Post Office Drawings.

Let the bumps and grinds of the shipping process generate art By Brandon Sullivan


Figure A: The stylus was made with a Super Ball at its core and pencil leads hot-glued to it


Figure B: The materials you’ll need


Figure C: Letter to the recipient, an ill friend


Figure D: Make sure your note is on the outside of the paper roll!

This project was the genesis for an Instructable I posted earlier called Drawing Machine (

Post Office Drawings takes a more mellow approach and turns our friends at the postal service and the shipping process itself into co-creators of art!

1. Gather your materials

image A shipping tube

image A suitably sized piece of paper

image A “stylus” of your own making

image Packaging tape

image A marker

image Money for postage

image An understanding friend

Choose a shipping container that will accommodate your stylus. In this project I am using an old stylus from my Drawing Machine Instructable. It fits nicely inside this cardboard tube, allowing for free movement and mark-making abilities.

Cut a piece of paper to fit inside the shipping container. It should be as long as the tube is tall (allowing for the lid to fit, which actually squeezes into the end of the tube). The paper should be as wide as the inside circumference of the tube in order to not have any overlap, which would yield a blank spot where the paper wrapped over itself.

2. Assembly

I will be sending this to a friend who is ill, so I wrote a little note on the back of the drawing wishing her a speedy recovery. Here’s how to prepare your Post Office Drawing machine for mailing:


Figure E: Shipping tube with rolled-up paper and stylus inside


Figure F: Ocho the Cat likes projects, too


Figure G: Address the package


Figure H: Include words of encouragement. Who doesn’t like to shake it?

image Roll up the paper with your note on the outside and insert it into the tube

image Drop the drawing stylus into the tube

image Seal package with packing tape

image Write opening instructions near the lid

image Address the package

image And just for giggles, write some words of encouragement on the package

3. Post

Take your package to the post office and purchase the required postage. It’s probably best to purchase the slowest, longest route to your destination to give the package plenty of time to get jostled and tossed, creating a more “storied” piece of art. Encourage the nice woman at the counter at the post office to shake up your package—tell her she’s helping make a unique gift for your recipient.

4. Other ideas

A tube is not the only way to go here. You can use a long piece of paper rolled up inside of a square box. You can use multiple styli. How about sending two sheets of paper, so your friend can remove the inner piece to keep, then repackage and send the tube back to you, so you can each have a drawing too? Or they can send it on to someone else. Oh, the mind reels with the possibilities…

Brandon Sullivan is a sculptor from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. He has been working on a body of works he calls “auto-drawings.” Post Office Drawings is one in the series.

User Notes

Brandon has done a number of similar drawing machines that use human and mechanical movement to create randomized works of art.

Revenge of Post Office Drawings

In Revenge of Post Office Drawings, he uses a rectilinear stylus matrix, a box, and flat pieces of paper.

Vibrobot Paintings Why should humans have all the art-generating fun? Here, Brandon outfits little jumpy, motorized robo-critters with bristles dipped in paint.

Pocket Drawings

For Pocket Drawings, the drawing machine fits into an Altoids Tin and your pocket becomes the place where the magic happens.

Drawing Machine

An old drill shakes up a host of drawing styli to create Brandon’s original Drawing Machine.


Revenge of Post Office Drawings


Vibrobot Paintings


Pocket Drawings


Drawing Machine

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