
Thanks to Katie Mohr and Jim Minatel for the opportunity to get on a great book with a great team. This book really came together with the help and assistance of Kelly Talbot and Sydney Jones. Thanks to our technical editor Bob Fayman as well.

Special thanks goes to my family for putting up with my writing time away from playing and the family. Thank you Tuija, Sofia, Henri, and Kalle "Donut Head."

Bill Evjen

First, I have to acknowledge the support of my family and their tolerance for my working on this book in the middle of other family activities. Kelly Talbot has helped marshal me through this particularly hectic round of updates and additions. And, of course, thanks to the very talented people on the ASP.NET, both past and present. I have learned a lot from this hard-working and enthusiastic team.

Matt Gibbs

I'd like to thank my wife Heedy and two boys, Danny and Jeffery, for putting up with the long hours I spend in the office studying new technologies and writing books and articles. I love them and sincerely appreciate their patience with me. I'm extremely lucky to have such a great family.

I'd also like to thank my Mom and Dad, Danny and Elaine, for bringing me up in such a positive, caring environment where succeeding in life was always encouraged. I love both of you and am forever in debt for the years of service you've given and the many life lessons you've taught me.

Dan Wahlin

Thank you Mom and Dad, for finally giving in and buying me that first computer. Your love and unrelenting support has made everything leading up to this book possible. Thank you to all of my wonderful family, especially my wife, Marianne. Thank you Scott Guthrie and Matt Gibbs for giving me a chance to prove myself, and to all the members of the ASP.NET team who each inspire me to improve myself in new and different ways.

Dave Reed

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