
2D and 3D layers, layering, 227–228

2D motion control, creating, 329

2.5D, working in, 223


converting objects to, 222

creating with Repoussé, 80–82

3D cameras

animating, 354–356

integrating panoramas with, 389–391

3D content

isolating effects for, 226–227

rendering, 225

3D effects, updating, 230

3D elements, adjusting, 243–244

3D files

formats in Photoshop, 240–241

importing, 224–225

3D in After Effects

active cameras switching, 251–252

camera presets, 250–251

controlling cameras with null objects, 253–254

creating rack focus effects, 252

depth of field, 252–253

effect cameras, 252

Focus Distance, 252–253

moving layers in Z space, 251

multiple views, 249–250

parenting lights, 254

posing subjects, 251

switching preview resolution, 249

3D layers

changing viewpoints of, 248–249

creating in Photoshop, 232

3D materials, resource for, 239

3D models. See also models

finding, 243

importing, 241–243

integrating, 328

switching to 3D layers, 248

3D objects

applying artwork to, 229

boosting memory for, 245

importing into After Effects, 246–248

modifying lights for, 247

modifying textures for, 247

3D Postcard, creating in Photoshop, 232–233

3D shapes, creating in Photoshop, 233–234

3D sources, managing RAM for, 248

3D space

animating with After Effects, 350–356

converting Photoshop files to, 351–352

working in, 328

3D text, creating with Repoussé, 236–239

4-Color Gradient effect, using, 193–194

24p material, converting frame rate of, 181


AAC (Advanced Audio Codec) format, 261

actions, storing in Photoshop, 381

adjustment layers. See also layers

keyboard shortcut, 134

using in Photoshop Extended, 127–128

using with logo animations, 118–119

Adobe Bridge CS5. See Bridge CS5

Adobe Media Encoder

automatic file conversion, 261

features of, 10

moving files in, 23

Adobe OnLocation CS5, 8–9, 20, 23

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. See Premiere Pro CS5

Adobe Sound (ASND) audio format, 8, 261

After Effects

animating 3D space with, 350–356

animating in, 204–207

audio formats recognized by, 8

built-in backgrounds, 200

cloning objects in, 163–167

Compositions option for animation, 110

creating motion with, 208–212

creating shapes in, 215

creating type on path, 85

customizing music and scores for, 8

determining channel types, 111

examining presets, 37

exporting assets to, 19

Extrude & Bevel command, 228

Footage option for animation, 110–111

gradient maps, 134–136

importing 3D objects into, 246–248

importing footage formats, 16–17

importing footage into, 149–150

importing layered sources in, 34

importing logos into, 109–111

lighting scenes for panoramas, 391–392

modifying velocity curves for keyframes, 340–341

moving files in, 23

panoramic photos in, 386–392

placing photos into compositions, 337

prepping layered documents for, 349–350

preprocessing footage, 145–146

presets, 143–144

previewing audio in, 264–265

rare use of audio capabilities, 5

resetting views and cameras in, 222

Revolve command, 228

Rotate command, 228

scripts for panoramas, 387–389

seamless loops for panoramas, 386–387

sharpening effects, 332

supported file types, 14

Text tool, 83–85

Time Remapping effect, 184

using Flash Video files with, 16

using shape layers in, 313

vector tools, 288

virtual sets for panoramas, 387–389

working in 3D, 224–227

working with MXF formats, 16

After Effects and Flash, exchanging projects between, 22

After Effects compositions, exporting, 21–22

After Effects projects

collecting files, 46–48

importing folders, 39

internal folder organization, 39–40

placeholders, 42–43

proxies, 43–44

reducing, 46

removing unused footage, 44–45

renaming assets, 40–41

swapping asset, 41–42

After Effects vector elements. See also vectors

custom animation paths, 314–315

generating path effects, 318–322

importing artboards, 316

importing vector shapes and paths, 317–318

morphing shapes, 315–316

Shape Layers, 313

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), 261

Align buttons, using, 66–67

alpha channels

creating flattened files with, 108

creating manually, 108

fixing halo effects, 112

interpreting for logo animation, 111–112

ambient light, using, 363

anchor points

changing for layers, 36

moving, 77

using with photos, 336

animating in After Effects, 204–207

animation. See also graphic-texture animation; logo animation

organizing layers for, 307

setting type path for, 79

stop-motion style of, 9

animation paths, customizing in After Effects, 314–315

animation properties, using with photos, 336

anti-aliasing, setting for typefaces, 66


importing into After Effects, 316

for logos in Illustrator, 92

using with vector documents, 293–294

ASND (Adobe Sound) audio format, 8, 261


renaming, 40–41

swapping, 41–42

audio. See also expressions with audio; graphics and audio; Soundbooth CS5

converting to keyframes, 271–272

creating from Tone effect, 269–270

importing into Soundbooth, 278

previewing in After Effects, 264–265

previewing in specific range, 264

timing animations to, 115

using Soundbooth CS5 for, 7–8

Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF), 261

audio sources

bit depth, 262

file formats, 260–261

sample rate conversions, 262–263

sample rates, 262

Audio Sources folder, using, 29

Audio Spectrum effect, using, 267–268

audio sync points

adding markers, 265–266

adding Soundbooth to workflow, 266

previewing in After Effects, 264–265

audio tracks, converting to After Effects, 19

audio transitions, converting to After Effects, 19

Audio Waveform effect, 268–269

authoring tools, 9

Auto effects, making quick fixes with, 160–162

Avid, importing files from, 18–19


background plate, getting, 349

backgrounds. See also media backgrounds in After Effects

browsing with Adobe Bridge, 200

designing with Brainstorm, 213–214

in After Effects, 200

gathering sources for, 191–192

looping, 192–193, 211–212

removing, 349

role of, 191

separating foreground objects from, 173–179

separating objects from, 99

baseline of type

explained, 56

setting, 66

batch process, using with Photoshop, 129

Beam effects, generating in After Effects, 320–321

Bedford: The Town They Left Behind

approach, 327–329

described, 326

Berlin, Elliot, 326

bevel effects, creating, 229–230

bit depth, considering for audio, 262

Black & White adjustment, 131–132

blemishes, removing from images, 383

Blend tool, using in Illustrator, 296–297

blending modes

converting to After Effects, 19

learning for media backgrounds, 415

blinking lights project, 186–188

Blob brushes, using in Illustrator, 303–304

Blue-ray formats, using with menus, 416

Blu-ray design. See also Encore menus; footage plates for menus; Premiere Pro footage

building design brief, 395–396

creating flowcharts, 398–399

identifying connections, 398–399

organizing assets with Bridge, 396–398

organizing projects, 396

Box Blur effect, 141, 146

Brainstorm, using to design backgrounds, 213–214

Bridge CS5

browsing backgrounds with, 200

features of, 8

invoking Photomerge command from, 376–377

organizing Blu-ray and DVD assets with, 396–398

processing footage with, 148–149

using to organize files, 37–38

brightness, adjusting, 171

Bristle brushes, using in Illustrator, 301–303


Healing Brush 168, 384–385

Roto Brush, 173–179

Spot Healing Brush, 168, 385

brushes in Illustrator

Blob brush, 303–304

Bristle, 301–303

Brushes panel, using with Clone Stamp tool, 164

button naming styles for menus, 427


Calculations command

in Photoshop for logos, 101–104

using with keying, 169

camera moves

creating arced, 356

planning, 343

Camera Rotate tool, using with 3D elements, 244


choosing for Blu-ray and DVD design, 405–406

resetting in After Affects, 222

Capture Scratch folder, using, 28

cartoon look, creating with Live Trace, 145

CC Kaleida effect, using, 218

Cell Pattern effect, using, 194–196. See also patterns

Channel Blur effect, using, 171

channel type, determining in After Effects, 111

Channel Volume audio filters, converting to After Effects, 19


blending for logos in Photoshop, 101–104

using to remove logo backgrounds, 99–101

Character panel. See also fonts; text; typefaces

choosing typefaces from, 57

controls, 66

characters, limitations for naming files, 33

clip marker, converting to After Effects, 19


changing rates of, 180

conforming, 180–181

importing from OnLocation projects, 20

importing sequences as, 20–21

Clone Stamp tool

using, 164, 332

using with panoramic photos, 383–384

using with photos for motion control, 332–333


advanced in Photoshop, 167–168

making room for, 164–165

offsetting across time, 165

cloning area, previewing, 166

CMYK documents, converting to RGB, 91, 97

Collect Files command, using, 46–48


creating matte from, 170–173

fixing via Auto effects, 161

setting for type, 66

suppressing in noise, 155

color cast, removing, 154

color grading

black and white conversion, 131–133

curves, 139

duotones, 133

gradient maps, 133–138

On Image tool, 132–133

Leave Color effect, 139–140

Photo Filter adjustment, 130–131

color mattes, converting to After Effects, 19

Color Range command, using, 345

color space

for logos in Illustrator, 91

for logos in Photoshop, 97

color temperature, adjusting, 130–131

colorizing grayscale textures, 199

Common Media Folders

customizing, 30

reasons for use of, 27–28

saving to, 30–31

setting up, 28–29

structure of, 28–29

targeting, 30–32

using to save hard drive space, 30

composition markers, using with audio, 265


fitting layers to, 36–37

placing photos into, 337

Content-Aware Fill

using with panoramic photos, 382–383

using with photos for motion control, 333–334

Content-Aware Scale, using with photos for motion control, 334–335

Continuously Rasterize option, 112–113. See also raster graphics


fixing via Auto effects, 161

restoring, 154–155

Convert Point tool

using, 77

using in Illustrator, 295

Convolution Reverb effect, using in Soundbooth, 282

corner points, creating, 290

Creative Suite

moving media in, 23

using to improve workflow, 10–13

crop filters, converting to After Effects, 19

curves, producing meshes with, 235

Curves feature, using in Photoshop, 139

cycs, using in Blu-ray and DVD design, 401


depth, creating with particles, 365

Device Central CS5, 9–10, 12–13

Direct Selection tool

using in Photoshop, 79

using with paths and points, 289

directional light, using, 363

drive system, sharing, 28

duotones, creating, 133

duplicate footage, removing, 45

DVD design. See also Encore menus; footage plates for menus; Photoshop DVD menu design; Premiere Pro footage

building design brief, 395–396

creating flowcharts, 398–399

identifying connections, 398–399

organizing assets with Bridge, 396–398

organizing projects, 396

Dynamic Link

After Effects to other applications, 21–22

Premiere Pro to After Effects, 20–21


Ebberts, Dan, 273

Edit Original command, using to update graphic files, 15

editable layer styles, displaying in Timeline panel, 81


4-Color Gradient, 193–194

CC Kaleida, 218

Cell Pattern, 194–196

Convolution Reverb, 282

Fractal Noise, 198–199

ID Matte, 226–227

Live Photoshop 3D, 247

Radio Waves, 196–198

Tone, 269–270

Turbulent Noise, 199

updating 3D, 230

Encore CS5

features of, 9

moving files in, 23

using in Blu-ray and DVD design, 394, 422–423, 425–431

Encore menus. See also Blu-ray design; DVD design; menus

adding backgrounds, 429–430

importing assets, 428–429

previewing motion menus, 431

setting button order, 430–431

Equalize effect, using to balance images, 170

Exponential Scale, changing effects of, 340

exposure, controlling, 162–163

expressions with audio. See also audio

converting audio to keyframes, 271

finding, 273

shortcuts for, 273

websites, 273

Extrude & Bevel command, using in Illustrator, 228–230


Fab, Joe, 326

filename characters, illegal, 33


collecting, 46–48

deleting from Project panel, 40

importing multiple, 39

moving in Production Premium, 23

naming, 32–33

organizing with Adobe Bridge, 37–38

fill pixels, using in Photoshop, 310. See also pixels

film-look effect, creating, 141

filters, using in Photoshop, 332

Final Cut Pro, importing files from, 18–19

Final Exported Files folder, using, 29


moving files in, 23

vector tools in, 288

Flash and After Effects, exchanging projects between, 22

Flash Catalyst CS5, 9

Flash Interactive format, using with menus, 416

Flash Professional CS5, 7

Flash Video files, working with, 16

flicker, fixing in images, 340

folder structure, creating zipped copy of, 30


adding, 39–40

deleting from Project panel, 40

importing, 39

naming, 32–33

removing, 39–40

selecting items in, 40

using, 39–40

font families, 57–58

font technology. See also typographic controls

OpenType, 54

PostScript, 53

TrueType, 53

fonts. See also text; typefaces

“faux” settings, 59

selecting, 57

versus typefaces, 54–56, 58


converting to vectors, 144–150

importing into After Effects, 149–150

organizing, 18

preprocessing with After Effects, 145–146

processing with Adobe Bridge, 148–149

processing with Illustrator, 146–147

removing unused, 44–45

replacing, 34, 41–42

resampling, 181–183

scaling horizontally, 36

scaling vertically, 36

stabilizing, 157–160

using proxies with, 43–44

footage files, working with, 16–18

footage items, removing duplicates of, 45

footage plates

liquid pours, 408–409

moving lights, 411

perpendicular shots, 409–410

shooting advice, 407–408

spinning shots, 410–411

using, 364–365

footage plates for menus. See also Blu-ray design; DVD design; menus

choosing cameras, 404–405

creating studio, 400–401

cycs, 401

finding objects, 405–406

gels, 403

lighting equipment, 402–403

monitors, 405

motorized turntable, 401

tripods, 405

using HD, 404

footage plates, using for backgrounds, 191

footage repair. See repairing footage

footage retiming

frame rate conversion, 180–183

time ramapping, 184–186

foreground object, separating from background, 173–179

Fractal Noise effect, using, 198–199. See also noise

Frame Hold, converting to After Effects, 19

frame rate, converting, 181–183


gels, using in Blu-ray and DVD design, 403

Glyph Scaling option, 68

gradient maps

using, 133–134

using in After Effects, 134–136

using in Photoshop, 136–138

grain, cleaning up, 155–156

grain and noise, removing, 154–156

Graph Editor, using with Time Remapping, 185–186

graphic files

supported types of, 14

updating, 15

updating with alpha channels, 15

graphic formats

TARGA, 108

TIFF, 108

Graphic Renders folder, using, 29

Graphic Sources folder, using, 29

graphics, creating variations of, 294

graphics and audio. See also audio

Audio Spectrum effect, 267–268

Audio Waveform effect, 268

using tone to create sound, 269–270

graphic-texture animation. See also animation

creating motion with After Effects, 208–212

in After Effects, 204–207

Offset technique, 201–204

stitch in time technique, 207–208

grayscale mask, viewing for logo, 103

grayscale meshes, creating in Photoshop, 234–235

grayscale textures, colorizing, 199. See also textures

green screen footage, use of, 168

grids, creating in Illustrator, 297–299


halo effect, fixing for alpha channels, 112

hanging punctuation, placing, 71

hard drive space, saving, 30

HD, designing for, 404, 416

HDSLR cameras, using with Blu-ray and DVDs, 404

Healing Brush tool

using with logos in clothing, 168

using with panoramic photos, 384–385

hyphens, applying, 68–70


ID Matte effect, using with 3D content, 226–227

Illustrator CS5

accessing controls in, 295

Appearance panel, 295

bevel presets, 229

changing size of text area, 71

changing workspaces in, 291

color space for logos, 91

Convert Point tool, 295

converting type to outlines, 76–77

creating custom type, 76–77

creating variations on shapes, 300

creating versions of logos, 95–97

expanding blends, 308

features of, 6

importing type, 71–72

Live Paint Bucket tool, 298–299

Live Trace for logos, 95–97

moving files in, 23

pasting paths into After Effects, 296

point and paragraph controls, 73

processing footage with, 146–147

Release to Layers for logos, 93–94

sections of effects in, 299

setting type along path, 74–76

Shape Builder tool, 306

specifying columns for type, 73

specifying rows for type, 73

Spiral tool, 294

switching type orientation, 73

template layers for logos, 94–95

tracing over images in, 94–95

typographic controls in, 63

using Pathfinder to create shapes, 305–306

using symbols for quick designs, 307

vector tools in, 287

Width tool, 295

wrapping type around objects, 74–76

Illustrator effects for adding depth

Extrude & Bevel command, 229–230

Revolve command, 230–231

Illustrator files, creating for vector documents, 292–293

Illustrator’s vector tools. See also vectors

adding textures, 300–304

Blend, 296–297

brushes, 300–304

building complex shapes, 304–306

creating flowing lines, 296–297

creating fluid shapes, 294–296

creating grids, 297–299

creating libraries of shapes, 306–307

expanding objects, 308–309

organizing layers for animation, 307

outlining type, 299–300

image files

Edit Original command, 15

supported types of, 14–15

Image Preprocessor script, using with panoramic photos, 376

images. See also photos

animating, 338–341

balancing via Equalize effect, 170

blending together, 379

changing odd number of pixels for, 339

fixing flicker in, 340

high-resolution, 339

overlapping, 371

removing blemishes from, 383

splitting in virtual space, 328

Import As menu, options on, 34–36

Import command, keyboard shortcut, 40


3D files, 224–225

3D models, 241–243

3D objects into After Effects, 246–248

artboards into After Effects, 316

assets from Premiere Pro to After Effects, 19

audio into Soundbooth, 278

clips from OnLocation projects, 20

folders, 39

footage files, 16–17

footage into After Effects, 149–150

image files, 14–15

layered sources in After Effects, 34

logos into After Effects, 109–111

from nonlinear editors, 18–19

sequences as clips, 20–21

type in Illustrator, 71–72

Indent Spacing option, 70


Dynamic Link, 20–22

moving media, 23

working with footage files, 16–19

working with image files, 14–15

XLF format exchange, 22

interactive content, using Flash Professional CS5 for, 7

intervalometers, using, 365


Justification settings, using with text, 67–68



adjusting, 63

performing quickly, 236

process of, 60–61

setting, 66

keyboard shortcuts

adding folders to Project panel, 39

adjustment layers, 134

creating line, 70

deleting files from Project panel, 40

deleting folders from Project panel, 40

Edit Original command, 15

hiding and unhiding selections, 62

Import command, 40

importing multiple files, 39

kerning by increments, 60

layer duplication, 204

levels adjustment in Photoshop, 103

merging layers, 108

moving anchor points, 77

Outlines command in Illustrator, 77

paragraph spacing values, 70

repeating transformations in Illustrator, 304–305

Replace Footage command, 41

Roto Brush tool, 174

scaling footage horizontally, 36

scaling footage vertically, 36

scaling layers, 36

selecting all images in Bridge, 148

splitting layers, 211

type conversion in Illustrator, 73


converting audio to, 271–272

modifying velocity curves for, 340–341

keying, fixing, 168–173

Keylight effect, using, 169, 172


layer markers, applying for audio, 265

layer masks. See also masking layers

changing views in Photoshop, 103

for logos in Photoshop, 101–104

layer styles

rasterizing, 108

using with type, 80–82

layered documents, prepping for After Effects, 349–350

layered sources, working with, 33–37

layering 2D and 3D layers, 227–228

layers. See also adjustment layers; shape layers; video layers

changing anchor points for, 36

cloning empty, 164

duplicating, 204

fitting to compositions, 36–37

marking for logo animations, 115

merging, 108

moving around scenes, 117

renaming in Timeline, 172

sending intact to Flash, 22

splitting, 211

stretching, 36


adjusting, 63

Auto setting, 68

process of, 62–63

setting, 66

Leave Color effect, 139–140

levels, fixing via Auto effects, 162

Levels effect, using to restore contrast, 154–155

light transmission, controlling, 256–257


adding to scenes, 363–364

adjusting in Photoshop, 245–246

making shadows, 255–256

modifying for 3D objects, 247

parenting in After Effects, 254

processing of, 247–248

scenes in panoramas, 391–392

lighting equipment, for Blu-ray and DVD design, 402–403

lights, blinking, 186–188

line breaks, applying, 68–69

line composers, 68–69


creating, 70

creating flowing, 296–297

Live Paint Bucket tool, using in Illustrator, 298–299

Live Photoshop 3D effect, using, 247

Live Trace command

cartoon look, 145

for logos in Illustrator, 95–97

using, 144–147

logo animation. See also animation

adjustment layers, 118–119

converting Photoshop text, 112

ECO, 119–120

hierarchy, 115–117

importing into After Effects, 109–111

interpreting alpha channels, 111–112

marking layers, 115

moving layers around scenes, 117

null objects, 117

parenting layers, 116–117

using audio for inspiration, 114–115

using Continuously Rasterize, 112–113

logo bug, keeping on top of 3D layers, 227

logo files, converting, 90


animation files, 90

artboard in Illustrator, 92

color space in Illustrator, 91

color space in Photoshop, 97

creating layer masks in Photoshop, 101–104

creating versions in Illustrator, 95–97

finalizing masks in Photoshop, 105

pixel aspect ratio in Photoshop, 98–99

Release to Layers in Illustrator, 93–94

removing backgrounds in Photoshop, 99–101

removing from clothing in shots, 168

resolution in Photoshop, 98

style guides, 88–89

template layers in Illustrator, 94–95

text placement, 89

using in Photoshop DVD menu design, 424–425

using Live Trace in Illustrator, 95–97


Map Art button, using, 229

markers, using with audio, 263–266

mask controls, accessing quickly, 142

masking layers, 347–349. See also layer masks

Masks panel, in Photoshop for logos, 102–103

Material Options, advanced, 257–258

matte, creating from color, 170–173

matte key, using, 169–173


editing, 18

moving in Creative Suite, 23

media backgrounds in After Effects. See also backgrounds

colorizing, 420–422

creating compositions, 415–416

looping, 418–420

rendering, 422

shortening compositions, 419

stacking footage, 417–418

stretching footage, 417

Media Encoder. See Adobe Media Encoder

media management, using Bridge for, 8

memory, boosting for 3D objects, 245

menu systems, use of motion graphics in, 12

menus. See also Encore menus; footage plates for menus; Photoshop DVD menu design

assembling in Encore, 428–431

Blu-ray formats, 416

designing for Blu-ray and DVD, 395–396, 399

Flash Interactive format, 416

NTSC formats, 416

PAL formats, 416

merged footage, replacing with layered source, 34


applying to shapes, 235

producing with curves, 235

mobile devices, designing for, 12–13

mobile phones, producing content for, 9–10

models, painting on, 236. See also 3D models


creating with After Effects, 208–212

sketching with Puppet Pin tool, 362–363

motion control 3D

Puppet tools, 360–363

vanishing point, 357–360

motion graphics

interactive uses, 11–12

traditional uses of, 11

use in menu systems, 12

Motion keyframes, converting to After Effects, 19

motion tracking versus stabilizing footage, 157

Motion values, converting to After Effects, 19

MP3 audio format, 261

MPEG formats, using, 16

music, customizing for After Effects, 8


noise, suppressing color in, 155. See also Fractal Noise effect

noise and grain, removing, 154–156

Noise gradient type, using, 138

nonlinear editors, importing from, 18–19

NTSC formats, using with menus, 416

null objects, using with logo animations, 117


Object Rotate tool, using with 3D elements, 244

objects. See also Smart Objects

cloning in After Effects, 163–167

converting to 3D, 222

expanding in Illustrator, 308–309

extruding, 229–230

separating from backgrounds, 99

Offset Path effect, using to outline type, 299–300

Offset technique

using as repeating shape, 218

using with graphic-texture animation, 201–204

On Image tool, 132–133

OnLocation CS5, 8–9, 20, 23

Opacity keyframes, converting to After Effects, 19

Opacity values, converting to After Effects, 19

OpenType fonts, 54

Orbit Camera tool, using, 360

organizing projects, using Common Media Folder, 27–32

output options, availability in Media Encoder, 10

overexposure versus underexposure, 162


painting on models, 236

PAL formats, using with menus, 416

Pan Behind tool, using, 36

Panasonic P2 card, support for, 17

panning and scanning photos, 336–341

panoramic photos. See also Photomerge command

bubble level, 370

capturing shots, 374–375

in After Effects, 386–392

handheld shooting, 375–376

integrating with 3D cameras, 389–391

landscape aspect ratio, 374–375

L-plates, 370–371

Photomerge command, 376

portrait aspect ratio, 374–375

preprocessing, 376

rigs for, 369

rotating 15-degrees for, 371

shooting in portrait mode, 370

shooting techniques, 372–373

tripods, 369–371

using Image Preprocessor script with, 376

using Perspective method, 373

Paragraph panel controls

Align buttons, 66–67

hanging punctuation, 71

hyphenation, 69–70

Justification, 67–68

line composers, 68–69

paragraph spacing, setting values for, 70

paragraph type

creating, 65

resizing areas of, 65

setting in Illustrator, 73

particles, using to create depth, 365

Particular plug-in, 328

path effects, generating in After Effects, 318–322

Path Selection tool, using in Photoshop, 79

path type, creating, 65

Pathfinder, using in Illustrator, 305–306


importing into After Effects, 317–318

using in Photoshop, 309

patterns. See also Cell Pattern

seamless, 201

starting at first frame, 198

using for backgrounds, 191–192

using Random Seed slider with, 195

using with graphic-texture animations, 201–204

Pen tool

auto switching, 290–291

displaying functions of, 291

Perlin noise, origins of, 198


adding, 328

stacking order, 227–228

working in 2D, 222

working in 2.5D, 223

working in 3D, 224–227

Perspective method, using with panoramic photos, 373

photo expansion to 3D

Color Range command, 345

determining captured perspective, 341–342

making accurate selections, 343–347

masking layers, 347–349

planning shots, 343

preparing layers for After Effects, 349–350

Quick Selection tool, 343–344

Refine Edge command, 345–347

Photo Filter adjustment, 130–131

Photomerge command. See also panoramic photos

aligning images, 379–380

choosing layout method, 377–379

cleaning up unwanted objects, 382–385

invoking from Bridge, 376–377

making seamless loop, 380–382

organizing images, 376–377

using with panoramic photos, 375

photos. See also images

animation of, 326

panning and scanning, 336–341

placing into compositions, 337

using anchor points with, 336

using animation properties with, 336

using for backgrounds, 192

photos for motion control

aspect ratio, 332–335

captured action, 335–336

Clone Stamp tool, 332–333

composition, 332–335

focus, 330–332

resolution requirements, 329–330

scanning, 331

Photoshop CS5 Extended

3D file formats, 240–241

3D Postcard, 232–233

3D shapes, 233–234

adjustment layers, 127–128

advanced cloning, 167–168

Calculations command for logos, 101–104

changing views with layer masks, 103

Character panel, 66

color space for logos, 97

creating 3D layers, 232–235

creating 3D with Repoussé, 80–82

creating alpha channels manually, 108

creating layer masks for logos, 101–104

creating Smart Objects, 125

Curves, 139

Direct Selection tool, 79

features of, 5–6

finalizing masks for logos, 105

gradient maps, 136–138

grayscale meshes, 234–235

levels adjustment for logo, 103

Masks panel for logos, 102–103

moving files in, 23

Path Selection tool, 79

pixel aspect ratio for logos, 98–99

preparing textures with, 208

presets in Adjustments panel, 128

PSD files and video layers, 128–129

Refine Mask for logos, 105–107

removing logo backgrounds, 99–101

rendering video from, 129

resolution of logos, 98

saving layered files from Illustrator, 308

setting paragraph and area type, 77–78

setting text in, 63

setting type along path, 78–79

Smart Filters, 126

storing actions in, 381

supported file formats, 125

type conversion in, 77

using batch process with, 129

using filters in, 332

vector tools in, 287–288

video layers, 123–125

viewing action safe areas in, 65

viewing title safe areas in, 65

viewing video controls, 123

Photoshop DVD menu design. See also DVD design; menus

adding imagery, 423–424

designing buttons, 425–428

loading reference frame, 422–423

using Smart Objects, 424

using text and logos, 424–425

Photoshop engine, location of, 128

Photoshop files, converting to 3D space, 351–352

Photoshop lighting, adjusting, 245–246

Photoshop text, converting to vector type, 112

Photoshop’s vector tools. See also vectors

Custom Shape tool, 310–311

modes, 309–310

Work Paths, 311–312

Pitch and Timing effect, using in Soundbooth, 282–283

pixel assets, converting, 98

pixels. See also fill pixels; transparent pixels

changing odd number of, 339

nonsquare, 146


creating, 43

replacing, 42

using, 42–43

point sizes

setting for leading, 62

setting for typefaces, 55, 66

Point tools

creating anchor points, 288–289

creating corner points, 290

selecting paths and points, 289

using smooth points, 290

point type

creating, 64–65

setting in Illustrator, 73

poster frame, setting, 44

PostScript fonts, 53

Premiere Pro CS5

features of, 5

importing assets from, 19

moving files in, 23

Premiere Pro footage. See also Blu-ray design; DVD design

loading, 412–413

making subclips, 413

Media manage, 414–415

preset effects, 143–144

processed looks

film-look effect, 141

power window, 142

presets, 143–144

sketched footage effect, 142

product trailer, blinking lights project, 186–188

Production Paperwork folder, using, 29

Production Premium edition

Adobe Media Encoder, 10

Adobe OnLocation CS5, 8–9

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, 5

Bridge CS5, 8

Device Central CS5, 9–10

Encore CS5, 9

Flash Catalyst CS5, 9

Flash Professional CS5, 7

Illustrator CS5, 6

moving files within, 23

Photoshop CS5 Extended, 5–6

Soundbooth CS5, 7–8

Project Files folder, using, 28–29

Project panel

adding empty folders to, 39

deleting files and folders from, 40


reducing, 18, 46

saving versions of, 44

splitting, 46

proxies, using, 43–44

PSD files, using with video layers, 128–129

punctuation, hanging, 71

Puppet tools, using, 360–363


Quick Mask command, using, 348

Quick Selection tool, using, 343

QuickTime movies, generating, 129


Radio Waves effect, using, 196–198

RAM, managing for 3D sources, 248

RAM previews, speeding up, 339

raster graphics, using Photoshop CS5 Extended for, 5–6

raster images, converting to vector files, 146–147

rasterization, applying continuously, 112–113

rasterizing layer styles, 108

Reduce Project command, using, 46

Refine Edge command, using, 345–347

Refine Mask, for logos in Photoshop, 105–107

Remove Grain effect, using, 154

Remove Unused Footage command, using, 45

render process, using placeholders in, 42

Render Video option, choosing in Photoshop, 129

repairing footage

controlling exposure, 162–163

quick fixes with Auto effects, 160–162

removing noise and grain, 154–156

smoothing over time, 156–157

Temporal Filtering controls, 156–157

Repeater operation, using with shapes, 217–218

Replace Footage command, using, 34, 41


creating 3D text, 236–239

Extrude controls, 238

extruding selections, 239–240

Inflate controls, 238

Materials controls, 238

Scene Settings, 238

using to create 3D, 80–82

Resolution menu, changing for images, 339

Resource Central, using with Soundbooth, 274–275

Revolve command, using in Illustrator, 228, 230–231

RGB, converting CMYK documents to, 91, 97

Rotate command, avoiding, 228

rotation, stabilizing, 159

Roto Brush, using, 173–179

RotoBezier path, converting to, 291


sample rates, considering for audio, 262–263

saturation, cleaning up in skin tones, 162–163

scaling footage, 36

scanning and panning photos, 336–341

scanning photos, 331


adding lights to, 363–364

creating depth with particles, 365

moving layers around, 117

rotating around, 360

using footage plates, 364–365


customizing for After Effects, 8

using in Soundbooth, 7, 275

Scratch Disk settings, assigning, 31

script typefaces, 59

scripts, using with panoramas, 387–389

Selection tool, using with paths and points, 289


improving, 344

isolating, 345

sequence markers, converting to After Effects, 19

sequences, importing as clips, 20–21

serif typefaces, 56, 59

shadows, creating, 255–256

Shape Builder tool, using in Illustrator, 306

shape layers. See also layers

animating, 214–218

using in After Effects, 313

using in Photoshop, 309

shape libraries, creating in Illustrator, 306–307

Shape menu, adding custom shapes to, 234


applying meshes to, 235

building in Illustrator, 304–306

creating fluid, 294–296

creating in After Effects, 215

creating variations in Illustrator, 300

modifying, 215–216

morphing in After Effects, 315–316

repeating, 217–218

saving customizations as presets, 311

storing as animation presets, 215

shared drive system, using, 28

shots. See footage

sketch look, adding to footage, 142–143

Sketch option, using with Puppet tools, 362–363

skin tones, cleaning up saturation of, 162–163

Smart Filters, using in Photoshop Extended, 126

Smart Objects. See also objects

adding textures as, 242

creating in Photoshop, 125

desaturating in DVD menu design, 424

using in DVD menu design, 424

smooth points, using, 290

sound. See audio

Soundbooth CS5. See also audio

adding filters to tracks, 281

adding to workflow, 266

applying effects, 281–282

browsing through Scores, 275–277

changing keyframe interpolation, 281

controlling fade in and fade out, 283–284

Convolution Reverb effect, 282

displaying length of audio clips in, 279

dragging audio sources in, 281

editing audio to video, 278–279

entering durations for scores, 279

features of, 7–8

importing audio into, 278

Intensity controls, 280

keyframing variables in scores, 280

looking for effects, 281

Maximize Clip button, 280

moving files in, 23

Pitch and Timing effect, 282–283

Resource Central, 274–275

Scores in, 275–277

Synth controls, 280

Variation menu, 278

working in, 262

speed property, converting to After Effects, 19

Spiral tool, using in Illustrator, 294

Spot Healing Brush

using, 168

using with panoramic photos, 385

Star tool, using, 229

still images

creating, 139

creating proxies for footage, 44

Stock Footage folder, using, 29

storyboards, creating for logos in Illustrator, 93

Stroke effects, generating in After Effects, 318–319

SWFs, importing, 17

symbols, using for quick designs, 307


tapeless sources, working with, 17

Temporal Filtering controls, using, 156–157

text. See also fonts; typefaces

setting in Photoshop, 63

using in Photoshop DVD menu design, 424–425

text animator, creating, 83–85

text area, resizing in Illustrator, 71

text layer, soloing visibility of, 78

text scale, setting, 66

Text tool, using in After Effects, 83–85

textures. See also grayscale textures

adding as Smart Objects, 242

adding with brushes in Illustrator, 300–304

preparing with Photoshop, 208

using for backgrounds, 191

water, 199

wood-like, 199

wrapping to surfaces of objects, 234

Time Remapping effect

converting to After Effects, 19

using, 184

using Graph Editor with, 185–186

time-lapse shots, shooting, 364–365

Timeline layers, names of, 41

Timeline panel

navigating, 265

renaming layers in, 172

using with Clone Stamp tool, 164–165

tints, controlling, 133

Tone effect, using to create sound, 269–270

Tools panel, switching between tools in, 77

Tracker panel, displaying, 158

trackpoints, adjusting, 158–159

transform functions, repeating in Illustrator, 304–306

transparent pixels, selecting, 108. See also pixels

TransType tool, features of, 53

TrueType fonts, 53

Turbulent Noise effect, 199


adding dimension to, 81

converting to outlines in Illustrator, 76–77

customizing with Illustrator, 76–77

in After Effects, 83–85

entering, 64–65

importing in Illustrator, 71–72

outlining with Offset Path effect, 299–300

setting color for, 66

setting for video, 65

specifying along path in Illustrator, 74–76

specifying rows and columns, 73

using layer styles with, 80–82

varieties of, 64

wrapping around objects, 74–76

type layout

hiding and unhiding selections, 62

kerning, 60–61

leading, 62–63

tracking, 61–62

type on path

setting in After Effects, 85

setting in Illustrator, 74–76

setting in Photoshop, 78–79

type orientation, switching in Illustrator, 73

typefaces. See also Character panel; fonts; text

categories, 58–60

font families, 57–58

versus fonts, 54–56, 58

script, 59

selecting, 57

serifs, 59

typographic controls, availability in Illustrator, 63. See also font technology


underexposure versus overexposure, 162


Vanishing Point Exchange, using, 328, 357–360

vector documents

creating Illustrator files, 292–293

designing with multiple artboards, 293–294

vector files, converting raster images to, 146–147

vector graphics

scaling without pixelation, 112–113

using Illustrator CS5 for, 6

vector lines, using Revolve command with, 230–231

vector Shape tools, using, 310

vector shapes

copying and pasting, 228

importing into After Effects, 317–318

using for backgrounds, 192

vector tools

in After Effects, 288

in Flash, 288

in Illustrator, 287

Pen and Point, 288–291

in Photoshop, 287–288

vector type, converting Photoshop text to, 112

vectors, converting footage to, 144–150. See also After Effects vector elements; Illustrator’s vector tools; Photoshop’s vector tools

vectorscopes, availability in OnLocation, 9

Vegas effects, generating in After Effects, 320

velocity curves, modifying for keyframes, 340–341


deinterlacing, 129

rendering from Photoshop, 129

using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 for, 5

video editors, working with, 262

video effects, converting to After Effects, 19

video layers. See also layers

processing with Photoshop Extended, 123–125

using PSD files with, 128–129

video projects, using OnLocation during planning, 8

video transitions, converting to After Effects, 19

viewers, splitting to, 164

views, resetting in After Effects, 222

Volume audio filters, converting to After Effects, 19

volumetric light, using, 363

VU meter, viewing measurements in, 265


water textures, creating, 199

WAV (Windows Waveform) audio format, 261

wave pattern

creating, 196–198

creating seamless, 198


availability in OnLocation, 9

using to line up markers, 265


3D models, 243

3D Warehouse, 243

Archive 3D, 243

Brands of the World, 90

expressions for audio, 273

importing 3D files, 224

Infiniti Board, 401

Kaidan, 371

logos, 90

Map Art, 229

OpenType fonts, 54

Really Right Stuff, 370

Soundbooth, 8

time-lapse movies, 365

TurboSquid, 243

type styles, 56

Vuemore, 401

wood-like textures, creating, 199

Work Paths, using in Photoshop, 311–312

workflow, improving with Creative Suite, 10–13


XFL format, using, 22

x-heights, setting for typefaces, 55


YouNeverKnow.aep project, opening, 84


Zoom controls, using with 3D elements, 244

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