

Q1:When do I use Skew, versus Distort, versus Perspective? They all seem to do similar things.
A1: When you know that a transformation is needed but you aren't sure what kind, use Edit→Free Transform. You can also access it by pressing Command+T (Mac) or Control+T (Windows). This command places a similar box around the object to be transformed, but it lets you rotate, distort, and drag the object in any direction, or do whatever seems necessary.
Q2:I saw type that seemed to have been set standing on a mirror. The letters were reflected backward. How can I do that?
A2: Set the type, make a copy of it, and flip the copy vertically. Slide the reflection into place under the original type, select it, and apply perspective until it looks right.
Q3:What happens if I make a number of transformations and then change my mind about them later?
A3: Using Photoshop's History palette, you can go back and undo some or all of these operations. Just go back to the state before the transformations. If you're unsure about what you're doing, it's always a good policy to work on a copy of the original picture. That way, you always have an unspoiled version if something unexpected happens.
Q4:How can I tell when I've straightened the horizon enough?
A4: The horizon should be level, so dragging a guide from the ruler at the top of the picture will give you something to judge it against. Remember, you can use fractions of a degree in the Rotate Canvas dialog box by typing their decimal equivalents. Half a degree is 0.5, and so on.


1:How can you achieve the effect of a mirror appearing to the right of an object?
  1. Copy the object to be reflected, flip the copy horizontally, and move it into place. (The two images' sides should touch.) Then select the reflection and distort it, if needed for perspective.

  2. Select Edit→Mirror and then the object.

  3. You can't.

2:How can you put more white space around an object?
  1. Paint the background white.

  2. Use the Canvas Size dialog box to make the canvas bigger. (Make sure white is the background color first.)

  3. Shrink the object by selecting it and applying Edit→Transform→Scale.

3:What items should you avoid flipping?
  1. Anything containing type.

  2. Guys wearing one earring.

  3. Signs that say “This side up.”

  4. Any of the above.

Quiz Answers

A1: a. Edit→Mirror doesn't exist (yet).
A2: b. or c. Either will work.
A3: d. Don't flip anything that's obviously directional or that has clues suggesting direction, such as a watch, ring, or pocket.


Create a new canvas. Paint a squiggle on it and select the squiggle. Practice flipping, skewing, distorting, and rotating it. Use all the tools discussed in this hour to find the ones you like best.

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