17.3. General Hierarchical Collision Detection 803
are decomposed into triangles (see Section 12.2). Then, since each model
should be represented as a hierarchy of some kind of bounding volumes,
methods must be developed that build such hierarchies with the desired
properties. A hierarchy that is commonly used in the case of collision
detection algorithms is a data structure called a k-ary tree, where each
node may have at most k children (see Section 14.1). Many algorithms use
the simplest instance of the k-ary tree, namely the binary tree, where k =2.
At each internal node, there is a BV that encloses all of its children in its
volume, and at each leaf are one or more primitives (which in our case are
triangles). The bounding volume of an arbitrary node (either an internal
node or a leaf), A, is denoted A
, and the set of children belonging to A
is denoted A
There are three main ways to build a hierarchy: a bottom-up method,
an incremental tree-insertion,oratop-down approach. In order to create
efficient, tight structures, typically the areas or the volumes of the BVs
are minimized wherever possible [63, 417, 672, 966]. For CD, it makes
more sense to minimize volume since a BV is tested against another BV.
The first of these methods, bottom-up, starts by combining a number of
primitives and finding a BV for them. These primitives should be located
close together, which can be determined by using the distance between
the primitives. Then, either new BVs can be created in the same way,
or existing BVs can be grouped with one or more BVs constructed in a
similar way, thus yielding a new, larger parent BV. This is repeated until
only one BV exists, which then becomes the root of the hierarchy. In this
way, closely located primitives are always located near each other in the
bounding volume hierarchy. Barequet et al. present BOXTREE [63], a data
structure for performing ray tracing and collision detection, where the tree
is built from the bottom up.
The incremental tree-insertion method starts with an empty tree. Then
all other primitives and their BVs are added one at a time to this tree. This
Figure 17.8. On the left, a binary tree with three nodes is shown. We assume that only
one primitive is stored at each leaf. Now we wish to insert a new node, named N .This
node has a bounding volume (BV) and a primitive that BV encloses. Therefore, the
node will be inserted as a leaf node. In this example, say we find that the total tree
volume is smaller if we insert N atthenodecalledC (rather than at B). Then a new
parent node P is created that encloses both C and the new node N.
804 17. Collision Detection
is illustrated in Figure 17.8. To make an efficient tree, an insertion point
in the tree must be found. This point should be selected so that the total
tree volume increase is minimized. A simple method for doing this is to
descend to the child that gives a smaller increase in the tree. This kind
of algorithm typically takes O(n log n) time. Randomizing the ordering
in which primitives are inserted can improve tree formation [417]. For
more sophisticated methods, see Omohundro’s work [966]. Little is known
about incremental tree-insertion in the context of collision detection, but
it has been used with good results in ray tracing [417] and in intersection
queries [966], so it probably works well for collision detection, too.
The top-down approach, which is used by the majority of hierarchy
construction algorithms, starts by finding a BV for all primitives of the
model, which then acts as the root of the tree. Then a divide-and-conquer
strategy is applied, where the BV is first split into k or fewer parts. For each
such part, all included primitives are found, and then a BV is created in the
same manner as for the root, i.e., the hierarchy is created recursively. It is
most common to find some axis along which the primitives should be split,
and then to find a good split point on this axis. In Section 16.4 geometric
probability is discussed, and this can be used when searching for a good split
point, which will result in better BVHs. Note that a potential advantage
of the top-down approach is that a hierarchy can be created lazily, i.e., on
an as-needed basis. This means that we construct the hierarchy only for
those parts of the scene where it is actually needed. But since this building
process is performed during runtime, whenever a part of the hierarchy is
created, the performance may go down significantly. This is not acceptable
for applications such as games with real-time requirements, but may be a
great time and memory saver for CAD applications or off-line calculations
such as path planning, animation, and more.
One challenge for CD algorithms is to find tight-fitting bounding vol-
umes and hierarchy construction methods that create balanced and efficient
trees. Note that balanced trees are expected to perform best on average
in all cases, since the depth of every leaf is the same (or almost the same).
This means that it takes an equal amount of time to traverse the hierarchy
down to any leaf (i.e., a primitive), and that the time of a collision query
will not vary depending on which leaves are accessed. In this sense, a bal-
anced tree is optimal. However, this does not mean that it is best for all
inputs. For example, if part of a model will seldom or never be queried for
a collision, then those parts can be located deep in an unbalanced tree, so
that the parts that are queried most often are closer to the root [434]. The
details of this procedure for an OBB tree is described on page 809.
Note also that several spatial data structures are described in relation
to accelerations algorithms in Section 14.1, and that BV creation is treated
in Section 16.3.
17.3. General Hierarchical Collision Detection 805
17.3.2 Collision Testing between Hierarchies
Usually there are two different situations that we want to detect at differ-
ent times. First, we might only be interested in whether or not the two
models collide, and then the method may terminate whenever a pair of
triangles has been found to overlap. Second, we might want all pairs of
overlapping triangles reported. The solution to the first problem is called
collision detection, while the solution to the second is called collision de-
termination. Here, pseudocode is given that solves the first problem. The
second situation can be solved with small alterations of the given code, and
will be discussed later.
A and B are two nodes in the model hierarchies, which at the first call
are the roots of the models. A
and B
are used to access the BV of
the appropriate node. Recall that A
is the set of children nodes of A,and
that T
is used to denote the triangle of a leaf node (in the pseudocode,
only one triangle per node is assumed). The basic idea is, when overlap is
detected, to open a (larger) box and recursively test its contents.
FindFirstHitCD(A, B)
returns ({TRUE, FALSE});
1: if(isLeaf(A) and isLeaf(B))
2: if(overlap(T
)) return TRUE;
3: else if(isNotLeaf(A) and isNotLeaf(B))
4: if(overlap(A
5: if(Volume(A) > Volume(B))
6: for each child C A
7: FindFirstHitCD(C, B)
8: else
9: for each child C B
10 : FindFirstHitCD(A, C)
11 : else if(isLeaf(A) and isNotLeaf(B))
12 : if(overlap(T
13 : for each child C B
14 : FindFirstHitCD(C, A)
15 : else
16 : if(overlap(T
17 : for each child C A
18 : FindFirstHitCD(C, B)
19 : return FALSE;
As can be seen in this pseudocode, there are portions of code that could
be shared, but it is presented like this to show how the algorithm works.
Some lines deserve some attention. Lines 1–2 take care of the case where
both nodes are leaves. Lines 3–10 handle the case where both nodes are in-
806 17. Collision Detection
ternal nodes. The consequence of the comparison Volume(A) > Volume(B)
is that the node with the largest volume is descended. The idea behind such
a test is to get the same tree traversal for the calls FindFirstHitCD(A, B)
and for FindFirstHitCD(B,A), so that traversal becomes deterministic.
This is important if the first collision detected has a special status (early
end, collision response, etc.). Perhaps even more important is that this
tends to give better performance, as the largest box is traversed first at
each step. Another idea is to alternate between descending A and B.This
avoids the volume computation, and so could be faster. Alternatively, the
volume can be precomputed for rigid bodies, but this requires extra mem-
ory per node. Also, note for many BVs the actual volume need not be
computed, since it suffices with a computation that preserves the “volume
order.” As an example, for sphere it suffices to compare the radii.
To find all pairs of triangles that collide, this pseudocode is modified in
the following way. The pairs of triangles that the algorithm finds are stored
in a global list, L, which begins empty. Then Line 2 requires modification:
If the test is passed, the program should add the triangle pair to L (instead
of returning). When recursion ends, all the collision are found in L.
17.3.3 Cost Function
The function t in Equation 17.7 below was first introduced (in a slightly
different form, without the last term) as a framework for evaluating the
performance of hierarchical BV structures in the context of acceleration
algorithms for ray tracing [1336]. It has since been used to evaluate the
performance of CD algorithms as well [433], and it has been augmented by
the last term to include a new cost specific to some systems [672, 699] that
might have a significant impact on performance. This cost results from the
fact that if a model is undergoing a rigid-body motion, then its BV and
parts or all of its hierarchy might have to be recomputed, depending on
the motion and the choice of BV:
t = n
+ n
+ n
. (17.7)
Here, the parameters are
: number of BV/BV overlap tests
: cost for a BV/BV overlap test
: number of primitive pairs tested for overlap
: cost for testing whether two primitives overlap
: number of BVs updated due to the model’s motion
: cost for updating a BV
Creating a better hierarchical decomposition of a model would result in
lower values of n
, n
. Creating better methods for determining
17.4. OBBTree 807
whether two BVs or two triangles overlap would lower c
and c
. However,
these are often conflicting goals, because changing the type of BV in order
to use a faster overlap test usually means that we get looser-fitting volumes.
Examples of different bounding volumes that have been used in the
past are spheres [572], axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs) [537, 1290],
oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) [433], k-DOPs (discrete oriented poly-
topes) [672, 686, 1399], pie slices [63], spherical shells [699, 700] (which
provide a good fit for B´ezier patches), line swept spheres (LSSs), rectangle
swept spheres (RSSs) [730], and QuOSPOs (which combines the advan-
tages of OBBs and k-DOPs) [514]. Spheres are the fastest to transform,
and the overlap test is also fast, but they provide quite a poor fit. AABBs
normally provide a better fit and a fast overlap test, and they are a good
choice if there is a large amount of axially aligned geometry in a model
(as is the case in most architectural models). OBBs have a much better
fit, but slower overlap tests. The fit of the k-DOPs are determined by the
parameter k—higher values of k give a better fit, slower overlap testing,
and poorer transform speed. For more information on k-DOPTrees, we
refer the reader to the work by Klosowski et al. [538, 672, 673].
There are obviously many parameters to fine tune in order to get good
performance, and that is the focus of the following section on the OBBTree.
17.4 OBBTree
In this section, we will present the OBBTree, first developed by Gottschalk
et al. [433], which is a data structure that has influenced the CD field
The OBBTree was designed to perform especially well if parallel close
proximity, where two surfaces are very close and nearly parallel, is found
during collision detection. These kinds of situations often occur in tolerance
analysis and in virtual prototyping.
Choice of Bounding Volume
AsthenameoftheOBBTree algorithm implies, the bounding volume used
is the oriented bounding box, the OBB. One reason for this choice is that
both the AABB (axis-aligned bounding box) and the sphere, which were
commonly used in previous CD algorithms, provide quite a poor fit in gen-
eral. That is, they contain much empty space compared to the geometry
they are holding. The convergence of the OBB to the underlying geometry
of the models was generally better than that for either AABBs or spheres.
In 1981, Ballard [56] did similar work in two dimensions for computing intersections
between curves, so his work was a precursor to the OBBTree.
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