Adding Functionality to an Existing Control

If you simply want to add behavior to an existing control you can inherit from that control, rather than create a whole new control from scratch. For example, let's say you want the text in a TextBox control to automatically be selected when the control gains the focus, enabling the user to easily overwrite the existing text, instead of the default behavior in which the cursor is simply placed at the end of the existing text.

You have two main options you could use to achieve this behavior:

  1. Create an action (as described in Chapter 10) that is triggered when the control gets the focus and selects the text as required. (Alternatively, you could create a behavior instead.) You can then apply that action to each control that should implement that behavior. However, this requires the designer/developer to remember to do so, and adds to the verbosity of the XAML in your views.
  2. If the behavior is commonly implemented by the control throughout your project, you might like to create a class that inherits from the control, add the behavior to it, and use the inherited control in its place.

Using our example of a TextBox that automatically selects all the text when it receives the focus, we can create a new class called CustomTextBox inherit from TextBox, and add the behavior:

public class CustomTextBox : TextBox
    protected override void OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs e)

By default, the new control (CustomTextBox) will continue to use the default control template that the control it inherits from uses (TextBox). So our CustomTextBox control will continue to use the TextBox's default control template. If you want to use a different default control template, simply assign the control's type to the DefaultStyleKey property in its constructor, as shown in the following code:

DefaultStyleKey = typeof(CustomTextBox);

You then need to define a corresponding style resource containing the control template in the Generic.xaml file, pointing both the style resource's TargetType property and the control template's TargetType property to the type assigned to the control's DefaultStyleKey property, like so:


    <Style TargetType="local:CustomTextBox">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:CustomTextBox">
                    <!-- Template goes here -->

The control will automatically look for a style resource defined in the Generic.xaml file with a target type matching the type assigned to its DefaultStyleKey property, and use that as its default control template.

images Note A number of primitive controls don't appear in the Toolbox, but you might wish to inherit from them. These primitive controls form the base of many other controls. For example, the Selector primitive control forms the base for the ListBox and the ComboBox controls. You will find these primitive controls in the System.Windows.Controls.Primitives namespace with controls including ButtonBase, Popup, RangeBase, RepeatButton, ScrollBar, Selector, Thumb, and ToggleButton.

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