

Accidental Genius (Levy), 108

Action steps:

Attention Grabbers, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36

decision making, 202, 205, 210–211

emotional engagement, 42–43, 47–48, 51

establishing credibility, 57–58, 60, 63–64, 67–68

giving value, 105–107, 113–114

making the right connections, 6–7, 11–12, 16, 19

memorability, 75–76, 80, 82

reciprocity, 161–162, 165, 167, 170–171, 175–176

social proof, 141–142, 146–149, 152, 154–155

stimulating discussion, 116, 119–121, 124–125, 129, 133

Advertisements, 23–24, 37

Affect, stimulating discussion, 116, 121–125

Ambivalence or objections, resolving with social proof, 149–152

Appearance, 55–57, 66–67

Approach, conversation initiation, 17

Attention Grabbers, 21–36

action steps, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36

emotion, 34–36

how attention works, 22–23

meaning, 29–32

relevance and clarity, 32–34

unexpected elements, 27–29

visual imagery, 23–27

Attentional adhesions, 24

Attractiveness in visual imagery, 24–26

The Attractor Factor (Vitale), 158

Attrition effects, choices and options, 192–193


establishing credibility, 58–60

simple, stimulating discussion, 130


behavior and emotional engagement, 40

and reciprocity, 158–162

Automated content, generating, 107–114

action steps, 113–114

e-mails, 111–112

quick content, 109–111

unique content, 108–109

Back, Kurt, 93

Background story, storytelling, 46–47

Balance, metaphors and emotion, 49

Bartlett, Monica Y., 171


and emotional engagement, 41

enhancing outcomes, social proof, 153

to evoke positive emotions, 39–42

Book Yourself Solid (Port), xxiv, 17, 167

Bottom-line business needs, need fulfillment, 12

Boyatzis, Richard E., 38


attention, 22–23

emotion, 34–35

memory, 72–75, 77

response to experts, 65

visual stimulation, 23

Brand credibility, 60–64

Break up information, memorability, 79

Brogan, Chris, 58

Brooks, Margaret E., 94

Brumbaugh, Claudia, 24

Building relationships:

art and science of connecting, xx–xxi

being the best and taking action, xxiii–xxv

challenges in relationship marketing, xxi–xxiii

joy of, xiv–xv

power of, xix–xx

simplicity and memorability, 76–77

Buschman, Timothy J., 22

Business relationships (See specific topics)

Buying specifics, choices, 182–183

Calculating behavior and emotional engagement, 40

“Can I Pick Your Brain” professional, 97–98

Can’t Take My Eyes off You (Wood and Brumbaugh), 24

Chapman, Gary, 99

Characteristics of truster/trustee, 91–92

Chatting, openings and reciprocity, 162–164

Chernov, Alexander, 191

Choices and options, simplify, 185–196

action steps, 189, 195–196

contextual inference theory, 190–191

ideal point, 191–192

making it easy to choose you, 194–195

metacognitions, 193–194

obvious vs. unclear differences, 187–188

one vs. several, 186

selecting the middle options, 193

time to make decision, 186–187, 205–211

trade-offs and attrition effects, 192–193

verbal vs. visual, 188

Chunking, 79

Cialdini, Robert B., 64, 139–140, 153, 169

Clarity (See Relevance)

Clients (See specific topics)

Clothing, professional, 24–26

Color, 26–27, 62–63

Communication, nonverbal, xx, 35

Compliments and concessions, 168–171

Confidence building, 5–7

The Confident Leader (McKee), 38

Confident leadership, 162

Conflict of interest, choices, 181


action steps, 6–7, 11–12, 16, 19

confidence building, 5–7

conversation initiation, 16–19

finding the right people, 8–12

listening to become fluent, giving value, 100, 103–104

love language, 100

make the right, 3–19

metaphors and emotion, 49

need fulfillment, 12–16

reasons for difficulty, 4–7

time, 4, 6–7

Contact methods, follow-up magic recipe system, 88–89

Contagious, emotions as, 38

Container, metaphors and emotion, 49

Content, generating, 107–114

Contextual inference theory, 190–191

Control, metaphors and emotion, 49


initiation, 16–19, 162–164, 206–208

simple stimulating, 130–131

Credibility, establishing, 53–68

action steps, 57–58, 60, 63–64, 67–68

audience, 58–60

authenticity and brand consistency, 61

brand, 60–64

earned, 55

expertise, 64–68

factors of, 54–58

Web, 55–60

Cued recall, 75

Curiosity and emotional engagement, 40

Davis, James H., 92

Decision making, 197–212

action steps, 202, 205, 210–211

finding the right people, 10–11

heart vs. head, 198–202

simple vs. complex decisions, 203–205

time for, 186–187, 205–211

DeSteno, David, 171

Dijksterhuis, Ap, 203

Discovering needs, need fulfillment, 12–13

Discussion, stimulating, 115–133

action steps, 116, 119–121, 124–125, 129, 133

affect, 116, 121–215

EARS, 116

engaging, 116–121

relatable, 116, 125–129

simple, 116, 130–133

Dolinski, Dariuz, 163

Dress, professional, 24–26

Dunn, Jennifer R., 93, 172

Earned credibility, 55

Earnings per hour, choices, 182


affect, 116, 121–125

defined, 116

engaging, 116–121

relatable, 116, 125–129

simple, 116, 130–133

8minuteDating, 39

E-mails, 111–112

Emotions and emotional engagement, 34–52

action steps, 42–43, 47–48, 51

affect, stimulating discussion, 121–124

Attention Grabbers, 34–36

evoking positive emotions, 38–43

metaphors, 48–52

need fulfillment, 12

sound of your brand, 43–44

storytelling, 45–48

and trust, 93

Encoding new information, memorability, 72

Engaging, stimulating discussion, 116–121

Enhancing outcomes, social proof, 152–155

Expertise and credibility, 64–68

Experts and credibility, 58–59

Extroversion, confidence building, 5

Facebook, 9, 63, 88–89, 106, 115–118, 121, 128, 141, 147–148, 158, 161, 187

Faces, 30–31

Familiarity and trust, 93–95

Favorite things, client’s, 100, 105

Favors, gratitude and reciprocity, 172–174

Fear of the unknown, choices, 181

Fedorikhin, Alexander, 208

Festinger, Leon, 138

Finding the right people, 8–12

Five love languages, giving value, 99–102

The Five Love Languages (Chapman), 99


Decision making, 208–210

emotional engagement, 41

and motivation, follow-up, 96–98

Fogg, B.J., 54

Follow first, reciprocity, 158–159

Follow-up and consistency, 83–98

action steps, 85–86, 90, 95–96

challenge of, 84–86

confidence building, 5

focus and motivation, 96–98

magic recipe system, 86–90

trust factor, 91–96

Formula for marketing success, xxiv

Free recall, 75

Friendliness, and emotional engagement, 39–40

Get to the point, openings, 164

Getting recognized, memorability, 81–82

Gifts, reciprocity, 160–161

Giving back, reciprocity, 176

Giving too much away, reciprocity, 165–167

Go first, memorability, 79

Goals, social proof, 152–153

Godin, Seth, 88

Goei, Ryan, 172

Goldstein, Noah, 139–140

Goleman, Daniel, 38

Gratitude and reciprocity, 171–176

Griskevicius, Vladas, 139–140

Guarded behavior, emotional engagement, 41

Habituation, and unexpected elements, 28

Hairstyle for headshot, 24–25

Halligan, Brian, 176

Hamilton, Rebecca, 204

Happiness, decision making, 199–200

Harvard Business Review, 91

Headshots, 24–26


listening, 41, 102–107

sound of your brand, emotional engagement, 43–44

Heart vs. head, decision making, 198–202

Hedgcock, William, 192

Highhouse, Scott, 94

Hip-pocket stories, 144–145

Hogan, Kevin, 14

Hotel guests, social proof, 139–141

Hovland, Carl, 54

Hurley, Robert F., 91

Ideal point, options, 191–192

“I’m So Swamped” professional, 97

Immediate, emotions as, 39

Influence (Cialdini), 169

Influence, gratitude and reciprocity, 172–174

Influencers, 10

Influencing people in relationships:

decision making and action, 197–212

reciprocity, 157–176

simplify, 177–196

social proof, 137–155

Information, remembering, 72–75, 79

Initiating relationships:

Attention Grabber, 21–36

connections, make the right, 3–19

credibility, establishing, 53–68

emotional engagement, 37–52

Initiation of conversation, 16–19, 162–164, 206–208

Intellectual needs, fulfillment, 12

Intellectual value, 100, 104

Interest, expressing, and emotional engagement, 40

Introduction, conversation initiation, 17

Introversion, confidence building, 5

Israel, Toby, 62

Iyengar, Sheena S., 178, 190

Janis, Irving, 54

Johnson, Sue, 12

Journey, metaphors and emotion, 49

Kahneman, Daniel, 182

Kamenica, Emir, 190

Kelley, Harold, 54

Lead with benefit, choices, 182

Lepper, Mark R., 178

Levy, Mark, 108, 145

Likeability, advertisements, 37

Limited options, 179–183

Lindgard, Gitte, 55

LinkedIn, 89, 125, 148, 161, 174, 195


to become fluent, giving value, 102–107

and emotional engagement, 41

Long-term memory, 72–73

Magic recipe system for follow-up, 86–90

Marketing funnel and audience, 86–87

Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead (Scott and Halligan), 176

Marketing Metaphoria (Zaltman and Zaltman), 48

Marketing success, formula for, xxiv

Mattus, Maria, 55

Mayer, Roger C., 92

McCullough, Michael, 171

McGuire, William, 38

McKee, Annie, 38

Meaning, Attention Grabbers, 29–32

Meaningful relationships, creating:

discussion, stimulating, 115–133

follow-up and consistency, 83–98

memorability, 71–82

value, giving, 99–114

Memorability, 71–82

action steps, 75–76, 80, 82

encoding new information, 72

faces, and names, 30

getting recognized, 81–82

how memory works, 72–76

making yourself memorable, 76–80

retrieving information, 74–75

storing new information, 73–74

Metacognition, choices and options, 193–194

Metaphors, emotional engagement, 48–52

Miller, Earl K., 22

Myers-Briggs personality inventory, 62

Name, power of using, 30–31

National Institute for Drug Abuse, 153

Nawrat, Magdalena, 163

Need fulfillment, 12–16

Networking, events and personal, 8–10

New information, 72–74

Nonreciprocator professional, 97

Nonverbal communication, xx, 35

Norms (See Social proof)

Number of relationships, optimal, 9–10

Numbers on social media, social proof, 147–149

Obvious vs. unclear differences, choices, 187–188

One Lily Creative Agency, 55

One vs. several choices, 186

Openings and reciprocity, 162–165

Overanalysis and unhappiness, decision making, 200–201

Patience, follow-up, 98

Permission Marketing (Godin), 88

Personal networks, 9–10

Personalization, magic recipe system for follow-up, 86–90

Persuasion, reciprocity, 159–160

Photographic headshots, 24–26

Port, Michael, xxiv, 17, 167

Positive emotions, 38–43

(See also Emotions and emotional engagement)

Presumed credibility, 54

Pretending to understand, emotional engagement, 42

Primal Leadership (Goleman et al), 38


and emotional engagement, 40

experts, 66–67

relatable, stimulating discussion, 126–127

Propinquity, and trust, 93–95

Psychological reactance, decision making, 209

The Psychology of Influence (Hogan), 14

Psychology Today, 18

Quantity vs. quality, social proof, 147–148


engaging, stimulating discussion, 119

resolving with social proof, 151–152

Quick content, generating, 109–111

Rao, Akshay R., 192

Rapport, 18–19

Readiness to buy, 183–184


for difficulty, make the right connections, 4–7

people buy, 178–185

Recall memory, 74–75

Reciprocity, 157–176

action steps, 161–162, 165, 167, 170–171, 175–176

authenticity, 158–162

compliments, 168–169

concessions, 169–171

giving back, 176

giving too much away, 165–167

gratitude, 171–176

openings, 162–165

Recognition and memorability, 81–82

Recognition memory, 74–75, 81–82

Referral partners (See specific topics)


finding the right people, 8–12

getting, love language, 100

listening to become fluent, giving value, 100, 102–103

readiness to buy, 183–184

Regan, Dennis, 157

Relatable, stimulating discussion, 116, 125–129

Relationships (See specific topics)


Attention Grabbers, 32–34

confidence building, 5

remind people of themselves, 77–78

Relevant, little gifts as, 161

Remembering (See Memorability)

Remind people of themselves, memorability, 77–78

Reputed credibility, 55

Resist perfection, relatability, 125–126

Resource, metaphors and emotion, 49

Retrieving information, memorability, 74–75

Rudak, Izabela, 163

Scarce, little gifts as, 160

Schachter, Stanley, 93

Schemas for stimulating discussion, 131–133

Schooler, Jonathan W., 200–201

Schoorman, F. David, 92

Schweitzer, Maurice E., 93, 172

Scott, David Meerman, 176

Selecting the middle options, 193

Self-serving, and emotional engagement, 40

Serial positioning effect, 79

Share mistakes, 125–126

Shine the spotlight, social proof, 153–154

Shiv, Baba, 208

Short-term memory, 72–73


gratitude and reciprocity, 174–175

need fulfillment, 13–14

social proof, 141–147

Simplicity, 177–196

action steps, 184–185, 189, 195–196

choices, 185–189

simple vs. complex decisions, 203–205

stimulating discussion, 116, 130–133

which options will people choose?, 189–196

why people buy, 178–185

Smith, Adam, 171

Smith, Julien, 58

Social media, 3, 23–24, 26–28, 45, 55, 63–64, 88, 116–117, 119, 126, 129, 148, 158, 161, 170, 182

Social media, social proof, 147–149

Social proof, 137–155

action steps, 141–142, 146–149, 152, 154–155

enhancing outcomes, 152–155

numbers on social media, 147–149

to resolve ambivalence or objections, 149–152

similarities, 141–147

who is most influential?, 138–142

Some Place Like Home (Israel), 62

Sound of your brand, emotional engagement, 43–44

Specificity, why people buy, 179–183

Stand out, memorability, 78–79

Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, 55, 58

Stories of similarities, social proof, 144–145

Storing new information, memorability, 73–74

Storytelling, emotional engagement, 45–48

Surface credibility, 55

Target audience, social proof, 141

Testimonials, social proof, 143–144

Thinking about it, decision-making, 206

Thompson, Deborah Viana, 204

Thoughtful, little gifts as, 161

Time and timing:

for connections, 4, 6–7

decision making, 186–187, 205–211

listening to become fluent, 100, 103

magic recipe system for follow-up, 86–90

Trade-offs and attrition effects, choices and options, 192–193

Transformation, metaphors and emotion, 49

Trust factors, follow-up, 91–96

Trying too hard, and emotional engagement, 41

Tversky, Amos, 182

Twitter, 58, 63, 88–89, 129, 147, 161, 185

Unexpected elements, Attention Grabbers, 27–29

Unique content, 108–109

Universal and relatable, stimulating discussion, 128–129

Value, giving, 99–114

action steps, 105–107, 113–114

five love languages, 99–102

generating automated content, 107–114

listening to become fluent, 102–107

magic recipe system for follow-up, 86–90

Vanguard Center for Retirement Research, 191

Verbal choices, 188

Verbal vs. visual, choices, 188

Viral gratitude and reciprocity, 171–172


engaging, stimulating discussion, 117–118

imagery and establishing credibility, 62–63

similarities, social proof, 145–146

vs. verbal, choices, 188

Vitale, Joe, 158

Von Restorff effect, 78

Web, credibility on, 55–60

What you do, conversation initiation, 17–18

Who do I need? need fulfillment, 14–15

Who is most influential? social proof, 138–142

Who needs you? need fulfillment, 15–16

Why people buy, simplify, 178–185

Wilson, Timothy D., 200–201

Wood, Dustin, 24

Working memory, 72–73

Yerkes-Dodson Law, 10

Zaltman, Gerald and Lindsay, 48

Zimbardo, Philip, 64–65

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