
Page references followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables.

Acid gases, 14
Acid gas mixtures, 254–255, 264
Additional reading, 16
Adsorption process, 184
Air, 45
American engineering units, 157–158, 186, 187f
Anticoagulants, 165–172
AQUAlibrium, 276–277
Average error (AE), 126
Benzene/ethylbenzene/toluene and xylenes (BTEX), 183
Boiling point, 64, 65f
Bukacek model, 269
N-Butane, 29
2-Butene, 30
Carbon dioxide, 285–286
Carbon storage, 308–309
Clapeyron approach, 234
Clapeyron-type equation, 234
Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 40, 288–289
Combating hydrates
buildings, 211
capital costs, 211–212
case studies, 212–216
depressurization, 207–209, 208f
melting plug with heat, 209–210
plug location, 211
plugs, 197–198
formation, 197–198
use of heat, 198–207
buried pipeline, loss from, 199–202
Computer methods
calculations, 115–116
compositions, 115–116
commercial software packages, 117
dehydration, 130–132
margin of error, 132
Ng and Robinson model, 114–115
Parrish and Prausnitz model, 113–114
phase equilibrium, 111–112
programs, accuracy of, 117–130
carbon dioxide, 120–121, 121f
ethane, 119–120, 120f
hydrogen sulfide, 121, 122f
methane, 118–119, 118f
mixtures, 122–126
sour gas, 126–129
third party studies, 129–130
van der Waals and Platteeuw model, 112–113
Contactor diameter, 182, 182f
Cyclopropane, 30, 44
Data for diethylene glycol (DEG), 143
glycol dehydration, 176–184
approximate capital cost, 183–184
liquid desiccants, 176–177
process description, 177–181
short cut design method, 181–183
mole sieves, 184–189
process description, 185
simplified modeling, 186–189
refrigeration, 189–194
glycol injection, 191–194
process description, 189–190
water content specification, 175
Density, 232–233, 233t
Depressurization, 207–209, 208f
Deuterium oxide, 16
Diluted methanol, 161–162
Enthalpy of fusion, 233–234, 234t
EQUI-PHASE hydrate, 119
Ethane, 283–284
Ethylene glycol (EG), 143f–144f
K-factors, 233
Fire tube, 205
Fluid bath, 204–205
Fluid contribution, 200
Free-water, 12, 15–16, 250
Freezing point depression, 135
Freons®, 44–45
Frost argument, 15
Frost point, 263
Gas gravity method, 59–63, 60f–62f, 280–283
Gas Processors Suppliers Association (GPSA), 146
Gibbs free energy, 111
Glycol pump, 180–181
Glycol-rich liquid, 180
Glycols, 157, 160
Guest molecules, 10
size of, 27–29, 28f
Halogens, 45
Hammerschmidt equations, 140–141
Hand calculation methods
Baillie–Wichert method, 75f, 74–79
gas gravity method, 59–66, 60f–62f
approach verifying, 63–66
K-factor method, 66–74
accuracy, comments on, 71–74
computerization, 71
ethylene, 74
flash, 67–68
incipient solid formation, 68–69
liquid hydrocarbons, 69–71
Mann method, 74
Kobayashi correlations, 80
local models, 90–99
composition, 92–99
Wilcox, 91–92
Makogon correlations, 79
methods, comments on, 81–90
isobutane vs n-butane, 84–85
nonformers, 83
quick comparison, 85–89
sour natural gas, 89–90
water, 82
Motiee correlations, 80
Østergaard correlations, 80–81
Towler and Mokhatab correlations, 81
Heat capacity, 234, 235t
Heat transfer, 202, 206
Heavy water, 16
Heterogeneous flow regime, 305
Hexagonal crystal, 7
structure, 9
Homogeneous flow regime, 305
Host molecules, 10
Hydrate, 279
Hydrate curve, 13, 14f
Hydrate formation, 11, 11f
for carbon dioxide, 35t
for ethane, 33t
for hydrogen sulfide, 34t
for isobutane, 34t
for methane, 32t
for propane, 33t
in reservoir, 306
Hydrate inhibitor, 153–154
Hydrate plug location, 211
N-butane, 29
2-butene, 30
cyclopropane, 30
formation at 0°C, 46
forming conditions, 32–39
caution, 37
composition, 35–37
ethylene, 38–39
nitrogen, 38
pressure–temperature, 32–35, 32t–35t
propylene, 39
guest molecule, size of, 27–29, 28f
hydrogen and helium, 30–31
LA + LN + H correlations, 42–43
liquid hydrate formers, 31–32
mixtures, 46–52
azeotropy, 48–49
with non-formers, 50–52
of same type, 48
type I plus type II, 48
natural occurrence of, 310
other hydrate formers, 44–46
other hydrocarbons, 29
physical properties
density, 232–233, 233t
enthalpy of fusion, 233–234, 234t
heat capacity, 234, 235t
ice vs. hydrate, 236–239
mechanical properties, 235
molar mass, 231–232, 232t
thermal conductivity, 235
volume of gas, 235–236
quadruple points, 43–44
temperature and pressure, 13–14
type H formers, 27
type H hydrates, 26–27
type I formers, 26
type I hydrates, 23–26
type II formers, 26
type II hydrates, 26
V+ LA+ H correlations, 39–42
Hydrate temperature, 149f
Hydrogen compounds, 5–6
Hydrogen sulfide, 116, 116f
Hypothetical gas well, temperature and pressure in, 307, 307f–308f
Ideal gas, 302–303
Ideal model, 265
Inhibiting hydrate formation
acetone, 153–154
advanced calculation methods, 152
ammonia, 153
brine solutions, 146–149
McCain method, 147–149
freezing point depression, 137–139
Hammerschmidt equation, 139–140
inhibitor chemicals, price for, 162–163
inhibitor vaporization, 154–160
injection rates, comment on, 161
low dosage hydrate inhibitors, 163–172
new method, 141–146
accuracy of, 144–146, 145f
chart, 143, 143f
Nielsen–Bucklin equation, 140–141
Østergaard method, 150–151
safety considerations, 161–162
simple methods, comment on, 151–152
word of caution, 152–153
Inhibitor chemicals, 153, 162–163
Inhibitor vaporization
hydrocarbon liquid, 158–160
theoretical approach, 157–158
Interpolation equation, 283
Japan Oil, Gas, and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), 311
Joule-Thomson expansion, 301, 301f
Katz method, 233
K-factor method, 122
accuracy, comments on, 71–74
computerization, 71
ethylene, 74
flash, 67–68
incipient solid formation, 68–69
liquid hydrocarbons, 69–71
Mann method, 74
Kinetic inhibitors, 164–165
Lean–rich exchanger, 179
Line heater design, 202–206, 203f
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 152
Liquid desiccants, 176–177
glycols, 176–177
Liquid hydrate formers, 31–32
Liquid hydrocarbon
glycol, 160
Liquid natural gas (LNG), 309
Liquid water, 283
Low-dosage hydrate inhibitors
anticoagulants, 165–172
kinetic inhibitors, 164–165
Maddox correction, 271–273, 272f–274f
Mallik, 312
Mars Polar Lander (MPL), 313
McKetta–Wehe chart, 265–268, 266f–267f
Messoyakha field, 312
Methane, 279–280
Methane hydrate, 144, 145f
Methanol-hydrocarbon systems, 153
Methods for dehydration, 131
Modern process simulation packages, 183
Molar mass, 231–232, 232t
Nankai Trough, 311
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 161
Natural gas
definition, 2–4
hydrates, 4
sales gas, 3
water and, 14–16
Nielsen–Bucklin equation, 141
Noble gases, 45
Non-water species, 112–113
Normal boiling point
of alcohols, 6, 6f
hydrogen compounds, 5–6, 5f
Nucleation sites, 12
Outer space, 312–316
comets, 313
Mars, 313–316
Peng–Robinson equation, 114
Phase diagrams
binary systems, 244–252
carbon dioxide + water, 250–251, 251f
constructing T-x and P-x diagrams, 247
free-water, 250
hydrogen sulfide + water, 252
methane + water, 247–250, 248f–249f
propane + water, 252
comments about, 241–242
multicomponent systems, 254–261
acid gas mixture, 254–255
typical natural gas, 256–261
phase behavior below 0°C, 252–254
methane + water, 252–254, 253f
phase rule, 241
single component systems, 242–244
water, 244
Phase rule, 241
Physical properties
density, 232–233, 233t
enthalpy of fusion, 233–234, 234t
heat capacity, 234, 235t
ice vs. hydrate, 236–239
mechanical properties, 235
molar mass, 231–232, 232t
thermal conductivity, 235
volume of gas, 235–236
Pipe contribution, 201
Polar solvents, 135
Poynting correction, 288
Probability function, 113–114
Process description, 177–181
contactor, 178–179
flash tank, 179
glycol pump, 180–181
inlet separator, 177–178
lean–rich exchanger, 179
regenerator, 179–180
Process simulation, 183
Propane, 284–285
Quadruple points, 245–246
Quantifying error, 17–19
Raoult’s Law, 157–158
Raw data set, 291
Real fluids, 303–305
compressibility factor, 303–304
Miller equation, 304–305, 304f
Refrigeration process, 189, 190f
Regeneration, 185
Regenerator, 179–180
Robinson charts, 274
Safety considerations, diluted methanol, 161–162
Saltation regime, 305
Saul–Wagner correlation, 269
Seabed, 310–311
Semiempirical equation, 40
Sharma–Campbell method, 268–269
Single component systems, 242–244
Slurry flow, 305–306
Soil contribution, 201
Solid–liquid curve, 242–243
Sour gases, 264
Standard temperature and pressure (STP), 17
Stationary bed regime, 305
Tabular data, 139
Temperature-pressure plane, 242–243
Theoretical treatment, 302
Thermal conductivity, 235
Three-phase critical points, 242
Transportation, 309
Triethylene glycol (TEG), 135, 143f–144f
Tube bundle, 205
Turbulence, 11–12
Two-bed adsorption scheme, 185, 185f
Two-phase heater transfer, 206–207
Two single-phase regions, 246
Units, 16–17
van der Waals–Platteeuw-type models, 152
Vapor-liquid-solid triple points, 243, 243t
Volume of gas, 235–236
Water content
dew point, 263–264
liquid water, equilibrium with, 264–277
AQUAlibrium, 276–277
Bukacek model, 269
ideal model, 265
Maddox correction, 271–273, 272f–274f
McKetta–Wehe chart, 265–268, 266f–267f
Ning model, 270–271, 271f
Robinson charts, 274
Sharma–Campbell method, 268–269
Wichert correction, 275–276
local water content model, 287–295
solids, equilibrium with, 277–286
carbon dioxide, 285–286
ethane, 283–284
gas gravity, 280–283
hydrate, 279
methane, 279–280
propane, 284–285
Water–gas interface, 12
Water molecule
enthalpy of vaporization, 7, 7t
expansion upon freezing, 7
hydrogen bond, 8–9
normal boiling point of water, 5–6, 5f–6f
shape of, 8–9, 9f
Weather forecast, 263
Well flow, 307–308
Wichert correction, 275–276
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