650 14. Acceleration Algorithms
BVHs can be used for dynamic scenes as well [1050]. When an object
contained in a BV has moved, simply check whether it is still contained
in its parent’s BV. If it is, then the BVH is still valid. Otherwise, the
object node is removed and the parent’s BV recomputed. The node is then
recursively inserted back into the tree from the root. Another method is to
grow the parent’s BV to hold the child recursively up the tree as needed.
With either method, the tree can become unbalanced and inefficient as
more and more edits are performed. Another approach is to put a BV
around the limits of movement of the object over some period of time.
This is called a temporal bounding volume [4]. For example, a pendulum
could have a bounding box that enclosed the entire volume swept out by
its motion.
To create a BVH, one must first be able to compute a tight BV around
a set of objects. This topic is treated in Section 16.3 on page 732. Then,
the actual hierarchy of BVs must be created. Strategies for this are treated
in Section 17.3.1 on page 802.
14.1.2 BSP Trees
Binary space partitioning trees, or BSP trees for short, exist as two notice-
ably different variants in computer graphics, which we call axis-aligned and
polygon-aligned. The trees are created by using a plane to divide the space
in two, and then sorting the geometry into these two spaces. This division
is done recursively. One interesting property that these trees have is that
if the trees are traversed in a certain way, the geometrical contents of the
tree can be sorted front-to-back from any point of view. This sorting is
approximate for axis-aligned and exact for polygon-aligned BSPs. This is
in contrast to BVHs, which usually do not include any type of sorting.
Axis-Aligned BSP Trees
An axis-aligned BSP tree
is created as follows. First, the whole scene
is enclosed in an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB). The idea is then to
recursively subdivide that box into smaller boxes. Now, consider a box at
any recursion level. One axis of the box is chosen, and a perpendicular
plane is generated that divides the space into two boxes. Some schemes
fix this partitioning plane so that it divides the box exactly in half; others
allow the plane to vary in position.
An object intersecting the plane can be treated in any number of ways.
For example, it could be stored at this level of the tree, or made a member
of both child boxes, or truly split by the plane into two separate objects.
A BSP tree that is not polygon-aligned may split the space in any way it wishes.
However, we focus on axis-aligned BSP trees here because this is the most commonly
used variant, and the most practical.
14.1. Spatial Data Structures 651
Storing at the tree level has the advantage that there is only one copy of
the object in the tree, making object deletion straightforward. However,
small objects intersected by the splitting plane become lodged in the upper
levels of the tree, which tends to be inefficient. Placing intersected objects
into both children can give tighter bounds to larger objects, as all objects
percolate down to one or more leaf nodes, but only those they overlap.
A mailboxing scheme (also called timestamping) is then used to mark the
object when it is first encountered when rendering a frame, e.g., with the
number of the frame. When the object is encountered again in another
leaf node, its mailbox is checked and the object ignored if it has already
been sent to the screen for this frame. One disadvantage here is that large
objects could be duplicated into many leaf nodes, costing time and memory.
However, a more important, though subtle, problem is that every object’s
timestamp must be both read and written. Doing so can cause the memory
cache to be invalidated and so cause significant slowdowns [864].
Each child box contains some number of objects, and this plane-splitting
procedure is repeated, subdividing each AABB recursively until some cri-
terion is fulfilled to halt the process. See Figure 14.3 for an example of an
axis-aligned BSP tree.
The axis and placement of the splitting plane is important for maximiz-
ing efficiency. One strategy for splitting a node’s box is to cycle through
the axes. That is, at the root, the box is always split along the x-axis, its
children are split along y, the grandchildren along z, then the cycle repeats.
BSP trees using this strategy are sometimes called k-d trees [1099]. An-
Figure 14.3. Axis-aligned BSP tree. In this example, the space partitions are allowed to
be anywhere along the axis, not just at its midpoint. The spatial volumes formed are
labeled A through E. The tree on the right shows the underlying BSP data structure.
Each leaf node represents an area, with that area’s contents shown beneath it. Note
that the triangle is in the object list for two areas, C and E, because it overlaps both.
652 14. Acceleration Algorithms
other strategy is to find the largest side of the box and split the box along
this direction. For example, say the box is largest in the y-direction; then
splitting occurs at some plane, y = d,whered is a scalar constant. Geo-
metric probability theory (see Section 16.4) is also useful in determining a
near-optimal axis and split location. The idea is to avoid splitting objects
as much as possible, along with finding two child nodes that together min-
imize the number of objects in a child multiplied by surface area or mean
width of that child.
Aila and Miettinen [4] present an efficient BSP management scheme
for large scenes. The system performs lazy evaluation, subdividing only
those nodes that are visible. This can save work by avoiding computing
splits for parts of the world that are never viewed. It also spreads out
the cost of subdivision over a number of frames. Only those objects that
are smaller than the current node are pushed further down the hierarchy;
larger objects (judged by their diagonal length) remain as direct children
of the node. If the number of small objects in a BSP node is 10 or greater,
the node is subdivided. Geometric probability theory is used to determine
a near-optimal split axis and location. Mailboxing is used to allow an
object cut by a split plane to be in multiple nodes. This approach avoids
small objects getting lodged in the upper levels of the BSP tree, while also
terminating subdivision when it is unlikely to help further.
Rough front-to-back sorting is an example of how axis-aligned BSP trees
can be used. This is useful for occlusion culling algorithms (see Section 14.6
and 18.3.6), as well as for generally reducing pixel shader costs by mini-
mizing pixel overdraw (see Section 15.4.5). Assume that a node called N
is currently traversed. Here, N istherootatthestartoftraversal. The
splitting plane of N is examined, and tree traversal continues recursively
on the side of the plane where the viewer is located. Thus, it is only when
the entire half of the tree has been traversed that we can start to traverse
the other side. This traversal does not give exact front-to-back sorting,
since the contents of the leaf nodes are not sorted, and because objects
may be in many nodes of the tree. However, it gives a rough sorting, which
often is useful. By starting traversal on the other side of a node’s plane
when compared to the viewer’s position, rough back-to-front sorting can
be obtained. This is useful for transparency sorting (see Section 5.7). This
traversal can also be used to test a ray against the scene geometry. The
ray’s origin is simply exchanged for the viewer’s location. Another use is
in view frustum culling (Section 14.3).
Polygon-Aligned BSP Trees
The other type of BSP tree is the polygon-aligned form [1, 366, 367, 428].
This data structure is particularly useful for rendering static or rigid geom-
etry in an exact sorted order. This algorithm was popular for games like
14.1. Spatial Data Structures 653
Figure 14.4. Polygon-aligned BSP tree. Polygons A through G are shown from above.
Space is first split by polygon A, then each half-space is split separately by B and C.
The splitting plane formed by polygon B intersects the polygon in the lower left corner,
splitting it into separate polygons D and E. The BSP tree formed is shown on the right.
Doom, back when there was no hardware Z-buffer. It still has occasional
use, such as for collision detection (see Section 17.2).
In this scheme, a polygon is chosen as the divider, splitting space into
two halves. That is, at the root, a polygon is selected. The plane in which
the polygon lies is used to divide the rest of the polygons in the scene into
two sets. Any polygon that is intersected by the dividing plane is broken
into two separate pieces along the intersection line. Now in each half-
space of the dividing plane, another polygon is chosen as a divider, which
divides only the polygons in its half-space. This is done recursively until all
polygons are in the BSP tree. Creating an efficient polygon-aligned BSP
tree is a time-consuming process, andsuchtreesarenormally computed
once and stored for reuse. This type of BSP tree is shown in Figure 14.4.
It is generally best to form a balanced tree, i.e., one where the depth
of each leaf node is the same, or at most off by one. A totally unbalanced
tree is inefficient. An example would be a tree where each selected split-
ting polygon divides the space into one empty space, and the other space
contains the rest of the polygons. There are many different strategies for
finding a polygon used for splitting that gives a good tree. One simple
strategy is the least-crossed criterion [366]. First, a number of candidate
polygons are randomly selected. The polygon whose plane splits the fewest
other polygons is used. For a test scene of 1,000 polygons, James [597]
provides empirical evidence that only five polygons need to be tested per
split operation in order to get a good tree. James gives a review of a wide
range of other strategies, as well as providing a new one of his own.
The polygon-aligned BSP tree has some useful properties. One is that,
for a given view, the structure can be traversed strictly from back to front
654 14. Acceleration Algorithms
(or front to back). This is in comparison to the axis-aligned BSP tree,
which normally gives only a rough sorted order. Determine on which side
of the root plane the camera is located. The set of polygons on the far side
of this plane is then beyond the near side’s set. Now with the far side’s set,
take the next level’s dividing plane and determine which side the camera
is on. The subset on the far side is again the subset farthest away from the
camera. By continuing recursively, this process establishes a strict back-
to-front order, and a painter’s algorithm can be used to render the scene.
The painter’s algorithm does not need a Z-buffer; if all objects are drawn
in a back-to-front order, each closer object is drawn in front of whatever is
behind it, and so no z-depth comparisons are required.
For example, consider what is seen by a viewer v in Figure 14.4. Re-
gardless of the viewing direction and frustum, v is to the left of the splitting
plane formed by A. So C, F, and G are behind B, D, and E. Comparing
v to the splitting plane of C, we find G to be on the opposite side of this
plane, so it is displayed first. A test of B’s plane determines that E should
be displayed before D. The back-to-front order is then G, C, F, A, E, B,
D. Note that this order does not guarantee that one object is closer to the
viewer than another; rather it provides a strict occlusion order, a subtle
difference. For example, polygon F is closer to v than polygon E, even
though it is farther back in occlusion order.
Other uses for polygon-aligned BSP trees are intersection testing (see
Chapter 16), and collision detection (see Section 17.2).
14.1.3 Octrees
The octree is similar to the axis-aligned BSP tree. A box is split simulta-
neously along all three axes, and the split point must be the center of the
box. This creates eight new boxes—hence the name octree.Thismakesthe
structure regular, which can make some queries more efficient.
An octree is constructed by enclosing the entire scene in a minimal
axis-aligned box. The rest of the procedure is recursive in nature and ends
when a stopping criterion is fulfilled. As with axis-aligned BSP trees, these
criteria can include reaching a maximum recursion depth, or obtaining a
certain number of primitives in a box [1098, 1099]. If a criterion is met,
the algorithm binds the primitives to the box and terminates the recursion.
Otherwise, it subdivides the box along its main axes using three planes,
thereby forming eight equal-sized boxes. Each new box is tested and pos-
sibly subdivided again into 2 × 2 × 2 smaller boxes. This is illustrated
in two dimensions, where the data structure is called a quadtree,inFig-
ure 14.5. Quadtrees are the two-dimensional equivalent of octrees, with a
third axis being ignored. They can be useful in situations where there is
little advantage to categorizing the data along all three axes.
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