Fly-on-the-Wall Observation

Unobtrusive observation of people or behaviors, without direct participation or interference

  • This method attempts to minimize potential bias or behavioral influences that might result from engagement with users.
  • It is appropriate when observing public behaviors or work processes that may be unduly influenced if interrupted or inconvenienced.
  • It may reduce the researcher’s ability to connect empathically with people and probe further into motivations behind participant behaviors.
  • It is generally conducted flexibly, although worksheets or other guiding frameworks may usefully inform observations.
  • Secret outsiders are distant observers, with a vantage point that removes them from participants to minimize any influence on behaviors.
  • Recognized outsiders have the nature of their research and role as observer made known to participants, but position themselves in a natural and unobtrusive way.

See alsoObservationShadowingUnobtrusive Measures

Fly-on-the-Wall Observation is an ideal method for studying public places and activities.



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