

access, restricting, 68

accessing SkyDrive from Word, WEB: 397398

account name, 13

Add a Digital Signature, 68

Add-Ins tab, Ribbon, 24

Add Shape command, 200


apps, 5053

borders, 276278

captions, 299301

cells, 180181

color to text, 103104

columns, 176179

footers, 134137

headers, 134137

hyperlinks, WEB: 389392

Microsoft accounts, 4142

page numbers, 138139

picture styles, 276278

rows, 176179

services to Microsoft accounts, 4750

shading, 159

special effects, 152

drop caps, 152153

text effects, 153154

watermarks, 154156

text with Quick Parts, 8889

adjusting pictures, 285

correcting problems, 285286

removing backgrounds, 287289

tweaking colors, 286287


cells, 184185

controlling, 108

vertical alignment, changing, 132133

alignment guides, 264

applying templates, 7275

apps, adding, 5053

Artistic Effects, 279

applying to pictures, 281282

ascenders, 121


document protection, 6768

effects, 279281

styles, 150

attributes. See text formatting

AutoCorrect, 324326

AutoFit command, 174

AutoFit Contents, 175

axes, charts, 207

axis labels, 208



customizing (Microsoft accounts), 4647

removing from pictures, 287289

bandwidth, cloud, 37

Bing Image Search, 241

inserting pictures from, 244246

Bing Video Search, 254

BMP (Windows Bitmap), 239

bold, applying, 9698

bookmarks, inserting, 307310

borders, 156

adding, 276278

page borders, adding 158

tables, 188191

text borders, adding, 157

Borders and Shading dialog box, 158

Borders tool, 157


inserting, 139142

removing, 142

browsers, managing SkyDrive from, WEB: 394397

bulleted lists, 118120


captions, adding, 299301

capturing screenshots, 250254


adding, 180181

alignment, 184185

deleting, 180181

margins, 184185

merging, 181184

splitting, 181184

Change Colors palette, 203

changes to documents, reviewing, WEB: 371373


fonts, 98100

layouts, colors, and styles, SmartArt, 202203

markup display, tracking changes, WEB: 365367

point size, 100102

view modes, 2931

character spacing, 125

chart area, 208

chart data, entering, 210211

chart parts, 207208

charts, 193

chart parts, 207208

editing, 212215

entering data, 210211

inserting, 205, 209

types of, 206

chart text, 208

check boxes, Ribbon, 23

checking documents for hidden data, 330332

choosing style sets, 149

Citations & Bibliography, 299

Clear All Formatting button, 105

clip art, 240

Clipboard pane, cutting, copying, and pasting text, 8788

Close command, 17


documents, 65

Word, 1617

cloud, 36, WEB: 382

bandwidth, 37

cloud computing, 3638

Microsoft, 38

cloud connectivity, 36

cloud storage, 3638

cloud storage services, 36

collated printing, 338

color, adding to text, 103104


changing (SmartArt), 202203

tweaking in pictures, 286287

Colors dialog box, 104, 159

columns, 130132

adding, 176179

deleting, 176179


inserting, 317319

tracking documents, WEB: 370371

Comments feature, 317

Compare Documents dialog box, WEB: 373

comparing documents, WEB: 373374

Compress Pictures, 287

context menus, 2627

controlling page setup, 342343

Convert Text to Table command, 165


data, 6667

text, 85

text formatting from one place to another, 104105

copying and pasting text, 86

copyright symbol, inserting, 93

correcting picture problems, 285286

Create Graphic group, 200

cropping pictures, 282285


inserting, 301302

removing, 302

cursors, 82

custom indents, 111

custom tables, drawing, 167169

Customize Quick Access Toolbar button, 334


Microsoft accounts, 42

account pictures, 4345

background and theme, 4647

SmartArt, 197201

cutting and pasting text, 86



copying, 6667

moving between files, 6667

pasting, 6667

data categories, 207

data points, 207

data series, 207

data tables, 208

Delete Cells dialog box, 179180

Delete Columns command, 178

Delete key, 83

Delete Rows command, 178


cells, 180181

columns, 176179

rows, 176179

descenders, 121

deselecting text, 85

Design tab, 213

Ribbon, 23

tables, 190

diagrams, 193

dialog boxes, 2729

digital pictures. See pictures

digital signatures, 68

Display for Review drop-down menu, WEB: 365

DNG (Digital Negative) file types, 240

.DOC, 72

Document Inspector dialog box, 331

document protection, assigning, 6768

document work area, 13

documents, 55

checking for hidden data, 330332

closing, 65

comparing, WEB: 373375

emailing, WEB: 382385

navigating with Navigation pane, 310313

opening, 6265

previewing, 334335

printing, 334

managing print settings, 336341

reviewing, WEB: 362363

saving, 5860

file types, 6061

options, 62

sending as attachments, WEB: 383

sharing, WEB: 375378

starting new, 5657

structuring with Outline view, 292296

tracking, WEB: 362363

changing markup display, WEB: 365367

comments, WEB: 369371

reviewing changes, WEB: 371372

turning on tracking, WEB: 363364

turning into web pages, WEB: 386388

viewing multiple, 6566

.DOCX file extension, 60, 238

.DOT, 72

.DOTM, 72

.DOTX, 72

Draft mode, 29

dragging, resizing tables, 173174

Draw Table command, 180


custom tables, 167169

shapes, 218221

Drop Cap dialog box, 153

drop caps, inserting, 152153


Edit Hyperlink dialog box, WEB: 392

Edit Shape drop-down arrow, 226


charts, 212215

PDF files, WEB: 375

text, 8283

effects, 219

assigning, 279281

Effects, 279

emailing documents, WEB: 382385

embedding videos, 254257

Encrypt with Password, 68

endnotes, inserting, 297298

entering chart data, 210211

Envelope Options dialog box, 345

envelopes, printing, 343346

Envelopes and Labels dialog box, 347

Eraser tool, 180

Excel spreadsheets, inserting as tables, 169170

exiting Word, 1617

external hard drives, 250


File tab, 23

file types, 6061

.DOC, 72

pictures, 238240

fill color, 219

Find and Replace dialog box, 319


help, 1416

templates, 7678

finding and replacing text, 319322

flash drives, 250

Flickr, 241

Flip command, 268

flipping graphics, 267270

Font Color palette, 103

Font Color tool, 104

Font dialog box, 102

fonts, changing, 98100

Font Size drop-down menu, 100

Font Size menu, 101

footers, adding, 134137

footnotes, inserting, 297298

Format Painter tool, 104

Format pane, effects, 281

Format Picture pane, 286

Format Shape pane, 224, 229

Format tab, 203, 213

Picture Styles gallery, 277

text wrapping options, 266

Format Text Effects icon, 229


borders, 156

page borders, 158

text borders, 157

pages. See page formatting

paragraphs. See paragraph formatting

shading, 156

adding, 159

shapes, 223226

SmartArt, 203205

special effects, 152

adding watermarks, 154156

applying text effects, 153154

inserting drop caps, 152153


applying, 146149

assigning, 150

choosing style sets, 149

creating new, 151

text. See text formatting

themes, applying, 144146


galleries, Ribbon, 22

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 239

Grammar pane, 324

graphic objects, 260

graphics. See also images; shapes

effects, assigning, 279281

flipping, 267270

grouping, 270276

layering, 270274

pictures, 237. See also pictures

positioning, 267

rotating, 267270

sizing, 260263

alignment guides, 264

with selection handles, 261

SmartArt. See SmartArt

text wrapping, 264267

graphs, 193

gridlines, charts, 208

grouping graphics objects, 270271, 275276


headers, adding, 134139

help, finding, 1416

Help feature, 1416

hidden data, checking documents for, 330332

hiding Ribbon, 24

highlighter pens, highlighting text, 316317

highlighting text with highlighter pen, 316317

Home tab, 20

Ribbon, 23

Styles gallery, 149

hyperlinks, adding, WEB: 389392



Layout Options, 205

Paragraph icon, 23

pushpin icon, 24

Word, 12


inserting from Internet, 240242

thumbnails, 241

indenting text, 110111

custom indents, 111

setting indents with the ruler, 112115

simple indents, 111

special indents, 112

indexes, creating, 302305

Insert, 83

Insert Address Block dialog box, 354

Insert Cells dialog box, 179

Insert Chart dialog box, 206

Insert command, 178

Insert Greeting Line dialog box, 355

Insert Pictures dialog box, 201

Insert Pictures feature, 241

Insert tab, 20

Ribbon, 23


bookmarks, 307310

breaks, 139142

charts, 205, 209

comments, 317319

cross-references 301302

drop caps, 152153

footnotes/endnotes 297298

images from Internet, 240242

pages, 139


from Bing Image Search, 244246

from, 242244

from SkyDrive, 246248

your own, 248249

Quick Parts, 8991

Quick Tables, 165166

sections, 139142

shapes, 219

SmartArt, 196197

symbols, 9293

tables, 162165

Excel spreadsheets, 169170

text box objects, 231234

WordArt objects, 226230

insertion points, 82

Internet, inserting images from, 240242

italics, applying, 9698


JPEG (Joint Photographics Expert Group), 238239

key drives, 250


Label Options dialog box, 348

labels, printing, 346349

layering graphics objects, 270274

Layout dialog box, sizing graphics, 262

Layout Options icon, 205

Layout tab, Text Direction button, 185

layouts, changing (SmartArt), 202203

leader characters, 115

leading, 121

legends, charts, 208

line spacing, 121123

lists, 118120

Live Preview feature, 145

lossless compression, 239

lossy compression, 239


Mail Merge pane, 350

Mail Merge tool, 349358

Mail Merge Wizard, 349

Mailings tab, Ribbon, 23


print settings, 336341


accessing from Word, WEB: 397398

from your browser, WEB: 394397

margins, 128130

cells, 184185

Mark as Final, 68

markup display, changing, WEB: 365367

master Document tool, 296

merge fields, 349

Merge to New Document dialog box, 357

merging cells, 181184

metadata, 330

Microsoft, clouds, 38

Microsoft accounts, 39

adding, 4142

customizing, 42

account pictures, 4345

background and theme, 4647

services, adding, 4750

signing in, 3941

switching between, 4142

Microsoft Word. See Word mini toolbar, 26

applying bold, italics, and underline, 97

cutting, copying and pasting text, 87

Mini Translator, 328


data between files, 6667

text, 85

Multi-Tool Word for Xenix and MS-DOS, 6


navigating long documents with Navigation pane, 310313

Navigation pane, 310313

New Address List window, 352

new features, 89

numbered lists, 118120



grouping, 275276

layering, 271274

Office 365, 37, 241

inserting pictures from, 242244

Office Store, 50

Office Web Apps, WEB: 398400

Open dialog box, 64

Open page, 64

opening documents, 6265

outline, 219

Outline mode, 29

Outline view, 292296

Overtype, 83


page borders, adding, 158

PageDown, 83

page formatting

columns, 130132

headers/footers, adding, 134137

inserting pages, breaks and sections, 139142

margins, 128130

page numbers, 138139

vertical alignment, changing, 132133

Page Layout tab, 342

Ribbon, 23

page numbers, adding, 138139

Page Numbers feature, 138

page orientation, printing, 339

page setup, controlling, 342343

Page Setup dialog box, 129, 343

pages, inserting, 139

PageUp, 83

paint format, 239


Clipboard pane, 8788

Format pane, effects, 281

Format Picture pane, 286

Format Shape pane, 224, 229

Grammar pane, 324

Mail Merge pane, 350

Research pane, 328

Revisions pane, 317319

Spelling and Grammar pane, 322

Spelling pane, 323

Styles pane, 150

Paragraph dialog box, 109

paragraph formatting, 107

alignment, controlling, 108

bulleted lists, 118120

numbered lists, 118120

spacing, 120121

character spacing, 125

line spacing, 121123

paragraph spacing, 123125

tabs, 115117

text, indenting, 110115

Paragraph icon, 23

paragraph spacing, 120, 123125


data, 6667

text, 86

mini toolbar, 87

PDF (Portable Document Format), editing files, WEB: 375

Picture Border tools, 278

Picture Effects, 279

picture styles, adding, 276278

Picture Styles gallery, Format tab, 277

Picture Styles tool, 278


adjusting, 285

Artistic Effects, applying, 281282

borders, adding, 276278

colors, tweaking, 286287

correcting problems, 285286

cropping, 282285

customizing Microsoft accounts, 4345

digital pictures, 237

file types, 238240


from Bing Image Search, 244246

from, 242244

from SkyDrive, 246248

your own, 248249

picture styles, adding, 276278

removing backgrounds, 287289

placeholders, SmartArt, 197

plot area, 208

PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 239

point size, changing, 100102

positioning graphics, 267

previewing documents, 334335

Print Layout mode, 29

print settings, managing, 336341

Print to File command, 337

Print window, 334


collated, 338

documents, 334

managing print settings, 336341

envelopes, 343346

labels, 346349

page orientation, 339

program window, overview, 1114

program window controls, 13

program windows, sizing, 13

prompt boxes, 29

proofreading, 315

AutoCorrect, 324326

checking spelling and grammar, 322324

highlighting text, 316317

inserting comments, 317319

researching and translating words, 328330

text, finding and replacing, 319322

Thesaurus, 327328

protecting documents, 6768

pushpin icon, 24


Quick Access toolbar, 12, 25

Quick Parts, 135

creating, 91

inserting, 8991

text, adding, 8889

Quick Print command, 334

Quick Tables, inserting, 165166


raster, 239

RAW file types, 239

Read mode, 29, 32

red wavy lines, 83

References tab, Ribbon, 23

Remove Background tool, 287


breaks, 142

cross-references, 302

video, 257

Replace All, 320


shapes, 222223

tables, 186187

requirements for Word, 7

researching words, 328330

Research pane, 328


shapes, 222223

tables, 186187

by dragging, 173174

Table Properties dialog box, 175176

Table Tools, 174175

Restrict Access, 68

Restrict Editing, 68

restricting access to documents, 68

Review tab, Ribbon, 23


changes to documents, WEB: 371373

documents, WEB: 362363

Revisions pane, 317319

Ribbon, 13, 20

Add-Ins tab, 24

check boxes, 23

Design tab, 23

elements of, 2123

File tab, 23

galleries, 22

hiding, 24

Home tab, 20, 23

Insert tab, 23

Mailings tab, 23

Page Layout tab, 23

Quick Access toolbar, 25

References tab, 23

Review tab, 23

spinner arrows, 22

View tab, 24

rotating graphics, 267270


adding, 176179

deleting, 176179

ruler, setting indents, 112115


Save As command, 58

Save As dialog box, 59

Save as type drop-down list, 61


documents, 5860

as web pages, WEB: 386388

file types, 6061

options, 62

templates, 7879

screen clipping, 252

screenshots, capturing, 250254

Screenshot tool, 250

scroll bars, 13

sections, inserting, 139142


table parts, 172173

text, 8485

selection handles, 75

sizing graphics, 261

Send a Link, WEB: 382

Send as Attachment, WEB: 382

Send as Internet Fax, WEB: 382

Send as PDF, WEB: 382

Send as XPS, WEB: 382

sending documents as attachments, WEB: 383

services, adding to Microsoft accounts, 4750

shading, 156

adding, 159

Shape Effects, 279

Shape Styles gallery, 278


drawing, 218221

formatting, 223226

inserting, 219

repositioning, 222223

resizing, 222223

Shapes tool, 218

Share screen, WEB: 383

sharing documents, WEB: 375378

Show Markup menu, WEB: 366

signing into Microsoft accounts, 3941

simple indents, 111


graphics, 260263

alignment guides, 264

selection handles, 261

program windows, 13

shapes, 222223

tables, 173, 186187

by dragging, 173174

Table Properties dialog box, 175176

Table Tools, 174175

SkyDrive, 241, WEB: 393394

inserting pictures from, 246248


accessing from Word, WEB: 397398

from your browser, WEB: 394397

sharing documents, WEB: 375378

SmartArt, 194196

changing layouts, colors, and styles, 202203

customizing, 197201

formatting, 203205

inserting, 196197

spacing, 120121

character spacing, 125

line spacing, 121123

paragraph spacing, 123125

special characters, 93

special effects, 152

adding watermarks, 154156

applying text effects, 153154

inserting drop caps, 152153

special indents, 112

spell checker tool, 83

Spelling and Grammar checker, 322324

Spelling and Grammar pane, 322

Spelling pane, 323

Spinner arrows, Ribbon, 22

splitting cells, 181184


documents, 5657

Word, 911

Start screen, 10

turning off, 11

status bar, 13

stick drives, 250

stock photography, 240

strikethrough, 98

structuring documents with Outline view, 292296

style sets, choosing, 149


applying, 146149

assigning, 150

changing SmartArt, 202203

choosing style sets, 149

creating new, 151

Styles gallery, Home tab, 149

Styles pane, 150

subscript, 98

superscript, 98

switching Microsoft accounts, 4142

symbols, inserting, 9293


table of contents, creating, 306307

table parts, selecting, 172173

Table Properties dialog box, 186

resizing tables, 175176

Table Styles gallery, 188191

Table Tools, 171

resizing tables, 174175

tables, 161

borders, 188191


adding/deleting, 180181

alignment/margins, 184185

merging and splitting, 181184

columns, adding/deleting, 176179

custom tables, drawing, 167169

Excel spreadsheets, inserting, 169170

inserting, 162165

Quick Tables, inserting, 165166

repositioning, 186187

rows, adding/deleting, 176179

sizing, 173, 186187

by dragging, 173174

Table Properties dialog box, 175176

Table Tools, 174175

Table Styles gallery, 188191

tabs, setting, 115117

templates, 72

applying, 7275

finding, 7678

saving, 7879


adding with Quick Parts, 8889

adding color to, 103104

Clipboard pane, 8788

copying, 85

copying and pasting, 86

mini toolbar, 87

cutting and pasting, 86

mini toolbar, 87

deselecting, 85

editing, 8283

finding and replacing, 319322

highlighting with highlighter pen, 316317

indenting, 110111

custom indents, 111

setting indents with the ruler, 112115

simple indents, 111

special indents, 112

moving, 85

selecting, 8485

typing, 8283

text borders, adding, 157

text boxes, 234

text box objects, inserting, 231234

Text Box tool, 231

Text Direction button, 185

text effects, applying, 153154

Text Effects, 279

Text Effects palette, Transform category, 230

text formatting, 95

adding color to text, 103104

applying bold, italics, and underline, 9698

changing point size, 100102

changing fonts, 98100

copying from one place to another, 104105

Font dialog box, 102

Text Highlighter tool, 104

text wrapping, graphics, 264267

Text Wrapping tab, Layout dialog box, 266


applying, 144146

customizing Microsoft accounts, 4647

Thesaurus, 327328

thumb drives, 250

thumbnails, 241

tick marks, 208

.TIFF, 238239

title bar, 12

toolbars, 2627

mini toolbars, 26

Quick Access toolbar, 12, 25


Borders tool, 157

Eraser tool, 180

Font Color tool, 104

Format Painter tool, 104

Mail Merge tool, 349358

Picture Border tools, 278

Picture Styles tool, 278

Remove Background tool, 287

Screenshot tool, 250

Shapes tool, 218

Text Box tool, 231

Text Highlighter tool, 104

Track Changes, WEB: 362

Watermark tool, 155

Track Changes, WEB: 362

turning on, WEB: 363364

Track Changes Options dialog box, WEB: 369

tracking, 125

documents, WEB: 362364

changing markup display, WEB: 365367

comments, WEB: 369371

reviewing changes, WEB: 371372

turning on tracking, WEB: 363364

Tracking Options icon, WEB: 364

Transform category, Text Effects palette, 230

Translate Document, 328

Translate Selected Text, 328

translating words, 328330

turning documents into web pages, WEB: 386388

turning off Start screen, 11

turning on tracking, WEB: 363364

types of charts, 206

typing text, 8283


underline, applying, 9698

vertical alignment, changing, 132133


embedding, 254257

removing, 257

view modes, 29

changing, 2931

View tab, Ribbon, 24

viewing documents, multiple, 6566


Outline view, 292296

zooming, 3233


watermarks, adding, 154156

Watermark tool, 155

Web Apps, WEB: 398400

Web Layout mode, 2931

web pages, turning documents into, WEB: 386388

web servers, 36

Windows 7, starting Word, 9

Windows 8, starting Word, 10

Windows Live SkyDrive, WEB: 394

wizards, Mail Merge Wizard, 349

Word, 5

closing, 1617

exiting, 1617

new features, 89

overview, 67

requirements for, 7

starting, 911

WordArt objects, inserting, 226230

Word icon, 12


YouTube, 254

Zoom dialog box, 33

Zoom slider, 32, 133

zooming views, 3233

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