of the ReliefPlot and get fast updates while paying for the updates to n or the number of contours c only when these are changed. The expression in In[50] was generated using Maipulate’s Paste Sanpshot feature. Paste Snapshot creates a static expression from the current dynamic control settings.


15.12 Localizing a Function in a Manipulate


You want to manipulate a function while keeping the function’s definition localized.


Wrap the Manipulate in a DynamicModule and use the Initialization option to establish the function’s definition. Below we define a global function f[x] and two Manipulates using localized definitions of f[x] that remain independent.

In[51]:=  f[x_] := 1


Manipulate only localizes variables associated with control variables. This can cause problems when you have multiple Manipulates that use the same function name in different ways. In Out[54] below, it is clear that the second definition of g[x] modified the first since Sin[x] takes on values between -1 and 1.


Note that SaveDefinitions→ True as discussed in 15.9 Making a Manipulate Self-Contained does not localize the symbol, so it is not a solution to this problem.


15.13 Sharing DynamicModule Variables across Cell or Window Boundaries


You want to create an interface that is divided across multiple cells or notebooks but interacts with shared variables. However, you don’t want these variables to be global.


Create a DynamicModule Wormhole using InheritScope→ True from within a Manipulate or DynamicModule you want to inherit from.


Variables defined in the first argument of a DynamicModule or as control variables in a Manipulate have their scope restricted to the resulting output cell. This concept is explained in 15.7 Using DynamicModule As a Scoping Construct in Interactive Notebooks. Generally, this is exactly the behavior you want when using Manipulate. An obvious exception is when you want to create a more complex application composed of multiple notebooks (a palette is implemented as a notebook). The whimsical term wormhole is used to suggest the sharing of scope between different physical locations (e.g., output cells).

Here is an example that uses the same technique as the solution but with DynamicModule instead of Manipulate and multiple output cells instead of a palette. Each time the button is pressed, a new cell is printed that inherits the scope from the original DynamicModule.


See Also

The "Advanced Dynamic Functionality" tutorial ( ) explains some of the technical details underlying DynamicModule wormholes. It hints at the ability to link up arbitrary existing DynamicModules but, unfortunately, provides no additional information.

15.14 Creating Your Own Custom Controls


You want to create a control of your own design that can be used inside a Manipulate or notebook cell.


Manipulate allows you to associate a control variable with a function and thus provides a means to specify controls with nonstandard behavior and appearance. The function incUntilButton creates a button that increments the dynamic variable until it hits a specified value, at which point it sets it back to the minimum specified in the Manipulate definition. Notice how the slider can change the x through its full range while the button immediately resets x to -10 if it exceeds 5.



The function you use to create a custom control can take two forms. In the simple form, it is passed only the control variable wrapped in Dynamic (e.g., Dynamic[x]).


The solution shows the advanced form that gives the function access to the minimum and maximum values specified in the definition. In this case, the function Manipulate sees must have the form f[Dynamic[var_], {min_,max_}]. As the solution shows, this does not mean you can’t use a function that takes additional arguments. However, those arguments must be bound when the anonymous function is created inside the Manipulate, as I did by providing "Inc Until 5" and 5 in the solution.

You may argue that a button hardly qualifies as a "custom control" even though the solution gives it custom behavior. Have no fear, because you have all the user interface primitives Mathematica has to offer at your disposal for creating interesting controls. Here is an example that shows how the angular slider (adapted from the "Applications" section DynamicModule in the Mathematica documentation) can be incorporated as a control in a Manipulate.



This example uses the function Control and the option ContentSize, which are only available in Mathematica 7.


15.15 Animating an Expression


You want to see how an expression evolves without having to manually adjust controls.


Use Animate to create instructive self-running demonstrations. Here Animate drives an illustration of the cycloid, which is the locus of points traced by a point on a wheel as it rolls across a flat surface.



Animate can drive a variety of demonstrations. Here we can get some insight into the implementation of the Sort function by providing a parameter limit within a custom comparison function that short-circuits the sort after that many steps. You use Animate with BarChart to visualize the partialSort at each step. Here the option DisplayAllSteps keeps Animate from skipping over steps. DisplayAllSteps will slow things down, so only use it if the animation suffers without it.


Other useful options are AnimationRunning→ True, which starts the animation running immediately; AnimationRate, which sets the initial speed of the animation; and AnimationRepetitions, which controls how many times the animation repeats before stopping.

As you might expect, there is a close relationship between Animate and Manipulate. Animate is implemented in terms of Manipulate with the help of a low-level control called an Animator. You can use an Animator directly to get more control over the details of the animation layout. Stare at the next animation for 10 seconds, and when you awaken, you will have the strong urge to tell all your friends to buy the Mathematica Cookbook!


You can share your animations over the Web by exporting them to several common video formats, such as Microsoft AVI or Adobe Flash. You may need to experiment with the options AnimationRate, RefreshRate, and DefaultDuration to get a smooth animation.


See Also

The function ListAnimate provides an alternative to Animate in which the animation is derived by cycling through the elements of a list. This is useful in a case where each step in the animation takes a lot of computation; you can precompute all the frames of the animation and play them back using ListAnimate. See the Mathematica documentation for examples.

15.16 Creating Custom Interfaces


You want to create a custom interface that requires handling of low-level events such as mouse clicks.


Mathematica’s higher level interactive functionality is adequate for most casual users, but sometimes you want to achieve something cool. Luckily, Mathematica lets you intercept low-level GUI events generated by your operating system using EventHandler. When you execute the following code, you can increase the size of the text by dragging (moving the mouse with the left button depressed) over the word Start. When you release the mouse, the text changes to Done.



You can use event handlers to add interactive features to existing plotting and graphics functions. In these applications, you will often use MousePosition["Graphics"] to query the position of the mouse relative to the enclosing graphic. Here interactivePlot creates a plot of a function and annotates it with a point based on the position of the mouse when you click. The coordinates of the point are displayed in the upper left.


Event handlers can nest with the options PassEventsDown and PassEventsUp, controlling event propagation. By default, inner event handlers get to act on events first, but outer event handlers see the event first and thus can control propagation of the event downward. The program below creates a simple game using the keyboard. The idea is to try to catch the dot with the arrow. Notice that there is an outer event handler that is used to control the difficulty of the game using the d and e keys. The outer event handler uses PassEventsDownFalse, which means that if it handles the event, then the inner handler will not see it. This prevents the dot from moving when the d or e key is handled.



EventHandler using arrow keys does not work well in Mac OS X because selection is lost when the arrow is pressed. I do not know a workaround except to use other keys or mouse events.


See Also

FrontEndEventActions, NotebookEventActions, and CellEventActions are other event handlers with differing levels of granularity. See the Mathematica documentation for details.

15.17 Managing a Large Number of Controls in Limited Screen Real Estate


You want to go beyond what Manipulate has to offer and create your own custom interfaces. You may need to manage a large number of controls in a sensible manner or need a custom layout that Manipulate does not support.


The building blocks of sophisticated user interfaces are PaneSelector and OpenerView, for managing many controls; Control, for selection of appropriate controls; and Item, Row, Column, and Grid, for layout. The following Manipulate initially presents a simple interface for modifying the parameters to a 3D plot. You use OpenerView to provide an advanced set of controls that remain hidden until selected. Within this OpenerView, you use PaneSelector to alternate between sets of controls, depending on a checkbox that allows modification of PlotStyle or ColorFunction.



Control is a Mathematica 7 feature, so the following code will not work in version 6.



In addition to OpenerView and PaneSelector, there is a whole family of controls for managing limited screen real estate. These include FlipView, MenuView, SlideView, and TabView. I provide a sample of each without going into much detail because they are fairly self-explanatory and follow the same basic syntax.

A FlipView cycles through a list of expressions as you click on the output. Here I use FlipView over a list of graphics. Click on the graphic to see the next in the series.


SlideView is similar to FlipView but uses VCR-style controls to give more control of the progression.


A MenuView allows you random access to the items via a menu that you specify as a list of rules: MenuView[{lbl1→expr1, label2→expr2, ...}]. This is similar syntax to that used by PaneSelector in the solution. Don’t be afraid to build up these expressions using a bit of functional programming as I do here, especially if it cuts down on repetition. In Out[78] below, I use the Head of each graphic primitive as the label for convenience, but you can also provide the label explicitly, as in Out[79] on Discussion, which builds the list of rules using Inner.


TabView is similar to MenuView but uses the familiar tabbed folder theme that has become popular in a variety of modern interfaces, including most web browsers.


Clearly these controls can be mixed, combined with Manipulate, or used alone to create an unlimited variety of sophisticated interfaces. For example, here is a tabbed set of Manipulates.


Contrast this to a single Manipulate that can switch between a TabView or a MenuView, or even one that lets you switch back and forth. This is actually a useful technique when building an interface for someone’s approval. You can switch among various design choices without touching the code.


See Also

Inspiration for this recipe came from a presentation by Lou D’Andria of Wolfram during the 2008 International Mathematica User Conference. Presentations from this conference can be found at .

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