• Gafni, Izhar, 408

  • Gainsharing plan, 319

  • Galleon Group, 572573

  • Galton, Sir Francis, 467

  • GameStop, 49

  • Gantt, Henry, 221222

  • Gantt chart, 221222

  • Gap, 20

  • Gates, Bill, 87, 176, 287

  • Gawande, Atul, 205206

  • GDP. See Gross domestic product

  • GDP per capita, 22

  • Gender

    • as demographic variable, 358

    • leadership and, 290291

  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 115

  • General Electric (GE), 58, 123, 148, 157, 161, 190, 207, 265, 323, 393, 571, 611

  • Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 56, 482, 498, 499500

  • General Mills, 149, 426

  • General Motors (GM), 6, 21, 25, 49, 58, 97, 127, 330, 357, 559, 566

  • General (or active) partner, 9293

  • General partnership, 9192

  • Geo-demographic segmentation, 358

  • Geographic clusters, 112113

  • Geographic departmentalization, 180, 182

  • Geographic segmentation, 357

  • Geographic variables, 357

  • George Lucas Family Foundation, 58

  • George Uhe Inc., 271

  • Ghosn, Carlos, 291

  • Gilboa, Dave, 83

  • Gilbreth, Frank, 256

  • Gilbreth, Lillian, 256

  • Gillette, 387, 399

  • Glassdoor.com, 273

  • Global business environment, 8, 910

  • Global exchange, 449

  • Globalization, 109131

    • adapting to customer needs, 122

    • cultural environment, 126128

    • decline of manufacturing, 80

    • defined, 110

    • gauging international demand, 122

    • impact of, 109111

    • international business management, 121125

    • international trade, 115121

    • major world marketplaces, 111113

      • distinctions based on wealth, 111112

      • Europe, 112

      • geographic clusters, 112113

      • largest non-U.S. companies, 124

      • North America, 112

      • Pacific Asia, 112113, 115

    • offshoring, 122

    • outsourcing, 122

    • trade agreements and alliances, 113115

    • ups and downs of, 120

  • Global management skills, 155

  • Global opportunities in small business start-ups, 88

  • Global stock exchanges, 555556

  • GM. See General Motors

  • GMV. See Gross Merchandise Volume

  • GNP. See Gross national product

  • Goal orientation, 127, 128

  • Goals

    • aggressive goal behavior, 127, 128

    • to allocate resources, 156157

    • to assess performance, 157

    • business goals, 156157

    • in business plan, 84, 597

    • to define corporate culture, 157

    • defined, 156

    • entrepreneurship, 81

    • intermediate, 157

    • kinds of, 157

    • long-term, 157

    • management direction and guidance, 156

    • mission statements, 157

    • to motivate behavior, 263

    • orientation, 127128

    • passive goal behavior, 127, 128

    • setting, purpose of, 156157

    • short-term, 157

    • strategic, 160162

  • GoDaddy, 54

  • Godiva chocolates, 218, 398

  • GoFundMe, 47

  • Going green, model for, 159

  • Goldman Sachs, 58

  • Gompers, Samuel, 609

  • Goodnight, Jim, 339

  • Goods

  • Goods operations (goods production), 206

    • gross domestic product from goods and services, 207, 208

    • make-to-order vs. make-to-stock, 211

    • materials management for physical goods, 223

  • Goodwill, 490

  • Goodyear, 80, 415

  • Google, 14, 143144, 159, 161, 176, 264, 265, 361, 393, 450451

  • Google Docs, 446

  • Gossip chain, 193

  • Government

    • influenced by business, 60

    • influence on business, 59

    • political-legal business environment, 10

    • regulation of business, 10

  • GP Investments, 547

  • Grapevine, 193194

  • Graziano da Silva, Jose, 231

  • Great Depression, 49

  • Great Place to Work, 264

  • Great Recession, 27, 49, 295, 313

  • Green, Holly, 199

  • Green Equity Investors, 96

  • Green marketing, 52

  • Greiner, Lori, 178

  • Gross domestic product (GDP), 21, 2223

    • from goods and services, 207, 208

    • recession of 2008–2011, 26

  • Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), 56

  • Gross national product (GNP), 21

  • Gross profit, 491

  • Group leader, 150

  • Groupware, 457

  • Grow Appalachia, 287

  • Growth

  • Grubman, Jack, 63

  • Grupo Gigante, 130

  • Guilbert, Justin, 123

  • Gustin Energy Company, 287

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