Table of Contents

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Title page



Preface to the Third Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Natural Gas

1.2. The Water Molecule

1.3. Hydrates

1.4. Water and Natural Gas

1.5. Heavy Water

1.6. Additional Reading

1.7. Units

1.8. Quantifying Error

Chapter 2. Hydrate Types and Formers

2.1. Type I Hydrates

2.2. Type II Hydrates

2.3. Type H Hydrates

2.4. The Size of the Guest Molecule

2.5. n-Butane

2.6. Other Hydrocarbons

2.7. Cyclopropane

2.8. 2-Butene

2.9. Hydrogen and Helium

2.10. Chemical Properties of Potential Guests

2.11. Liquid Hydrate Formers

2.12. Hydrate Forming Conditions

2.13. V + LA + H Correlations

2.14. LA + LN + H Correlations

2.15. Quadruple Points

2.16. Other Hydrate Formers

2.17. Hydrate Formation at 0 °C

2.18. Mixtures

Appendix 2A Water Content of the Fluid in Equilibrium with Hydrate for Pure Components

Chapter 3. Hand Calculation Methods

3.1. The Gas Gravity Method

3.2. The K-Factor Method

3.3. Baillie–Wichert Method

3.4. Other Correlations

3.5. Comments on All of These Methods

3.6. Local Models

Appendix 3A Katz K-Factor Charts

Chapter 4. Computer Methods

4.1. Phase Equilibrium

4.2. van der Waals and Platteeuw

4.3. Parrish and Prausnitz

4.4. Ng and Robinson

4.5. Calculations

4.6. Commercial Software Packages

4.7. The Accuracy of These Programs

4.8. Dehydration

4.9. Margin of Error

Chapter 5. Inhibiting Hydrate Formation with Chemicals

5.1. Freezing Point Depression

5.2. The Hammerschmidt Equation

5.3. The Nielsen–Bucklin Equation

5.4. A New Method

5.5. Brine Solutions

5.6. Østergaard et al

5.7. Comment on the Simple Methods

5.8. Advanced Calculation Methods

5.9. A Word of Caution

5.10. Ammonia

5.11. Acetone

5.12. Inhibitor Vaporization

5.13. A Comment on Injection Rates

5.14. Safety Considerations

5.15. Price for Inhibitor Chemicals

5.16. Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors

Chapter 6. Dehydration of Natural Gas

6.1. Water Content Specification

6.2. Glycol Dehydration

6.3. Mole Sieves

6.4. Refrigeration

Chapter 7. Combating Hydrates Using Heat and Pressure

7.1. Plugs

7.2. The Use of Heat

7.3. Depressurization

7.4. Melting a Plug with Heat

7.5. Hydrate Plug Location

7.6. Buildings

7.7. Capital Costs

7.8. Case Studies

Appendix 7A Output from Pipe Heat Loss Program for the Examples in the Text

Chapter 8. Physical Properties of Hydrates

8.1. Molar Mass

8.2. Density

8.3. Enthalpy of Fusion

8.4. Heat Capacity

8.5. Thermal Conductivity

8.6. Mechanical Properties

8.7. Volume of Gas in Hydrate

8.8. Ice versus Hydrate

Chapter 9. Phase Diagrams

9.1. Phase Rule

9.2. Comments about Phases

9.3. Single Component Systems

9.4. Binary Systems

9.5. Phase Behavior below 0 °C

9.6. Multicomponent Systems

Chapter 10. Water Content of Natural Gas

10.1. Dew Point

10.2. Equilibrium with Liquid Water

10.3. Equilibrium with Solids

10.4. Local Water Content Model

Appendix 10A Output from AQUAlibrium

Hydrate Book Example 10.4: 100 psi

Hydrate Book Example 10.4: 250 psi

Hydrate Book Example 10.4: 500 psi

Hydrate Book Example 10.4: 1000 psi

Chapter 11. Additional Topics

11.1. Joule-Thomson Expansion

11.2. Theoretical Treatment

11.3. Ideal Gas

11.4. Real Fluids

11.5. Slurry Flow

11.6. Hydrate Formation in the Reservoir during Production

11.7. Flow in the Well

11.8. Carbon Storage

11.9. Transportation

11.10. Natural Occurrence of Hydrates

11.11. Seabed

11.12. Natural Gas Formations

11.13. Outer Space


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