17.6. Miscellaneous Topics 823
Figure 17.18. Collision response for a sphere approaching a plane. To the left the
velocity vector v is divided into two components, v
. To the right, perfectly
elastic (bouncy) collision is shown, where the new velocity is v
= v
elastic collision, the length of v
could be decreased.
is the task of collision response techniques, which has been and still is the
subject of intensive research [58, 258, 478, 869, 901, 1363]. It is a complex
topic, and in this section only the simplest technique will be presented.
In Section 16.18.3, a technique for computing the exact time of collision
between a sphere and a plane was presented. Here we will explain what
happens to the sphere’s motion at the time of collision.
Assume that a sphere is moving towards a plane. The velocity vector
is v, and the plane is π : n · x + d =0,wheren is normalized. This is
shown in Figure 17.18. To compute the simplest response, we represent the
velocity vector as
v = v
+ v
, where
=(v · n)n,
= v v
With this representation, the velocity vector, v
, after the collision
is [718]
= v
. (17.14)
Here, we have assumed that the response was totally elastic. This means
that no kinetic energy is lost, and thus that the response is “perfectly
bouncy” [1363]. Now, normally the ball is deformed slightly at collision,
and some energy transformed into heat, so some energy is lost. This is
described with a coefficient of restitution, k (often also denoted ). The
velocity parallel to the plane, v
, remains unchanged, while v
is dampened
with k [0, 1]:
= v
. (17.15)
As k gets smaller, more and more energy is lost, and the collision ap-
pears less and less bouncy. At k = 0, the motion after collision is parallel
to the plane, so the ball appears to roll on the plane.
824 17. Collision Detection
More sophisticated collision response is based on physics, and involves
creating a system of equations that is solved using an ordinary differen-
tial equation (ODE) solver. In such algorithms, a point of collision and
a normal at this point is needed. The interested reader should consult
the SIGGRAPH course notes by Witkin et al. [1363] and the paper by
Dingliana et al. [258]. Also, O’Sullivan and Dingliana present experiments
that show that it is hard for a human to judge whether a collision response
is correct [977, 978]. This is especially true when more dimensions are
involved (i.e., it is easier in one dimension than in three). To produce a
real-time algorithm, they found that when there was not time enough to
compute an accurate response, a random collision response could be used.
These were found to be as believable as more accurate responses.
17.6.5 GPU-Based Collision Detection
It has been long known that rasterization can be used detect collisions
[1168]. The major difference between what has been described so far in
this chapter is that algorithms based on GPUs are often performed in
image space. This is in contrast to the techniques operating directly on the
There is a wealth of algorithms for performing CD on the GPU, and
here we will present only one of the algorithms, called CULLIDE [436]. The
basic idea is to use occlusion queries (see Section 14.6.1) to perform a test
that determines whether an object, O, is “fully visible” (i.e., not colliding
with) another set of objects, S. Recall that an occlusion query is usually
used with a less-or-equal depth test. The occlusion query can count the
number of fragments that pass the depth test, and if no fragments pass,
then we can be certain that the rendered object (or its bounding box) is
occluded with respect to the contents of the depth buffer.
For collision detection, we are instead interested in finding objects that
definitely do not overlap with other objects. Govindaraju et al. suggest
that this is done by reversing the depth test, so that we use greater-or-
equal, and writing to the depth buffer is turned off. If both the front and
the back faces of an object are rendered, and no fragment pass the depth
test, we can conclude that the object is fully visible with respect to the
depth buffer. In this way, we test for overlap in the depth direction, and
in the image plane.
Next, we describe how this test can be used to implement a broad-phase
collision detection algorithm on the GPU. Assume there are n objects, de-
noted O
,1 i n.ThatO
does not collide with any other object simply
means that it does not collide with any of the objects, O
with any of O
. This can be formulated as an efficient rendering
algorithm. In a first pass, the objects are rendered in order, and we test
17.6. Miscellaneous Topics 825
Figure 17.19. To the left, two triangles are shown on top of the pixel grid. In the middle,
the triangles have been rendered using standard rasterization (with one sample at the
center of each pixel), and as can be seen no overlap between the triangles is detected.
To the right the triangles have been rasterized conservatively, so that each pixel that
overlaps with a triangle is visited. This correctly detects the true geometric overlap.
whether each object is fully visible with respect to the objects already ren-
dered. So, when O
is being rendered, this means that we test it against
. In the second pass, we render the objects in reversed order,
and this means that O
now is tested against O
rendering is done using orthographic projection, and typically it is done
once for each axis (x, y,andz). In other words, the objects are evaluated
from six views. If any pair overlaps from all six it is likely they may collide.
The result is a small set of objects that can potentially collide, and this
set is often called a potentially colliding set (PCS). This test can also be
improved by using another object level, i.e., by splitting each object into
a set of smaller sub-objects and continue with similar testing there. In
the end, the remaining objects or triangles in the PCS are tested for true
overlap by the CPU.
It should be noted that the performance and accuracy of these types of
image-space algorithms is influenced by the screen resolution, and in the
case of CULLIDE, also the accuracy of the depth buffer. In general, with a
higher resolution, we will get better accuracy and fewer objects in the PCS,
but this will also affect the fill rate requirements, and vice versa. For truly
correct results, we also need a conservative rasterizer [509]. The reason for
this is that the rasterizer usually only samples the geometry at the center
of the pixel. What is needed for collision detection is a rasterizer that
visits every pixel that is overlapping (ever so slightly) with the geometry
being rendered. An example of when standard rasterization can go wrong
is shown in Figure 17.19. Note that this problem can be ameliorated by
using a higher resolution, but the problem cannot be completely avoided.
Govindaraju et al. [438] have extended the CULLIDE system so that
it also can handle self-collision detection (for deformable objects) using a
new visibility testing algorithm. Georgii et al. [389] use depth peeling to
detect possible collision in the depth direction, and a mipmap hierarchy
of bounding boxes to further prune the PCS. In the end a sparse texture
826 17. Collision Detection
is packed into smaller representation, and read back to the CPU for exact
polygon-polygon testing. Collisions between objects can truly deform the
objects simply by painting the colliding areas onto the texture [1381].
17.7 Other Work
The OBBTree algorithm has been extended by Eberly to handle dynamic
collision detection [294]. This work is briefly described in IEEE CG&A [89].
Algorithms for collision detection of extremely large models (millions of
triangles) have been presented by Wilson et al. [1355]. They combine BVHs
of spheres, AABBs, and OBBs, with a data structure called the overlap
graph, lazy creation of BVHs, temporal coherence, and more, into a system
called IMMPACT. Storing a bounding volume hierarchy may use much
memory, and so Gomez presents some methods for compressing an AABB
tree [421].
Frisken et al. [365] present a framework for soft bodies, where colli-
sions, impact forces, and contact determination can be computed efficiently.
Their framework is based on adaptively sampled distance fields (ADFs),
which is a relatively new shape representation [364].
Baraff and Witkin [59] and Hughes et al. [575] present collision detection
algorithms for objects undergoing polynomial deformation. Another more
general system for arbitrary deformable objects is presented by Ganovelli et
al. [375]. Related to his are algorithms for response and collision detection
for cloth. This is treated by Baraff and Witkin [61], Courshesnes et al. [202],
and Volino and Magnenat-Thalmann [1307, 1308]. Another complex phe-
nomenon is CD of hair. Hadap and Magnenat-Thalmann [473] treat hair
as a continuum, which makes it possible to simulate hair relatively quickly.
Distance queries have been extended to handle concave objects by Quin-
lan [1042], and Ehmann and Lin also handle concave objects by decom-
posing an object into convex parts [300]. Kawachi and Suzuki present
another algorithm for computing the minimum distance between concave
parts [638].
Further Reading and Resources
See this book’s website, http://www.realtimerendering.com, for the latest
information and free software in this rapidly evolving field. One of the best
resources for CD is Ericson’s book Real-Time Collision Detection [315],
which also includes much code. The collision detection book by van den
Bergen [1294] has a particular focus on GJK and the SOLID CD software
system, included with the book. An extensive survey of collision detection
17.7. Other Work 827
algorithms was presented by Lin and Gottschalk [776] in 1998. More re-
cent surveys are given by Jim´enez and Torras [611], and by O’Sullivan et
al. [979]. Teschner et al. present a survey of CD algorithms for deformable
objects [1262]. Schneider and Eberly present algorithms for computing the
distance between many different primitives in their book on geometrical
tools [1131].
More information on spatial data structures can be found in
Section 14.1. Beyond Ericson’s more approachable book [315], Samet’s
books [1098, 1099, 1100] are extremely comprehensive reference works on
spatial data structures.
For an overview of dynamic CD, i.e., continuous CD, we refer to Zhang
et al’s paper [1406], which also present a new algorithm based on a conser-
vative Taylor model and temporal culling.
For an overview, Hecker has a set of four theoretical and practical tu-
torials on collision response and the physics involved [526, 527, 528, 529].
Lander also has a good introduction to the physics of collision response
for accurately simulating a pool table [719]. Books by Millington [868],
Erleben et al. [318], and Eberly [293] are comprehensive guides to the field.
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