: (colon) prompt, 792

[Root] partition, 297, 303-307, 314-316, 322


A (address) resource record, 417

abends, 811-813

abend console, 815

ABEND.LOG file, 811, 832

Access Tree Walker (Remote Manager), 178

accessibility design

for eBusiness, 1085-1086

user environment plan, 968-969

accessibility guidelines, 969-971, 981-982

administrative strategies, 971-978, 983-986

needs analysis, 969, 980


ACME WAN case study

design inputs

organizational, 882-885

technical, 882-883, 885-888, 891-894, 896

implementation schedule, 1035-1036

application migration, 1049-1050

client migration, 1044-1046

matrix, 1039-1042

pilot program, 1050-1051

printing migration, 1048-1049

project scope, 1037-1038

rollout, 1051-1052

security and auditing, 1043

server migration, 1046-1048

training, 1038-1039

naming standards document, writing, 938

NDPS print services, designing, 1018-1028

NetWare 6 DNS/DHCP, configuring, 430-438

object naming standard, 929-931

organizational chart, 865-878

overview, 864-865

pilot program, 1034, 1050-1051

property naming standard, 933-936

testing lab, 1032-1034

tree design

lower layers, 958-959, 965

design inputs, 941-943, 947

upper layers, 949-956, 964

workflow, 878-881

across-the-wire migrations, 100, 594, 597. See also NetWare 6 migration

activation keys (NLS), 69, 606

active discovery (SLP), 451

ACU. See Automatic Client Upgrade

ACU.INI configuration options, 270-272

adaptive exams, 1101-1102

address (A) resource record, 417

adjustable resources, 485-486

administrative strategies documents, 971-978, 983-986

client configurations, 971-972, 984

file system, 972, 983-984

login scripts, 972, 986

mobile users, 974-978, 984

Novell Client, 972

security, 972-973, 985-986

ZENworks objects, 971

Agent Activity tool (iMonitor), 190, 356

Agent Configuration tool (iMonitor), 188-190, 355-356, 359-360, 843

Agent Health report (iMonitor), 840

Agent Health tool (iMonitor), 190, 356-358, 841

Agent Information tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

Agent Process Status tool (iMonitor), 190, 356, 844-845

Agent Summary tool (iMonitor), 187, 355, 839

Agent Synchronization tool (iMonitor), 188-189, 356, 360-361, 843-844

Agent Triggers tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

Alexander SPK NetWare, 803

Alias objects, 908, 976

access guidelines, 970

aliases, 333

Allow access right (NetWare FTP Server), 479

anonymous access (NetWare FTP Server), 479

Apache Web Server for NetWare, 463

iFolder configuration files, 680-681

Application objects, 908

access guidelines, 970

administrative strategies, 971

application proxies, 548


cluster-aware, 749

cluster-enabling, 750

cluster-naive, 749

migration matrix, 1049-1050

needs analysis, 969, 980

performance, prioritizing, 499-500

share values, adjusting, 500

AppNotes, 802

ARP Cache Content (iNetTools), 781

ARP command, 777

assistant frame (iMonitor), 186, 189-191, 354-356

attribute database (NDS), 826

attribute definitions, 331

attribute types (eDirectory objects), 920


eDirectory implementation matrix, 1043

NAAS (Novell Advanced Audit Service), 546


configuring for Novell Client, 266

eDirectory connections, 252

NDS Authentication Services, 1075

NetWare Web Manager, 470

Native File Access Pack (NFAP), 288

Novell Modular Authentication Service (NMAS), 1075

NWGINA.DLL module, 261

public key cryptography, 522-524

remote users, 254

Authentication window (NetWare Web Manager), 470

authoritative databases, 401-402


NetWare installation, 17-18

NetWare upgrades, 108

automatic allocation (DHCP), 405

Automatic Client Upgrade (ACU), 268-269

ACU.INI configuration options, 270-272

advantages, 269

preparing network for

copying files to subdirectories, 270

creating central directory, 269

modifying configuration file, 270-272

modifying container login script, 272-273

updating platform-specific configuration files, 272

availability, 707


for file access, 744-748

for network services, 749-753

cost of failures, 709

quotients, 707

system outages, 708


B2B (business-to-business) organizations, 1071

B2C (business-to-customer) organizations, 1071

backbone support, 395-396

Background Process Settings tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

background queue management, 988

backup administrator role, 973

backups. See also storage

eDirectory, 327

NWBACK32, 237-238

configuring SMS for, 240-242

exiting, 243

starting, 243

SBCON, 237-238

configuring SMS for, 240-242

exiting, 242

modules, 237

starting, 242


configuring for SBCON/NWBACK32, 240-242

NetWare 4 servers, 89-90

NetWare 5 servers, 88

strategies, choosing, 238-240

when upgrading to NetWare 6, 87-90

baseline information documentation, 580

Basic File Access (Remote Manager), 174

Begin NDS Migration (Migration Project window), 615-616

bindery services

connections, 251-252

and replica placement, 321-322

BindView Solutions for Novell, 546

blended threats, 566-567

block cache, 364-365

block database (NDS), 826

block suballocation, 501-503

BLOCK.NDS file, 826

boot sector viruses, 550

bootable disks, creating, 17


BorderManager Firewall Services, 547-548, 1074

BorderManager VPN Services, 1075

bottlenecks, 819

bus I/O, 821

CPUs, 821

disk I/O, 820

network I/O, 820-821

bottom-layer tree design, 958-959

bottom-up migration (eDirectory), 598-599

bottom-up upgrades (eDirectory), 101-102

brain snacks, solutions, 1119-1141

broadcast messages, sending with Novell Client, 278


brokers (NDPS), 1009, 1015-1016, 1019

Browser Client (iFolder), 672-676, 689

browsers (Web), 460-462

brute-force attacks, 563-564


buffer overflow viruses, 559-560

Build Group (Remote Manager), 173

burst gap time, 511

burst window size, 512

buses, 788-790

I/O bottlenecks, 821

business model documentation, 579

business-to-business (B2B) organizations, 1071

business-to-customer (B2C) organizations, 1071


CA (certificate authority), 522-523

authentication, 522-524

certificate chain, 526

defined, 525

nonrepudiation, 523

trusted CAs, 526

cabling, documentation, 578

cache contention, 516-517, 799-800

cache memory

cache buffers, 487

cache hits, 497

optimizing eDirectory cache, 364-367

tuning, 496-498

call stack, 814

campus maps, 888

project roles, 885

canonical name (CNAME) resource record, 417

capturing print jobs, 990-991

CCRs (Continuing Certification Requirements), 1098

CDE (Certified Directory Engineer) certification, 1098

CDM (custom device module), 27

centralized administration strategy, 961

certificate authority. See CA

certificate chain, 526

certificate signing requests, 523

certification. See Novell certification

Certified Directory Engineer (CDE) certification, 1098

Certified Linux Engineer (CLE) certification, 1097

Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) certification, 1094

Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) certification, 1094-1096

change order logs, 579

child backups/restores, 237

child partitions (eDirectory), 297

number of, 308

partition splits, 324

circuit-level gateways, 548

CLA (corporate license agreement), 66, 606

CLE (Certified Linux Engineer) certification, 1097

clear text passwords

allowing/disallowing, 49

configuring iFolder LDAP for, 691

client connectivity, 250

bindery services connections, 251-252


connections, 252

login scripts, 252-253

managing, 274

broadcast messages, 278

drive mappings, 277

file system, 278-279

logins, 275-277

viewing client version, 280

Native File Access Pack (NFAP), 280-281

authentication, 288

installing, 287-289

Linux clients, 284-285

Macintosh clients, 283

passwords, assigning, 289-291

system requirements, 286-287

Unix clients, 284-285

user objects, creating, 289

Windows clients, 282

Novell Client. See Novell Client

user types, 253-254

CLIENT32.NLM. See Novell Client Requester


connectivity. See client connectivity

documentation, 578

iFolder Client

Browser, 672-676, 689

requirements for Windows Client, 676

synchronization, 686-687

tasks performed by, 674

troubleshooting, 686-688

Windows, 672-676

Native File Access Pack (NFAP), 8

troubleshooting, 771-779

ARP, 777


NETSTAT, 777-778


PING, 773

ROUTE, 773, 775

TRACERT, 775-776

Cluster ADMIN object, 734

CLUSTER DOWN command, 742

CLUSTER JOIN command, 742

CLUSTER LEAVE command, 742

CLUSTER POOLS command, 741

cluster resources

assigning nodes to, 751


for file access, 744-748

for network services, 749-753

creating, 750

defined, 712, 717

failover modes, 751-752

load/unload scripts, 753

migrating, 752

status description, 742


Cluster Server Node objects, configuring, 738



CLUSTER STATUS command, 742

CLUSTER VIEW command, 741

cluster-aware applications, 749


applications, 750

NSS volumes/storage pools, 746-748

cluster-naive applications, 749

clusters. See also NCS

components, 713-714

configuring, 734-737

console commands, 741-742

creating, 729-733

defined, 712

Fibre Channel configuration, 715

SCSI configuration, 716

states, viewing, 738-742

CMD (Compatibility Mode Driver), 391-393

CMD network segments, 393

CNA (Certified Novell Administrator) certification, 1094

CNAME (canonical name) resource record, 417

CNE (Certified Novell Engineer) certification, 1094-1096

Code Red worm, 565

.COM domain, 399

commands. See also specific commands

cluster-related, 741-742

console, 172, 794

Compatibility mode (IPX), 38, 115, 390-394

client configuration, 393-394

migration agent configuration, 394-396

server configuration, 391-393

Compatibility Mode Driver (CMD), 391-393

Components dialog box, 46-47, 120-121

compression ratio, 503

computer system outages, 708

concurrency, 515, 798

Config Reader, 803


NetWare installation and, 17-18

NetWare upgrades and, 108

CONFIG utility, 766

Configuration (Remote Manager), 174

Conflict Bin (iFolder Client), 674, 688

Connection License Container, 68

Connections (Remote Manager), 171

connectivity services, 461

connectivity specialist role, 862-863

consistency checks, 811

console commands, 172, 794

Console Screens (Remote Manager), 171


cluster states, viewing, 738-742

Novell Storage Services (NSS)

directory space restrictions, setting, 653

file compression, enabling, 659

partitions, creating, 638-639

purging volumes, 657

RAID 0 array, creating, 663-664

restoring volumes, 657

storage pool size, increasing, 650

storage pools, creating, 639-640

storage pools, deleting, 656

user space restrictions, setting, 652-653

volumes, creating, 641-644

Organizational CA object management, 535-536

partition stability, verifying, 1064

redirecting eDirectory resources, 332-333

replication stability, verifying, 1064

Server Certificate object management, 536-538

traditional volumes, creating, 645-647

troubleshooting with, 758-759

User Certificate object management, 539-540

container administrator role, 972

container objects, 904-907

Container Policy Package objects

access guidelines, 970

administrative strategies, 971

container-level access restrictions (NetWare FTP Server), 478


current, 918-919

object, 919-920

Continuing Certification Requirements (CCRs), 1098

control file (FLAIM database), 827

controlled access printers, 1008

copying volumes during NetWare 6 migration, 146-147, 612-613

core dumps, 814-816

corporate license agreement (CLA), 66, 606

countermeasures (viruses), 551-554

country code domain names, 399

Country object, 905

CPU hogs, 810


bottlenecks, 821

recommended specification, 85

server CPUs, 791

troubleshooting, 810

crashes, 810-819

core dumps, 814-816

diagnosing, 816-817

recovering from, 329-330, 817-819

server abends, 811-813

server lockups, 811, 813-814

cross-platform connectivity. See NFAP


enabling, 33-34, 113

symmetric cryptography, 534

current context, 918-919

custom device module (CDM), 27

Custom installation, 22

Custom Report (iMonitor), 840


DAs (directory agents), 447

configuring, 453

data backups. See backups

data buses, 788-789

data gathering

needs analysis, 969, 980, 1087

organizational design inputs, 882-885

technical design inputs, 882-888, 891-894, 896

data sets, 237

data shredding, 633, 643

data striping, 663-664

Database Cache tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

Dave�s Novell Shareware, 803

DDNS (Dynamic DNS), 428-429

DEBUG utility, 769-770

decentralized administration strategy, 961-962

decryption, 524-526


NetWare FTP Server home directory, 478

iManager parameters, 193

iMonitor parameters, 191

user account settings, 973-974

DEFAULT scope (SLPv2), 448


drivers, 28, 111

NSS storage pools, 232, 656

volumes, 35, 114

NSS logical volumes, 232, 656

SYS: volumes, 29

delta block synchronization, 674

denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, 560-561

Code Red worm, 565

FIN, 562

Land, 562-563

packet flooding, 560

Ping of Death, 561

Smurf, 563-564

SYN, 562

Teardrop, 561

UDP Flood, 564

W32/Nimda worm, 565-566

Deny access right (NetWare FTP Server), 479

design errors, 708

designated servers (DNS), 414-415

destination servers, preparing for NetWare 6 migration, 140-141, 601-602

removing eDirectory, 621-622

developer support, 585

device drivers. See drivers

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

configuring, 420-422

IP address assignment, 425-426

lab exercise, 434-437

server activation, 426

server creation, 423-424

subnet addresses, 424

workstations, 427

implementing eDirectory, 406-407

DHCP objects, 409-411

global DNS/DHCP objects, 407-408

IP object configuration, 411-412

managing with iManager, 197

overview, 404-406

relay agents, 406

DHCP management role (iManager), 197

DHCP SAR objects, 410

creating, 425-426

DHCP Server objects, 410

activating, 426

creating, 423-424

DHCP Subnet objects, 410

creating, 424

DHCP Test (NetScanTools), 781

DHCPSRVR command, 426


eDirectory, 840-847


crashes, 816-817

iMonitor, 185-191, 357-362, 761-762

Remote Manager, 170, 760

software, 582-583

digital IDs, 525

digital passports, 525

digital public key certificates, 525

digital signatures, 523


iFolder home directory, 672

NetWare Enterprise Web Server document directories, 474-476

NetWare FTP Server home directory, 478

NSS directory space restrictions, 653

directory agents (DAs), 447

configuring, 453

directory cache, 497

Directory Map object, 908

access guidelines, 970

dirty hooks, 390

DirXML, 1072, 1079-1080, 1085

DirXML Summary tool (iMonitor), 189, 355

DISABLE TTS command, 653

disaster recovery, 817-819

disk I/O bottlenecks, 820

disk mirroring, 664-665

disk optimization

application management, 499-500

block suballocation, 501-503

file compression, 503-506

disk thrashing, 492-493

Disk/LAN Adapters (Remote Manager), 176-177

DNS (Domain Name System)

configuring, 413-414

during NetWare installation, 40-41

during NetWare upgrade, 116

lab exercise, 431-434

resource record creation, 417-418

server activation, 418-419

server creation, 414-415

workstations, 419-420

zone creation, 416-417

eDirectory implementation, 406-407

DNS objects, 408-409

global DNS/DHCP objects, 407-408

IP object configuration, 411-412

hierarchy, 398-401

managing with iManager, 197

Name Services, 398, 401-403

NSLOOKUP queries, 766-767

overview, 397-398


authoritative databases, 401

configuring, 416

defined, 400

types, 401

DNS management role (iManager), 197-198

DNS RRSet objects, 409

creating, 417-418

DNS Server objects, 408

creating, 414-415

DNS Zone objects, 408

creating, 416-417

DNS-DHCP Locator object, 408

DNS/DHCP Management Console, 412

DNSDHCP-GROUP object, 407

document root (NetWare Enterprise Web Server), 474-475


Novell Cluster Services, 754

and troubleshooting, 576-581, 835-836

domain name servers, configuring, 41, 116

Domain Name System. See DNS

domain name, configuring, 41, 116

Domain objects, 907

domain-level access restrictions (NetWare FTP Server), 478


configuration files, updating, 17-18


creating, 16-17

formatting, 17

memory requirements, 13, 84

mounting as NSS volumes, 233-234, 657-658

DoS attacks. See denial-of-service (DoS) attacks

DOSFAT.NSS, 657-658

Down/Restart (Remote Manager), 173

downtime, 706

drive mappings

access guidelines, 970

managing, 277


adding, 28, 111

autodetecting, 21

CDM, 27

changing, 111

deleting, 28, 111

DOS CD, 17

DSK, 27

HAM, 26, 110

HotPlug support modules, 26, 110

LAN drivers, 28, 112, 258

modifying, 28

mouse, 24-25



PSM, 26, 110

server SET parameters, 23, 108

SMS, 236

video display, 24-25

DS Trace utility, 845-847

.DSK file extension, 27

DSMERGE command, 1052-1053

executing merge, 1063

finalizing tree structure, 1065

preparing for merge, 1061-1063

DSREPAIR command, 818-819

checking replica synchronization, 338

repairing local databases, 339

viewing server replica state, 1064

DSTrace (Remote Manager), 178

DSTRACE command

configuring cache memory limits, 366-367

eDirectory schema health checks, 339

synchronization checks, 338

dual stacks, 386

dynamic allocation (DHCP), 405

Dynamic DNS (DDNS), 428-429

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP

Dynamic Only mode (NAT), 440

dynamic patches, 804

dynamically adjusting cache limit, 365-367


eBusiness, eDirectory and

accessibility design, 1085-1086

benefits, 1071-1072

DirXML, 1072, 1079-1080, 1085

fault tolerance, 1071

implementing eDirectory, 1087-1088

Novell products for, 1073-1076

partition design, 1083

project team roles, 1076

replica placement, 1084

scalability, 1071-1072

tree design, 1078-1082

tree federation, 1072-1073, 1079-1080

user accessibility, 1071

ECBs (event control blocks), 509-511

Echo (NetScanTools), 782


backups, 327

benefits, 296

cache, optimizing, 364-367


during login, 276

for NetWare 6 installations, 42-44

for NetWare upgrades, 117

design phases. See also specific phases

analysis and management, 858

eDirectory design, 856-857

eDirectory implementation, 857-858

eDirectory preparation, 855-856

for eBusiness

accessibility design, 1085-1086

benefits, 1071-1072

DirXML, 1072, 1079-1080, 1085

fault tolerance, 1071

implementing eDirectory, 1087-1088

Novell products for, 1073-1076

partition design, 1083

project team roles, 1076

replica placement, 1084

scalability, 1071-1072

tree design, 1078-1082

tree federation, 1072-1073, 1079-1080

user accessibility, 1071

eDirectory 8.7 advancements, 828-829

FLAIM database, 827-828

health checks, running, 337-345, 840-847

licensing objects

License Certificate, 69, 72-74

License Container, 68, 72


login scripts, 252-253


extending schema, 330-332

using iManager, 198

overview, 323-324

partitions, 324

preventive maintenance, 326-328

redirecting resources, 332-333

using Remote Manager, 177-178

replicas, 325

troubleshooting inconsistencies, 328-330

WAN traffic, 325-326

migration, 101-103, 148-150, 597-599, 615-617

bottom-up, 598-599

client implementation schedule, 1044-1046

server implementation schedule, 1046-1048

top-down, 598-599

troubleshooting, 620-624

naming strategy, 916-918

current context, 918-919

distinguished names, 921, 924

naming standards document, 918, 927-929, 932-938

object context, 919-920

relative distinguished names, 921-923

typeful names, 925

typeless names, 925-927

Novell Client connections, 252

objects. See also specific objects

access guidelines, 969-971

container, 904-907

defined, 899

DHCP, 409-412

DNS, 408-409

global DNS/DHCP, 407-408

hierarchy, 901-903

lab exercise, 914-915

leaf, 908-912

naming structure, 917-927

naming type, 920

NCS object configuration, 733-738

Novell Certificate Server integration, 528-529

number per container, 961

placement evaluation, 1058-1059

properties, 900-901

processes, 829-830

RBS, configuring, 194-196

removing servers from, 328-329


extending, 330-331, 406-411

health checks, 339

Schema Manager, 331-332

synchronization, verifying, 102

updating, 95-97, 335

viewing, 331

server time synchronization, 41


administration, 959

design evaluation, 1055-1056

obituaries, 338

resource redirection, 332-333

structure, importance of, 916

updating with Deployment Manager, 94-95

upgrade strategies, 101-103

eDirectory design

accessibility design

for eBusiness, 1085-1086

user environment plan, 968-986

accessibility guidelines, 969-971, 981-982

for eBusiness, 1085-1086

organizational, 856

design inputs, 882-885

overview, 856-857

technical, 856

design inputs, 882-883, 885-888, 891-894, 896

tree design, 940, 1078-1082

administration, 960-962

container size, 962

design inputs, 941-943, 947

flat design, 948

fundamental factors, 960-963

lab exercises, 964-966

login scripts, 962-963

lower layers, 957-958

pyramid design, 947-948

upper layers, 949-957

eDirectory expert role, 861-862

eDirectory implementation, 334

benefits of, 853-854

for eBusiness, 1087-1088

Import/Export Wizard, 345-350

merging trees, 1052-1053

administrator environment evaluation, 1059

confirming merge, 1064

finalizing tree structure, 1065-1066

object placement evaluation, 1058-1059

partition evaluation, 1056-1058

performing merge, 1063

preparing for merge, 1061-1063

replication evaluation, 1056-1058

security considerations, 1059-1060

tree design evaluation, 1055-1056

user environment evaluation, 1059

overview, 857-858, 1029-1031

pilot program, 1034, 1050-1051

preparing network for, 334-339

schedule, 1035-1036

application migration, 1049-1050

client migration, 1044-1046

matrix, 1039-1042

pilot program, 1050-1051

printing migration, 1048-1049

project scope, 1037-1038

rollout, 1051-1052

security and auditing, 1043

server migration, 1046-1048

training, 1038-1039

testing lab, 1032-1034

user environment plan, 968-969

accessibility guidelines, 969-971, 981-982

administrative strategies, 971-978, 983-986

needs analysis, 969, 980

eDirectory management roles (iManager), 198

eDirectory partitions

architecture, 302-305

defined, 296

designing, 302-310

for eBusiness, 1083

evaluating strategy for, 1056-1058

guidelines, 307-309

managing, 324

merging, 324

moving, 324

number of, 298

overview, 297

partition root object, 304

partition splits, 305, 324

regulating management rights, 327

[Root], 297, 303-307, 314-316, 322

size of, 298

stability, verifying, 1064

Tree Root object, 303-304, 314

eDirectory preparation, 855-856

data gathering

needs analysis, 969, 980, 1087

organizational design inputs, 882-885

technical design inputs, 882-888, 891-896

project scope, 856

project team roles, 860-863

eDirectory replication

adding replicas, 325

changing type, 325

defined, 296

for eBusiness, 1084

evaluating strategy for, 1056-1058

managing replicas, 325


bindery services, 321-322

design considerations, 314-317

fault tolerance, 317-318

local distribution, 319-321

tree walking, 322

replica states, 358-359

replica types, 299-300, 311-313

stability, verifying, 1064

eDirectory synchronization

IP-only networks, 375

IP/IPX networks, 375

IPX-only networks, 368-370, 373-379

managing with WAN Traffic Manager, 301-302, 325-326

overview, 300-302

replica rings, 300-301, 313, 322, 338, 358

transitive synchronization, 301-302, 314

verifying, 337-338, 341-342

eDirectory troubleshooting

diagnosing problems, 357-362, 840-847

DSREPAIR, 818-819

model, 830-831


assessing solutions, 834

avoiding problem repetition, 836

determining problem cause, 832-833

documenting resolution, 835-836

identifying problem scope, 831-832

implementing solutions, 834-835

listing solutions, 833

verifying resolution, 835

with iMonitor, 837

assistant frame, 355-357

data gathering, 839-840

diagnosing problems, 357-362

navigation frame, 354-355

repairing eDirectory, 362, 364

repairing problems, 847-849

tracing, 845, 847


.EDU domain, 399

eGuide, 1074

EISA buses, 789

eLogin, 1074

email virus attacks, 557-559

Melissa macro virus, 557-558


W32/Goner worm, 558


activating NICI encryption, 94

in public key cryptography, 524-526

RSA encryption, 252

Enhanced Toolbox Utility, 803

ENS (Event Notification Services), 1016

Enterprise Web Server. See NetWare Enterprise Web Server

enterprisewide administrator role, 972

entry cache, 364-365

ENTRY.NDS file, 825

envelopes (NLS), 70, 606

environmental failures, 708

Error Index tool (iMonitor), 191, 356


eDirectory error messages, 328

hardware design errors, 708

NWBACKUP32 error files, 245

SBCON error files, 245

SMS error files, 244-245

system error log, 832

event control blocks (ECBs), 509-511

event logs, 741

Event Notification Services (ENS), 1016

exceptions, 811

exclude options (SMS), 237

exercises. See lab exercises

Express installation, 21, 108

extending eDirectory schema, 330-331, 406-407

DHCP objects, 409-411

DNS objects, 408-409

global DNS/DHCP objects, 407-408

lab exercise, 430-431


communications, 788

references, 842



automatic, 722-723

defined, 713

Master IP Address Resource object, 737

modes, 752


defined, 713

fan-out, 713, 721-723, 736

master node, 720-721

slave node, 719-720

fan-out failover

defined, 713

designing, 721-723

Resource Priority settings, 736

fault tolerance

eBusiness and, 1071

eDirectory replica placement, 317-318

FCS (Fibre Channel Standard)

cluster configuration, 715

defined, 713

FDISK utility, 17

Fibre Channel drives, 790

file cache, 497-498

file flushing (NSS), 632

file systems

administrative strategies documents, 972, 983-984

installing NetWare server file system, 34-36, 113-114



application management, 499-500

block suballocation, 501-503

file compression, 503-506

file viruses, 550

files. See also iFolder

compression, 503-506

HTML, 467, 475


disabling, 652

enabling on NSS volumes, 228, 651-652

filtered environments, server ID numbers, 23

FIN attacks, 562


iNetTools, 781

NetScanTools, 782

firewalls, 460-462, 547

BorderManager Firewall Services, 547-548, 1074

fixed memory cache limit, 365-366

FLAIM database, 827-828

flat tree design, 948

form exams, 1101

formatting DOS partition, 17

FQDNs (fully qualified domain names), 398


iManager, 192-193

iMonitor, 186-189, 353-355

IPX, 38-39

Remote Manager, 168-169

Free API, 488

FTP bounce, 560

FTP globbing, 560

FTP servers

mapping file system drives, 9

NetWare FTP Server, 476-478

access restriction levels, 478

access rights, 478-479

anonymous access, 479

configuring, 478-480

default home directory, 478

restarting, 477

shutting down, 477

starting, 477

FTP sites (Novell), 586

fully qualified DNS domain names, 398

functional OU layers, 955-956


gadgets, 7

garbage collection, 489


circuit-level, 548

NDPS, 1009, 1013-1015

gateways, 38, 460-462

geographic OU layers, 952-954

global DNS/DHCP objects, 407-408

Goner worm, 558

.GOV domain, 399

Group object, 908

access guidelines, 970

GroupWise WebAccess, 466

and eBusiness, 1074

Guest access right (NetWare FTP Server), 479


hackers, 542-544

HAM (host adapter module), 26, 110

hard disks

block suballocation, 501-503

crash recovery, 329-330

disk channel types, 790

troubleshooting, 807

hard stop policies (NLS), 70, 607


design errors, 708

failures, 708

hot-swappable, 792

managing with Remote Manager, 176-177

physical resource needs, 969, 980

RAID, 660

requirements for NetWare 6, 12-13, 84

server hardware architecture, 788-792

upgrades, 85

HBAs (host bus adaptors), 715

header frame

iManager, 192

Remote Manager, 169

health indicator frame (Remote Manager), 168

Health Monitor (Remote Manager), 170

HEALTH.LOG file, 832

heartbeats (NCS), 718

Help tool (iMonitor), 187, 354

Hidden Object Locator, 546

high availability, 707. See also NCS


for file access, 744-748

for network services, 749-753

cost of failures, 709

quotients, 707

system outages, 708

Home directory

iFolder, 672

NetWare FTP Server, 478

Home NetWare Manager tool (iMonitor), 187, 354

host adapter module (HAM), 26, 110

host bus adaptors, 715

host name, configuring, 40, 116

host servers, SMS, 234

host-level access restrictions (NetWare FTP Server), 478


hosts, 460, 462

HOSTS command, 767

hot fix redirection (NSS), 633

hot-swappable hardware, 792

HotPlug support modules, 26, 110

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

files, 467, 475

reports, cluster state, viewing, 741

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 467

versus WebDAV, 464

HTTPD.CONF file, 680

threads per child, adjusting number, 689


administrators, adding, 684

login contexts, adding, 684

user data location, changing, 683

HTTPS protocol, 469


I/O bottlenecks

bus, 821

disk, 820

network, 820-821

ICE (Import/Conversion Export) engine, 345-350

IDE drives, 790

iFolder, 465

account information, 673, 682

Apache configuration files, 680-681

benefits, 670-671


Browser, 672-676, 689

requirements for Windows Client, 676

synchronization, 686-687

tasks performed by, 674

troubleshooting, 686-688

Windows, 672-676

CN property, assigning to [Public], 678-679

defined, 8, 669

and eBusiness, 1074

Home directory, 672

installing, 676-679

Java applet, configuring for browser support, 671-672

lab exercise, 692-701


allowing clear text passwords, 691

binds, 686

changing settings, 682

configuring, 677-678

displaying settings, 682

Proxy User, creating, 679

using without SSL, 678


initialization, 683

IP address, changing, 684-685

optimizing, 685, 688

synchronization, 673

troubleshooting, 688-691

Server Management Console, 680-682

administrators, adding, 684

login contexts, adding, 684

server initialization, 683

troubleshooting access, 689

system requirements, 675-676

user data location, changing, 683-684

Web shell interface, customizing, 672

Web site (default), 671

iLogin, 465

and eBusiness, 1074

iManager, 191, 465

accessing, 192

assigning roles, 199

creating roles, 203-204

default parameters, modifying, 193

defined, 8

DHCP management role, 197

DHCP, configuring, 422

assigning IP addresses, 425-426

configuring subnet addresses, 424

creating DHCP servers, 423-424

DNS management role, 197-198

DNS, configuring

creating DNS servers, 414-415

creating DNS zones, 416-417

creating resource records, 417-418

eDirectory administration role, 198

header frame, 192

iPrint management role, 198

lab exercises, 203-204

license management role, 198

main content frame, 193

navigation frame, 192

RBS, configuring, 194-196

system requirements, 191

iMonitor, 185-187, 761-762

accessing, 186

assistant frame, 186, 189-191, 354-356

default parameters, modifying, 191

eDirectory troubleshooting, 837

data gathering, 839-840

repairing problems, 847-849

tracing, 845-847

lab exercise, 200-202

main content frame, 186, 354

main page, 186, 353

navigation frame, 186-189, 353-355

repairing eDirectory, 362-364

security of, 185

server replica state, viewing, 1064

system requirements, 185-186, 353

troubleshooting with, 762-763

implementing eDirectory, 334

benefits of, 853-854

for eBusiness, 1087-1088

Import/Export Wizard, 345-350

merging trees, 1052-1053

administrator environment evaluation, 1059

confirming merge, 1064

finalizing tree structure, 1065-1066

object placement evaluation, 1058-1059

partition evaluation, 1056-1058

performing merge, 1063

preparing for merge, 1061-1063

replication evaluation, 1056-1058

security considerations, 1059-1060

tree design evaluation, 1055-1056

user environment evaluation, 1059

overview, 857-858, 1029-1031

pilot program, 1034, 1050-1051

preparing network for, 334-339

schedule, 1035-1036

application migration, 1049-1050

client migration, 1044-1046

matrix, 1039-1042

pilot program, 1050-1051

printing migration, 1048-1049

project scope, 1037-1038

rollout, 1051-1052

security and auditing, 1043

server migration, 1046-1048

training, 1038-1039

testing lab, 1032-1034

user environment plan, 968-969

accessibility guidelines, 969-971, 981-982

administrative strategies, 971-978, 983-986

needs analysis, 969, 980

Import/Conversion Export (ICE) engine, 345-350

IN-ADDR.ARPA zones, 401

in-place upgrades, 81, 100, 104, 596-597. See also upgrading to NetWare 6

lab exercise, 131-135

include options (SMS), 237

INETCFG.NLM utility, 385, 441

iNetTools, 781

information systems development methodology, 854

initialization, iFolder Server, 683

inside-out security model, 544-546

INSTALL.BAT file, 19-20

upgrading to NetWare 6, 107


iFolder, 676-679

NetWare 6

accessing installation files, 17-18

Components dialog box, 46-47

cryptography, enabling, 33-34

customizing installation, 50

DNS, configuring, 40-41

eDirectory, configuring, 42-44

hardware requirements, 12-13

INSTALL.BAT file, 19-20, 107

lab exercise, 52-58, 60-62

language parameters, 33

LDAP services, configuring, 49

methods, 22

mouse type, selecting, 24-25

NetWare partition, creating, 28-31

network boards, selecting, 28

network preparation, 15-16

network protocols, specifying, 36-40

Novell Certificate Server, installing, 48-49

platform support, selecting, 26-27

regional settings, selecting, 24

servers, file system installation, 34-36

servers, licensing, 44-45

servers, naming, 32-33

servers, preparing, 16-18

servers, specifying settings, 22-24

servers, time zone, setting, 41

servers, troubleshooting installation, 806

software requirements, 14

storage devices, selecting, 27

SYS: volume, creating, 28-31

types, 21-22

video mode, selecting, 24-25

NetWare Enterprise Web Server, 467-468

NFAP, 287-289

NICI clients, 94

Novell Client, 262-264

authentication, specifying, 266

component choices, 264-267

protocol configuration, 265-268

Workstation Manager, 266

Novell Cluster Services, 727-728

configuring cluster objects, 733-738

steps, 729-733

system requirements, 728-729

testing configuration, 738-742

patches, 804-805

printers, 1000

Remote Manager, 167

support packs, 804-805

.INT domain, 400

Int serv, 457-459

intelligent failover. See fan-out failover

intermediary networks, 563-564

internal communications, 788

Internet Port Descriptions (iNetTools), 781

Internet Protocol. See IP (Internet Protocol)

Internet SCSI (iSCSI), 667

Internet service providers (ISPs), 461-462

Internet services

configuration parameter requirements, 14

connectivity services, 461

Novell home page, 584

Novell Support site, 585

Novell Web services, 463

Web technology overview, 459-462

interrupts, 811

IP (Internet Protocol), 460

configuring, 37-39, 115

passive IPX support, 38, 115

time synchronization, 375

troubleshooting tools, 765-779

ARP, 777


DEBUG, 769-770

HOSTS, 767

IP addressing calculators, 782-783


NSLOOKUP, 766-767, 776

PING, 769, 773

ROUTE, 773, 775

TCPCON, 767-768

TRACERT, 775-776

IP Address objects (DHCP), 410, 426

IP addresses

calculators, 782-783

configuring, 37-38

DDNS (Dynamic DNS), 428-429

defined, 37


displaying with IPCONFIG, 772


iFolder Server address, changing, 684-685

IPv6, 401

Land attacks, 562-563


nonroutable, 439

NSLOOKUP queries, 766-767

pinging devices using, 769

Smurf attacks, 563-564

spoofing, 562

IP Only protocol configuration, 37-38, 115, 386

migrating to, 387-388

backbone first, 389-390

Compatibility mode, 390-394

leaf networks first, 389

network segment first, 388-389

IP Packet View (NetScanTools), 782

IP packets, 460-462

IP/IPX networks, 386

time synchronization, 375

IP6.INT zones, 401


iPrint, 465

defined, 7

iFolder port conflicts, 690

iPrint Map Designer, 7

iPrint role (iManager), 198

IPv6, 401

IPX Only protocol configuration, 38-39, 115, 386

IPX protocol

Compatibility mode, 38, 115, 390-394

client configuration, 393-394

migration agent configuration, 394-396

server configuration, 391-393

configuring NetWare 6 servers for, 38-39, 115

migrating to IP, 387-388

backbone first, 389-390

Compatibility mode, 390-394

leaf networks first, 389

network segment first, 388-389

Novell Client support, 265

time synchronization, 368-379

communication, 373-374

design strategy, 376-379

management, 373

time server types, 369-372

troubleshooting tools, 765-770


DEBUG, 769-770

HOSTS, 767

NSLOOKUP, 766-767

PING, 769

ISA buses, 789

iSCSI (Internet SCSI), 667

ISPs (Internet service providers), 461-462

J - K

Java gadgets, 7

Java Application Information (Remote Manager), 176

JReport Runtime License Agreement, 20-21

KAP container objects, 336

kernel, 793-795

kernel address space, 493

key management, 534

Key Material objects. See Server Certificate objects

keyboard shortcuts, 32

keys (public key cryptography), 521-524

Knowledgebase, 764

Known Servers tool (iMonitor), 190, 356


lab exercises

access guidelines document, creating, 981-982

accessing files with iFolder, 692-701

administrative strategies document, creating, 983-986


health check, running, 342-345

objects, 914-915

synchronization configuration, verifying, 341-342

tree design, building, 964-966

iManager, 203-204

iMonitor, 200-202

installing NetWare 6, 52-62

migrating from NetWare 5.1 to NetWare 6, 154-163

naming standards document, writing, 938

NDPS print services, designing, 1018-1028

NetWare 6 DNS/DHCP, configuring, 430-438

NSS, configuring, 224-226

queue-based print services, designing, 994-1003

Remote Manager, 179-184

solutions, 1119-1141

troubleshooting with Novell Internet Services, 588

upgrading NetWare 5.1 to NetWare 6, 125-136

user accessibility needs, analyzing, 980

LAN diagrams, 577

LAN drivers, 28, 112. See also drivers

Novell Client, 258

LAN inventories, 578

LAN utilization documentation, 579

LANalyzer, 780

Land attacks, 562-563

Large Internet Packet (LIP), 512-513

LBURP protocol, 350

LDAP services

configuring, 49

iFolder LDAP, 673

allowing clear text passwords, 691

binds, 686

changing settings, 682

configuring, 677-678

displaying settings, 682

using without SSL, 678

LBURP protocol, 350

object naming syntax, 347

overview, 346

LDAP Server object, 909

LDIF files

basics, 346

field formats, 346-347

import/export/migration options, 347-349

LDNCS command, 742

leased assignments, 405

Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm, 490

license agreement licenses, 65, 605

license agreement, accepting, 20-21

License Certificate objects, 69, 72-74, 909

License Container objects, 68, 72, 907

License management role (iManager), 198

license service providers (LSPs), 66-69

License Certificate objects, 69, 72-74

License Container objects, 68, 72

NLS_LSP objects, 68

license units (NLS), 69, 606

licensing NetWare 6 servers, 44-45, 118-119

Linux NFAP (Native File Access Pack), 8 284-285

LIP (Large Internet Packet), 512-513

List Modules (Remote Manager), 174-175


load balancing, 795

LOAD PROTECTED command, 495


Local File Group (Remote Manager), 173

Locality object, 907

location profiles, 975

lockups, 811-814

logical maps, 577

logical memory addressing, 489

logical volumes, 208, 631

deleting, 232, 656

mounting DOS partitions as, 233-234, 657-658

purging, 232-233, 656-657

rebuilding, 231-232, 655-656

restoring, 232-233, 656-657

TTS, enabling, 229, 653-654

login, 275-277

network attacks and, 543


accessibility guidelines, 970

administrative strategies, 972, 986

configuring, 277

correcting after merging trees, 1066

eDirectory, 252-253

mobile users, 976

tree design considerations, 962-963

Login/Logout tool (iMonitor), 187, 354

Login Settings tool (iMonitor), 188, 843


ABEND.LOG, 811, 832

change order, 579


NDS*.LOG, 828

NRMUSERS.LOG, 832, 835

SBCON, 245

SMS, 244-245

LSPs (license service providers), 66-69

License Certificate objects, 69, 72-74

License Container objects, 68, 72

NLS_LSP objects, 68


M command, 796

Macintosh NFAP (Native File Access Pack), 8, 283

macro viruses, 550, 557-558

mail exchange (MX) resource record, 417

main content frame

iManager, 193

iMonitor, 186, 354

Remote Manager, 169

Manage Server (Remote Manager), 171

Managed Server List (Remote Manager), 174

manager (NDPS), 1009-1012, 1019-1021

manual allocation (DHCP), 405

Master CNE certification, 1096

Master IP Address Resource object, 737

master license agreement (MLA), 65, 119, 605

master nodes

defined, 717

failover, 720-721

master replicas, 299, 311-313

Maximum Ring Delta statistic, 844

MCA buses, 789

mean time between failures (MTBF), 706-707

mean time to recovery (MTTR), 707

Melissa macro virus, 557-558


disk thrashing, 492-493

fragmentation, 489

garbage collection, 489

logical memory addressing, 489

management, 487

allocation, 488-490

deallocation, 488

cache, 496-498

protection, 493-496

virtual, 490-493

recommended specification, 85

server maintenance, 791

swap files, 490-492

troubleshooting server memory, 808-809

virtual memory, 490-493, 795


eDirectory trees, 1052-1053

administrator environment evaluation, 1059

confirming merge, 1064

finalizing tree structure, 1065-1066

object placement evaluation, 1058-1059

partition evaluation, 1056-1058

performing merge, 1063

preparing for merge, 1061-1063

replication evaluation, 1056-1058

security considerations, 1059-1060

tree design evaluation, 1055-1056

user environment evaluation, 1059

eDirectory partitions, 324

MFL (Modified File List), 633

Microsoft Diagnostics (MSD), 582

Microsoft Windows

Native File Access Pack, 282

System Information tool, 582


cluster resources, 752

LDIF data, 347-349

to IP, 387-388

backbone first, 389-390

Compatibility mode, 390-394

leaf networks first, 389

network segment first, 388-389

to NetWare 6, 137-139

application migration matrix, 1049-1050

client implementation schedule, 1044-1046

configuration files, editing, 147-148, 614

connection problems, 619-620

destination server, preparing, 140-141, 601-602

eDirectory migration, 148-150, 615-617, 620-624

lab exercise, 154-163

migration client, verifying, 141-142, 602-603

migration plans, creating, 99-104, 596

Migration Project, creating, 142-145, 608-611

Novell Licensing Services, 603-607

post-migration cleanup chores, 151-152, 618-619

printing implementation schedule, 1048-1049

server implementation schedule, 1046-1048

source server, preparing, 139, 600-601

volumes, copying, 146-147, 612-613, 620

migration agents

backbone support, 395-396

configuring CMD clients to use, 395

configuring CMD servers as, 394-395

defined, 391

Migration Project window

Begin NDS Migration, 149, 615-616

Copy Volumes, 146-147, 612-613

Edit Configuration Files, 147-148, 614

Finish NDS Migration, 150, 616

Migration Project, creating, 142-145, 608-611

.MIL domain, 400

mirroring disk partitions, 664-665

MKFLOPPY.BAT program, 17

MLA (master license agreement), 65, 119, 605

mobile users

administrative strategies documents, 974-978, 984

client connectivity, 254

Modified File List (MFL), 633

MODULES command, 495, 796

MONITOR utility

application share values, adjusting, 500

cache hit statistics, 497

CPU bottlenecks, 821

disk I/O bottlenecks, 820

file compression, activating, 503

IPX time synchronization, 373

memory utilization statistics, 490

network I/O problems, 820-821

NSS cache buffer allocation, 637


LAN cluster health, 718

SAN cluster health, 718


iMonitor, 185-191, 761-762

Remote Manager, 170, 760

Mount Volumes dialog box, 35, 114

mouse type, selecting, 24-25

moving partitions, 324

MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics), 582

MTBF (mean time between failures), 706-707

MTTR (mean time to recovery), 707

multipartite viruses, 550

multiprocessing, 516-517, 799-800

multitasking, 514-515, 797-798

multithreading, 515, 798-799

multivalued eDirectory properties, 900

MX (mail exchange) resource record, 417


NAAS (Novell Advanced Audit Service), 546

name context, 918-919

name resolution, eDirectory, 322

name server (NS) resource record, 417

Name Services (DNS), 398, 401-403

NAMED command, 418-419


NetWare 6 servers, 32-33

volumes, 36, 114

naming strategy (eDirectory), 916-918

current context, 918-919

distinguished names, 921, 924

naming standards document, 918, 927

lab exercise, 938

objects, 927

syntax, 937

object context, 919-920

relative distinguished names, 921-923

typeful names, 925

typeless names, 925-927

naming types (eDirectory objects), 920

NAS (Network Attached Storage), 667

NAT (Network Address Translation), 439-440, 547

configuring, 440-441

IP addressing guidelines, 439

modes, 440-441

troubleshooting, 442

Native File Access Pack. See NFAP

natural partitioning, 947

NAU (NetWare Accelerated Upgrade), 595

navigation frame

iManager, 192

iMonitor, 186-189, 353-355

Remote Manager, 169

NCP (NetWare Core Protocol), 511-512

NCS (Novell Cluster Services)

benefits/features, 709-710

cluster resources

assigning nodes to, 751

configuring for file access, 744-748

configuring for network services, 749-753

creating, 750

defined, 712, 717

failover modes, 751-752

load/unload scripts, 753

migrating, 752

status description, 742


components, 713-714

configuring, 734, 736-737

console commands, 741-742

creating, 729-733

defined, 712

Fibre Channel configuration, 715

SCSI configuration, 716

designing cluster configurations, 711

architecture, 711-714

cluster configurations, 714-716

SAN management, 724-726

system design, 717-723


fan-out, 721-723

master node, 720-721

slave node, 719-720

installing, 727-728

configuring cluster objects, 733-738

steps, 729-733

system requirements, 728-729

testing configuration, 738-742

monitoring LANs/SANs, 718

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

overview, 705-707

system outages, 708-709

troubleshooting information, finding, 754

NDPS (Novell Distributed Print Services), 1004-1005

architecture, 1009-1016

benefits, 1004

brokers, 1009, 1015-1016, 1019

gateways, 1009, 1013-1015

lab exercise, 1018-1028

manager, 1009-1012, 1019-1021

object placement options, 1016

printer agents, 1004-1005, 1009-1011

printer types, 1007-1008

versus queue-based printing, 1004-1006

NDPS Manager object, 909

NDPS Printer object, 909


NDS (Novell Directory Services)

architecture, 825-826

streams files, 826

NDS Authentication Services (NDS-AS), 1075

NDS Broker object, 909

NDS Monitor (Remote Manager), 178

NDS*.LOG file, 828

NDS.01 file, 827

NDS.DB file, 827

NDSIMON.INI, 191, 193

NDSIMON.NLM, 185-186, 200

needs analysis, 969, 980, 1087

.NET domain, 400

Net services, 464-466

GroupWise WebAccess, 466, 1074

iFolder. See iFolder

iLogin, 465, 1074

iManager. See iManager

iPrint. See iPrint

NetWare WebAccess, 7, 466

NetWare Web Search Server, 465

Novell Portal Services, 465, 1075

NetDrive, 9


NetScanner, 782

NetScanTools Pro 2004, 781-782

NETSTAT, 777-778

NetStorage, 9

NetTopography, 782

NetWare operating system architecture, 792-796

NetWare 4

migrating to NetWare 6. See NetWare 6 migration

server backups, 89

server restores, 90

NetWare 5

migrating to NetWare 6. See NetWare 6 migration

PKI services, updating, 97

server backups, 88

server restores, 88-89

NetWare 6

certification. See Novell certification

enhanced features, 9-11

loading manually, 51

new features, 6, 8-9

NetWare 6 installation

accessing installation files, 17-18

Components dialog box, 46-47

configuration requirements, 14-15

cryptography, enabling, 33-34

customizing installation, 50

DNS, configuring, 40-41

eDirectory configuration, 42-44

hardware requirements, 12-13

INSTALL.BAT file, 19-20

lab exercise, 52-62

LDAP services, configuring, 49

license agreement, accepting, 20-21

methods, 22

mouse type, selecting, 24-25

NetWare partition, creating, 28-31

network boards, selecting, 28

network preparation, 15-16

network protocols, specifying, 36-40

NLMs, 28

Novell Certificate Server, installing, 48-49

platform support, selecting, 26-27

regional settings, selecting, 24


file system installation, 34-36

language parameters, 33

licensing, 44-45

naming, 32-33

preparing, 16-18

settings, specifying, 22-24

time zone, setting, 41

software requirements, 14

storage devices, selecting, 27

SYS: volume, creating, 28-31

types, 21-22

video mode, selecting, 24-25

NetWare 6 migration, 137-139

application migration matrix, 1049-1050

client implementation schedule, 1044-1046

configuration files, editing, 147-148, 614

destination server, preparing, 140-141, 601-602

eDirectory migration, 148-150, 615-617

lab exercise, 154-163

migration client, verifying, 141-142, 602-603

migration plans, creating, 99-104, 596

Migration Project, creating, 142-145, 608-611

Novell Licensing Services, 603-607

post-migration cleanup chores, 151-152, 618-619

printing implementation schedule, 1048-1049

server implementation schedule, 1046-1048

source server, preparing, 139, 600-601


connection problems, 619-620

eDirectory problems, 620-624

volume copy problems, 620

volumes, copying, 146-147, 612-613, 620

NetWare 6 Novell Software License Agreement, 20-21

NetWare 6 upgrades

Components dialog box, 120-121

configuration requirements, 86-87

cryptography, enabling, 113

customizing upgrade, 122-123

data backups, 87-90

DNS configuration, 116

eDirectory configuration, 117

hardware requirements, 84

hardware upgrades, 85

INSTALL.BAT file, 107

lab exercise, 125-136

NetWare Accelerated Upgrade, 595

network boards, selecting, 112

network preparation, 90-95, 97-99

NLMs, 112

Novell Certificate Server installation, 121-122

operating systems required, 86

platform support, selecting, 110

process overview, 104-105

regional settings, selecting, 109


file system installation, 113-114

licensing, 118-119

preparing, 106-107

settings, specifying, 108-109

software requirements, 85-86

storage devices, selecting, 111

type, selecting, 108

upgrade plans, creating, 99-104

NetWare Accelerated Upgrade (NAU), 595

NetWare Config Reader, 803

NetWare Cool Solutions, 802

NetWare Core Protocol (NCP), 511-512

NetWare Deployment Manager

NCS installation, 729-733

NICI client installation, 94

Novell Client installation, 91-94

preparing network for NetWare installation, 15-16, 90-99

updating eDirectory, 94-95, 335

NetWare Enterprise Web Server


document directories, 474

network settings, 473

on/off settings, 472-473

installing, 467-468

NetWare FTP Server, 476-478

access restriction levels, 478

access rights, 478-479

anonymous access, 479

configuring, 478-480

default home directory, 478

restarting, 477

shutting down, 477

starting, 477

NetWare GUI, 793

NetWare I/O Subsystem (NIOS), 261

NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs), 28, 112, 794. See also specific NLMs

attacks against, 542-543

version, verifying, 805

NetWare partition, creating, 28-31

NetWare Peripheral Architecture (NWPA), 27

NetWare Registry (Remote Manager), 175

NetWare support packs, 335

NetWare Usage tool, 76-78

NetWare Users International (NUI), 574

NetWare Web Manager, 464

accessing, 469

Authentication window, 470

home page, 470

NetWare Enterprise Web Server, 470-471

NetWare FTP Server, 477

loading manually, 468

NetWare Enterprise Web Server configuration, 470-471

document directories, 474

network settings, 473

on/off settings, 472-473

NetWare FTP Server configuration, 478-480

security certificate screens, 469

NetWare Web Search Server, 465

NetWare WebAccess, 7, 466

Network Address Translation (NAT), 439-440, 547

configuring, 440-441

IP addressing guidelines, 439

modes, 440-441

troubleshooting, 442

Network Attached Storage (NAS), 667

network I/O bottlenecks, 820-821

network interfaces, recommended specification, 85

network inventories, 578

network management

iManager. See iManager

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

server management

adjustable resources, 485-486

memory subsystem, 487-498

remote. See remote server management

self-tuning, 485-486

troubleshooting tools, 757-764

ConsoleOne, 758-759

iManager, 762-763

iMonitor, 761-762

Novell Web site, 763-764

Remote Manager, 760

network maps, 577

network optimization, 508

Large Internet Packets, 512-513

packet bursting, 511-512

Packet Receive Buffers, 509-511

Network Professional Association (NPA), 574

network protocol configurations, 36-40, 115

Network Settings (NetWare Enterprise Web Server), 473

Network Statistics (iNetTools), 781

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 375

network users, 253

New Server installation method, 22, 108

New Volume dialog box, 35, 114

NFAP (Native File Access Pack), 8, 280-281

authentication, 288

enabling, 285-286

assigning passwords, 289, 291

creating user objects, 289

installing NFAP, 287-289

system requirements, 286-287

Linux clients, 284-285

Macintosh clients, 283

Unix clients, 284-285

Windows clients, 282

NICI clients, installing, 94

Nimda worm, 565-566

NIOS (NetWare I/O Subsystem), 261

NIOS.VXD driver, 261


NLMs (NetWare Loadable Modules), 28, 112, 794. See also specific NLMs

attacks against, 542-543

version, verifying, 805

NLS (Novell Licensing Services), 63-66, 118-119, 603-604

eDirectory objects

License Certificate, 69, 72-74

License Container, 68, 72


key terms, 69-71, 606-607

license service providers, 66-68

managing, 71-72

configuring notifications/reports, 78-79

installing certificates, 74-76

License Certificate objects, 72-74

License Container objects, 72

NetWare Usage tool, 76-78

troubleshooting, 80

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

NLSRUP.NLM file, 77

NLS_LSP licensing objects, 68

NMAS (Novell Modular Authentication Service), 1075

no stop policies, NLS, 70, 607


assigning to cluster resources, 751

master node failover, 720-721

slave node failover, 719-720

nonrepudiation, 523

nonroutable addresses, 439

nonsecure Web Server port, 473

Noremote access right (NetWare FTP Server), 479

notifications (NLS), 70, 78-79, 607


FTP sites, 586

gateway, 1014-1015

Internet sites, 584-588

NetWare support packs, 335

Novell Account Management, and eBusiness, 1074

Novell Advanced Audit Service (NAAS), 546

Novell Certificate Console, 540

Novell Certificate Server

CA process, 531-532

configuring, 531-533

eDirectory objects and, 528-529

installing, 48-49, 121-122

key pair life cycle, 532

management, 533-534

Organizational CA objects, 535-536

Server Certificate objects, 536-538

User Certificate objects, 539-540

and NICI, 533

overview, 527-528

and SSL, 533

updating network for, 97-98

upgrading, 336

Novell certification, 1093-1094

adaptive exams, 1101-1102

Continuing Certification Requirements (CCRs), 1098

CDE (Certified Directory Engineer), 1098

checking status, 1104

CLE (Certified Linux Engineer), 1097

CNA (Certified Novell Administrator), 1094

CNE (Certified Novell Engineer), 1094-1096

course objectives, 1108-1117

exam hints, 1102-1104

fees, 1101

form exams, 1101

Master CNE, 1096

preparing for exams, 1099-1100

registering for exams, 1100-1101

Web resources, 1105

Novell Client

Automatic Client Update, 268-269

advantages, 269

copying files to subdirectories, 270

creating central directory, 269

modifying configuration file, 270-272

modifying container login script, 272-273

updating platform-specific configuration files, 272

administrative strategies, 972

bindery services connections, 251-252

CMD client configuration, 393-394

communications protocols, 259-260

eDirectory connections, 252

installation, 91-94, 262-264

authentication, specifying, 266

component choices, 264-267

protocol configuration, 265-268

Workstation Manager, 266

LAN drivers, 258

login scripts, 252-253

managing connectivity, 274

broadcast messages, 278

drive mappings, 277

file system, 278-279

logins, 275-277

viewing client version, 280

mobile users, 254

Novell Client Requester, 260

verifying, 141-142, 602-603

WOS interface solutions, 261

Novell Client Requester, 260

Novell Cluster Services. See NCS

Novell Distributed Print Services. See NDPS

Novell iFolder. See iFolder

Novell iManager. See iManager

Novell iMonitor. See iMonitor

Novell iPrint. See iPrint

Novell Licensing Services. See NLS

Novell Modular Authentication Service (NMAS), 1075

Novell Net Services, 464-466

GroupWise WebAccess, 466, 1074

iFolder. See iFolder

iLogin, 465, 1074

iManager. See iManager

iPrint. See iPrint

NetWare WebAccess, 7, 466

NetWare Web Search Server, 465

Novell Portal Services, 465, 1075

Novell NetDrive, 9

Novell NetStorage, 9

Novell OnDemand, 1074

Novell Portal Services (NPS), 465, 1075

Novell Single Sign-On, 1075

Novell Storage Services. See NSS

Novell Technical Subscriptions, 585

Novell Training, 1100

Novell Web Services, 463-464. See also specific services

NPS (Novell Portal Services), 465, 1075

NRMUSERS.LOG file, 832, 835

NS (name server) resource record, 417


client troubleshooting, 776

server troubleshooting, 766-767

NSS (Novell Storage Services), 205-209

architecture, 629, 631

cache buffer allocation, 210-211

configuring, 209

lab exercise, 224-226

NSS preparation, 210-211, 636-637

storage pool expansion, 649-650

traditional volumes, 218-220, 644-649

volume configuration, 211-218, 225-226, 637-644

data shredding, 633, 643

file flushing, 632

file management, 227-229, 651-654

hot fix redirection, 633

management features, 635

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

partitions, 208

creating, 212-213, 224, 638-639

defined, 630

performance features, 632

reliability features, 632-633

security features, 633-634

software RAID, 632, 663-665

storage features, 634

system requirements, 210, 636

troubleshooting, 658-659

volumes, 34-35, 113-114

cluster-enabling, 746-748

clustering support, 633

creating, 215-218, 225-226, 641-644

deleting, 232, 656

directory space restrictions, 653

file snapshot, enabling, 228, 651-652

managing, 230-233, 654-658

mounting DOS partitions as, 233-234, 657-658

purging, 232-233, 656-657

rebuilding, 231-232, 655-656

restoring, 232-233, 656-657

restricting space, 228, 652-653

TTS, enabling, 229, 653-654

upgrading, 618-619

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 375

NWBACK32, 87, 237-238

configuring SMS for, 240-242

exiting, 243

starting, 243


NWDEPLOY.EXE. See NetWare Deployment Manager

NWFS.SYS driver, 261

NWGINA.DLL module, 261

NWPA (NetWare Peripheral Architecture), 27



Obituary Listing report (iMonitor), 840

object class definitions, 331

object context, 919-920

object database (NDS), 825

Object Statistics report (iMonitor), 840

objects (eDirectory). See also specific objects

container, 904-907

defined, 899

DHCP, 409-412

DNS, 408-409

hierarchy, 901-903

lab exercise, 914-915

leaf, 908-912

naming structure, 917-927

context, 918-920

distinguished names, 921

naming standards document, 927-931

relative distinguished names, 921-923

typeful names, 925

naming type, 920

Novell Certificate Server objects

configuration, 733-738

integration, 528-529

number per container, 962

placement evaluation, 1058-1059

properties, 900-901

typeless names, 925-927

on/off settings (NetWare Enterprise Web Server), 472-473


Novell Net Services, 464-466

Novell Web Services, 463-464

online help frame (Remote Manager), 169

online product support, 585

operating system

architecture, 792-796

patches, 804-805

optimizing NetWare 6

adjustable resources, 485-486

disk/file system, 499

application management, 499-500

block suballocation, 501-503

file compression, 503-506

iFolder Server, 685, 688

LAN communications, 508

Large Internet Packets, 512-513

packet bursting, 511-512

Packet Receive Buffers, 509-511

memory subsystem, 487-488

caching, 496-498

memory allocation, 488-490

memory protection, 493-496

virtual memory, 490-493

self-tuning, 485-486

optional eDirectory properties, 900

.ORG domain, 400

Organization object, 905-906

naming standards, 928

Organizational CA objects, 335, 526

benefits, 534

creating, 48, 97, 121-122, 535

default life span, 532

defined, 529

management tasks, 535-536

organizational chart

ACME WAN case study, 865-878

project roles, 884

organizational design, 856

design inputs, 882-885

Organizational Role objects, 909

access guidelines, 970

Organizational Unit object, 906-907

naming standards, 928

OS address space, 493

Other Resources (Remote Manager), 177

out of compliance notifications (NLS), 70, 607

outages, 708

outside-in security model, 547-548

overbooking NSS storage pools, 634, 649


Packet Burst Protocol (PBP), 511-512

packet receive buffers, 509-511


bursting, 511-512

defined, 509

filters, 547

flooding, 560

Large Internet Packet, 512-513

packet receive buffers, 509-511

paging memory allocation, 488

parent partitions (eDirectory), 297

partition splits, 324

parents, backups/restores, 237

PARTITIO.NDS file, 825

partition database (NDS), 825

partition root object, 304



creating, 16-17

formatting, 17

memory requirements, 13, 84

mounting as NSS volumes, 233-234, 657-658

eDirectory. See eDirectory partitions

NetWare, creating, 28-31

NSS, 208

creating, 212-213, 224, 638-639

defined, 630

removing, 29

shared disk, creating, 744-745

Partitions tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

pass phrases (iFolder), 673

password administrator role, 973

passwords, 276

clear text

allowing/disallowing, 49

configuring iFolder LDAP for, 691

for NFAP access, 289-291

patches, 804-805

PBP (Packet Burst Protocol), 511-512

PCI buses, 789

PCI Devices (Remote Manager), 177

PCI HotPlug modules, 26, 110

Pearson Virtual University Enterprises (VUE), 1100-1101

performance. See also optimizing NetWare 6

application prioritization, 499-500

multiprocessing, 516-517

multitasking, 514-515

multithreading, 515

NSS performance features, 632

server troubleshooting, 806-810

permanent assignment (DHCP), 405


faults, 708

maps, 577

resource needs, 969, 980

pilot program (eDirector implementation), 1034, 1050-1051

Ping of Death attacks, 561

PING utility

client troubleshooting, 773

server troubleshooting, 769

PINGSCAN utility, 781

PKI Services (NetWare 5), 97

PKI.NLM, 528

placing eDirectory replicas

bindery services, 321-322

design considerations, 314-317

fault tolerance, 317-318

local distribution, 319-321

tree walking, 322

planning upgrades/migrations, 99, 596

eDirectory strategy, selecting, 101-103, 597-599

flow of events, creating, 103, 599

roles/responsibilities, assigning, 103, 600

server strategy, selecting, 100, 596-597

platform support module (PSM) drivers, 26, 110, 791

pointer (PTR) resource record, 417

policies (NLS), 70, 606

Port Probe (NetScanTools), 782

portals, Web-based. See NetWare Web Access


iFolder conflicts, 690

Internet Port Descriptions (iNetTools), 781

NetWare Enterprise Web Server, 473

PRBs (packet receive buffers), 509-511

Pre-Migration installation method, 22, 108

preemptive scheduling, 795

preparatory file copy process, 32, 113

preparing eDirectory, 855-856

data gathering

needs analysis, 969, 980, 1087

organizational design inputs, 882-885

technical design inputs, 882-888, 891-896

project scope, 856

project team roles, 860-863

primary designated servers (DNS), 414

primary DNS servers, 401-402

primary document directory, 474-475

primary time servers, 370

print queues. See also queue-based printing

creating Print Queue objects, 995-996

defined, 987

management, 988

naming standards, 929

overview, 991

Print Server object, 909, 998-999

print servers

creating Print Server objects, 998-999

defined, 987

loading, 999-1000

management, 989

overview, 991-992

rogue print server attacks, 544

printer agents (NDPS), 1004-1005, 1009-1011

printer drivers

automatic download, 1023-1024

automatic removal, 1025-1026

Printer object, 909, 996-998


controlled access, 1008

creating Printer objects, 996-998

installing, 1000

management, 989

naming standards, 929

printing overview, 992-993

public access, 1007

converting to controlled access, 1026-1028

creating, 1021-1023

testing configuration, 1024-1025

sending print jobs to, 1003

printing. See also iPrint

migration matrix, 1048-1049

NDPS, 1004-1005

architecture, 1009-1016

benefits, 1004

brokers, 1009, 1015-1016, 1019

gateways, 1009, 1013-1015

lab exercise, 1018-1028

manager, 1009-1012, 1019-1021

object placement options, 1016

printer agents, 1009-1011

printer types, 1007-1008

versus queue-based printing, 1004-1006


architecture, 989-993

lab exercise, 994-1003

object placement options, 1016

overview, 987-989

setup, 993

versus NDPS, 1004-1006

private networks

creating with NAT, 439-442

nonroutable IP addresses, 439

Processors (Remote Manager), 176

Product Customization dialog box, 50, 122-123

Profile object, 910

Profile/Debug (Remote Manager), 170

program viruses, 550

project manager role, 860-861

project scope, 1037-1038

project team roles, 860-863, 1076

Prometric testing centers, 1100-1101

properties (eDirectory objects), 900-901

naming standard, 932-936

required, enforcing, 936

PROTECT command, 495

protected address space, 493-496

Protected Memory (Remote Manager), 174-175

PROTECTION command, 495

protocol analyzers, 780-781

Protocol Information (Remote Manager), 176


client troubleshooting, 771-779

network protocol configurations, 36-40, 115, 385-387

Novell Client configurations, 265-268

server troubleshooting, 765-770

Windows workstations, 259-260

proxy servers, 461, 548

PSM (platform support modules), 26, 110, 791

PTR (pointer) resource record, 417

public access printers, 1007

converting to controlled access, 1026-1028

creating, 1021-1023

testing configuration, 1024

public key certificates, 525

public key cryptography, 521-522. See also Novell Certificate Server

authentication, 522-524

encryption/decryption, 524-526

nonrepudiation, 523

purge delay period, 232, 656-657

purging NSS logical volumes, 232-233, 656-657


Q Manager module (SBCON), 238

queue-based printing

architecture, 989-993

lab exercise, 994-1003

object placement options, 1016

overview, 987-989

setup, 993

versus NDPS, 1004-1006

Quorum Membership, 735

Quorum Timeout, 734



benefits, 660

configuration levels, 661-662

hardware RAID, 660

NSS software RAID, 632, 663-665

overview, 660

RBS (Role-Based Services) configuring, 194-196

RDNs (relative distinguished names), 921-924


replicas, 299, 311-313

volumes, 208, 631

read/write replicas, 299, 311-313

Readonly access right (NetWare FTP Server), 479

REBUILD command, 231-232, 655-656

RECMAN database, 825, 828

Red Box products, 65

reference time servers, 370

regional OU layers, 954

regional settings, selecting, 109

for NetWare 6 installation, 24

for NetWare 6 upgrades, 109

registering certification exams, 1100-1101

relative distinguished names (RDNs), 921-924

relay agents (DHCP), 406

reliability, 706-707. See also high availability

Remote Manager, 167-169

accessing, 168

application management, 174-176

cluster states, monitoring, 739

eDirectory management, 177-178

hardware management, 176-177

installation, 167

lab exercise, 179-184

main page, 168-169

NLS management, 76-78

server management, 171-174

system requirements, 167, 179-180

troubleshooting with, 760

remote server management, 166-167

iManager, 191, 762-763

accessing, 192

assigning roles, 199

creating roles, 203-204

default parameters, modifying, 193

DHCP management role, 197

DNS management role, 197-198

eDirectory administration role, 198

header frame, 192

iPrint management role, 198

License management role, 198

main content frame, 193

navigation frame, 192

RBS, configuring, 194-196

system requirements, 191

iMonitor, 185, 761-762

accessing, 186

assistant frame, 189-191, 354-356

default parameters, modifying, 191

lab exercise, 200-202

main content frame, 186, 354

main page, 186, 353

navigation frame, 187-189, 353-355

system requirements, 185, 353

Remote Manager, 167-169

accessing, 168

application management, 174-176

eDirectory management, 177-178

hardware management, 176-177

installation, 167, 179-180

lab exercise, 179-184

main page, 168-169

servers management, 171-174

remote users

accessibility design, 974

connectivity, 254

Repair tool (iMonitor), 189, 355, 362-364, 762, 847-849

Replica Filters tool (iMonitor), 843

replica rings, 300-301, 313, 322, 338, 358

replication (eDirectory)

adding replicas, 325

changing type, 325

defined, 296

for eBusiness, 1084

evaluating strategy for, 1056-1058

managing replicas, 325


bindery services, 321-322

design considerations, 314-317

fault tolerance, 317-318

local distribution, 319-321

tree walking, 322

replica states, 358-359

replica types, 299-300, 311-313

stability, verifying, 1064

Replication Filters tool (iMonitor), 188

Reports tool (iMonitor), 189, 355, 762, 839-840

required eDirectory properties, 900

Resource Management Services (RMS), 1016

Resource Record Set (RRSet) object, 409, 418

resource records (DNS)

creating Resource Record objects, 417-418

RRSet object, 409, 418

types, 417


adjustable, 485-486

documentation, 580-581

lists, 886, 890-896

RESTART command, 495


NetWare 4 server backups, 90

NetWare 5 server backups, 88-89

NSS logical volumes, 232-233, 656-657

NWBACK32, 237-238

configuring SMS for, 240-242

exiting, 243

starting, 243

SBCON, 237-238

configuring SMS for, 240-242

exiting, 242

starting, 242

retail licenses, 65, 605

risks, 519

RMS (Resource Management Services), 1016

rogue Admin, 545

rogue print server attacks, 544

Role Based Service container, 907

Role-Based Services (RBS) configuring, 194-196

RootServerInfo Zone object, 408

[Root] partition, 297, 303-307, 314-316, 322

ROUTE utility, 773-775

routers, 460-462

IP address, 38

troubleshooting routing

ROUTE, 773-775

TRACERT, 775-776

RRSet (Resource Record Set) object, 409, 418

RSA encryption, 252

Run Config Report (Remote Manager), 170

run queue, 799


SANs (Storage Area Networks), 666-667

cluster health, monitoring, 718

cluster management, 724-726

defined, 713

Fibre Channel cluster configurations, 715

SCSI cluster configurations, 716

SAP (Service Advertising Protocol), 373-374

SAR objects (DHCP), 410, 425-426

SAs (service agents), 447


NetWare 4 backups, 88-89

NetWare 4 restores, 90

NetWare 5 restores, 88-89

SBCON, 87, 237-238

accessing error/log files, 245

configuring SMS for, 240-242

exiting, 242

modules, 237

starting, 242

SBD VIEW ALL command, 742

SBD VIEW command, 742

SBDs (split-brain detectors), 718

Schedule Report (iMonitor), 849

Scheduled Tasks (Remote Manager), 172

Scheduler, 516-517, 799

schema (eDirectory)

extending, 330-331, 406-407, 430-431

DHCP objects, 409-411

DNS objects, 408-409

global DNS/DHCP objects, 407-408

lab exercise, 430-431

health checks, 339

Schema Manager, 331-332

updating, 335

updating to eDirectory 8.6, 95097

verifying synchronization, 102

viewing, 331

Schema Manager, 331-332

Schema Synchronization tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

Schema tool (iMonitor), 190, 356

ScheMax, 1075

SCL (Server Connection Licensing), 63-67, 118, 603-604

SCMD.NLM, 391-392, 394

scopes (SLP), 447-448, 452

SCSI drives, 790

cluster configuration, 716

troubleshooting clusters, 725-726

SDLC (system design life cycle), 854

Search tool (iMonitor), 189, 355

secondary designated servers (DNS), 415

secondary DNS servers, 402-403

secondary time servers, 370

secure Web Server port, 473


accessibility guidelines, 971

administrative strategies documents, 972-973, 985-986

blended threats, 566-567

DoS attacks, 560-561

Code Red worm, 565

FIN, 562

Land, 562-563

Ping of Death, 561

Smurf, 563-564

SYN attacks, 562

Teardrop attacks, 561

UDP Flood, 564

W32/Nimda worm, 565-566

eDirectory implementation matrix, 1043


NICI encryption, 94

in public key cryptography, 524-526

RSA encryption, 252

firewalls, 460-462, 547-548

inside-out model, 544-546

merging eDirectory trees and, 1059-1060

Novell Certificate Server (NCS)

CA process, 531-532

configuring, 531-533

eDirectory objects and, 528-529

key pair life cycle, 532

management, 533-538

and NICI, 533

overview, 527-528

and SSL, 533

Novell Storage Services (NSS), 633-634

outside-in model, 547-548

public key cryptography, 521-522

authentication, 522-524

encryption/decryption, 524-526

risks, 519

threats, 520

viruses, 549

countermeasures, 551-554

symptoms of infection, 550

virus types, 549-550

vulnerabilities, 542-544

Security container objects, 335, 907

creating, 48, 97, 121-122

defined, 529

self-tuning, 485-486

semistatic patches, 804

Send Message (Novell Client), 278

server administrator role, 862, 973

Server Certificate objects

creating manually, 536

defined, 530

deleting, 538

internal/external signing, 537

managing, 537-538

properties, viewing, 538

Server Connection Licensing (SCL) model, 63-67, 118, 603-604

server console, 793-794

server container centralized administration, 960

server health log, 832

Server Information report (iMonitor), 839

Server License Container, 68

server maintenance log, 835

server management

adjustable resources, 485-486

memory subsystem, 487-488

allocation, 488-490

caching, 496-498

protection, 493-496

virtual, 490-493

remote. See remote server management

self-tuning, 485-486

Server Management Console (iFolder), 680-682

access, troubleshooting, 689

administrators, adding, 684

login contexts, adding, 684

server initialization, 683

Server object, 910

naming standards, 928

server personal log, 832

server ports (NetWare Enterprise Web Server), 473

Server Properties dialog box, 32, 56

SERVER.EXE , 792, 796


server troubleshooting

bottlenecks, 819

bus I/O, 821

CPUs, 821

disk I/O, 820

network I/O, 820-821

crashes, 810-819

core dumps, 814-816

diagnosing, 816-817

recovering from, 329-330, 817-819

hot key sequences, 794

maintaining current software, 804-805

Novell support tools, 803-804

operating system patches, 804-805

performance, 806-810

CPU problems, 810

installation problems, 806

memory problems, 808-809

storage problems, 807

tools, 765-770


crash recovery, 329-330

DEBUG, 769-770

HOSTS, 767

NSLOOKUP, 766-767

PING, 769

TCPCON, 767-768

third-party, 803


boot process, 795-796

communications, 788



with iMonitor, 185-191, 761-762

with Remote Manager, 170, 760


documentation, 578

hardware architecture, 788-792

iFolder Server

initialization, 683

IP address, changing, 684-685

optimizing, 685, 688

synchronization, 673

troubleshooting, 688-691

licensing. See NLS

managing. See server management

NetWare installation and

file system, installing, 34-36, 113-114

ID number, 22-23

language parameters, 33

licensing, 44-45

naming, 32-33

regional settings, 24

SET parameters, 23, 108

time zone, setting, 41

operating system architecture, 792-796

optimizing, 499

application management, 499-500

block suballocation, 501-503

file compression, 503-506

performance, 797

multiprocessing, 516-517, 799-800

multitasking, 514-515, 797-798

multithreading, 515, 798-799

proxy servers, 461

removing from eDirectory, 328-329

replica state, viewing, 1064

time servers, 369-372

troubleshooting. See server troubleshooting

upgrading to NetWare 6

regional settings, 109

preparing servers, 106-107

specifying settings, 108-109

Service Advertising report (iMonitor), 840

service agents (SAs), 447

Service Location Protocol. See SLPv2

Service Registry Services (SRS), 1016

SET parameters, 23, 108

abend-related, 812-813

file compression, 504-506

IPX time synchronization, 373

managing with Remote Manager, 172

minimum/maximum values, 485-486

NSS cache buffer allocation, 637

packet-related, 509-511

wait time, 485-486

SET Parameters (Remote Manager), 172


share values, adjusting, 500

shared disk partitions, creating, 744-745

shared storage devices

defined, 712, 717

GUIDs, 724

noncluster servers and, 724

NetWare 6 installation and, 724

split-brain detectors, 718

shareware diagnostic utilities, 582

Simon. See iMonitor

simultaneous threads, 515, 798

single reference time servers, 369, 376-377

Single Sign-On, 1075

slave nodes

defined, 717

failover, 719-720

SLPv2, 443-444

architecture, 446-448

benefits, 445

design considerations, 451-452

directory agent configuration, 453

large network communication, 449-450

scopes, 447-448, 452

server configuration, 455-456

services autodiscovered by, 445-446

small network communication, 448-449

user agent configuration, 453-455

SMDR (storage management data requester), 236

SMEs (storage management engines), 236

SMS (Storage Management Services), 87

backup strategies, 238-240

components, 236

configuring for NWBACK32/SBCON, 240-242

error files, 244-245

guidelines, 245-246

host server, 234

log files, 244-245

NetWare 4 server backups, 89

NetWare 4 server restores, 90

NetWare 5 server backups, 88

NetWare 5 server restores, 88-89

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

target, 235

workstation, 235

Smurf attacks, 563-564

soft stop policies (NLS), 70, 607


diagnostic, 582-583

NetWare 6 requirements, 14, 85-86

RAID, 632, 663-665

thread, 515, 798-799

troubleshooting, 572

software engineering process model, 854

source servers, preparing for NetWare 6 migration, 139-140, 600-601

removing eDirectory, 622

restoring, 621

spares inventory, 578

special use administrator role, 973

split-brain detectors (SBDs), 718

spoofing, 562

SRS (Service Registry Services), 1016

SSL handshake, 533

standard DNS zones, 401


STARTUP.NCF, 23, 108

Static and Dynamic mode (NAT), 441

Static Only mode (NAT), 441

static patches, 804

stop policies (NLS), 70, 607



adapters, 26, 110

installing NetWare 6 storage, 25-31

NAS (Network Attached Storage), 667

NCS (Novell Cluster Services)

benefits/features, 709-710

cluster components, 713-714

cluster configurations, 714-716

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

overview, 705-707

system design, 717-723

system outages, 708-709

system requirements, 728-729

NSS (Novell Storage Services), 205-209

architecture, 629-631

cache buffer allocation, 210-211

configuring, 209-220, 224-226, 636-649

data shredding, 633, 643

deposits, 208, 630

file management, 227-229, 651-654

management features, 635

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

performance features, 632

reliability features, 632-633

security features, 633-634

storage features, 634

storage pool expansion, 649-650

system requirements, 210, 636

troubleshooting, 658-659

volume management, 230-233, 654-658

recommended specification, 85

SANs. See Storage Area Networks

SMS (Storage Management Services), 87

backup strategies, 238-240

components, 236

error files, 244-245

guidelines, 245-246

host server, 234

log files, 244-245

NetWare 4 backups, 89

NetWare 4 restores, 90

NetWare 5 backups, 88

NetWare 5 restores, 88-89

NetWare 6 enhancements, 10

target, 235

workstation, 235

troubleshooting server storage, 807

updating to NetWare 6, 109-112

Web-based. See iFolder; NetDrive; NetStorage

Storage Area Networks (SANs), 666-667

cluster health, monitoring, 718

cluster management, 724-726

defined, 713

Fibre Channel cluster configurations, 715

SCSI cluster configurations, 716

storage devices

interfaces, 236

NSS, 207, 629

selecting, 27, 111

storage management data requester (SMDR), 236

storage management engines (SMEs), 236

Storage Management Services. See SMS

Storage Manager for Novell NetWare, 803

storage pools (NSS), 208, 630

cluster-enabling, 746-748

creating, 213-215, 225, 641

deleting, 232, 656

expansion, 649-650

overbooking, 634, 649

REBUILD command, 231-232

troubleshooting, 659

streams files, 826

subnet masks, 37

Subnet objects (DHCP), 410, 424

Subnet Pool objects (DHCP), 410

subordinate references, 311-313

defined, 299

tree walking with, 322

subsets (SMS), 237

support packs, 804-805

Support Web site, 585

SWAP command, 491-492

swap files, 490-492

symmetric cryptography, 534

SYN attacks, 562


Agent Synchronization tool (iMonitor), 188-189, 356, 360-361, 843-844

delta block synchronization, 674

checking replica synchronization, 338

eDirectory synchronization

IP-only networks, 375

IP/IPX networks, 375

IPX-only networks, 368-370, 373-379

managing with WAN Traffic Manager, 301-302, 325-326

overview, 300-302

replica rings, 300-301, 313, 322, 338, 358

transitive synchronization, 301-302, 314

verifying, 337-338, 341-342

iFolder, 673, 686-688

Schema Synchronization tool (iMonitor), 188, 843

server time synchronization, 41

synthetic time, 373, 829

SYS$LOG.ERR file, 832

SYSCALLS utility, 494

system alert notifications (NLS), 70, 607

system design life cycle (SDLC), 854

system error log, 832

System Information tool (Windows), 582

system outages, 708

System Resources (Remote Manager), 175

SYS: volume

creating, 28-31

deleting, 29

monitoring, 327


target (SMS), 235

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 460

TCP.NLM, 384

TCP/IP, 460

components, 382-383

implementation attacks, 561-562

Novell Client support, 265

standards attacks, 562-563


DEBUG, 769-770

NETSTAT, 777-778

TCPCON, 767-768

third-party toolkits, 781-782

TCPCON utility, 767-768


Teardrop attacks, 561

technical design, 856

design inputs, 882-883, 885-888, 891-894, 896

technical information documents (TIDs), 764

technology documentation, 580


lab, 1032-1034

NCS cluster states, 738-739, 741-742

Thomson Prometric testing centers, 1100-1101

threats, 520

Throughput (iNetTools), 781

tic (transport-independent checking), 718

TIDs (technical information documents), 754, 764

time communication (IPX), 373-374

time servers (IPX), 369-372

synchronization communication, 373-374

synchronization management, 373

time synchronization settings, 41


IP-only networks, 375

IP/IPX networks, 375

IPX-only networks, 368-370, 373-379

tolerance rate, 718

Tomcat Servlet Engine for NetWare, 464



migration strategy, 598-599

upgrade strategy, 101-102

top-layer tree design, 949-957

functional layers, 955-956

geographic layers, 952-954

Organization layer, 950-951

regional layers, 954

Tree Root object, 949-950

top-level domains, 399


Trace Configuration tool (iMonitor), 189-190, 355-356, 361-362, 761, 845-846

trace runs, 846

TRACERT, 775-776

traditional file systems versus NSS, 206-207

traditional volumes, 34-35, 114, 208, 631

configuring, 218-220, 644-649

converting to NSS volumes, 221-222, 647-648

creating, 218-220

training, eDirectory implementation and, 1038-1039

Transaction Tracking System (TTS)

disabling, 653

enabling on volumes, 229, 653-654

transitive synchronization, 301-302, 314

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 460

tree design, 940

administration, 960-962

container size, 962

design inputs, 941-943, 947

flat design, 948

fundamental factors, 960-963

lab exercises, 964-966

login scripts, 962-963

lower layers, 958-959

pyramid design, 947-948

upper layers, 949-957

tree federation, 1072-1073, 1079-1080

Tree Root object, 303-304, 314, 903-904

naming, 949-950

tree walking eDirectory, 322



clients, 771-779

ARP, 777


NETSTAT, 777-778


PING, 773

ROUTE, 773-775

TRACERT, 775-776

diagnostic software, 582-583


crash recovery, 329-330

diagnosing problems, 840-847

DSREPAIR, 818-819

error messages, 328

iMonitor and, 357-362

inconsistencies, 328-330

repairing problems, 847-849

steps, 831-836

tracing, 845-847

iFolder Client, 686-688

iFolder Server, 689-691

IP addressing calculators, 782-783

NAT (Network Address Translation), 442

NetWare 6 migration

connection problems, 619-620

eDirectory problems, 620-624

volume copy problems, 620

NetWare model, 570-571

documenting the solution, 576-581

ensuring user satisfaction, 576

executing the plan, 575-576

gathering basic information, 573-574

isolating the problem, 574-575

quick fixes, 571-573

network management tools, 757-764

ConsoleOne, 758-759

iManager, 762-763

iMonitor, 761-762

Novell Web site, 763-764

Remote Manager, 760

Novell Internet services, 584-588

NSS (Novell Storage Services), 658-659

protocol analyzers, 780-781

servers, 765-770

bottlenecks, 819-821


connection licensing, 80

crashes, 810-819

DEBUG, 769-770

diagnosing with Remote Manager, 170, 760

HOSTS, 767

maintaining current software, 804-805

Novell support tools, 803-804

NSLOOKUP, 766-767

operating system patches, 804-805

performance, 806-810

PING, 769

TCPCON, 767-768

third-party tools, 803

TCP/IP toolkits, 781-782

tool comparison summary, 586

trusted CAs, 526

Trusted Root Container objects

creating, 537

defined, 530

Trusted Root objects

creating, 537

defined, 530

TSAs (target service agents), 235-236

TTS (Transaction Tracking System)

disabling, 653

enabling, 229, 653-654

typeful names, 925

typeless names, 925-927


UAL (User Access Licensing) model, 63-66, 118, 603-606

UAs (user agents), 446

configuring, 453-455

UDP Flood attacks, 564

ULDNCS command, 742

Unix NFAP (Native File Access Pack), 8, 284-285

Unknown object, 910

unlicensed access (NLS), 70, 607



UNSCOPED scope (SLPv1), 448


DOS configuration files, 17-18

eDirectory schema, 335

Upgrade installation method, 22, 108

upgrading to NetWare 6

Components dialog box, 120-121

configuration requirements, 86-87

cryptography, enabling, 113

customizing upgrade, 122-123

data backups, 87-90

DNS configuration, 116

eDirectory configuration, 117

hardware requirements, 84

hardware upgrades, 85

INSTALL.BAT file, 107

lab exercise, 125-136

NetWare Accelerated Upgrade (NAU), 595

network boards, selecting, 112

network preparation, 90-99

network protocol configurations, 115

NLMs (NetWare Loadable Modules), 112

Novell Certificate Server, 121-122, 336

operating system requirements, 86

platform support, selecting, 110

process overview, 104-105

regional settings, selecting, 109


file system installation, 113-114

licensing, 118-119

preparing, 106-107

specifying settings, 108-109

software requirements, 85-86

storage devices, selecting, 111

type, selecting, 108

upgrade plans, creating, 99-104

upper-layer tree design, 949-956

functional layers, 954-955

geographic layers, 951-953

Organization layer, 950-951

regional layers, 953-954

Tree Root object, 949-950

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