Appendix: Some Useful Integral Identities and Symmetry Properties of Normal Random Variables

Throughout all the formulas below, a, b, c, A, B, C are any real constants and X is a normal random variable with mean µ ∊ ℝ and standard deviation σ > 0, i.e., X ~ Norm(µ, σ2) with PDF ϕμ,σ(x)e(xμ)2/2σ2σ2π,<x<. The functions N(x) and N2(x, y; ρ) are the standard normal univariate and bivariate cumulative distribution functions, respectively.

E[eBXI{X>A}]AeBxϕμ,σ(x)dx=eμB+12σ2B2N(σB+μAσ)      (A.1)

E[eBXI{X<A}]AeBxϕμ,σ(x)dx=eμB+12σ2B2N(σB+Aμσ)      (A.2)

E[N(AX+C)]N(Ax+C)ϕμ,σ(x)dx=N(μA+C1+σ2A2)      (A.3)

E[eBXN(AX+C)]eBxN(Ax+C)ϕμ,σ(x)dx=eμB+12σ2B2N(μA+C+σ2AB1+σ2A2)      (A.A)

0N(Ax+B)exdx=N(B)+e(12AB)/2A2N(1AB|A|)(forA<0)      (A.5)

0N(Ax+B)exdx=N(B)+sgn⁡ (A)e(1+2AB)/2A2N(1+AB|A|)      (A.6)

N(Ax+B)exdx=e(12AB)/2A2N(1AB|A|)e(1+2AB)/2A2N(1+AB|A|)(forA<0)      (A.7)

0N(Ax+B)dx=1|A|[BN(B)+eB2/22π](forA<0)      (A.8)

E[N(AX+C)I{X<B}]BN(Ax+C)ϕμ,σ(x)dx=N2(Bμσ,μA+C1+σ2A2;σA1+σ2A2)      (A.9)

E[N(AX+C)I{X>B}]BN(Ax+C)ϕμ,σ(x)dx=N2(μBσ,μA+C1+σ2A2;σA1+σ2A2)      (A.10)

Note that formulas (A.1)–(A.10) simplify in the special case when Xd¯¯Z~Norm(0,1) by setting µ = 0, σ = 1.

The bivariate normal CDF also has useful symmetry relations such as

N2(a,b;ρ)=N2(b,a;ρ),      (A.11)

N2(a,b;ρ)+N2(a,b;ρ)=N(a).      (A.12)

In the expectation formulas below, Z1,Z2 are i.i.d. standard normal random variables with covariance Cov(Z1,Z2)= ρ, |ρ| < 1, i.e., with joint PDF n2(x,y;ρ)2xyN2(x,y;ρ)=12π1ρ2e(x2+y22ρxy)/2(1ρ2).

E[eBZ2I{Z1<a,Z2<b}]2eByn2(x,y;ρ)I{x<a,y<b}dxdy=e12B2N2(a+ρB,b+B;ρ)      (A.13)

E[eBZ2I{Z1>a,Z2<b}]=e12B2N2((a+ρB),b+B;ρ)      (A.14)

E[eBZ2I{Z1<a,Z2>b}]=e12B2N2(a+ρB,(b+B);ρ)      (A.15)

E[eBZ2I{Z1>a,Z2>b}]=e12B2N2((a+ρB),(b+B);ρ)      (A.16)

Note: interchanging ab in (A.13)–(A.16) gives respectively equivalent formulas for the expectations E[eBZ1I{Z1<a,Z2<b}], E[eBZ1I{Z1<a,Z2>b}], E[eBZ1I{Z1>a,Z2<b}], and E[eBZ1I{Z1>a,Z2>b}].

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