
Symbols and Numbers

# of line operations, calculating for Manufacturing Engineering, 174

& (ampersand) used with output variable tokens, 731–732

* (asterisk) delimiter character, using with BOM parameters and profile options for ATO/PTO, 150

4/5 Weekly Pattern, reporting in, 97

5/4/4 Weekly Pattern, reporting in, 97


ABC analysis, maintaining inventory accuracy with, 512–514

Acceptable Early Days field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243

Accounting information, role in inventory organization, 39

Accounting Rule attribute for items, 69

Accounts receivable customers, providing credit checking for, 376–377

Accounts, receiving for inventory organization, 44

Action definitions, storage of, 732

Action rules for Quality product, 726–727

Actions, associating output variables with, 730–732

Actions button, functionality of, 392–394

Actions tab in ASCP Planner Workbench, 332–334

Activity-based costing module in E-Business Suite, 683, 783

Ad-hoc reports

generating for demand planning, 272

Address information, specifying with Order Organizer, 390–391

Addresses for delivery locations, specifying with Purchasing product, 454

Adjustment approval, specifying for cycle counts, 516

Admin edition of Discoverer tool and EUL creation, 784

ADS (Application Data Store), role in data collection, 325

Advanced Pricing, benefits of, 767

Advanced Pricing module in Order Management product, 374

Aggregate forecasts

creating, 215–216

reviewing for demand planning, 270

Aggregation tab in ASCP, 323

Alert actions, defining with Quality product, 726

Alerts, defining for demand planning, 272–273

Allocation percentages, specifying with Purchasing product, 432

Allocation rules, specifying for demand planning, 264–265

Alternate resources, associating for routings, 111

Alternate routings, switching from primary routings, 112–113

Alternates, setting up for BOMs, 81

Always condition, setting up for Order Management product, 368

Ampersand (&) used with output variable tokens, 731–732

Analysis tools, 739–749

AOL (Applications Object Library), role in Order Management product, 364

APIs (application programming interfaces)

BOM business object, 93–96

Calculate Price, 775

Cycle Count Entries, 564

ECO business object API, 139–142

Forecast Entries, 210

for importing data, 564–565

for kanban, 564

for lots, 565

Material Reservation, 565

Move Order, 565

for Order Management, 408–409

Pick Confirm, 565

Pick Release, 565

public pricing, 774–775

Reservations Manager, 565

Routing business object, 118–119

Sales Order, 565

Sourcing and assignment, 314

Append Planned Orders plan option, 279

Application-specific actions, defining with Quality product, 726

Approval groups, specifying for Purchasing product, 454–455

Approval list values, creating for ECOs, 134

Approving Purchase Orders purchasing workflow, 462–463

Approving Requisitions purchasing workflow, 461–462

Arithmetic expressions for user-defined formulas using Assign a Value actions, 736

Arrival Sets field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

As Built configuration, role in serial Genealogy, 497

As Designed view of flow routing, 113

As Manufactured view of flow routing, 113

ASCP activities in Neptune case study, 810

ASCP (Advanced Supply Chain Planning) product, 20–22

architecture of, 305

choosing alternate bills and routings for, 81

data collection in, 325–327

enhancements in, 302–305

integrating performance management with, 304–305

performing optimized planning with, 318–321

plan types, 304

providing performance management with, 341–342

role of assignment hierarchies in, 310–314

role of constraint-based planning in, 314–318

role of explicit and implicit objectives in, 319–321

setting up, 321–325

typical scenarios for, 337–338

ASCP Planner Workbench, 328–338

setting display preferences for, 337

simulations in, 338–340

ASCP plans. See also Plans

defining, 322–325

defining scope of, 324

running, 326–327

ASLs (approved supplier lists), specifying with Purchasing product, 433–435. See also Suppliers

Assemble to Order attribute for Order Management product, 351


determining extent of component usage in, 89–90

non-stocked type of, 83

Assembly completions cost flow in average costing, 705–706

Assembly Pull WIP supply type, role in material control, 597, 600

Assembly scrap, role in shop floor control, 615

Assets, relating to inventory items, 49

Assign Value actions and user-defined formulas in Quality product, 735–736

Assignable causes versus chance causes in SPC, 749

Assignment hierarchies, role in ASCP, 310–314

Assignment Set option for defining ASCP plans, 323

Assignment sets

functionality of, 310–312

role in Purchasing product, 432–433

Asterisk (*) delimiter character, using with BOM parameters and profile options for ATO/PTO, 150

ATAKT (takt time for assigned), role in MMM, 190

ATO (Assemble-to-Order) stocking strategy, 10, 146

executing, 594

role of manufacturing in, 165–166

role in manufacturing execution, 577

role of pick releasing in, 166–167

ATO/PTO activities in Neptune case study, 805

ATO/PTO items, setup for standard type of, 157

ATO/PTO models

business process, 148–158

entering sales orders in, 159

forecasting and master scheduling of, 158–159

item templates for, 152–157

managing configuration items with, 160165

managing ongoing activities in, 158–167

role of invoicing in, 167

scenarios for, 146–148

setup for configurable type of, 153–157

ATP attribute for Order Management product, 351

ATP (Available to Promise)

formula for, 398

selecting for inventory organization, 43

terminology, 380

ATP inquiries, determining available dates with, 396–398

ATS Prehorizon Disposition/Cutoff Days option for Release Management product, 373


adding and reviewing in Purchasing product, 455–456

applying automatically with Order Organizer, 392

using with Order Management product, 370–372

Attribute collection-element type for Quality product, 721

Attribute groups for items, types of, 67–69

Attributes for items, specifying control level for, 65–66

Attributes for lots, tracking, 494

Authorization types for CUM period items, 451–452

AutoCreate Final Assembly Schedules program in WIP, creating discrete jobs with, 594

AutoCreate module of Purchasing product, 435–437

AutoCreated configurations for ATO/PTO models, ordering, 157

Auto-charging resources, role in resource management, 621–622

Autocharge operations, role in routings, 109

Autocharging, role in manufacturing execution, 572

Automatic schedule, enabling cycle counts for, 516

Autopacking containers with Shipping product, 667

Autoscheduling supplier schedules, 451

Availability commitments for orders, managing, 396–400

Available dates, displaying, 398

Available to Promise (ATP) Components attribute for Order Management product, 351

Average cost variance, managing with inventory organization, 44

Average costing in WIP, 641–642, 701–707

Average costs

calculating for periodic costing, 715

maintaining, 707

Average daily demand

calculating for kanban planning, 237

role in repetitive planning, 231–232


Backflush Defaults tab on WIP Parameters for, 579


role in manufacturing execution, 571

role in material control, 596, 599–601

role in operations and routings, 110

Balanced Scorecard application, role in business intelligence, 782–783

Barcode scanning, data field identifiers in, 523–524

Base Model, role in BOMs, 82

Baseline forecasts

reviewing for demand planning, 268

role in demand planning, 252

Baselines, role in MMM, 190

Basis attribute for order entry, 355

Batch simulations, performing, 294–296

BG (Business Group) feature in Oracle Applications, 37

Bid RFQ headers, 427

Bill documents, defining for BOMs, 87

Bill loops, checking for, 88–89

Bill of Resource plan option, 280


autocreation of, 595

comparing, 90–91

copying, 87

deleting, 91

managing in Neptune case study, 801–803

sharing, 88

Bills of distribution, role in modeling supply chains with ASCP, 305, 308–310

Bills of resource, role in RCCP, 224–227

BIS (Business Intelligence System)

applications in, 787–798

and Balanced Scorecard, 782–783

role in Neptune case study, 820

technologies, 780–786

Blanket agreements, defining price breaks for, 445

BOM attributes

for order entry, 355–356

role in supply chain planning, 240–246

BOM business object API, functionality of, 93–96

BOM explosion, role in supply chain planning, 203

BOM information, role in supply chain planning, 246–247

BOM Item Type attribute for Order Management product, 352

BOM parameters and profile options for ATO/PTO, 149–152

BOM_RESOURCES table, contents of, 101

BOMs (bills of material), 13–15, 83–87

components of, 84–87

item types for, 82

navigating with PWB, 288–290

performing mass changing of, 88–89

representing by-products on, 601

setting up, 81–82

setting up for configurable ATO/PTO models, 154–155

setting up for standard ATO/PTO items, 157–158

storage of information about, 87

types of, 82–83

using with ECOs, 136

Borrowed resources, identifying in departments, 107

Bucket Days field in General Planning tab, 241–242

Bucket patterns, defining for supplier scheduling, 447

Buckets, setting for ASCP plans, 323

Budget checking, performing with purchase orders, 439

Build in WIP control, functionality of, 246

Bulk packs, role in container transactions, 534

Bulk picking, role in order fulfillment process, 545–546

Bulk WIP supply type, role in material control, 597

Business flows, assigning label types to, 525–526

Business Groups, role in enterprise structure modeling, 31

Business objects, role in OWM rules framework, 500–501

Business units, role in enterprise structure, 30–31

Business views in Discoverer EUL, 785

Buy From sourcing option for modeling supply chains, 307

Buyers, specifying for Purchasing product, 454

By-product recovery, role in material control, 601


Calculate ATP field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243–244

Calculate Price API, 775

Calendar and shift information, copying, 98–99

Calendar attributes, 96–97

Calendar dates, reviewing, 98–99

Calendar days versus workdays, role in repetitive planning, 230–231

Calling system, role in pricing flow, 770

Cancelled discrete job status, 586

Capable to Deliver terminology, 380

Capacity planning, 223–227

requesting from PWB, 290–291

types of, 314

Carrier-ship method relationships, defining with Shipping product, 650–651


enabling for subinventories, 50

enabling on sales orders released for picking, 547–548

role in container management, 531–534

Case study, 799–821. See also Neptune case study

Catalog content, buying from Oracle Applications, 417–418

Catalog RFQ headers, 427


administering, 416–418

loading content into, 417–418


assigning items to, 72

creating for catalogs, 416–417

expanding in ASCP Planner Workbench, 333

Category codes, role in Inventory product, 70–72

Category sets

role in Container Management, 531–532

role in Inventory product, 70–74

Cells, updating in demand planning environment, 269–270

Chance causes versus assignable causes in SPC, 749

Change Management capability in Order Management product, 22

Changeovers, management of, 192–193


defining with Order Management product, 374

specifying with Order Organizer, 393

Check ATP attribute for Order Management product, 351, 355

Children organizations and costing organizations, 676

Closed discrete job status, 586

Cluster picking, role in order fulfillment process, 546

Co-products feature, generation of end items with, 93

Co-Products Supply Default parameter in OSFM, 627

COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) account, handling with Order Management product, 366

Collect Data function, role in demand planning, 267

Collection-element actions, defining with Quality product, 727–728

Collection-element alert actions, defining with Quality product, 729–730

Collection-element specification limits, defining with Quality product, 724

Collection-element types for Quality product, 720–721

Collection-element values, role in Quality product, 723–724

Collection elements

activating with Quality product, 722

choosing reporting length for, 722

defining for Quality product, 721–723

role in Quality Management product, 18, 720

Collection Import interface of Quality product, 738

Collection plans

associating with transactions, 736–737

role in Quality product, 734–737

Collection triggers, role in collection plans for Quality product, 737

Collections, running in ASCP, 326–327

Comparison predefined report for demand planning, 271

Complete discrete job statuses, 586

Completion transactions

reversing, 633

role in manufacturing execution, 631–637

Compliance labeling, 524–527

Component attributes for BOMs, 84–85

Component issues

cost flow in average costing, 704

role in material control, 598–599


determining usage of, 89–90

viewing information about, 90

Concept and Design phase of product lifecycle, 60–61

Concurrent Definition for WIP scheduling profile, 617

Concurrent manager requirements, 298–299

Concurrent request alert actions, defining with Quality product, 729

Configuration items 163–164

autocreation of, 595

deactivating, 164–165

managing for ATO/PTO, 160–165

Configuration numbering method for ATO/PTO BOM parameters and profile options, 150–151

Configurator product

defining configuration rules with, 356–357

functionality of, 167–168

invoking for ATO/PTO, 159

Configure to order environment, 146

Configured orders, entering and processing with Order Management product, 405–406

Consigned inventory, role in material transactions, 500

Constraint-based planning, 314–318


management in ASCP Planner Workbench, 338

role in ASCP, 303

specifying for ASLs, 434–435

types of, 315–318

Constructing Accounts purchasing workflow, 460–461

Consume and Derive value for forecast control, 215

Consume value for forecast control, 216

Container item relationships, role in cartonization, 532

Container Management, 527–528

Container prepacks, 534

Container transactions, 534–536

Containers, defining with Shipping product, 653

Contract details, specifying with Order Organizer, 393

Control charts, 192, 194–195

Control charts, analyzing data with, 745–749

Control options, specifying for Purchasing product, 457


defining for costs, 684–685

specifying for item attributes, 65–66

Copy Settings function, viewing data with, 739–740

Corporate structure forms, 36–38

Cost breakdown utilization PKI for ASCP PWB, 305

Cost-derived transactions, 713

Cost details

checking, 687

defining, 684–685

Cost-driving activities, viewing, 685

Cost element views, 685–686

Cost flows

in average costing, 702–707

in standard costing, 695–701

Cost groups

functionality of, 677

role in implementing consigned inventory for material transactions, 500

role in material transactions, 485–486

Cost history, displaying, 687

Cost layering methods, 708–711

Cost levels, 677–678

Cost Management, handling in Neptune case study, 818–819

Cost Management product, 17–18

Cost-owned transactions, 713

Cost processing, 691–692

Cost rollups, performing for routings, 113

Cost sub-elements, 679

Cost summary example, 685–686

Cost transfers, 643

Cost types

associating with items, 684

defining, 678–683

Costed BOMs, reviewing, 687

Costing application

assigning accounts to value movements in, 688–690

functionality of, 674

item attributes for, 676

receiving transactions with, 690

searching for material transaction distributions with, 691

setting up, 675–683

Costing attributes for Order Management product, 353

Costing in WIP, 640–643

Costing information, mass editing of, 688

Costing methods, 692–701

Costing organizations and children organizations, 676

Costing parameters, setting for inventory organization, 42

Costing, periodic type of, 711–715


collecting for periodic costing, 714–715

copying, 688

defining activity-based type of, 683

summary views for, 687

Count requests, generating, 517–518

Countpoints, role in operations and routings, 109

Coupon issue, defining for pricing, 768–769

Coupon numbers, recording with Order Organizer, 394

Coverage Template attribute for items, 69

Cp index, role in process capability studies, 750–751

Cpk index, role in process capability studies, 751–752

Credit card payments, checking for, 377

Credit policies, enforcing with Oracle Management product, 376–377

Credit requests, processing with Order Management product, 402–404

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) products, 6

Cross-docking, implementing, 542

Cross-references and item relationships, 69–70

CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning), 223, 290–291

CTO (Configure to Order) stocking strategy, role in manufacturing execution, 577, 595

CTP (Capable to Promise), 105, 380

CTRL+G shortcut in OWM, 541

CUM management rules, role in Release Management product, 373

CUM periods, setting up, 451

Cumulative lead times, 245

Cumulative quantities, managing with Purchasing product, 451–452

Currency information, overriding for receipts, 474

Current tasks, displaying, 551–552

Customer item definitions, importing, 77

Customer Ordered Item attribute for Order Management product, 351

Customer Orders Enabled attribute for Order Management product, 351

Customer orders, role in enterprise structure, 30–31

Customer profiles in Order Management product, 360

Customer requirements, handling with Release Management product, 23–24

Customer returns for receipt, searching, 473


acknowledging, 401

applying order holds to, 366

defining for enterprise structure, 38–39

setting up planning and receiving systems for, 372–374

Customers sold to, defining with Order Management product, 357–360

Cycle-count adjustments cost flow, 696–697

Cycle count classes, 516–517

Cycle Count Entries API, 564

Cycle counting, maintaining inventory accuracy with, 515–518

Cycle counts

approving adjustments to, 518

including items in, 517

scheduling, 517


Daily demand, calculating with kanban planning, 557

Data collection

in ASCP, 325–327

in Quality product, 737–739

Data consolidation criteria in ASCP, 325

Data Manager module of Query Manager, using with Shipping product, 659–660

Data types, selecting for collection elements in Quality product, 722

Data warehouse components of EDW, 786

Database instance in enterprise structure, 30–31

Database views, optimizing with Multi-Org feature, 34–35

Date changes, effect on engineering, 228

Date effectivity, establishing in OWM rules framework, 507–508

DDR (Designed Daily Rate), role in Manufacturing Engineering, 173

Decimal quantities, managing with Order Management product, 353

Default Accounting Class parameter in OSFM, 627

Default Shipping Organization attribute for Order Management product, 351

Defaulting rules, speeding order entry with, 367–369

Delimiter characters, choosing for BOM and profile options for ATO/PTO, 150

Delinking configured items in Oracle Management product, 407


assigning lines and LPNs to, 666

autocreating with Shipping product, 665–666

planning with Shipping product, 668

Deliveries shipping entity, 646–647, 660–661

Delivery and shipment rules, role in Release Management product, 373–374

Delivery commitments for orders, managing, 396–400

Delivery Grouping shipping parameter, 649

Delivery leg shipping entity, 646–647

Delivery lines shipping entity, 646–647, 660, 665–666

Demand class, role in forecast consumption, 214–215

Demand fences, role in Release Management product, 373

Demand for products

identifying and creating, 4–5

recognition of, 200–202

Demand Management rules, setting up for Release Management product, 372–373

Demand Plan Administrator, 254, 261–265

Demand plan assignments, managing, 262

Demand plan headers, defining, 258–260

Demand planning, 20

configuring, 254–257

defining alerts for, 272–273

defining events for, 256–257

defining instances and organizations for collection in, 257

defining introductions New Product Introductions for, 257

dimensions, 255

environment of, 253

generating ad hoc reports for, 272

getting feedback on, 270–273

hierarchy levels in, 255–256

and kanban, 558

levels in, 255

in Neptune case study, 807–808

overview of, 250–253

predefined reports in, 271–272

reviewing baseline forecasts for, 268

roles in, 254

specifying allocation rules for, 264–265

specifying forecast levels for, 264

submitting forecasts for, 270

technology, 252

terminology, 252–253

understanding cycle of, 265–266

using Collect Data function with, 267

Demand planning environment, accessing to adjust forecasts, 268

Demand Planning Integration Administrator, 254

Demand plans, 257–260

sources of data for, 266–267

tracking progress of, 265

Demand priority rules, defining for ASCP, 322–323

Demand sources

defining for MMM, 188

defining for supplier scheduling, 447

Demand Stream Processor, role in Release Management product, 372

Demand Time Fence Control and Planning Time Fence Control plan option, 279

Demand to Build portal of Business Intelligence module, 790–793

Department classes, 104

Department information, storage of, 105


assigning resources for, 105

assigning shifts for, 106–107

defining, 104–105

entering overhead rates for, 105

explanation of, 104

identifying borrowed resources in, 107

indicating owned resources for, 105

Dependent demand, 201–202

Descriptive elements, specifying for BOMs, 87

Descriptive Statistics forms, using with data collected for quality control, 749

Descriptors, role in catalog creation, 417

Design engineering in Neptune case study, 804–805

Design requirements for products, communicating, 5

Destinations, choosing for distributions, 445

Detailing, role in material transactions, 492

DFFs (Descriptive Flexfields), role in ECO approval process, 133–135

DFIs (data field identifiers), role in barcode scanning, 523–524

Dimension comparison, role in cartonization, 533


defining for demand planning, 259–260

role in demand planning, 252, 255

selecting with Demand Planning Administrator, 262

Direct data collection, role in Quality product, 738

Direct shipments and material transactions, 489


combining, 763–764

defining with Pricing product, 766

Discoverer EUL, 784–785

Discrete versus repetitive planning logic, 228–235

Discrete jobs

closing, 638–639

completing, 632–633

creating with AutoCreate Final Assembly Schedules program, 594

defining with E-Business Suite, 582–588

simulating, 587–588

statuses of, 586

updating, 587

Discrete manufacturing, 8, 165–166, 576

Discrete tab on WIP Parameters for, 578

Discrete Workstation, role in shop floor control, 605–607

Dispatch lists, role in shop floor control, 602–603

Distribution centers

functionality of, 45–46

handling with Warehouse Management product, 24–25

Distribution predefined report for demand planning, 271


enabling outside processing information for, 445

splitting, 445

Do not calculate planning method, 236

Dock doors, assigning staging lines to, 57–58

Dock scheduling, role in order fulfillment process, 543–544

Document Categories form, using with Shipping product, 651

Document numbering options, defining with Purchasing product, 458

Document Sequences form, using with Shipping product, 651–652

Document sequences, managing with Order Management product, 364

Document sets, printing with Shipping product, 668

Document workflow functions, creating with Purchasing product, 466–467

Documents, creating from requisition pool, 435–437

Documents in Purchasing product, creating subtypes of, 459

Double exponential smoothing forecasting method, role in demand planning, 263

Drop shipments, handling with Order Management product, 404–405

DRP (Distribution Requirements Plans), 276


E-Business Suite, 5–8, 582–588

E-commerce capability of Order Management product, 407–409

E-mail alert actions, defining with Quality product, 729

EAD (Express Applications Database), role in demand planning, 260

Earliest Schedule Limit field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

ECNs (Engineering Change Orders), 15

ECO business object API

importing engineering change orders with, 94–96

integrating software systems with, 139–142

ECOs (Engineering Change Orders), 14–15, 227–228

accessing, 135–136

autonumbering, 127–128

canceling, 137–138

choosing items for, 130

choosing status for, 130

creating for tracking and implementing routing changes, 130

defining, 130–131

defining types for, 129

enforcing department-wise security to, 135

implementing, 137

managing approval process for, 131–135

predefining approval lists for, 129

rescheduling, 136–137

security function for, 130

setting priorities for, 128

setting profile options for, 129

setting up, 127–130

and use-up dates, 138–139

using for mass changes, 138

using Reasons form with, 129

EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse), 786

Effective dates, specifying for cycle counts, 515–518

Effectivity controls, assigning for rules in OWM, 503–505, 507

Effectivity date changes for kanban planning, advisory about, 237

Effectivity dates, role in planning for engineering changes, 227

Elapsed time for events, calculating for Manufacturing Engineering, 175–176

Enabling cartonization for subinventories, 50

Enforce Capacity Constraints option for defining ASCP plans, 323

Enforce Demand Due Dates option for defining ASCP plans, 323

Engineering bills and routings, 123

Engineering change orders, importing with ECO business object API, 94–96

Engineering changes, planning for, 227–228

Engineering information, accessing, 123

Engineering items

copying, 125–126

versus manufacturing items, 122

Engineering items, defining, 64

Engineering product, 14–15, 123–126

Enterprise business flows, 4–5

Enterprise structure

components of, 30–34

role of locators in, 12

Enterprise View of PWB, 290

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), 19

ERP instances, role in supply chain modeling, 308

Error messages, role in scheduling exceptions, 620

ETO (Engineer-to-Order) stocking strategy, 9

EUL (end-user layer) and Discoverer worksheets, 784–785


creating and accessing with Graphical Line Designer, 186–187

defining for demand planning, 256–257

role in flow routing, 113–115

EWT (Elapsed Weighted Time), calculation with MMM, 188

Exception messages

role in performance management, 341–342

role in scheduling exceptions, 620

Exception predefined report for demand planning, 271

Exception Set field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 242–243

Exception summaries, displaying in ASCP Planner Workbench, 333


manipulating in ASCP Planner Workbench, 334

reviewing in PWB, 283–284

viewing with Order Organizer, 395

Exchange products, 7–8

Exclusive discounts, selecting in incompatibility groups, 763–764

Exemptions, setting up with Oracle Management product, 375

Expert participation for establishing enterprise structure, 33

Explicit objectives, role in ASCP optimized planning, 319–320

Exponential fit forecasting method, role in demand planning, 263

Express receiving, 475. See also Receiving product

Express setups, defining for demand planning, 260


Feedback option, setting for plans, 277

Feeder lines, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 171

FIFO costing method, 708

Final assembly line, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 171

Financial information, handling with Order Management product, 365–366

Financial reporting with Set of Books feature, 37–38

Financials product, 6–7, 12

Finite capacity planning, 314

Firm demands, role in supplier scheduling, 447

Fixed component of lead times, 245

Fixed Days Supply field in General Planning tab, 241

Flexfields, creating for ASCP, 321

Flow lines, 183–184

designing with Graphics Line Designer, 185–187

role in Manufacturing Engineering, 171–172

Flow manufacturing, 9, 16–17, 166, 229, 576–577, 590–593, 642

Flow rate, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 173

Flow routings, 113–115, 614

Flow schedules, 590–592

creating with Line Scheduling Workbench, 592–593

role in manufacturing execution, 571

Flow Workstation module, displaying open schedules with, 636–637

Focus forecasts, 208

Forecast bucket types, 212–213

Forecast consumption, 210–215

Forecast Control field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 242–243

Forecast control item attribute, controlling forecast explosion with, 215–216

Forecast Entries API, 210

Forecast Explosion, 216, 222

Forecast levels, 213, 264

Forecast method, specifying for demand planning, 263–264

Forecast predefined report for demand planning, 272

Forecast sets, 206


role in supply chain planning, 204–205

terminology and structure of, 205–207


adjusting for demand planning, 268–270

calculation and derivation of, 215

creating aggregates of, 215–216

generating from historical information, 207–209

maintaining separately from items, 216

publishing to sources instances for demand planning, 270–271

role in demand planning, 252

role in supplier scheduling, 447

submitting for demand planning, 270

types of, 208

Forms-based requisitions

accessing supplier item catalog for, 421–422

creating requisition headers for, 419

creating tax summaries for, 422

entering, 419–422

entering currency information for, 420

entering details in, 420

finding, 418

numbering, 419

performing funds checks for, 422

setting up preferences for, 418–419

specifying delivery information for, 420

specifying distributions for, 421

specifying items for, 419–420

specifying line types for, 419

specifying processing information for, 421

specifying source details for, 420

types of, 419

Forms-based requisitions. See also Internal requisitions, Requisitions

Formula-based pricing, 769–770

Forward/backward days, role in forecast consumption, 211–212

Freight and special charges, handling with Order Management product, 374

Freight carriers, defining with Shipping product, 650

Freight costs

assignment and modification of, 665

defining with Shipping product, 651

Freight information, recording with Shipping product, 650–651

Freight terms, defining with Order Organizer, 386

Freight Terms field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357–358

FSN (fast moving, slow moving, nonmoving) analysis, 513


Gantt charts

in ASCP Planner Workbench, 336–337

in Scheduler Workbench, 619–620

Gapless numbering, support for, 652

General shipping parameter, 649

Global ATP Server, supporting distributed order promising with, 378–382

Global descriptors, role in catalog creation, 417

Global enterprise, role in enterprise structure, 30–31

Global Order Promising, role in Neptune case study, 811

Global SCP and subset planning, 314

Graphical kanban workbench, 560. See also Kanban entries

Graphical Line Designer, 185–187

Graphical network pane in Graphical Line Designer, 186–187

Gross to net calculation, role in supply chain planning, 202

Growth phase of product lifecycle, 60–61

Growth predefined report for demand planning, 272

GSA (Government Services Administration), setting up pricing for, 357–358, 759


Hard Pegging Level plan option, 280

HAZARDOUS category example, 532

HazMatPick sample strategy, 505–506

Hierarchies, role in demand planning, 252, 255

Histograms, analyzing data with, 742–744

Hold discrete job status, 586


applying automatically with Order Organizer, 392

releasing with Order Organizer, 394

Holistic planning, role in ASCP product, 21–22, 302–304

Holt winters forecasting method, role in demand planning, 264

Horizontal demand, viewing with Order Organizer, 393

Horizontal Material Plan, role in PWB, 288–289

Horizontal Plan tab of right pane in ASCP Planner Workbench, 331–332


Implicit objectives, role in ASCP optimized planning, 319–321

In-transit shipments and material transactions, 489–490

Inbound shipments, managing with Receiving product, 470–476

Include on Shipping Documents ATP attribute for order entry, 355

Indented BOMs, 89–90

Independent demand, 201

Infinite capacity planning, 314

Inputs, defining for demand planning, 260

Inspection, role in receiving process, 470–471

Instances, defining for ASCP, 322

Instances for resources, types of, 102–104

Inter-organization transfers

choosing for inventory organization, 44

performing for material transactions, 489–490

Interactive Definition for WIP scheduling profile, 617

Internal Ordered Item attribute for Order Management product, 351

Internal requisitions, 419, 422–425. See also Forms-based requisitions, Requisitions

inventory setup for, 424–425

item setup for, 424

requisitioner setup for, 424

transacting between organizations, 425

Internet Procurement module. See also Purchasing product

administering catalogs with, 416–418

setting profiles with, 416

shopping from, 414–415

Internet requisitions, managing with Purchasing product, 412–416

Internet Supplier Portal module of Purchasing product, 453–454

Intra-operation steps, role in manufacturing execution, 574

Intraoperation tab on WIP Parameters for, 579

INV: Allow Expense To Asset Transaction profile option, 488


accounting for values in, 688–689

planning, 519–523

Inventory accuracy

maintaining with ABC analysis, 512–514

maintaining with cycle counting, 515–518

Inventory ATP option, setting for MPS plans, 277

Inventory attributes for Order Management product, 352

Inventory cost layers, creating, 710

Inventory information, storing for material transactions, 497–498

Inventory Item attribute for Order Management product, 352

Inventory Lot Transactions form, using with OSFM, 631

Inventory management in Neptune case study, 814–815

Inventory organization in enterprise structure, 39–45

Inventory Parameters tab, selecting options from, 40–42

Inventory product, 12–13

Inventory, role of category sets in, 70–74. See also Physical inventory

Inventory Turns KPI, role in ASCP Planner Workbench, 341

Inventory turns PKI for ASCP PWB, 304

Invoice Enabled attribute for Order Management product, 353

Invoice-price variance cost flow, 696

Invoiceable Item attribute for Order

Management product, 353

Invoicing attributes, 68–69, 353

Invoicing, role in ATO/PTO models, 167

Invoicing Rule attribute for Order Management product, 353

INV: Transaction Date Validation profile option, 488

iPayments system, credit checking for credit card payments with, 377

Item attributes, 65–69

for costing application, 676

for Order Management, 350–353

for purchasing, 465

role in BOM setup, 81–82

role in supply chain planning, 240–246

Item catalogs, 74–76

assigning descriptive elements to, 155

Item controls, setting for inventory organization, 42–43

Item costs, 684–685

structure of, 676–683

viewing, 685–687

Item-defining attributes, 66–67

Item definitions, importing, 76

Item Forecast Workflow seeded workflow process, 342

Item information, entering with Order Organizer, 388–389

Item master organizations, setting, 41, 62

Item masters

identifying, 349–350

role in Inventory product, 13

Item numbers, changing, 63–64

Item relationships, 69–70, 653

Item revisions, 70–71

Item Routings tab in Graphical Line Designer, 185–186

Item shipment information, viewing with Order Organizer, 395

Item sourcing defaults, specifying for inventory organization, 44, 68

Item Status attribute, role in product lifecycle, 61

Item templates

applying, 62–65

for ATO/PTO, 152–157

Item types for ATP behavior, 397

Item Validation Organization Profile option, replacement of, 349–350

Item Whereused tool, using with BOMs, 90


adding to price lists, 759

applying order holds to, 366

assigning pick methodologies to, 546

assigning to categories, 72

associating cost types with, 684

categorizing, 70–74

containers as, 527–528

defining, 62–64

defining with Engineering product, 14–15

deleting, 76

determining for order desks, 348–357

displaying structure of, 89–91

finding for configured orders, 405–406

including in cycle counts, 517

managing in Neptune case study, 801–803

managing serialized type of, 496–497

role in Oracle Applications, 62–65

scheduling, 451

setting up for configurable ATO/PTO models, 153–154

specifying for purchase orders, 444

updating with Order Organizer, 393

Items constraint, 315, 317

Items open interface, 76–77


Jinitiator properties, role in Demand Planning Administrator, 261

Job closures and variance calculations cost flow in average costing, 706–707

Job Completion Separator parameter in OSFM, 627

Job operations, adjusting for discrete jobs, 587

Job packets, role in shop floor control, 603

Job paperwork, role in shop floor control, 602–603

Job travelers, role in shop floor control, 603

Jobs, 582–588

autocreating with CTO, 595

autocreation of, 594

linking to sales orders with AutoCreate Final Assembly Schedules program, 595

overcompleting, 632

purging, 639

rescheduling in Gantt Chart pane of Scheduler Workbench, 620


Kanbans. See also Graphical kanban workbench

determining with MMM, 190

execution of, 561–564

source types for, 553–554

Kanban API, 564

Kanban cards, generation of, 561–562

Kanban materials planning, 551–564

Kanban planning, 235–239, 556–559

Kanban plans, generating and implementing, 238–239

Kanban replenishment, role in Flow Manufacturing product, 16–17

Kanban size

calculating, 556, 559

planning method for, 236

Key Indicators tab of right pane in ASCP Planner Workbench, 330–331

KPI targets, recording of, 783

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for ASCP PWB, 304, 330–331, 341–342


L (labor) resource type, role in operation time calculations, 175

Labeling compliance, 524–527

Labor charge cost flow in average costing, 702–703

Labor imbalances, reducing with MMM, 190

Labor rates, role in WIP product, 581

Labor resource deployment scenarios for line output levels, 182

Labor time, calculating for Manufacturing Engineering, 175–176

Late replenishment for sales order exception in ASCP Planner Workbench, 338

Latest Schedule Limit field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

Launch phase of product lifecycle, 60–61

Layer costing

setting up, 710

updating, 711

value and transaction flow in, 710–711

Lead times

components of, 244–245

specifying for subinventories, 51–52

Left pane of ASCP Planner Workbench, components of, 328–329

Legal Entity feature in Oracle Applications, 12, 37

Level Daily Rate flow scheduling method, 591

LIFO costing method, 708

Line Actions button, functionality of, 392–394

Line capacity, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 173

Line design process of Manufacturing Engineering, 171–173

Line details

for receipts, 474

reviewing with Order Organizer, 392

Line flow rate, monitoring, 193

Line flows for seeded workflows in Order Management product, 362–363

Line information

entering with Order Organizer, 388–396

obtaining for receipts, 474

Line layout, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 171

Line-level restrictions, setting for searching receipts, 473

Line linearity, 193–194

Line operations

balancing with MMM, 187–190

calculating in Manufacturing Engineering, 174

creating with Graphical Line Designer, 186–187

Line output levels in Manufacturing Engineering, scenarios for, 178–183

Line performance, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 193–195

Line processes, balancing with MMM, 187–190

Line quantities, canceling with Order Organizer, 392

Line scheduling process, 591, 593

Line Scheduling Workbench in Flow Manufacturing product, 17, 592–593

Line types

defining with Purchasing product, 459

handling with Order Management product, 364–366

Linear regression forecasting method, role in demand planning, 263

Linearity tab in Flow Workstation feature, 194


copying with Order Organizer, 393

designing for Manufacturing Engineering, 183–190

splitting with Order Organizer, 395

updating with Order Organizer, 401

Linking configured items in Order Management product, 407

Loading sequences, generating with Shipping product, 668

Local descriptors, role in catalog creation, 417

Locations, specifying for Purchasing product, 454

Locator capacity for stocking materials, 56

Locator control, assigning at subinventory level, 49

Locator coordinates for stocking materials, 56–57

Locator dimensions for stocking materials, 56

Locator status and types for stocking materials, 52–53


choosing from Inventory Parameters tab, 41–42

numbering with gaps for stocking materials, 55

role in Inventory product, 12

Lot API, 565

Lot Control attribute for Order Management product, 352

Lot for Lot option for defining ASCP plans, 323

Lot Genealogy, 495–496

Lot quantity, defining with Purchasing product, 457

Lot splits and merges, managing with OSFM, 630

Lot transactions, role in OSFM, 628–631


attributes of, 494

managing, 492–496

merging, 494–495

splitting, 494

LPN controlled zones and subinventories, 50, 530

LPNs (license plate numbers)

creating with Shipping product, 666

role in container management, 529–530

role in shipping product, 662–664

LWT (Labor Weighted Time), calculation with MMM, 188


M (machine) resource type, role in operation time calculations, 175

Machine imbalances, reducing with MMM, 190

Machine resources, instances of, 102–104

Machines, data model for, 116–117

Main attribute group for items, 68

Main item attribute for Order Management product, 350

Main tab in Order Organizer, 384–385

Mainline with Sidetrips Sequence for stocking materials, 54–55

Maintain/decline phase of product lifecycle, 61

Make At sourcing option for modeling supply chains, 307

Make or Buy field in General Planning tab, 240–241

Management by exception, role in ABC analysis, 514

Managing Change Orders purchasing workflow, 463


data model for, 116–117

instances of resources for, 102

Manual picking, role in order fulfillment process, 550


role in ATO stocking strategy, 165–166

transferring engineering products to, 123–126

Manufacturing and supply chain planning, 6, 19–20

Manufacturing engineering

functionality of, 170–171

role in Neptune case study, 805–806

Manufacturing execution

information flow of, 570–572

material requirements for, 572–573

in Neptune case study, 816

overview of, 570–577

role of autocharging in, 572

role of backflushing in, 571

role of completion transactions in, 631–637

role of move transactions in, 572

role of operation completion in, 575

role of outside processing in, 572

role of production methods in, 576–577

role of scheduling in, 573–575

role of shop floor control in, 602

role of Work Order-less Completion transactions in, 571–572

Manufacturing Intelligence module of BIS, 790–793

Manufacturing issue transactions, role in container transactions, 535–536

Manufacturing items versus engineering items, 122

Manufacturing plants, enabling features for, 46–47

Manufacturing processes, 8–9

Manufacturing scheduling, 16

configuring, 615–617

execution options for, 617–618

scheduling exceptions for, 620–621

Margin Delivery KPI, role in ASCP Planner Workbench, 341

Margin percentage PKI for ASCP PWB, 304

Margin PKI for ASCP PWB, 305

Market orientation versus stocking strategies, 146

Marketing BOMs, defining for Order Management product, 354

Master items versus organization items, 62

Master Schedule Detail Reports, 220

Master schedule loads, process of, 218–219

Master schedules, 217

populating with Open Master Schedule interface, 219–220

reviewing, 220

two-level type of, 221–223

Master Scheduling/MRP product, 20–21

Matching and receiving tolerances, setting for price breaks, 445

Matching attributes, setting up for Release Management product, 372

Matching logic for ATO/PTO configuration numbering, 151

Material and Resource Capacity Workflow seeded workflow process, 342

Material control, basics of, 596

Material control component information, role in supply chain planning, 246–247

Material discrepancies in zones, managing, 486–488

Material handling tasks in warehouses, overview of, 482

Material overhead charge cost flow in average costing, 704–705

Material overhead defaults for costs, 682

Material requirements

changing for discrete jobs, 587

for manufacturing execution, 572–573

for material control, 596–597

Material Reservation API, 565

Material Scheduling Method plan option, 280

Material status control, 486–488

Material sub-elements for costs, 679

Material transaction distributions, searching for, 691

Material transactions, 484–493

and direct shipments, 489

executing, 488–490

executing subinventory transfers for, 488

and in-transit shipments, 489–490

and inter-organization transfers, 489–490

and miscellaneous transfers, 488

and move orders, 490–492

and movement statistics, 492

and pick wave move orders, 490

and replenishment move orders, 491

role of consigned inventory in, 500

role of cost groups on, 485–486

role of on-hand balances in, 497

role of pick releasing WIP requirements in, 491

role of quantity trees in, 497

role of reservations in, 499

rules logical data model for, 509–512

Standalone Rules framework for, 509, 512

and subinventory transfer move orders, 490

transaction reasons and corrective actions for, 485

using Where Used forms with, 508–509

Material-usage variance cost flow, 697–698

Material Workbench module, 492–493

Materials and services, procuring for customer demand, 5

Maturity phase of product lifecycle, 61

MDS (Master Demand Schedule), 217–218

Measures, role in demand planning, 252

Memory-based Planner and Snapshot programs, 297

Message actions, defining with Quality product, 725–726

Message instances, displaying in ASCP Planner Workbench, 333–334

Methods, data model for, 116–117

Min-Max inventory planning, 519–521

Miscellaneous Transaction Account parameter in OSFM, 627

Miscellaneous transactions, performing for material transactions, 489

Mixed Model flow scheduling method, 591

Mixed Model Map, role in Flow Manufacturing product, 16

MMM (Mixed Model Map), functionality of, 187–190

MO (Multi-Org) feature, 34–35

MO: Operating Unit, advisory about, 151

Mobile Quality Applications, 739

Mobile Ul, role in kanban execution, 564

Model and option order lines, relationships between, 354–356

Model bills, role in Bills of Material product, 14

Model BOM item type, 82

Modifier lists, main tables for, 776

Modifier subjects, defining with Pricing product, 765


displaying summary information for, 762

role in Pricing product, 760, 762–770

Money, role in purchasing products and services, 5

MO: Operating Unit profile, 38

MO: Top Reporting Level option, 37

Move-efficiency variance cost flow, 698–699

Move Lot Based Jobs form, using with OSFM, 629–630

Move Order API, 565

Move orders

and material transactions, 490–492, 491–492

role in Shipping product, 656

Move Transaction interface, role in shop floor control, 607–608

Move Transaction tab on WIP Parameters for, 579

Move transactions

completing jobs or schedules with, 633

role in manufacturing execution, 572

role in shop floor control, 603–605

Movement statistics and material transactions, 492

MPS items versus MRP items, 279

MPS (Master Production Schedule), 217–218, 225

MPS plans, 276

MRCMON (Snapshot Monitor) program, 297

MRCNEW (Memory-Based Planner) program, 297

MRCNSP (Memory-based Snapshot) program, 296–297

MRCSDW (Snapshot Delete Worker) program, 297

MRCSLD (Loader Worker) program, 297

MRP items versus MPS items, 279

MRP (Material Requirements Planning), 19

MRP/MPS Planning Attributes, 242–243

MRP Net quantity option, choosing for discrete jobs, 584

MRP plans, 276

generating, 281–282

reviewing, 282

MRP profiles, role in supply chain planning, 240

MRP_FORECAST_INTERFACE table, role in Open Forecast Interface, 209

MRP_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table, role in Open Master Schedule interface, 219–220

MRP_SNAPSHOT_TASKS table, role in interprocess communication, 298

MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table, contents of, 536

MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE table, contents of, 483

MTL_UOM_CONVERSIONS table, contents of, 483

MTO (Make-to-Order) stocking strategy, 10

MTS (Make-to-Stock) stocking strategy, 11

Multilevel BOMs, 89–90

Multiorganization planning enhancement to ASCP, 302

Mutually Exclusive Options attribute for order entry, 355

MWT (Machine Weighted Time), calculation with MMM, 188


Naming conventions for workflow design, 364

Navigator of ASCP Planner Workbench, components of, 328–329

Neptune case study

ASCP activities in, 810

cost management in, 818–819

demand planning in, 807–808

design engineering in, 804–805

enterprise structure of, 800–801

executing supply chains in, 810–814

handling order management in, 810–811

inbound logistics of, 812–814

inventory and warehouse management in, 814–815

managing items, bills, and routings in, 801–803

manufacturing engineering in, 805–806

manufacturing execution in, 816

outbound logistics in, 817

price management in, 819–820

quality management in, 819

role of BIS in, 820

supply base and procurement management in, 811–812

supply chain planning in, 807–810

Net change planning, 292–296

Net Purchases plan option, 279

Net Reservations plan option, 279–280

Net resource availability, role in running ASCP collections, 326

Net WIP plan option, 279

Network connections, defining with Graphical Line Designer, 186–187

Network routings, functionality of, 115–116

New Lot Separator parameter in OSFM, 626

New Product Introductions, defining for demand planning, 257

No Level Load flow scheduling method, 591

None value for forecast control, 216


reviewing with Purchasing product, 415

sending with Order Organizer, 393

NP division of Neptune case study, 800–801

NSJ (non-standard jobs) versus standard jobs, 588

Null buckets, role in Pricing product, 765

Number of cards planning method, 236

Numbering options for documents, defining with Purchasing product, 458


Object Navigator, accessing for pegged supply and demand in PWB, 285

Objectives, enabling with ASCP, 320

Objects in OWM, assigning strategies for, 507

ODP (Oracle Demand Planning). See Demand planning

Ol (open interfaces) for importing data, 564–565

OM (Order Management) product, result of entering orders in, 151

OMS (operation method sheets), role in Flow Workstation module, 636

On-hand balances, role in material transactions, 497

On-time delivery PKI for ASCP PWB, 304

Online pick release, role in Shipping product, 654–655

Online quality control, implementing with precontrol charts, 748–749

Online simulations, performing, 294–295

Ontime Delivery KPI, role in ASCP Planner Workbench, 341

Open Forecast Interface, 209

Open item interfaces, 76–77

Open Master Schedule interface, 219–220

Operating system script alert actions, defining with Quality product, 729–730

Operating Units, role in enterprise structure modeling, 31–32

Operation completion, role in manufacturing execution, 575

Operation Pull WIP supply type, role in material control, 597, 600

Operation resources, defining for routing operations, 110–112

Operation seq component information, role in supply chain planning, 246

Operation sequence inheritance for ATO/PTO models, 155–156

Operation times, calculating for Manufacturing Engineering, 175–176

Operational method sheets, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 191–192


adding to discrete jobs, 587

enterprise structure of, 38–39

rescheduling in Gantt Chart pane of Scheduler Workbench, 620

role in scheduling for manufacturing execution, 574

specifying for routings, 108–110

Opportunistic cross-docking, 542

Optimization tab in ASCP, 324

Optimized planning, performing with ASCP, 318–321

Optimized plans, creation with ASCP, 303

Option bills, role in Bills of Material product, 14

Option Class BOM item type, 82

Oracle Applications

BG feature in, 37

buying catalog content from, 417–418

enterprise structure modeling in, 30–34

Legal Entity feature in, 37

modules, 5–8

Organizations feature in, 35–36

role of items in, 62–65

Security Group feature in, 36–37

Set of Books feature in, 37

Oracle ASCP (Advanced Supply Chain Planning). See ASCP (Advanced Supply Chain Planning) product

Oracle Bills of Material product. See BOM entries

Oracle Configurator product. See Configurator product

Oracle Cost Management product, 17–18. See Cost Management product

Oracle Demand Planning. See Demand Planning, 20

Oracle E-Business Suite, 5–8

Oracle Engineering product. See Engineering product

Oracle Exchange products. See Exchange products

Oracle Express system parameters, defining with Demand Planning Administrator, 261

Oracle Financial applications and Oracle Inventory product, 12

Oracle Financials product. See Financials product

Oracle Flow Manufacturing product. See Flow manufacturing

Oracle Inventory product. See Inventory entries

Oracle Management product

assigning sales credits with, 378

setting up credit policies with, 376–377

Oracle Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Applications. See Manufacturing and supply chain planning

Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling product. See Manufacturing scheduling product

Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP product. See Master Scheduling/MRP product

Oracle Order Management product. See OM (Order Management) product

Oracle Order Management product. See Order Management product

Oracle Portal and PHP, 780–782

Oracle Pricing product. See Pricing product

Oracle Product Development Exchange product. See Product Development Exchange product.

Oracle Purchasing product. See Purchasing product

Oracle Quality product. See Quality product

Oracle Release Management product. See Release Management product

Oracle Shipping product. See Shipping product

Oracle Supplier Scheduling product. See Supplier Scheduling product

Oracle Supply Chain Exchange product. See Supply Chain Exchange product

Oracle Warehouse Management product. See Warehouse Management product

Oracle WMS, 24–25

Oracle Work in Process product. See WIP product

Order desks, determining items for, 348–357

Order documents, setting up standard content for, 370–372

Order entry, speeding with defaulting rules, 367–369

Order exceptions

reviewing in PWB, 284

viewing with Order Organizer, 395

Order flows, 348–349

Order fulfillment process, 543–550

Order header flows for seeded workflows in Order Management product, 362

Order header information, entering with Order Organizer, 383–388

Order holds, handling with Order Management product, 366–367

Order information, obtaining for receipts, 474

Order lines

determining availability dates for, 398

prioritizing with release sequence rules, 650

Order management APIs, 408–409

Order management, handling in Neptune case study, 810–811

Order Management product, 22, 350

changing orders for configured items with, 406–407

configuring sources of supply and demand with, 380–382

customer profiles in, 360

defining configuration rules for, 356–357

defining customers sold to, 357–360

defining marketing BOMs with, 354

delinking and linking configured items in, 407

e-commerce capability of, 407–409

entering configured orders with, 405

entering orders using other items numbers with, 356

handling document sequences with, 364

handling drop shipments with, 404–405

handling freight and special charges with, 374

handling line types with, 364–366

handling order holds with, 366–367

handling order numbering with, 364

handling order types with, 364–366

handling processing constraints with, 369–370

handling special order flows with, 404–409

handling taxation with, 374–376

invoicing orders with, 401–402

item attributes for, 350–353

managing decimal quantities with, 353

managing seeded workflows with, 362–363

managing workflows with, 360–364

Order Organizer component of, 382–396

processing outbound orders with, 360–370

processing returns and requests for credit with, 402–404

processing returns with, 402–404

relationship between model and option order lines in, 354–356

setting up standard content for order documents with, 370–372

speeding order entry with, 367–369

using attachments with, 370–372

Order management rules, role in Release Management product, 373

Order modifiers

specifying for ASLs, 434–435

treatment in repetitive planning, 232–233

Order numbering, handling with Order Management product, 364

Order Organizer component of Order Management product

entering and managing orders with, 382–396

updating orders and lines with, 401

Order picking methodology, role in order fulfillment process, 544

Order process in Workflow Builder, 360–361

Order promising, 378–382

Order sources, specifying with Order Organizer, 386

Order to Cash Portal components, 787–788

Order Type field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357–358

Order types

handling with Order Management product, 364–366

setting up with Order Organizer, 385

Order workflows, managing with Order Management product, 360–364

Orders. See also Special order flows

canceling with Shipping product, 656

entering using other item numbers, 356

invoicing with Order Management product, 401–402

managing availability and delivery of, 396–400

scheduling, 398–400

updating with Order Organizer, 401

Orders for configured items, changing with Order Management product, 406–407

Organization cost groups, 713

Organization items versus master items, 62

Organization Parameters window, setting options in, 40–45


enabling for average costing, 702

locating, 35

restricting access to, 45

storage of definitions for, 35

structure of, 47–58

Organizations feature in Oracle Applications, 35–36

Organizations tab in ASCP, 324–325

OrgPickStrategy sample strategy, 507

OSFM costing, 643

OSFM (Oracle Shop Floor Management) system

configuring, 626–627

lot sector extensions in, 627

overview of, 625–626

profile options for, 627

role of lot transactions in, 628–631

using Standard Operation Detail form with, 627

OSP execution, 611–612

OSP information, obtaining for receipts, 474

OSP (Outside Processing)

role in manufacturing execution, 572

role in shop floor control, 609–612

OSP resources, characteristics of, 610

Other item discount, defining for pricing, 768

OU (Operating Unit), role in enterprise structure, 38

Outbound logistics in Neptune case study, 817

Outbound orders, processing with Order Management product, 360–370

Outlier update percent, role in forecast consumption, 213

Output variables, defining with Quality product, 731

Outside processing, role in resource management, 579, 625

Over Return Tolerance attribute for Order Management product, 351, 357, 359

Over Shipment Tolerance attribute for Order Management product, 351

Overhead charge cost flow in average costing, 704

Overhead rates, entering for departments, 105

Overheads, defining costs for, 681–682

Overshipment Invoice Base field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

Overwrite option

for plans, 278

role in controlling plan generation, 281–282

using with forecasts, 209

using with master schedule loads, 218–219

OWA (Oracle Web Agent) Virtual Path, role in demand planning, 260

OWM (Oracle Warehouse Management)

receiving and putaway in, 539–543

rules framework in, 500–509

Owned resources, indicating for departments, 105


Packing activities, managing with Shipping product, 666–667

Packing consolidation and splitting, role in container transactions, 534–535

Pareto charts, analyzing data with, 739–740

Payment Terms attribute for Order Management product, 353

Payment terms, choosing with Order Organizer, 385, 389

Pegged supply and demand, role in PWB, 285–286

Pegging field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 242–243

Pegging plan option, 280

Percent field in General Planning tab, 241–242

Performance Management with ASCP, 341–342

Period close, preparing for, 715–716

Periodic average costs, 713

Periodic costing, 711–715

procedures for, 714–715

reporting on, 715

setup for, 714

Periodic incremental LIFO costing, 713–714

Periods, defining with Purchasing product, 459–460

Phantom assemblies, 83, 601–602

Phantom WIP supply type, role in material control, 597

PHP (Personal Home Page) and Oracle Portal, 780–782

Physical attributes for Order Management product, 353

Physical inventory, 518. See also Inventory entries

Pick Components attribute for Order Management product, 351

Pick Confirm API, 565

Pick execution, role in order fulfillment process, 548–550

Pick methodologies, role in order fulfillment process, 543–546

Pick Release API, 565

Pick release groups and cartonization, 532

Pick Release shipping parameter, 649

Pick releases

launching with Shipping product, 665

role in ATO/PTO stocking strategies, 166–167

role in Shipping product, 654–656

Pick releasing WIP requirements, role and materials transactions, 491

Pick sequences, unifying for stocking materials, 55

Pick slip grouping rules, role in Shipping product, 650

Pick tasks, staging lane assignment for, 547

Pick UOM for stocking materials, 56

Pick wave move orders

and material transactions, 490

role in Shipping product, 656

Pick waves, assigning pick methodologies to, 546

Picking, 550

Picking Defaults for inventory organization, 43

Picking orders

for stocking materials, 53–55

and subinventories, 50

Picking Rule attribute for Order Management product, 352

Picking UOM and subinventories, 50–51

Plan Capacity plan option, 280

Plan generation, controlling, 281–282

Plan names, defining, 277–281

Plan Safety Stock plan option, 280

Planned Items plan option, 280

Planned orders, firming with PWB, 288

Planned Resources, and Bottleneck Resource Group options for defining ASCP plans, 323

Planned Utilization KPI, role in ASCP Planner Workbench, 341

Planner field in General Planning tab, 240–241


constraint-based type of, 314–318

optimizing, 318–321

Planning bills, role in Bills of Material product, 14

Planning BOM item type, 82

Planning constraints, setting for ASLs, 434–435

Planning controls, implementing, 233

Planning Data Pull program, role in running ASCP collections, 326–327

Planning exceptions, reviewing in PWB, 283–284

Planning flexfields, creating for ASCP, 321

Planning information, displaying in PWB, 283

Planning Manager program, role in supply chain planning, 247, 254

Planning Method field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 242–243

Planning Parameters form, 239–240

Planning percent component information, role in supply chain planning, 246

Planning process, technical overview of, 296–299

Planning recommendation, implementing with PWB, 286–288

Planning server, pulling information from, 267–268

Planning Time Fence Control plan option, 279

Plans. See also ASCP plans

copying for simulations, 293

defining options for, 278–281

displaying bucketed view of, 288–289

purging, 277

types of, 276–277

PLC (product lifecycle), phases of, 60–61

PMF (Performance Management Framework), 780, 783

PMV (Performance Management Viewer), 780

PO Move resources, advisory about, 611–612


Polynomial regression forecasting method, role in demand planning, 263

Portals, role in Supply Chain Intelligence module of BIS, 787


in Demand to Build portal, 790–793

in Order to Cash portal, 787–788

in Procure to Pay portal, 793–798

Post-deduct. See Backflushing

Postprocessing component of lead times, 245

Precontrol charts, analyzing data with, 748–749

Predefined reports, managing with Demand Planning Administrator, 261–262

Preprocessing component of lead times, 244

Price adjustments, viewing with Order Organizer, 395

Price breaks

defining for blanket agreements, 445

defining for RFQs, 428

defining with Pricing product, 765

Price List field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357–358

Price list lines, types of, 757

Price lists, 757–760

adding items to, 759

administering, 758–759

main tables for, 776

Price qualifiers, setting up, 759–760

Price references, specifying for purchase orders, 444

Price tolerance, defining with Purchasing product, 457


formula-based type of, 769–770

managing in Neptune case study, 819–820

setting up for GSA (Government Services Administration), 759

Pricing agreements, 770

Pricing attributes, 758, 765

setting up, 773–774

Pricing concepts, 756

Pricing contexts, setting up, 773–774

Pricing exclusions, defining with Pricing product, 765

Pricing flow, overview of, 770–772

Pricing information, entering with Order Organizer, 389

Pricing product, 22–23

combining discounts with, 763–764

defining discounts with, 766

defining subject of modifiers with, 765

extending, 772–774

Pricing selected items with Order Organizer, 393

Primary routings, switching from alternate routings, 112–113

Primary UOM (Unit of Measure), 68

Priority codes, assigning for ASCP, 307

Process capability studies, role in Quality product, 750–753

Process layout, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 170


building quality into, 192

creating with Graphical Line Designer, 186–187

Processing component of lead times, 245

Processing constraints, handling with Order Management product, 369–370

Processing rules, setting up for Release Management product, 372–373

Procure to Pay portal, 793–798

Procurement home page, shopping from, 414–415

Procurement Process Flows purchasing workflow, 464

Product catalogs. See Catalogs

Product Development Exchange product, 7

Product families

versus Bills of Material product, 14

creating, 91–93

identification of, 172

Product Family BOM item type, 82

Product layout, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 170

Product synchronization, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 171

Production activity, monitoring with WIP product, 15–16

Production line design, simulating and evaluating with Flow Manufacturing product, 16

Production methods, role in manufacturing execution, 576–577

Production option, setting for plans, 277

Production relief, 221

Production schedules, defining, 588–596

Products and services, distinguishing between, 69

Products, engineering, 9

Profile classes in Order Management product, 360

Profile options

and BOM parameters for ATO/PTO, 149–152

setting for order promising, 382

for WIP product, 581–582

Profiles, setting for Internet Procurement module, 416

Profit and loss accounts, choosing for inventory organizations, 44

Project information, capturing with Order Organizer, 392

Project Workflow seeded workflow process, 342

Projects, charging for distributions, 445

Promotion codes, recording with Order Organizer, 394

Promotional goods, defining for pricing, 768

Promotional upgrades, defining for pricing, 767–768

Prototypes, developing, 122–126

PTO/ATO activities in Neptune case study, 805

PTO/ATO items, setup for standard type of, 157

PTO/ATO models

business process, 148–158

entering sales orders in, 159

forecasting and master scheduling of, 158–159

item templates for, 152–157

managing configuration items with, 160–165

managing ongoing activities in, 158–167

role of invoicing in, 167

scenarios for, 146–148

setup for configurable type of, 153–157

PTO (Pick-to-Order) stocking strategy, 11, 146, 167

Public pricing APIs, 774–775

Pull sequences, role in kanban materials planning, 553–556

Purchasable control, functionality of, 246

Purchase orders

annotating, 444

approval cycle of, 439

automatic creation of, 463

copying, 440–441

creating for drop shipments, 405

entering and maintaining, 442–446

entering and viewing acceptances of, 440

establishing notification conditions for, 440

features of, 439–441

finding, 441–442

header information in, 442–444

line information for, 444–445

management of revision control and change history for, 440

managing validation and approval process for, 442

printing, 440

refining terms agreed to, 445

requesting shipment schedules for, 440

specifying payment terms for, 443

structure of, 437–439

Purchase-price variance cost flow, 696

Purchase requisitions, 419

Purchasing documents, adding notes to, 455–456

Purchasing Intelligence module of BIS, 793–798

Purchasing item attributes, 465

Purchasing options, setting, 456–458

Purchasing periods, statuses for, 460

Purchasing product, 25. See also Internet Procurement module

adding and reviewing attachments in, 455–456

AutoCreate module of, 435–437

configuring, 454–465

creating document subtypes with, 459

creating document workflow functions with, 466–467

creating quotations with, 428–429

defining line types with, 459

defining periods with, 459–460

defining RFQs with, 427–428

defining sourcing rules with, 431–432

defining suppliers for sourcing with, 429–431

displaying approved requisitions and

purchase orders with, 416

finding requisition status with, 415

identifying suppliers with, 425

Internet Procurement module, 412–418

Internet Supplier Portal module, 453–454

managing cumulative quantities with, 451–452

managing Internet requisitions with, 412–416

managing sourcing with, 429–435

managing supplier status with, 431

overview of, 412–413

recording received items with, 415–416

reviewing notifications with, 415

role of assignment sets in, 432–433

setting up locations for, 454

sourcing flow in, 429–430

specifying allocation percentages with, 432

specifying approval groups and assignments for, 454–455

specifying approved supplier lists with, 433–435

specifying buyers in, 454

Purchasing, role in enterprise structure, 30–31

Purchasing workflows, 460–465

Push WIP supply type, role in material control, 597–598

Putaway in OWM, 539–543

PWB (Planner Workbench), 282–292

role in repetitive schedule implementation, 234


QA_ACTIONS table, contents of, 732

QA_CHARS table, contents of, 724

QA_PLAN_COLLECTION_TRIGGERS table, contents of, 737

QA_PLAN_TRANSACTIONS table contents of, 737

QA_RESULTS table, contents of, 739

QA_RESULTS_UPDATE_HISTORY table, contents of, 739

QA_SPEC_CHARS table, contents of, 733

QA_SPECS table, contents of, 733

QP: Item Validation Organization, advisory about, 151

Qualifier attributes, evaluating for Pricing product, 760–761

Qualifier groups, choosing for Pricing product, 760

Qualifiers for pricing, setting up, 773

Quality actions, 724–727

Quality management in Neptune case study, 819

Quality product, 18

associating output variables with actions in, 730–732

basis of, 720

collecting data with, 737–739

collection-element types for, 720–721

data analysis tools in, 739–749

defining collection-element actions with, 727–728

defining collection-element alert actions with, 729–730

defining collection-element specification limits with, 724

defining collection elements for, 721–723

defining output variables with, 731

launching workflow actions with, 730

reserved words in, 722

role of collection-element values in, 723–724

role of collection plans in, 734–737

role of specifications in, 732–734

user-defined formulas and Assign a Value actions in, 735–736

using SQL validation statement with, 722

Quantity function, role in OWM rules framework, 501

Quantity trees, role in material transactions, 498–499

Query Manager, using with Shipping product, 656–659

Queue intra-operation step in manufacturing execution, 574

Quota predefined report for demand planning, 272

Quotations, creating with Purchasing product, 428–429


Ranking predefined report for demand planning, 272

RCCP (Rough Cut Capacity Planning), 223–227

Receipt close, defining with Purchasing

product, 457

Receipt headers, functionality of, 473

Receipt lines, functionality of, 473–474

Receipt Notification Requests purchasing workflow, 464

Receipt routing, 470


creating with OWM, 540–541

finding expected type of, 472–473

finding for transactions, 476

inspecting, 476

recording for drop shipments, 405

unordered type of, 475–476

Receipts form, invoking and navigating, 471–472

Receivables, handling with Order Management product, 365–366

Received items, recording with Purchasing product, 415–416

Receiving controls, reviewing for price breaks, 445

Receiving in OWM, 539–543

Receiving options, 478

Receiving parameters, setting for distribution centers, 45

Receiving process, overview of, 470–471

Receiving product. See also Express receiving

checking delivery of receipts with, 476–477

inspecting receipts with, 476

managing inbound shipments with, 470–476

managing receiving transactions with, 476–477

managing returns to vendor with, 477

managing shipments with, 478

Receiving transactions

correcting, 477

managing with Receiving product, 476–477

reviewing, 477–478

Reduce MPS field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243–244

Reference designators, creating for BOMs, 86

Reference documents, accessing for purchase orders, 444

Reference information collection-element type for Quality product, 721

Reject step in manufacturing execution, 575

Release creation, automating, 463

Release information, obtaining with Order Organizer, 392

Release label for orders in PWB, 287

Release Management product, 23–24, 372–374

Release rules, role in Shipping product, 649–650

Release schedules, viewing with Order Organizer, 394

Release sequence rules, role in Shipping product, 650

Released discrete job status, 586

Relief option, setting for MPS plans, 277

Relief, types of, 221

Repetitive manufacturing, 8, 576

Repetitive Planning Attributes field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243

Repetitive plans

building stability into, 233

configuring, 235

Repetitive schedules

allocation and implementation of, 234–235

completing, 633–634

creating, 589

statuses of, 590

updating, 590

use, 588

Repetitive tab on WIP Parameters for, 579

Repetitive versus discrete planning logic, 228–235

Replenishment counting, 522–523

Replenishment move orders and material transactions, 491

Replenishment, signaling for kanban execution, 562–564

Request Date Type field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

Required for Revenue attribute for order entry, 356

Requisition cancellation, defining with Purchasing product, 457

Requisition Creation Time parameter, functionality of, 611

Requisition pool, creating target documents from, 435–437

Requisition status, finding with Purchasing product, 415

Requisition templates, functionality of, 458

Requisitions. See also Forms-based requisitions, Internal requisitions

creation in OSP, 611

defining for orders, 445

importing, 465–466

managing with Purchasing product, 25, 412–416

Reschedules exception, managing with ASCP Planner Workbench, 338

Rescheduling Workflow seeded workflow process, 342

Reservation Control attribute for Order Management product, 352

Reservation Level plan option, 280


role in material transactions, 499

versus scheduling orders, 400

Reservations Manager API, 565

Resource definitions, analyzing modifications made to, 104

Resource-efficiency variance cost flow, 699–700

Resource instances, types of, 102–104

Resource management, 621–625

role of outside processing in, 625

role of Resource Transaction interface in, 624–625

role of resource transactions in, 622–624

Resource message generation in PWB, 284

Resource Offset % option for routings, 111

Resource recommendations, generating with MMM, 188–190

Resource requirements

changing for discrete jobs, 587

role in manufacturing execution, 574

Resource sequence relationship example, 193

Resource Transaction interface, role in resource management, 624–625

Resource transactions

importing, 622–624

role in resource management, 622–624

Resource units available in shifts, increasing and decreasing, 107

Resource utilization PKI for ASCP PWB, 304

Resources, 100–102

assigning for departments, 105

auto-charging of, 621–622

charging, 622–624

defining costs for, 681

defining direct costs associated with, 101

explanation of, 100

including and excluding for operations and routings, 111

in operation time calculations, 175

rescheduling in Gantt Chart pane of Scheduler Workbench, 620

role in manufacturing and distribution environment, 80

Resources constraint, 316–317

Restrictions, role in OWM rules framework, 501

Return information, specifying with Order Organizer, 391

Return order flows, setting up with Order Management product, 402–404

Returnable attribute for Order Management product, 351


managing with Receiving product, 477

processing with Order Management product, 402–404

role in material control, 598–599

Revaluation variance cost flow, 700–701

Review predefined report for demand planning, 272

Revision Control attribute for Order Management product, 352

Rework production, role in shop floor control, 612–614

RFQ lines, 428

RFQs (requests for quotations)

creating with Autocreate module of Purchasing product, 435

defining items as, 427–428

defining price breaks for, 428

status of, 427

types of, 427

Right pane of ASCP Planner Workbench, components of, 329–334

Risk factors, role in credit checking, 377

RMA Inspection Status attribute for Order Management product, 351

RMAs, creating, 402–404

Rolling up standard costs, 693–694

Rollup costs, options for, 678–680

ROP (Reorder Point) inventory planning, 521–522

Round Order Quantities field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243

Routing business object API, 118–119

Routing, defining for phantom assemblies, 83

Routing details, viewing with Graphical Line Designer, 186

Routing networks, specifying, 114

Routing operations, defining operation resources for, 110–112


autocreation of, 595

copying, 87

creating, 108

defining revisions for, 108

defining standard operations for, 108–109

defining with Engineering product, 14–15

for engineering, 123

managing in Neptune case study, 801–803

performing cost rollups for, 113

setup for ATO/PTO models, 155–156

setup for standard ATO/PTO items, 158

storage of information about, 112

switching between types of, 112–113

Routings constraint, 317–318

Rule types, role in OWM rules framework, 501


role in OWM rules framework, 501–503

in Shipping product, 649–650

Rules for suggestions in OWM, finding, 506

Rules logical data model for material transactions, 509–512

Rules of eligibility, setting up for Pricing product, 759–760

Run step in manufacturing execution, 574


Safety Stock Method field in General Planning tab, 241–242

Safety Stock, role in ROP, 521

Sales Account attribute for Order Management product, 353

Sales credits

allocating with Order Organizer, 395

assigning with Oracle Management product, 378

Sales Order API, 565

Sales Order Organizer form, 383

Sales order release and cartonization process, 532–533

Sales Order Workflow seeded workflow process, 342

Sales orders

booking with Order Organizer, 396

entering with Order Organizer, 383–396

managing with ATO/PTO, 160–162

Salespeople, compensating, 378

Scenario properties, setting for demand planning, 263–265


in ASCP Planner Workbench, 337–338

role in demand planning, 252, 260

for simulations, 294

Schedule plan option, 278

Schedule relief, 221

Scheduled options, defining for supplier scheduling, 447–449

Scheduler Workbench, role in manufacturing scheduling, 618–621


purging, 639

treatment in repetitive planning, 232


exceptions for manufacturing scheduling, 620–621

fulfillment of customer requests, 398–400

role in manufacturing execution, 573–575

Scheduling Profile option for WIP, 617

Scheduling tab on WIP Parameters for, 580

Schemas, role in catalog creation with Internet Procurement module, 416

SCP (Supply Chain Planning) versus ASCP, 302, 307

Scrap charge cost flow in average costing, 705

Scrap step in manufacturing execution, 574

Search criteria in Query Manager, 657–659

Sectors, role in OSFM, 625

Security Group feature in Oracle Applications, 31, 36–37

Security groups, role in enterprise structure modeling, 33

Security profiles, role in business views for Discoverer EUL, 785

Seeded rules, copying in OWM, 503

Seeded workflow processes, 342, 362–363

Segment numbers in pricing qualifiers, advisory about, 773

Serial attributes, role in material transactions, 496–497

Serial Genealogy, 497

Serial Number Control attribute for Order Management product, 352

Serialized items, managing, 496–497

Serpentine Picking Sequence for stocking materials, 54

Service attribute group for items, 69

Service information, specifying with Order Organizer, 391

Serviceable items, updating with Order Organizer, 393

Services and materials, procuring for customers, 5

Set of Books feature in Oracle Applications, 31, 37

Shift and calendar information, copying, 98–99


assigning for departments, 106–107

increasing and decreasing resource units available in, 107

specifying with Workday Calendar, 97–98

Ship Confirm option in Shipping product, 669–670

Ship Model Complete attribute for Order Management product, 352

Ship Partial field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357–358

Ship Sets field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

Shipment and delivery rules, role in Release Management product, 373–374

Shipment information, obtaining for receipts, 474

Shipment relief, 221

Shipments, managing with Receiving product, 478

Shippable Item attribute for Order Management product, 352

Shipping actions, 664–670

Shipping entities, 660–664

Shipping entries, searching with Query Manager, 656–647

Shipping exceptions, defining, 653

Shipping execution, documenting, 651–652

Shipping information

handling with Order Management product, 365

specifying with Order Organizer, 390

Shipping networks, defining information for, 47

Shipping parameters, setting for distribution centers, 46

Shipping process

overview of, 646–648

updating, 668

Shipping product, 24

assigning transportation calendars with, 652–653

calculating weight and volume with, 667

configuring, 649–656

defining containers and item relationships with, 653

generating loading sequences with, 668

integration of UPS with, 670

overview of, 646–648

printing document sets with, 668

recording freight information with, 650–651

role of pick releases in, 654–656

role of Pick Wave Move orders in, 656

using Data Manager with, 659–660

using Query Manager with, 656–659

Shipping Transaction shipping parameter, 649

Shipping Transactions form

functionality of, 656

releasing sales order lines with, 655

Shop floor control

role in manufacturing execution, 602

role of assembly scrap in, 615

role of Discrete Workstation in, 605–607

role of dispatch reports and job paperwork in, 602–603

role of Move Transaction interface in, 607–608

role of move transactions in, 603–605

role of outside processing in, 609–612

role of rework production in, 612–614

Shop floor jobs, viewing with Scheduler Workbench, 618–621

Shop Floor Statuses, role in WIP product, 580

Shop floor statuses, use of, 608


from Internet Procurement page, 414–415

from supplier sites, 415

Shrinkage Rate field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243

Simulated scenarios, comparing, 296, 340

Simulation modes, 294

Simulation Set plan option, 280


managing with ASCP Planner Workbench, 338–340

performing for supply, demand, and capacity, 292–296

Single exponential smoothing forecasting method, role in demand planning, 263

Snapshot Lock Tables plan option, 279


role in manufacturing execution, 572–573

role in planning process, 281

Software systems

integrating with ECO business object API, 139–142

integrating with Routing business object API, 118–119

Sort criteria, role in OWM rules framework, 501–502

Sortation process, role in bulk picking, 545

Source documents, role in ASLs, 434

Source lists, usage with forecasts, master schedules, or plans, 219

Sourcing and assignment APIs, 314

Sourcing flow in Purchasing product, 429–430


managing with Purchasing product, 429–435

specifying for subinventories, 51–52

Sourcing rules

applying to assignment sets in Purchasing product, 432

assigning in assignment sets, 311–312

defining with Purchasing product, 431–432

role in modeling supply chains with ASCP, 305–306, 308, 310

for supply and demand, 380–381

SPC (Statistical Process Control), 748–750

Special charges and freight, handling with Order Management product, 374

Special order flows, handling with Order Management product, 404–409. See also Orders

Specifications, role in Quality product, 732–734

SQL script alert actions, defining with Quality product, 730

SQL validation statement, using with collection elements for Quality product, 722

SRS (Standard Request Submission) form, automating concurrent pick releases with, 655

Staging lanes

assigning to dock doors, 57–58

loading vehicles from, 550–551

Standalone Rules framework for material transactions, 509, 512

Standard agreements, role in pricing, 770

Standard BOM item type, 82

Standard conversions between UOMs, defining, 483

Standard cost history, viewing, 695

Standard costing method, 692–701

Standard costs, updating, 694–695

Standard jobs versus non-standard jobs, 588

Standard RFQ headers, 427

Statistical forecasts, 208

Status attributes, 66

Status codes, attaching to shop floor operations, 608

Stock Locator location, functionality of, 52–57

Stockable attribute for Order Management product, 352

Stocking strategies

versus market orientation, 146

for Supply Chain Application, 9–11

Stops shipping entity, 646–647, 662

Strategic sourcing and supply management flow, overview of, 425–426

Strategies for suggestions in OWM, finding, 506

Strategies, role in OWM rules framework, 503–505

Strategy assignments, implementing in OWM rules framework, 505–507

Strategy search order in OWM rules framework, 507–508

Sub-element views for costs, 686–687


disabling, 49

role in material transactions, 485

role in organization structure, 48–52

Subinventories, role in Inventory product, 12

Subinventory parameters, 49

Subinventory Restrictions attribute for Order Management product, 352

Subinventory transfer move orders and material transactions, 490

Subinventory transfers, executing for material transactions, 488

Subledger distributions, creating for periodic costing, 715

Subset planning and global SCP, 314

Substitute components for BOMs, assigning, 86

Substitute resources, associating for routings, 111


finding rules and strategies for, 506

generating with rules logical data model, 509, 511

Summary views for costs, 687

Supplier capacity, modeling, 318

Supplier Portal of Purchasing product, 453–454

Supplier scheduling, 447–452

communicating, 452

creating, 449–451

performing for ASLs, 435

Supplier Scheduling product, 25–26

Supplier sites, shopping from, 415

Supplier status, managing with Purchasing product, 431

Supplier WIP supply type, role in material control, 597

Suppliers. See also ASLs (approved supplier lists)

defining for enterprise structure, 39

defining for sourcing with Purchasing product, 429–431

identifying with supplier lists in Purchasing product, 425

Supply and demand

configuring sources of, 380–382

role in PWB, 284–285

Supply and demand information, collecting for order promising, 379–380

Supply chain and manufacturing planning, 19–20

Supply Chain application

management processes of, 18–19

stocking strategies for, 9–11

Supply chain enterprise structure, 39–47

Supply Chain Exchange product, 7–8

Supply chain execution, 20

Supply Chain Intelligence module of BIS, 787–790

Supply Chain Intelligence reports, 788–790

Supply chain planning in Neptune case study, 807–810

Supply Chain tab in ASCP Planner Workbench, 334

Supply chains

executing in Neptune case study, 810–814

planning cycles for, 203–204

planning logic for, 200–203

role of forecasting in, 204–205

Supply/Demand window in ASCP Planner Workbench, 334–336

Supply duplication, preventing with schedule relief, 221

Supply subinventory and locator, role in material control, 597

Support Service attribute for items, 69

System directed picking, role in order fulfillment process, 548–549


Table of contents, role in catalog creation, 417

Tables for price and modifier lists, 776

Takt time, role in Manufacturing Engineering, 174

Target documents, creating from requisition pool, 435–437

Targets for KPIs, recording of, 783

Task dispatching engine, 538

Task management, 536–539

Task merging, 538

Task splitting, 538

Task type assignment engine, 536–538

Tax Code attribute

for items, 69

for Order Management product, 353

Tax codes, setting up with Order Management product, 375

Tax defaulting hierarchy, assigning with Purchasing product, 458

Tax details, viewing with Order Organizer, 396

Tax handling information, displaying in Order Organizer, 386

Tax locations and rates, setting up with Order Management product, 375

Taxation, handling with Order Management product, 374–376

Templates, applying to items, 62–65

Terms substitution, defining for pricing, 767–768

Time Fences field of MRP/MPS Planning Attributes tab, 243–244

Time series data, role in demand planning, 253

To Move step in manufacturing execution, 574

Tolerance fences

functionality of, 184

role in ASLs, 434

role in owned resources for departments, 105–106

TP (Transaction Processing) profiles, role in WIP product, 582

TPCT (total product cycle time), calculating for Manufacturing Engineering, 176–178

Transactable attribute for Order Management product, 352

Transaction cost layers, viewing, 711

Transaction costs, viewing, 690–691

Transaction dates, controlling for material transactions, 488

Transaction Header Results form in Receiving product, 477

Transaction processors, setting for average costing, 702

Transaction results folder in Receiving product, 477

Transaction source types for material transactions, 484

Transaction types for material transactions, 484–485


associating collection plans with, 736–737

receiving with costing application, 690

Transactions Ol, 564

Transfer From sourcing option for modeling supply chains, 307

Transportation calendars, assigning with Shipping product, 652–653

Tree hierarchy pane

of Graphical Line Designer, 185–186

of Scheduler Workbench, 618–619

Trend charts, analyzing data with, 743–745

Trend predefined report for demand planning, 272

Trips shipping entity, 646–647, 661–662

autocreation of, 666

planning, 668

specifying deliveries associated with, 668


Under Return Tolerance field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

Undo Last Move parameter in OSFM, 627

Unit cost grouping, role in ABC analysis, 513–514

Units of measure, entering with Order Organizer, 389

Universal Inbox purchasing workflow, 465

Unordered receipts, managing with Receiving product, 475–476

Unordered shipments, receiving, 475

Unpack transactions, role in container transactions, 535

Unreleased discrete job status, 586

UOMs (units of measure)

role in defining resources, 100

role in material handling, 483

UPS integration with Shipping product, 670

Usage value analysis, role in ABC analysis, 514

Use-up dates, using with ECOs, 138–139

User edition of Discoverer tool, 785


Valuation accounts, selecting for inventory organization, 42–43

Valuation scope, role in ABC analysis, 513

Valuations, reporting for periodic costing, 715

Value movements, accounting for, 688–690

Variable collection-element type for Quality product, 721

Variable component of lead times, 245

Vehicles, loading from staging lanes, 550–551

Vertical Plan tab of right pane in ASCP Planner Workbench, 332

View Generator in Discoverer EUL, 785

View Supply Chain Bill form, checking

assignments for items with, 313

Views, switching in Graphical Line Designer, 185–186, 187

Volume and weight, calculating with Shipping product, 667


WAD (Web Applications Dictionary), role in Order Management product, 369

Warehouse Control Board tool, 538–539

Warehouse field in Define Customer form of Order Management product, 357, 359

Warehouse management in Neptune case study, 814–815

Warehouse Management product, 24–25

Warehouse parameters, setting for distribution centers, 45–46


determining with Order Organizer, 386

implementing task management in, 536–539

overview of material handling tasks in, 482

Warnings, role in scheduling exceptions, 620

Warranty attribute for items, 69

Wave picking, role in order fulfillment process, 546–548

Weight and volume, calculating with Shipping product, 667

Weighted times, calculating with MMM, 188

Where Used forms, using with materials transactions, 508–509

WIP accounting classes, 580

WIP cost layers

consuming, 711

creating, 710

WIP costing, 640–643

WIP Lot Transactions form, using with OSFM, 631

WIP Material Transactions form, 598

WIP Parameters form, options on, 578–580

WIP parameters, manufacturing scheduling of, 616

WIP profile options, 581–582

WIP supply type, role in material control, 597

WIP Value Summary, review value of jobs and repetitive schedules with, 691

WIP (Work in Process) product, 15–16

accounting for values in, 689

average costing in, 641–642

configuring, 577–582

flow manufacturing costing in, 642

versus OSFM, 625

WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE table, role in Resource Transaction interface, 624

WMS specific parameters for subinventories, 50–51

WMS_LABEL_FIELDS table, contents of, 525

WMS_LABELS table, contents of, 525

WMS_LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBERS table, contents of, 529

WMS_LPN_CONTENTS table, contents of, 529

WMS_LPN_HISTORIES table, contents of, 529

WOL (World Online) sample company in Neptune case study, 800

Work Order Interface, functionality of, 596

Work Order-less Completion transactions, role in manufacturing execution, 571–572, 634–637

Workday Calendar, functionality of, 96–99

Workday exceptions, defining, 97

Workday Pattern, defining calendar options with, 97

Workdays, removing from shifts, 107

Workdays versus calendar days, role in repetitive planning, 230–231

Workflow actions, launching with Quality product, 730

Workflow activities, testing with Order Organizer, 394

Workflow design, following naming conventions for, 364

Workflow settings, defining for Purchasing product document types, 459


changing for Order Management product, 363–364

creating releases and purchase orders with, 439

handling for lines or headers with Order Management product, 364–365

managing for ECO approval process, 133–135

managing with Order Management product, 360–364

Worksheet user interface, role in demand planning, 251



in histograms, 743

in Pareto charts, 739–740

in trend charts, 744

X-bar-S control charts, analyzing data with, 746

X-mR control charts, analyzing data with, 746

Xbar-R control charts, analyzing data with, 745



in histograms, 743

in Pareto charts, 739–740

in trend charts, 745

Yield component information, role in supply chain planning, 246


Zone picking, role in order fulfillment process, 545

Zones, assigning pick methodologies to, 546


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