The Sheet Properties dialog

Just as there are document-level properties, we can also set properties at the sheet- and object-level. Let's have a quick look at the Sheet Properties dialog.

Open this window by right-clicking on an empty space in the Dashboard worksheet and selecting Properties….

The following screenshot shows the Sheet Properties dialog:

The Sheet Properties dialog

As its name implies, the Sheet Properties dialog can be used to set various properties of a worksheet. Let's quickly review the available options.

On the General tab, the following properties are of interest:

  • Title: This property can be used to set the title that appears in the tab row. In addition to static text, this can also be a calculated value.
  • Show Sheet: This property can be used to conditionally hide/show the sheet. For example, we can use an expression like GetSelectedCount([Carrier Name]) = 1 to only show the sheet when a single carrier is selected.
  • Sheet ID: This property is the internal ID of the sheet. This ID can be used to reference the sheet from other objects in the document, for example, to activate the sheet by clicking on a button object.
  • Background: We can either use the Document Default option, which we set in the previous section, or override the default by setting a sheet-specific Color and/or Image selection.
  • Tab Settings: This property can be used to set any desired Tab Color or style.

We've previously worked with the Fields tab, which is an easy way to add multiple listboxes to the sheet. Simply select the required fields from the Available Fields listbox and double-click (or click Add >) to include them in Fields Displayed in Listboxes.

The Objects tab shows all of the objects that are present on the worksheet, even those that are conditionally hidden. From this tab, we can directly open the individual object's Properties… dialog or even Delete any of them. The Objects tab is shown in the following screenshot:

The Sheet Properties dialog

It's also worth noting the Calc Time and Memory columns in the Objects tab. These can be used to optimize our document by identifying which objects have the most impact on performance, or are using up a lot of memory.

The Security tab is used to set what users are allowed to do on the corresponding sheet. We are also able to propagate the security settings to all sheets if the Apply to All Sheets checkbox is marked. Additionally, when the Read Only checkbox is enabled, no selections can be made on the sheet.

Triggers are events to which QlikView can react with Actions. When used on sheets, a trigger can be set to respond to events such as activate and deactivate, meaning it will run when entering or leaving the sheet, respectively. Triggers will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 14, More on Visual Design and User Experience.

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