Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page






Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. What Data Mining Is

1.2. What Data Mining is Not

1.3. The Case for Data Mining

1.4. Types of Data Mining

1.5. Data Mining Algorithms

1.6. Roadmap for Upcoming Chapters

Chapter 2. Data Mining Process

2.1. Prior Knowledge

2.2. Data Preparation

2.3. Modeling

2.4. Application

2.5. Knowledge

What’s Next?

Chapter 3. Data Exploration

3.1. Objectives of Data Exploration

3.2. Data Sets

3.3. Descriptive Statistics

3.4. Data Visualization

3.5. Roadmap for Data Exploration

Chapter 4. Classification

4.1. Decision Trees

4.2. Rule Induction

4.3. k-Nearest Neighbors

4.4. Naïve Bayesian

4.5. Artificial Neural Networks

4.6. Support Vector Machines

4.7. Ensemble Learners

Chapter 5. Regression Methods

5.1. Linear Regression

5.2. Logistic Regression


Chapter 6. Association Analysis

6.1. Concepts of Mining Association Rules

6.2. Apriori Algorithm

6.3. FP-Growth Algorithm


Chapter 7. Clustering

Clustering to Describe the Data

Clustering for Preprocessing

7.1. Types of Clustering Techniques

7.2. k-Means Clustering

7.3. DBSCAN Clustering

Chapter 8. Model Evaluation

8.1. Confusion Matrix (or Truth Table)

8.2. Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) Curves and Area under the Curve (AUC)

8.3. Lift Curves

8.4. Evaluating The Predictions: Implementation


Chapter 9. Text Mining

9.1. How Text Mining Works

9.2. Implementing Text Mining with Clustering and Classification


Chapter 10. Time Series Forecasting

10.1. Data-Driven Approaches

10.2. Model-Driven Forecasting Methods


Chapter 11. Anomaly Detection

11.1. Anomaly Detection Concepts

11.2. Distance-Based Outlier Detection

11.3. Density-Based Outlier Detection

11.4. Local Outlier Factor


Chapter 12. Feature Selection

12.1. Classifying Feature Selection Methods

12.2. Principal Component Analysis

12.3. Information Theory–Based Filtering for Numeric Data

12.4. Chi-Square-Based Filtering for Categorical Data

12.5. Wrapper-Type Feature Selection


Chapter 13. Getting Started with RapidMiner

13.1. User Interface and Terminology

13.2. Data Importing and Exporting Tools

13.3. Data Visualization Tools

13.4. Data Transformation Tools

13.5. Sampling and Missing Value Tools

13.6. Optimization Tools


Comparison of Data Mining Algorithms


About the Authors

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