
     I dedicate this book to Mary, Leia, and Sophie for supporting me over a 15+ year writing career. I can't wait for the next adventure!


Writers are an odd breed. Don’t get me wrong, being a writer is the greatest job in the world...except for the writing part. We are fantastic procrastinators. So, in honor of all the people who have helped me pass the time between manic writing binges, I offer the following sincere and heart-felt acknowledgements.

First of all, my wife Mary deserves a Purple Heart for putting up with me over the years and making sure that I find the motivation to write once in while. She brings unfathomable happiness into my life. Of course, many thanks also go to my two lovely daughters: Leia and Sophie. They bring much needed perspective into my propeller-head existence. For that, I owe my family everything.

Next, I would like to thank the talented and patient friends of mine who have kept me occupied during random bouts of writing: Kevin Shafer (for motivation, production genius, and A’s tickets), Jenny Watson (for organization and wit), Emmett Dulaney (for editorial elegance), Warren Wyrostek (for incredible technical prowess), and Cathy Ettelson (for many years of partnership).

And, in honor of the other 2% of my life, I would like to humbly acknowledge the following significant contributors to my nonwriting time: John Valencia (for giving me a future at Toolwire), Alan Jackson (for spiritual direction), My Parents (for a nurturing family life), Grafton (for purpose), and Douglas Adams (for everything else).

Finally, thanks a million to the Novell Press production department, sales staff, marketing wizards, and bookstore buyers for putting this CNE Study Guide into your hands. After all, without them I’d be selling books out of the trunk of my car!

I saved the best for last. Thanks to you for caring enough about NetWare 6, your education, and the world to buy this book. You deserve a great deal of credit for your enthusiasm and dedication. Thanks again, and I hope this education changes your life. Good luck, and enjoy the show!

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