
We would like to thank a number of people for making this book a reality.

There wouldn’t be a second edition without a first edition, and all of the people whose help and support we acknowledged there deserve a thank you here as well.

At the Software Engineering Institute, Linda Northrop provided unstinting support (for the second time) for this effort. Mark Klein, head of the SEI’s Architecture-Centric Engineering initiative, made this book part of that initiative’s transition efforts. Many thanks to Barbara White, who was invaluable in helping to deal with thorny word-processing issues. Thanks to Kurt Hess for creating the cover, producing many of the figures in the book, and keeping all of the figures and graphics organized. Rob Wojcik reviewed a complete early draft and made many helpful suggestions, especially in the “patterns versus styles” sidebar in the prologue. Thanks to John Morley for his help in editing the book.

At Addison Wesley, Peter Gordon did his usual wonderful job of nudging this book along. Thanks to Kim Boedigheimer for always having the right answers to our many questions. Our thanks also go the production professionals who contributed their superb talents to produce the result you see, especially Anna Popick, Christopher Keane, and John Fuller.

Special thanks to Grady Booch for writing a splendid foreword for this edition. Grady also provided helpful and directed comments about the first edition that guided our thinking for the second edition. Our continued thanks go to Philippe Kruchten for writing the first edition’s foreword, which we’ve proudly retained.

Thanks to the distinguished experts in the architecture community who participated in our online discussion about the difference between an architecture pattern and an architecture style. These include Alexander Wolf, Frank Buschmann, Celso Gonzalez, David Emery, Eoin Woods, Grady Booch, Hans van Vliet, Kurt Wallnau, Maarten Boasson, Mary Shaw, Morven Gentleman, Neno Medvidovic, Rich Hilliard, Rick Kazman, and Ruth Malan.

Thanks go to T.V. Prabhakar, who had the idea for the concept map that adorns the inside cover. The concept map was rendered using Cmap, available from

Thanks to Larry Jones for summarizing a tutorial by Philippe Kruchten on capturing architecture decisions, and thanks to Philippe for giving us the notes from that tutorial. Thanks to Peter Eirich for bringing the IEEE draft standard 1175-4 on specifying behavior to our attention. Thanks to Phil Taylor for suggesting the title “Beyond the Basics” for Chapter 6 to replace an unsatisfactory chapter name from the first edition. Thanks to Joe Batman for his discussion of event-driven versus enterprise systems. Several quotes in the book pertain to advertising, and we co-opted those for architecture. We found them on; thanks go to Kimberley Freeman, the site’s proprietor.

Heartfelt thanks go to Jan Bosch, Stefan Ferber, Robert Glass, and Eoin Woods for thorough and very helpful reviews of an early draft.

Special thanks to the thousand-plus attendees of the SEI’s “Documenting Software Architectures” course who over the years have provided insightful comments that helped us to improve the course material and gave us motivation to produce a revised edition of the book.

The rules for sound documentation cited in the prologue are based on those in “A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake It” (Parnas and Clements 1986). Figures 2.36 and 2.37 are adapted from a 2004 presentation by Ramnivas Laddad.

Finally, we were privileged to have a select group of architecture experts contribute their experience and energy to various sections of this book. We acknowledge their contributions in the chapters or sections in which they contributed material by giving them a “With” byline. Our distinguished list of contributing authors can be found in “About the Contributors,” on page 513.

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