
The Gate node has an internal state. It can be opened or closed. If it is open, then the output pin will execute when the Gate node is triggered. If it is closed, then the output pin will not execute.

These are the input pins of the Gate node:

  • Enter: Execution pin that receives the flow of execution
  • Open: Execution pin that sets the state of Gate to open
  • Close: Execution pin that sets the state of Gate to closed
  • Toggle: Execution pin that toggles the state of the Gate node
  • Start Closed: Boolean variable that determines whether the Gate node should start in the closed state

The example in the next screenshot has an Actor called DamageZone. When the player is overlapping this Actor, the Gate node stays open, and damage is applied to the player on every Tick. If the player stops overlapping the DamageZone Actor, then the Gate node will close and the damage will no longer be applied:

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