• Backward pass, 394

  • Backwards stepwise procedure, 131

  • Bad decisions, 63

  • Bagwell Chemical Company, 361362

  • Balking, 430, 434

  • Bank of America, 532

  • Bayes, Thomas, 28

  • Bayes’ Theorem

    • estimating probability values, 8385

    • general form of, 2829

    • probabilities and, 2729

  • Bell Laboratories, 531

  • BEP. See Break-even point (BEP)

  • Bernoulli process, 3536

  • Best level of service, 428

  • Beta probability distribution, 391

  • Bias, 153

  • Bill of materials (BOM), 215

  • Binary variables, 129

    • modeling, 363368

    • modeling with 0–1 variables, 363368

    • regression models, 129130

  • Binding constraint, 251

  • Binomial distribution, 3538

  • Binomial formula and problem solving, 36

  • Binomial tables and problem solving, 3738

  • Blake, Steve, 108109

  • Blake Electronics, 108109

  • Blending problems, 306308

  • Boeing Corporation simulation, 461

  • BOM. See Bill of materials (BOM)

  • Booz Allen Hamilton, 388, 484

  • Box filling example, 534535

  • Brass Department Store quantity discount model, 202203

  • Break-even point (BEP), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  • Brier, 39

  • Brown Manufacturing production run model, 198199

  • Budgeting process, 400404

    • four stpng of, 400

  • Business analytics, 23, 74

  • Business games, 484

  • Business system simulation, 461462

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