

AAM (Alternate Access Mapping), settings, 694-695

Access 2007

exporting list information to databases, 381-382

input request emails, 382-383

linking list information to databases, 380

reporting tools, 385

SharePoint 2007 lists, creating 385

Access view (document library), 272

Actions menu (document libraries), 174

Alert Me option, 178

Connect to Outlook option, 176, 370-371

Export to Spreadsheet option, 177

Open with Windows Explorer option, 176

View in Datasheet option, 176

View RSSFeed option, 177

active/active clustering, 59

active/passive clustering, 59

AD (Active Directory)

linking Exchange Server 2007 to forest, 640-641

Office Communications Server 2007

domain preparation, 659

installation, 655-658

preparing forest, 658-659

Add Digital Signatures option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345

administration, SharePoint 2007

administrative access, Run As command, 523-524

administrator passwords, changing, 592

backup and restoration, 32-33

best practices analyzer, 33-34

ISA Server 2006, 35

MOM, 34

administrative tools

Central Admin tool, 481

application management, 493-503

Backup and Restore category, 490

content deployment, 492-493

Data Configuration category, 492

Global Configuration category, 487-489

Logging and Reporting category, 484-486

Security Configuration category, 484

Topology and Services category, 482

Upgrade and Migration category, 486-487

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, 516

Office Communications 2007, 670

adding users, 671

client component, 674-675

components, 671

configuring users, 671

instant messenger filter, 673

server settings, 673

Shared Services Administration page, 504

audiences, 510

Business Data Catalog, 512-513

Excel Services settings, 510-512

search settings, 507

usage reporting, 507

user profiles, 504-507

Site Settings Administration tool, 469-470

Galleries category, 474

Look and Feel category, 472

Site Administration category, 476

Site Collection category, 478-479

users and permissions, 470-471

SQL Server Management Studio, 516

STSADM tool, 514-515

adoption processes (reviewing previous SharePoint implementations), user environment design process, 107

Advanced Document Properties option (Word 2007), 341

advanced migration strategies, SharePoint 2003 to 2007, 149-150

split migration paths, 165

staging server setup, 163

standby server upgrade, 165

STSADM command-line tool, 163-164

Advanced option (InfoPath Form Options window), 751

Alert Definitions dialog box, 709

Alert Me option

Actions menu, 178

Edit menu, 194

Shared Workspace task pane (Word 2003), 339


ISA Server 2006, 708, 710

search-based alerts, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 455

Alerts Properties dialog, 710

All Documents view (View menu), 180

Analysis Services, SQL Server database, 45

Announcements lists, 11, 204-205


Central Admin tool management, 493

external service connections, 501-503

InfoPath Forms Services, 499

search settings, 497

security, 501

shared services, 500

site management, 496-497

web application, 493-496

workflow management, 503

filtering need, 682-683

information access issues, 73

integration, corporate intranet, 77

managing, SharePoint Services design process, 91-94

Web, 43

Approval workflow template (SharePoint Server), 717


design components, 46

farm, 46

server role placement, 47

SSP (Shared Services Providers), 46-47

SQL Server database

component basics, 45-46

version selection, 44-45

upgrades (user environment design process), 108-109

archiving event logs, maintenance schedules, 589

ASP.NET web parts, application information access issues, 73

aspx pages, excluding from indexing, 440

asymmetrical encryption. See Private Key encryption

attachments, email changes, 72


Shared Services Administration, 510

targeting, document library settings, 251-253


server security, file access, 537-538

site collections, Records Center, 401-402

SQL Server 2005, installation security, 531-532

auditing tools, content management, 23


Kerberos, 131

PKI via smartcards, 557

Authoritative pages, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 459

Authorize Group dialog, 660

Autodiscover services, 642

Automatic Updates Client (WSUS), 539

automating backups, STSADM command-line backup utility, 610-618

Availability services, 642


Backup and Restore category, Central Admin tool, 490

backups, 595

automating, 610-618

Central Admin Tool, 596, 600-604

Designer, 596, 605-606

example of, 625

IISbackup scripts, 596, 620

maintenance schedules, daily tasks, 585

Recycle Bin, 596-600

SharePoint 2007 administration, 32-33

Site Backup tool, workflows, 739

SQL databases, 596, 620-624

STSADM command-line backup utility, 596

automating backups via custom scripts, 610-618

scheduling custom scripts via Windows Scheduler, 618-619

site collection backups, 608

validating, monthly maintenance tasks, 590

base columns, 234

Best Practices Analyzer, 33-34

BI (Business Intelligence)

Excel Services, 766-767

filter web parts, 771-774

KPI, 768-771

BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service), 539

BizTalk Server 2006, portal deployment, 69

blank sites, creating, 303

blog sites, creating, 306-308

blogs, SharePoint collaboration, 16

Browser option (InfoPath Form Options window), 748

Business Data Catalog

filters, 314, 773

Shared Services Administration, 512-513

Business Intelligence. See BI (Business Intelligence)

business issues

application information access, 73

content organization, 72-73

document collaboration, 71

email attachment changes, 72

excessive email traffic, 74

multiple searches, 70-71

recreating documents, 70

business needs, SharePoint 2007, 6-7

collaborative structure, 13-14

data list organization, 9-12

document library, 7-9

Personal Sites, 15

business processes, BizTalk Server 2006, 69


CA (certificate authority), SSL encryption

internal, 688-692

third-party, 686-688

cache profiles, 423-425

calculation servers, Excel, 42

Calendar lists, 210-212


collaboration, 16

columns, 234

Outlook 2007 connections, 378

CAS (Client Access Server)

Exchange Server 2007 planning, 642-643

roles, 639, 642

cells, defining (Excel 2007), 353

Central Admin Tool, 481, 596, 600

application management

external service connections, 501-503

InfoPath Forms Services, 499

search settings, 497

security, 501

shared services, 500

site management, 496-497

web application, 493-496

workflow management, 503

Backup and Restore category, 490

backups, 600-602

content deployment, 492-493

Data Configuration category, 492

Global Configuration category, 487-489

Logging and Reporting category, 484-486

restores, 602-604

Security Configuration category, 484

Topology and Services category, 482

Upgrade and Migration category, 486-487

Certificate Services (Windows Server 2003), 555-556


Office Communications 2007 configuration, 667-668

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 685


encryption, 686-692

exporting/importing, 696-698

installation, 695-696

Check Out option (Word 2007, Server menu), 346

check-in/out process (Edit menu), 186

basic check-out process, 187

discarding check-outs, 190

local drafts check-out process, 188-189

overriding check outs, 190

Choice filter, 314

Client Access Server. See CAS

client components, Office Communications Server 2007, 674-675

CLIENT2 (IPsec Security Monitor), 562

cluster resources, 60


scalability, 57-61

Windows 2003 and SQL Server 2005, 62-64

CMS (Content Management Server) 2002, tools of, 408-410


documents, 71, 80

Exchange Server 2007, 69-70

Microsoft Office, 69

organizational structure, 13-14

SharePoint 2007, 15-19

team sites, 74-75

users, 6

Collaboration tab

options list, 284

site creation, 303-308

Collect Feedback workflow template (SharePoint Server), 717

Collect Signatures workflow template (SharePoint Server), 717

collections (sites), creating, 284-285

Column Ordering link, document libraries, 268


document libraries, 262-268

site libraries, 232-235

command-line, administering using STSADM tool, 514-515


document library

incoming email, 257-258

RSS, 258-262

Exchange Server 2007, 69-70

intranet deployment, 76

RTC (real-time communications)

configuring presence, 650-652

Live Communications Server 2005, 675-676

Office Communications Server 2007 adminstration, 671-673

Office Communications Server 2007 client component, 674-675

Office Communications Server 2007 installation, 655-670

UC (unified communications), 652-655

team collaboration sites, 74

Compare option (Word 2007, Server menu), 346

Compatibility option (InfoPath Form Options window), 751

Complete the Wizard page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 582

Component Service Account dialog, 664

components, 39

architecture, 46

farm, 46

server role placement, 47

SSP (Shared Services Providers), 46-47

content databases, 43

Database server, 42

Excel calculation server, 42

Index server, 42

managed paths, 43

nested infrastructure hierarchy, 40-41

portal deployment, 68

root site, 43

scalability, 56-57

Search server, 42

server farm, 41

SharePoint installation prerequisites, 117-118

SharePoint site, 43

site collections, 43

site content, 44

SQL Server database, 45-46

SSP (Shared Services Providers), 41-42

Web applications, 43

Web server, 42

conditional formatting, forms, 757


document libraries, 244

advanced settings, 248-249

audience targeting, 251-253

best practices, 246

communications, 257-262

item scheduling, 249

privileges, 253-257

versioning, 246-248

libraries, 227-230

lists, 230-232

Configure InfoPath Forms Services (Forms Server), 764

Connect to a Server Farm dialog, 159

Connect to Outlook option (Actions menu), 176

connections, ISA Server 2006 verification, 711-712

Connectivity Verification Details dialog, 712


columns, 234

management, 654

Contacts lists, 12, 206-207


customer extranet use, 80

databases, 43

deployment, 429-431, 492-493

management, SharePoint 2007, 22-23

organization, 72-73

content types

document libraries, categorizing, 403-405

libraries, 228, 235-236

creating, 237-239

modifying, 239-240

uses, 236-237

lists, 231

route content types, modifying Record Routing lists, 406

Copy Shortcut command (Outlook 2007), 372

copy-only backups, SQL databases, 621

corporations, intranet deployment, 76-79

crawl logs, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 451

Create Document Workspace option (Edit menu), 186

Create page, site creation

Collaboration tab, 303-308

Enterprise tab, 310-322

Publishing tab, 323

Create Table window (Excel 2007), exporting tables to SharePoint lists, 356

Create View option (View menu), 181

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), web content management, 409

Current User Filter (filter web parts), 774

Custom lists, 220

Custom Send To Destination, document library settings, 248-249

customers, extranet deployment, 79-82



Column Ordering link, 268

columns, 262-268

creating veiws, 269-272

indexing column, 268

lists, 273-276

workflows, SharePoint Server, 724-726, 729


daily tasks (maintenance schedules), 585-588


customization, 707

Report Center sample, 774

Data Configuration category, Central Admin tool, 492

Data Connection libraries, 200

data lists, organization, 9-12

data validation (forms), InfoPath, 758

Database Engine components, SQL Server database, 45

Database servers, 42


content, 43

mirroring, SQL Server scalability, 64-65

platform installation, 122

IIS Admin tool server installation, 123

SQL Server 2005, 124, 127

SQL Server architecture, 44-46

Datasheet view, 351-352

Custom lists, 220

document library, 272

Date filter, 314, 773

Define CleanupHistory Task page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 581

Define Database Check Integrity Task page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 579

Define Rebuild Index Task page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 580

Define Reorganize Index Task page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 580

Define Update Statistics Task page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 581

Delayed or Immediate Request dialog, 686

Delete Items in the Recycle Bin setting (Recycle Bin), 600

Delete option (Edit menu), 184

deleting site collections, STSADM command-line backup utility, 609


customer extranet, 79-82

Exchange Server 2007 scenario, 644-645


large, 50-51

mid-sized, 49-50

small, 48-49


business needs, 76-77

implementation, 77-78

uses, 78-79


BizTalk Server 2006, 69

components, 68

Exchange Server 2007, 69-70

Microsoft Office collaboration, 69

single-server, 47-48

team collaboration sites, 74-75

design components, 39

architecture, 46-47

content databases, 43

Database server, 42

Excel calculation server, 42

Index server, 42

managed paths, 43

nested infrastructure hierarchy, 40-41

root site, 43

Search server, 42

server farm, 41

SharePoint site, 43

site collections, 43

site content, 44

SSP (Shared Services Providers), 41-42

Web applications, 43

Web server, 42

Designer (SharePoint)

backups, 596, 605-606

restores, 606-607

SharePoint sites, editing, 740-741

styles, applying new styles in, 740


adding web part zones, 741

creating in, 729-733, 736

editing in, 737-742

executing in, 736

site management tools, 738-739

Site Summary reports, 739

standard actions, 731

standard conditions, 731

standard operands, 731


Desktop configuration, 104-105

SharePoint Server environments

customizing Site Directory, 101

Enterprise Edition decisions, 98-101

groups/security, 97

My Sites design, 103

site template selection, 96-97

SharePoint Services environments, 88

groups/security, 94-95

site collection options, 89-94

user environment

Desktop configuration, 104-105

documentation, 87

identifying key users, 87

Microsoft Office product integration, 106-107

prioritizing goals, 86-87

reviewing previous implementations, 107-110

SharePoint Server, 96-103

SharePoint Services, 88-95

Desktop configuration design process, 104-105

Destination section (SQL Server Management Studio), SQL database backups, 623

differential backups, SQL databases, 621

differential partial backups, SQL databases, 621

digital signatures, 345, 750

Digital Signatures option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750


creating, 315-320

finding site information, 21

Directory Management Service, enabling email, 635

discarding check-outs (Edit menu), 190

Discussion Board lists, 12, 207-208

Discussion Board Settings, 636

disk space, checking (maintenance schedules), 588-589

Disposition Approval workflow template (SharePoint Server), 717

division options (site directories), 319-320

docm files, opening/viewing in Word 2003, 337-338

document center sites, creating, 310-311

Document Information tab (Shared Workspace task pane), 340

document libraries, 7-9, 170-171, 635

Actions menu, 174

Alert Me option, 178

Connect to Outlook option, 176

Export to Spreadsheet option, 177

Open with Windows Explorer option, 176

View in Datasheet option, 176

View RSSFeed option, 177

categorizing via content types, Records Center, 403, 405

creating, 242-243, 406


Column Ordering link, 268

columns, 262-268

creating views, 269-272

indexing column, 268

Edit menu

Alert Me option, 194

check-in/out process, 186-190

Create Document Workspace option, 186

Delete option, 184

Download a Copy option, 186

Edit in Microsoft Office Application option, 184

Edit Properties option, 182

Email a Link option, 186

Manage Permissions option, 182-184

Other Location option, 184-185

overriding check-outs, 190

Send To option, 184

versioning, 191

View Properties option, 181

workflows, 192

enabled email, 635-636

Hold Reports, 399

management, 276-280

Missing Properties, 399

New menu, 173

planning, 226

configurations, 227-230

content types, 235-240

site columns, 232-235

Quick Launch menu changes, 171

Records Pending Submission, 399

selection, 226-227

setting configurations, 244

advanced settings, 248-249

audience targeting, 251-253

best practices, 246

communications, 257-262

item scheduling, 249

privileges, 253-257

versioning, 246-248

Settings menu, 180

SharePoint Server

customizing workflows, 724-726, 729

predefined workflows, 717

types of, 194

Unclassified Records, 399

Upload menu, 173

View menu, 180-181

Document Management Information option (Word 2007, Server menu), 348

Document Management task pane (Word 2007), 342

Document Properties option (Word 2007), 341

document workspaces, 297-299


updating, monthly maintenance tasks, 591

user environment design, 87


better control, 6

collaboration, 71, 80

columns, 234

conversion, SharePoint Server, 427-428

recreating, 70

team collaboration sites, 75

Documents tab (Shared Workspace task pane), 339

docx files, opening/viewing in Word 2003, 337-338

Download a Copy option (Edit menu), 186

drivers, SharePoint 2007, 6-7

collaborative structure, 13-14

data list organization, 9-12

document libraries, 7-9

Personal Sites, 15

drizzling, 539

Dublin Core metadata element sets, 238


ECS (Excel Calculation Services), 359

Edge Server roles, Exchange Server 2007, 642

Edge Transport roles, Exchange Server 2007 planning, 643

Edge Transport Server roles, 639

Edit Excel Services settings (Excel Services, Shared Services Administration), 359

Edit Filter dialog, 706

Edit in Microsoft Office Application option (Edit menu), 184

Edit menu

document libraries

Alert Me option, 194

check-in/out process, 186-190

Create Document Workspace option, 186

Delete option, 184

Download a Copy option, 186

Edit in Microsoft Office Application option, 184

Edit Properties option, 182

Email a Link option, 186

Manage Permissions option, 182, 184

Other Location option, 184-185

Send To option, 184

versioning, 191

View Properties option, 181

workflows, 192

Excel 2007, 352

Edit Properties option (Edit menu), 182

EFS (Encrypting File System), 557


acceptance into content, 19

Access 2007 input requests, 382-383

as records, Records Center, 407

attachment changes, 72

configuring lists, 636, 638

document libraries, 257-258, 635-636


configuring server role, 633-635

Directory Management Service, 635

SMTP Server Service installation, 632

excessive traffic issues, 74

Exchange Server 2007

server roles, 639-640

significant changes, 638-639

Email a Link option (Edit menu), 186

Email Attachments option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750

Encrypt Document option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345


EFS (Windows Server 2003), 557


functionality of, 558

NAT-T, 559

policy establishment, 561-562

principles of, 558

Security Monitor, 560

server configuration, 560

verifying functionality via Event Viewer, 563-564

Private Key encryption, 554

Public Key encryption, 554

SSL, 684-685

forced encryption, 692

internal certificate authority, 688-692

third-party certificate authority, 686-688

transport-level security, 551

end user/functional design documents (user environment design process), 87

Enterprise Edition (SharePoint Server), design process decisions, 98-101

enterprise root CA, 689

enterprise subordinate CA, 689

Enterprise tab

options list, 284-285

Records Center creation, 399

site creation

document center sites, 310-311

personalization sites, 312-314

records center sites, 312

report center sites, 320

search center sites, 321-322

site directories, 315-320

event logs, archiving, 589

Event Viewer

filtering events, 588

IPsec, verifying functionality, 563-564

monitoring, maintenance schedules, 586-588

EWA (Excel Web Access), 359-361

EWS (Excel Web Services), 359, 362

Excel 2003

accessing Excel 2007 documents, 349

Datasheet view, 351-352

file format conversions, 348

Web Browser feature, viewing, 350-351

Excel 2007, 348

accessing files in Excel 2003, 349

calculation server, 42

cells, defining, 353

Create Table window, exporting tables to SharePoint lists, 356

Edit menu, 352

Excel 2003 file format conversions, 348

SharePoint 2007 and Office 2007 integration, 31


exporting to SharePoint lists, 356

importing from SharePoint lists, 358

web browsers, publishing to, 353-355

Excel Services, 766-767

ECS (Excel Calculation Services), 359

EWA (Excel Web Access), 359-361

EWS (Excel Web Services), 359

unsupported services, 363-364

Web Browser view supported services, 362

loading workbooks in, 362

Shared Services Administration settings, 359-360, 510-512

Excel Viewer program, 337

Exchange Server 2007, 638

environment planning

CAS (Client Access Server), 642-643

Edge Transport role, 643

Hub Transport role, 643-644

linking to Active Directory forest, 640-641

Mailbox Server role, 641-642

sample deployment scenario, 644-645

Unified Messaging role, 644

portal deployment, 69-70

server roles, 639-640

SharePoint integration, 646-647

significant changes, 638-639

SMTP Server Service installation, 632

Explorer view (View menu), 180

Export to Spreadsheet option (Actions menu), 177


Excel 2007 tables to SharePoint lists, 356

list information to Access 2007 databases, 381-382

External User Access Configuration dialog, 665

externals services, Central Admin tool, 501-503

extranet customers

business needs, 79-81

implementation, 81

uses, 81-82


failover, 58

Farm Administrators:SharePoint Service design process, 94

farms, 41


large, 50-51

mid-sized, 49-50

small, 48-49

designing, 46


defining server components, 66-67

shared services, 67-68

security, WSUS, 538-539

SharePoint 2007 installation, 137-138

FBA (forms-based authentication), 699

Federation dialog, 670

Field Controls (publishing sites), editing content, 413-414

file backups, SQL databases, 621

file extensions

docm, 337-338

docx, 337-338

xslx, 336

file formats, Open Office XML, 336

file group backups, SQL databases, 621

file systems, maintaining integrity, 590

FileFormatConverters.exe, 337

filter web parts, 771-774


Business Data Catalog filter, 314

Choice filter, 314

Date filter, 314

document library settings, 252-253

ISA traffic logs, 706-707

Page Field filter, 314

property filters, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 443

Query String (URL) filter, 315

SharePoint List filter, 315

SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services filter, 315

Text filter, 315

Find All command (Outlook 2007), 373

firewalls, critical role in infrastructure, 681-682

Form libraries, 195

Form Options window (InfoPath)

Advanced option, 751

Browser option, 748

Compatibility option, 751

Digital Signatures option, 750

Email Attachments option, 750

Offline option, 750

Open and Save option, 749

Preview option, 750

Programming option, 750

Property Promotion option, 750

Security and Trust option, 750

Versioning option, 751


digital signatures, 750

Forms Server, 762

functionality configuration options, 764

publishing to, 764-765


conditional formatting, 757

creating in, 746-747

data validation, 758

design basics, 748-751

external data source connections, 760-762

publishing forms to SharePoint, 753-754

Rules, Programming, and Logic Inspector, 759-760

template file components, 747

libraries, creating, 752

SharePoint, creating form libraries, 752

Forms Server, 762-765

Forward command (Outlook 2007), 372

full backups, SQL databases, 621

full-text indexing, recreating documents solution, 70

functional design/end user design documents (user environment design process), 87

G - H

galleries, 330-331

Galleries category, Site Settings Administration tool, 474

Gantt charts, creating in Visio 2007, 389

Gantt view, document library, 272

Geographical Information dialog, 687

Global Configuration category, Central Admin tool, 487, 489

goals, prioritizing (user environment design process), 86-87

gradual upgrades, SharePoint 2003 to 2007 migration, 148, 158-162

Group Policy, WSUS client configuration, 545


SharePoint Server design process, 97

SharePoint Services design process, 94-95

hardware, SharePoint installation prerequisites, 116

heartbeats, 60

hierarchy trees, sites, 20-21

Hold Reports document library, 399

Holds lists, 399

host headers, isolation (security), 520

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Internet exploits, 684

Hub Transport Server roles, 640, 643-644


IFilters (SharePoint Server 2007 for Search), 463, 465

IIS (Internet Information Services)

backup scripts, 596, 620

configuration, 662-663

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, 516

virtual servers, 56-57

IIS Admin tool, installation on server, 123

IM (instant messaging), 653-654, 673


corporate intranet, 77-78

customer extranet, 81

implementation plans (user environment design process), 88

Import Spreadsheet lists, 12, 222

importing Excel 2007 tables from SharePoint lists, 358

in-place upgrades, SharePoint 2003 to 2007 migration, 148

.NET Framework 3.0 installation, 150-151

Pre-Upgrade Scan tool, 151-153

resetting unghosted site formatting, 157

upgrade process, 153-155

Incoming Email Settings dialog, 633

Index servers, 42


aspx pages, excluding from, Search Service (SharePoint Services 3.0), 440

document library columns, 268

rebuilding indexes, Search Service (SharePoint Services 3.0), 441-442

recreating documents solution, 70

SharePoint 2007

creating search scopes, 25-26

improved capabilities, 24-25


Form Options window, 748-751


conditional formatting, 757

creating, 746-747

data validation, 758

design basics, 748-751

external data source connections, 760-762

publishing forms to SharePoint, 753-754

Rules, Programming, and Logic Inspector, 759-760

template file components, 747

Rules, Programming, and Logic Inspector, 759-760

InfoPath Forms Services, Central Admin tool, 499

information rights management. See IRM


administrative tools

Central Admin tool, 481-503

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, 516

Shared Services Administration page, 504-507, 510-513

Site Settings Administration tool, 469-479

SQL Server Management Studio, 516

STSADM tool, 514-515

architecture, 46-47

content databases, 43

Database server, 42

Excel calculation server, 42

hierarchy, 40-41

Index server, 42

managed paths, 43

root site, 43

Search server, 42

server farm, 41

SharePoint site, 43

site collections, 43

site content, 44

SSP (Shared Services Providers), 41-42

Web applications, 43

Web server, 42

input request emails, Access 2007, 382-383

Inspect Document option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345


database platform, 122

IIS Admin tool server installation, 123

SQL Server 2005, 124, 127

Office Communications Server 2007

Active Directory integration, 655-658

Administrative tools, 670

certificate configuration, 667-668

configuring server, 664-665

domain preparation, 659

IIS server configuration, 662-663

preparing Active Directory forest, 658-659

server deployment, 663-664

server validation, 669-670

services, 669

setup and administrative privileges, 660-662

operating system installation

updates and patches, 120-122

Windows Server 2003, 118-120


base components, 117-118

hardware levels, 116

software requirements, 116-117

SharePoint Server 2007

.NET Framework 3.0, 129

farm shared services configuration, 137-138

MOSS 2007 package, 130-134

prerequisites, 128

services configuration, 134-136

single site collection, 139

web application creation, 136-137

SSL certificate, 695-696

WSS, 141-143

instant messaging. See IM


applications, corporate intranet, 77

Exchange Server 2007, 646-647

SharePoint 2007 with Office 2007, 29-31

Integration Services, SQL Server databases, 45

internal certificate authority, SSL encryption, 688-692

Internal Publishing Details dialog, 700


SSL encryption, 685

forced encryption, 692

internal certificate authority, 688-692

third-party certificate authority, 686-688

traffic risks, 683-685

Internet Explorer 7, RSS feed subscriptions, 374

Internet Information Services. See IIS

Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006. See ISA Server 2006

intranets, 6, 76-79

IPsec (IPSecurity), 558

functionality of, 558, 563-564

L2TP, 553

NAT-T, 559

policy establishment, 561-562

principles of, 558

Security Monitor, 560

server configuration, 560

IRM (information rights management), 22

ISA Dashboard customization, 707

ISA Server 2006

basics, 680


alerts, 708-710

connectivity verification, 711-712

Dashboard customization, 707

services activity, 710-711

securing sites, 693

exporting/importing SSL certificate, 696-698

generating publishing rule, 699-704

setting Alternate Access Mapping (AAM), 694-695

SSL certificate installation, 695-696

SharePoint administration, 35

SharePoint need, 680

application-layer filtering, 682-683

firewall role, 681-682

security breach cost, 681

SSL encryption, 685

forced encryption, 692

third-party certificate authority, 686-692

traffic logging, 705-707

web traffic risks, 683-685

isolation (security), 520-521

Issue Tracking lists, 215

J - K - L

joint projects, customer extranet, 80


authentication, 131

PKIintegration, 557

KPI (Key Performance Indicators), 10, 768

creating, disk space status information, 768

displaying, 769, 771

lists, 12, 220

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 553

Languages and Translators lists, 220

Launcher Service Settings dialog box, 135

layouts (page), creating for publishing sites, 421-422

LCS (Live Communication Server), 653, 675-676


creating, 241

document libraries, 242-243

options, 243-244


Column Ordering link, 268

columns, 262-268

creating views, 269-272

indexing column, 268

Data Connection libraries, 200

document collaboration, 71

document libraries, 170, 242-243

Actions menu, 174-178

categorizing via content types, Records Center, 403-405

configuring, 244-253

creating via Records Center, 406

customizing workflows, 724-726, 729

Edit menu, 181-191, 194

Hold Reports, 399

Missing Properties, 399

New menu, 173

predefined workflows, 717

Quick Launch menu changes, 171

Records Pending Submission, 399

Settings menu, 180

types of, 194

Unclassified Records, 399

Upload menu, 173

View menu, 180-181

workflows, 192

form libraries, 195, 752

management, 276-280

naming conventions, 227

page libraries, 412

Picture libraries, 198-199

planning, 226

configurations, 227-230

content types, 235-240

site coumns, 232-235

Report libraries, 200

RSS feed subscriptions, 373-374

selection, 226-227

setting configurations

communications, 257-262

document library, 244-253

privileges, 253-257

slide libraries, 201-202

templates, 228

Translation Management libraries, 200

Wiki Page libraries, 195-196

License Agreement dialog, 129


list information to Access 2007 databases, 380

SharePoint data to shapes (Visio 2007), 387

Links lists, 12, 208-209, 399

List Template Gallery, 255

lists, 202

Announcement lists, 204-205

Calendar lists, 210-212

Contacts lists, 206-207

content types, 231

creating, 272-273

Custom lists, 220

customizing, 273-276

Discussion Board lists, 207-208

enabled email, 636-638

Excel 2007, importing/exporting tables from, 356-358

exporting information to Access 2007 databases, 381-382

Holds, 399

Import Spreadsheet lists, 222

isolation (security), 520

Issue Tracking lists, 215

KPI lists, 220

Languages and Translators lists, 220

linking information to Access 2007 databases, 380

Links, 399

Links lists, 208-209

management, 276-280

naming conventions, 231

planning, 226, 230-232

Project Tasks lists, 214

Record Routing, 399, 406

Records Center, 399

Reusable Content lists, 416

RSS feed subscriptions, 373-374

selection, 226-227

SharePoint 2007 lists, creating in Access 2007, 385

Submitted Email Records lists, 400

Survey lists, 216-219

Tasks lists, 212-214, 390-391, 400

templates, 231

types of, 203

Live Communications Server. See LCS (Live Communications Server)

local drafts check-out process (Edit menu), 188-189

Logging and Reporting category, Central Admin tool, 484-486

logins, restricting access, 522


crawl logs, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 451

installation security, SQL Server 2005, 531-532

shipping, SQL Server scalability, 62

traffic logs, ISA Server 2006

customizing filters, 706-707

monitoring, 705-706

Look and Feel category, Site Settings Administration tool, 472


Mailbox Server roles, 640-642

Main Service Account dialog, 663

Maintenance Plan Wizard, 577-582

maintenance plans, SQL Server, 576

Maintenance Plan Wizard, 577-582

viewing in, 583-584

maintenance schedules

daily tasks, 585-588

monthly tasks, 590-591

quarterly tasks, 591-592

weekly tasks, 588-589

Manage Data Connection Files (Forms Server), 764

Manage Form Templates (Forms Server), 764

Manage Permissions option (Edit menu), 182-184

Manage the Web Service Proxy (Forms Server), 764

managed paths, 43


libraries, 276, 278-280

lists, 276, 278-280

SharePoint 2007 content, 22-23

Management Packs, MOSS, 571-572

Mark as Final option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345

Mark as Unread command (Outlook 2007), 372

master pages, publishing sites

choosing for, 416-417

creating for, 421

modifying for, 417-420

MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer), 547-549

meeting workspaces, 299-301

Meetings tab, options list, 284

Message Options command (Outlook 2007), 373


content organization, 72

Dublin Core element set, 238

property mappings, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 453-455

Microsoft Cluster Service. See MSCS

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. See MOSS

Microsoft Operations Manager. See MOM

Microsoft Update, 120-122


Central Admin tool, 486-487

SharePoint 2003 to 2007

advanced scenarios, 149-150, 163-165

gradual approach, 148, 158-162

in-place upgrade approach, 148-157

prototype test environment, 147

readiness assessment, 146-147

SQL database upgrade, 148

strategy formulation, 145-146

supported scenarios, 146

MIS (Mobile Information Server), 653

Missing Properties document library, 399

Mixed Mode Authentication. See SQL Server Authentication mode

MMC (Microsoft Management Console), 568

mobile pages, 328

Modify this View option (View menu), 181

MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager), 570

functionality of, 571

Management Packs, 572

manual agent installations, 573-575

monitoring SharePoint functionality/performance, 575

SharePoint 2007 administration, 34


ISA Server 2006

alerts, 708-710

connectivity verification, 711-712

Dashboard customization, 707

services activity, 710-711

ISA traffic logs, 705-706

monthly tasks (maintenance schedules), 590-591

MOSS (Micosoft Office SharePoint Server), 115

key features, 27-28

Management Packs, 571-572

SharePoint 2007 installation, 130-134

MSCS (Microsoft Cluster Service), 58-61

multi-layered security, 551

My Sites

design process, 103

setting configuration, 504-507

N - O

naming conventions

libraries, 227

lists, 231

NAT-T (Network Address Translation-Traversal), IPsec, 559

navigation, SharePoint 2007, 20-21

.NET Framework

in-place SharePoint 2003 to 2007 migration, 150-151

SharePoint 2007 installation, 129

network isolation (security), 521

New menu (document libraries), 173

NLB (Network Load Balancing), 47, 57, 61

Notification Services, SQL Server databases, 46

NTFS (NTFile System), server security, 536

OC (Office Communicator), 655

OCS (Office Communications Server), 653-655

administering environment

adding users, 671

components, 671

configuring users, 671

instant messenger filter, 673

server settings, 673

client component, 674-675


Active Directory integration, 655-658

Administrative tools, 670

certificate configuration, 667-668

configuring server, 664-665

domain preparation, 659

IIS server configuration, 662-663

preparing Active Directory forest, 658-659

server deployment, 663-664

server validation, 669-670

services, 669

setup and administrative privileges, 660-662

Office 2007

backwards compatibility, 336

Excel 2007

accessing files in Excel 2003, 349

Create Table window, 356

defining cells, 353

Edit menu, 352

exporting tables to SharePoint lists, 356

file format conversions, 348

importing tables from SharePoint lists, 358

integration with SharePoint 2007, 31

Open Snapshot option, 355

publishing to web browsers, 353-355

Open Office XML file format, 336

Outlook 2007, SharePoint 2007 integration with, 29, 654

SharePoint 2007, integration with, 106-107

SharePoint Designer 2007, integration with, 31

Word 2003, 336

mixed Word environments, 337

opening/viewing docm files, 337-338

opening/viewing docx files, 337-338

Shared Workspace task pane, 339-340

Word 2007, 336

Advanced Document Properties option, 341

Document Management task pane, 342

Document Properties option, 341

Inspect Document menu, 345

integration with SharePoint 2007, 30

mixed Word environments, 337

Prepare menu, 345

publishing files, 342-344

saving files, 342-344

Server menu, 346-348

Office Compatibility Pack

Excel 2003, file format conversion, 348

mixed Word environments, file handling in, 337

Office SharePoint Server 2007, 26-27

Office SharePoint Server for Search 2007, 27

Office SharePoint Server Search (SharePoint Server 2007 for Search), 444

Offline option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750

OneNote 2007, 392

Open and Save option (InfoPath Form Options window), 749

Open command (Outlook 2007), 372

Open Snapshot option (Excel 2007, Web Browser view), 355

Open with Windows Explorer option (Actions menu), 176

operations, Central Admin tool, 481

Backup and Restore category, 490

content deployment, 492-493

Data Configuration category, 492

Global Configuration category, 487-489

Logging and Reporting category, 484-486

Security Configuration category, 484

Topology and Services category, 482

Upgrade and Migration category, 486-487

Options page (WSUS), 542

organization, document content, 72-73

OS (operating systems), server installation

updates and patches, 120-122

Windows Server 2003, 118-120

Other Location option (Edit menu), 184-185

Outlook 2003, 368, 370

Outlook 2007, 367-368

calendar connections, 378

Connect to Outlook option (SharePoint, Actions menu), 370-371

Copy Shortcut command, 372

Find All command, 373

Forward command, 372

Mark as Unread command, 372

Message Options command, 373

Open command, 372

Print command, 372

Remove from Offline Copy command, 373

Reply command, 372

RSS feed subscriptions, 373-377

Send/Receive settings, 378

SharePoint 2007 integration, 29, 654

task connections, 377

overriding check-outs (Edit menu), 190

Overwrite media section (SQL Server Management Studio), SQL database backups, 623

OWA (Outlook Web Access), Exchange Server 2007 integration, 646


Page Field filter, 314, 774

Page menu (SharePoint Server), 412


basic pages, creating, 293

creating, 285-287


columns, 234

publishing sites, creating for, 421-422

libraries, 412

planning, 284-290

Web Part pages, creating, 294-296

partial backups, SQL databases, 621


Administrator passwords, changing, 592

SA accounts, 527-528


operating system installation, 120-122


approving for, 543

deploying via, 547

paths, managing, 43

performance, monitoring via MOM, 575


document library, 253

assignment, 256-257

templates, 254-255

page permissions, planning, 287-288

site permissions, planning, 287-288

Site Settings Administration tool, 470-471

workspace permissions, planning, 287-288

Personal Sites, 15

personalization sites, creating, 312-314

physical server security

isolation, 521


login access, 522

physical access, 521

Run As command for Administrative access, 523-524

smartcards, 524

Picture libraries, 198-199

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), 554, 557, 685

planning lists and libraries, 226

configuration, 227-232

content types, 235-240

selection, 226-227

site columns, 232-235


creating, 6


BizTalk Server 2006, 69

components, 68

Exchange Server 2007, 69-70

Microsoft Office collaboration, 69

PowerPoint 2007, 391

PPTP (Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol), 553

Pre-Upgrade Scan tool in-place SharePoint 2003 to 2007 migration, 151-153

Prepare menu (Word 2007), 345


SharePoint installation, 128

base components, 117-118

hardware levels, 116

software requirements, 116-117

WSS installation, 141

presence information, 17-19, 650-652

Preview option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750

Print command (Outlook 2007), 372

prioritizing goals (user environment design process), 86-87

Private Key encryption, 554

privileges, document library, 253-254

assignment, 256-257

templates, 254-255

products, SharePoint 2007, 26-27

programmatic tasks, SharePoint migration, 147

Programming option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750

Project 2007, 386

Project Tasks lists, 214


customer extranet, 80

management, team collaboration sites, 75

Properties option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345

property filters, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 443

Property Promotion option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750

prototypes, SharePoint 2003 to 2007 migration, 147

public folders, Exchange Server 2007 integration, 647

Public Key encryption, 554

Public Key Infrastructure. See PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)


columns, 234

files, Word 2007, 342-344

forms to Forms Server, 764-765

InfoPath forms to SharePoint, 753-754

rules, ISA Server 2006, 699-704

sites, 410-411

Field Controls, editing content, 413-414

master pages, 416-421

page layouts, 421-422

page libraries, 412

templates, 410

Visio 2007 files to SharePoint, 388

web browsers, Excel 2007, 353-355

workbooks, Excel 2007, 355

Publishing tab

options list, 284-285

site creation, 323

Q - R

quarterly tasks (maintenance schedules), 591-592

Query String (URL) filter, 315, 773

Ready to Deploy dialog, 664

Ready to Install dialog, 126

real-time communications. See RTC

Really Simple Syndication. See RSS

Record Routing lists, 399, 406

Records Center

creating, 399

document libraries

categorization via content types, 403-405

creating, 406

Hold Reports, 399

Missing Properties, 399

Records Pending Submission, 399

Unclassified Records, 399

email content as records, 407

external service connections, 400-401


Holds lists, 399

Links lists, 399

Record Routing lists, 399, 406

Records Center lists, 399

Submitted Email Records lists, 400

Tasks lists, 400

site collections

auditing, 401-402

policy creation, 403

Records Center lists, 399

records center sites, creating, 312

records management, 398

Records Centers

as external service connections, 400-401

creating, 399

document libraries, 403-406

email content as records, 407

Hold Reports, 399

Holds lists, 399

Links lists, 399

Missing Properties, 399

modifying Record Routing lists via route content types, 406

Record Routing lists, 399

Records Center lists, 399

Records Pending Submission, 399

site collections

auditing, 401-402

policy creation, 403

Submitted Email Records lists, 400

Tasks lists, 400

Unclassified Records, 399

Records Management Plans, 398

Retention Policies, 398

Records Pending Submission document library, 399

recovery, SQL databases, 624

Recycle Bin, 596-600

region options (site directories), 319-320

Reliability section (SQL Server Management Studio), SQL database backups, 624

remote access, ISA Server 2006

basics, 680

monitoring, 707-712

securing sites, 693-704

SharePoint need, 680-683

SSL encryption, 685-692

traffic logging, 705-707

web traffic risks, 683-685

Remote Control Add-on for Active Directory Users and Computers, 569

Remote Desktop for Administration, 568-569

remote management

MMC, 568

Remote Control Add-on for Active Directory Users and Computers, 569

Remote Desktop for Administration, 568-569

WSH, 568

Remove from Offline Copy command (Outlook 2007), 373

Reply command (Outlook 2007), 372

report center sites, creating, 320

Report Center, sample dashboards, 774

Report libraries, 200

Reporting Services, SQL Server databases, 45

reporting tools (Access 2007), 385

reports, 234

Search Usage Reports (SharePoint Server 2007 for Search), 460

security reports viewing in MBSA, 549

Site Summary reports, workflows, 739

workflow reports, accessing in SharePoint Server, 722

Reports to Generate page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 582

Request File Summary dialog, 687

restoration, SharePoint 2007 administration, 32-33

restores, 595

Central Admin Tool, 596, 600-604

Designer, 596, 605-607

IIS backup scripts, 596, 620

Recycle Bin, 596-600

SQL databases, 596

STSADM command-line backup utility, 596, 608

deleting site collections, 609

site collections, 610

Restrict Permission option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345


login access, 522

server access, physical access, 521

Retention Policies, 398

Reusable Content lists, 416

Review dialog, 132

reviewing previous SharePoint implementations (user environment design process)

adoption patterns, 107

planning architecture upgrades, 108-109

staffing support, 110-111

typical problems, 110

root sites, 43

route content types (Records Center), modifying Record Routing lists, 406

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 8

document library communcations, 258-262

Internet Explorer 7, subscribing from, 374

libraries, subscribing from, 373-374

lists, subscribing from, 373-374

Outlook 2007, subscribing from, 373-377

RTC (real-time communications), 649

configuring presence, 650

site collection functionality, 652

web applications, 651

Live Communications Server 2005, 675-676

Office Communications Server 2007

administering environment, 671-673

client component, 674-675

installation, 655-670

UC (unified communications)

Office Communications Server 2007 Product Suite, 653-655

Office Communicator, 655

product history, 652-653

Rules, Programming, and Logic Inspector (InfoPath), 759-760

Run As command, administrative access, 523-524

Run Compatibility Checker option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345


SA accounts

SQL Server 2005 installation security, 527-528

strong passwords, 527-528

Save as Template page, 254


files, Word 2007, 342-344

sites as templates, 326


capacity planning, 54-55

clustering, 57-61

components, 56-57


defining server components, 66-67

shared services, 67-68

mapping system load, 54

planning content growth, 55-56

SQL Server, 61

clustering, 62-64

database mirroring, 64-65

high availability alternative, 65-66

log shipping, 62

Scheduler (Windows), scheduling backups, 618-619


backups, 618-619

document library settings, 249


daily tasks, 585-588

monthly tasks, 590-591

quarterly tasks, 591-592

weekly tasks, 588-589

Schema File Location dialog, 656

scopes, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 457-459

scripting, WSH, 568

search center sites, creating, 321-322

search pages (SharePoint Server 2007 for Search), modifying, 462-463

Search servers, 42

Search Service (SharePoint Services 3.0), 437

aspx pages, excluding from indexing, 440

rebuilding indexes, 441-442

search functionality comparisons, 436

testing functionality, 438-440

Search Usage Reports (SharePoint Server 2007 for Search), 460


alerts, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 455

Central Admin tool, 497

centralized, 6

corporate intranet, 76

creating scopes, 25-26

customer extranet, 79

multiple, 70-71

settings, 507

SharePoint 2007

creating search scopes, 25-26

improved capabilities, 24-25

Second Stage Recycle Bin (Recycle Bin), 600

Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL


Administator passwords, changing, 592

application-specific settings, 501

Certificate Services (Windows Server 2003), 555-556

Encrypt Document option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345

encryption, 551

EFS (Windows Server 2003, 557

IPsec, 558-564

Private Key encryption, 554

Public Key encryption, 554

farms, WSUS, 538-539

ISA Server 2006

basics, 680

monitoring, 707-712

securing sites, 693-704

SharePoint need, 680-683

SharePoint Server administration, 35

SSL encryption, 685-692

traffic logging, 705-707

web traffic risks, 683-685

isolation, 520-521

MBSA, 547-549

multi-layered security, 551

PKI, 554, 557

Restrict Permission option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345


auditing file access, 537-538

NTFS security, 536

restricting login access, 522

restricting physical access, 521

Run As command for Administrative access, 523-524

Security Configuration Wizard, 533-534

security templates, 534-535

smartcards, 524

smartcards, PKI authentication, 557

SQL Server 2005 installations

auditing, 531-532

minimizing attack surface, 528-531

SA accounts, 527-528

security logs, 531-532

SQL Server Authentication mode, 526-528

SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool, 528-531

Windows Authentication mode, 525-526

SSL certificates, 554-555

transport-level, 551

VPN, 552-553

Security and Trust option (InfoPath Form Options window), 750

Security Configuration category, Central Admin tool, 484

Security Configuration Wizard (Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1), server security, 533-534

Security Monitor (IPsec), 560

security reports viewing in MBSA, 549

security templates, server security, 534-535


SharePoint Server design process, 97

SharePoint Services design process, 94-95

Select Computer dialog, 698

Select Maintenance Task Order page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 579

Select Plan Properties page (Maintenance Plan Wizard), 582

Send To option (Edit menu), 184

Send/Receive settings (Outlook 2007), 378

server farms, 41


large, 50-51

mid-sized, 49-50

small, 48-49

designing, 46

scalability, defining components, 66-67

SharePoint 2007 installation, 137-138

Server menu (Word 2007), 346-348

server roles, Exchange Server 2007, 639-640

Server Subject Name dialog, 668

Server Type dialog, 130

SERVER7 (IPsec Security Monitor), 560-562


Database, 42

Excel calculation, 42

Index, 42


configuration between, 560

policy establishment, 561-562

Office Communications Server 2007

configuration, 664-665, 673

deployment, 663-664

validation, 669-670

operating system installation

updates and patches, 120-122

Windows Server 2003, 118-120

role placement, 47

Search, 42


auditing file access, 537-538

NTFS security, 536

restricting login access, 522

restricting physical access, 521

Run As command for Administrative access, 523-524

Security Configuration Wizard, 533-534

security templates, 534-535

smartcards, 524

single-server deployment, 47-48

synchronizing, WSUS, 542-543

virtualization, 116

Web, 42

WSS installation, 141, 143

Service Account dialog, 125


ISA Server 2006 monitoring, 710-711

Office Communications 2007, 669


audiences, 510

Business Data Catalog, 512-513

Excel Services settings, 510-512

scalability, 67-68

search settings, 507

usage reporting, 507

user profiles, 504-507

SharePoint 2007 installation, 134-136

Services for Server dialog, 134

Set Target Web Application dialog, 160

Settings menu (document libraries), 180

Setup Delegation Wizard Welcome dialog, 660

shapes (Visio 2007), linking SharePoint data to, 387

shared services

Central Admin tool, 500

scalability, 67-68

Shared Services Administration page

audiences, 510

Business Data Catalog, 512-513

Excel Services settings, 359-360, 510-512

search settings, 507

usage reporting, 507

user profiles, 504-507

Shared Services Providers. See SSPs

Shared Workspace task pane, 339-340

SharePoint 2003, migration to SharePoint 2007

advanced scenarios, 149-150, 163-165

gradual approach, 148, 158-162

in-place upgrade approach, 148-157

prototype test environment, 147

readiness assessment, 146-147

SQL database upgrade, 148

strategy formulation, 145-146

supported scenarios, 146

SharePoint 2007


backup and restoration, 32-33

best practices analyzer, 33-34

ISA Server 2006, 35

MOM, 34

business needs, 6-7

collaborative structure, 13-14

data list organization, 9-12

document library, 7-9

Personal Sites, 15


advanced calendar function, 16

blogs, 16

email acceptance into content, 19

leveraging workflow, 15

presence information, 17-19

content management

auditing tools, 23

IRM (information rights management), 22

integration with Office 2007

Excel 2007, 31

Outlook 2007, 29

SharePoint Designer 2007, 31

Word 2007, 30

migration from SharePoint 2003

advanced scenarios, 149-150, 163-165

gradual approach, 148, 158-162

in-place upgrade approach, 148-157

prototype text environment, 147

readiness assessment, 146-147

SQL database upgrade, 148

strategy formulation, 145-146

supported scenarios, 146

navigation, 20-21

searching information

creating search scopes, 25-26

improved capabilities, 24-25

sites, 43

version comparison

products and technologies, 26-27

WSS and MOSS, 27-28

workflow configuration, 716-717

SharePoint Central Admin Tool, 596, 600-604

SharePoint Central Admin Web Application dialog, 159

SharePoint Designer

backups, 596, 605-606

restores, 606-607

SharePoint 2007

editing sites, 740-741

Office 2007 integration, 31

styles, applying new styles in, 740


adding web part zones, 741

creating in, 729-733, 736

editing in, 737-742

executing in, 736

Site Backup tool, 739

site management tools, 738-739

Site Summary reports, 739

standard actions, 731

standard conditions, 731

standard operands, 731

SharePoint List filter, 315, 773

SharePoint Portal, predefined workflows, 718-720

SharePoint Server

design process, 96

customizing Site Directory, 101

Enterprise Edition decisions, 98-101

groups/security, 97

My Sites design, 103

site template selection, 96-97

document libraries

customizing workflows, 724-726, 729

preconfigured workflows, 717

form libraries, creating, 752

installation, 128

farm shared services configuration, 137-138

MOSS 2007 package, 130-134

.NET Framework 3.0, 129

prerequisites, 128

services configuration, 134-136

single site collection, 139

web application creation, 136-137

page libraries, 412

Page menu, 412

search functionality comparisons, 436

Tools menu, 412

web content management

cache profiles, 423-425

CSS, 409

document conversion, 427-428

editing Field Control content, 413

publishing sites, 410-422

publishing templates, 410

Reusable Content lists, 416

site templates, 409

site themes, 409

site variations, 425-426

web publishing/deployment, 428-431

Workflow menu, 412


accessing reports, 722

adding in, 718

customizing, 724-726, 729

restrictions, 718

templates, 717

SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 442

default search pages, modifying, 462-463

IFilters, adding, 463-465

keywords/best bets, 461

Office SharePoint Server Search, 444

property filters, 443

search configuration settings management, 444

search functionality comparisons, 436

search settings, configuring, 445

Authoritative pages, 459

content sources, 446-448

crawl logs, 451

crawl rules, 448-450

file types, 450-451

metadata property mappings, 453-455

resetting crawled content, 456

scopes, 457-459

search result removal, 456

search-based alerts, 455

server name mappings, 455

Search Usage Reports, 460

site collection search settings, 461

SharePoint Server Search (Office), SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 444

SharePoint Services, 26

form libraries, creating, 752

Search Service, 437

excluding aspx pages from indexing, 440

rebuilding indexes, 441-442

search functionality comparisons, 436

testing functionality, 438-440

three-state workflows, 723-724

SharePoint Team Services (STS) Administration, 514

signatures (digital), Word 2007, 345

Single Sign on Settings dialog, 702

single site collection, SharePoint 2007 installation, 139

single-servers, deployment, 47-48

Site Administration category, Site Settings Administration tool, 476

Site Backup tool, workflows, 739

Site Collection category, Site Settings Administration tool, 478-479

Site collection Recycle Bin. See Second Stage Recycle Bin (Recycle Bin)

Site Settings Administration tools, 469

Galleries category, 474

Look and Feel category, 472

Site Administration category, 476

Site Collection category, 478-479

users and permissions, 470-471

Site Summary reports, workflows, 739


Collaboration tab, creating via (Create page), 303-308

collections, 43

appearance administration, 472

Application Management configuration, 91-94

auditing, Records Center, 401-402

backups, STSADM command-line backup utility, 608

component scalability, 56

creating, 284-285

deleting, STSADM command-line backup utility, 609

isolated deployments (security), 520

multiple web applications, 89

policy creation, Records Center, 403

restores, STSADM command-line backup utility, 610

search settings, SharePoint Server 2007 for Search, 461

configuring, 323-326

content, 44

directories, 21

creating, 315-320

design process, 101

division/region options, 319-320

Enterprise tab (Create page), creating via

document center sites, 310-311

personalization sites, 312-314

records center sites, 312

report center sites, 320

search center sites, 321-322

site directories, 315-320

hierarchy tree, 20-21

ISA Server 2006 security, 693-694

exporting/importing SSL certificate, 696-698

generating publishing rule, 699-704

setting Alternate Access Mapping (AAM), 694-695

SSL certificate installation, 695-696

library columns, 232-235

mobile pages, 328

planning, 284-290

Publishing tab (Create page), creating via, 323

resetting definitions, 328

subsites, creating, 285-287

team sites

collaboration deployment, 74-75

document collaboration, 71

excessive email traffic issues, 74


creating, 287

saving as, 326

selecting (SharePoint Server design process), 96-97

web content management, 409

themes, 326, 409

top-level sites, creating, 285-287

slide libraries, 201-202


PKI authentication, 557

server security, 524

SMTP Server Service, 19, 632


patches, WSUS, 543, 547

SharePoint installation requirements, 116-117

Specific Configuration Database Settings dialog, 131

split web traffic, advanced migration scenarios, 165

spreadsheets, Import Spreadsheet lists, 222

SQL databases

backups, 596, 620-624

recovery, 624

SQL Server

agents, starting, 584

Analysis Services filter, 315, 774

Authentication mode, 526-528


architectures, 44-46

platform installation, 122-124, 127

upgrade considerations, 148

installation, 124, 127

maintenance plans, 576-584

scalability, 61

clustering, 62-64

database mirroring, 64-65

high availability alternative, 65-66

log shipping, 62


auditing, 531-532

minimizing attack surface, 528-531

SA accounts, 527-528

security logs, 531-532

SQL Server Authentication mode, 526-528

SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool, 528-531

Windows Authentication mode, 525-526

SQL Server Express, 122

SQL Server Management Studio, 516, 622-624

SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool, 528-531

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

certificates, 554-555

exporting/importing, 696-698

installation, 695-696

encryption, 684-685

forced encryption, 692

internal certificate authority, 688-692

third-party certificate authority, 686-688

SSP (Shared Services Providers), 41-42, 46-47

staging servers, advanced migration scenarios, 163

stand-alone root CA, 689

stand-alone subordinate CA, 689

standby servers, advanced migration scenarios, 165

starting/stopping SQL Server agents, 584

storage limits, quarterly maintenance tasks, 592

strong passwords, SA accounts, 527-528

STS (SharePoint Team Services) Administration, 514

STSADM command-line backup utility, 596

administering command-line, 514-515

advanced migration scenarios, 163-164

backups, 608

automating via custom scripts, 610-618

scheduling custom scripts via Windows Scheduler, 618-619

deleting site collections, 609

restores, 610

Submitted Email Records lists, 400

subsites, creating, 285-287

support, staffing (user environment design process), 110

Survey lists, 12, 216-219

symmetrical encryption. See Public Key encryption

SYN Attack Properties dialog, 710

synchronizing servers, WSUS, 542-543


tables (Excel 2007), importing/exporting from SharePoint, 356-358

Tape Drive section (SQL Server Management Studio), SQL database backups, 624

target servers, configuring content deployment settings, 429-431


columns, 234

lists, 10-11, 212-214, 390-391, 400

Outlook 2007 connections, 377

team collaboration sites, 75

team sites

collaboration deployment, 74-75

creating, 303

document collaboration solution, 71

excessive email traffic issues, 74


clustering, 59-61

SharePoint 2007, 26-27


blog sites, 306

document library, 254-255

form templates, file components, 747

libraries, 228

lists, 231

publishing templates, 410

server security, 534-535


creating, 287

saving as, 326

workflows, SharePoint Server, 717

Terminal Services Remote Administration Mode. See Remote Desktop for Administration

test environments, SharePoint 2003 to 2007 migration, 147

testing documents (user environment design process), 88

Text filter, 315, 773

themes (sites), web content management, 409

third-party certificate authority, SSL encryption, 686-688

three-state workflows, 723-724

Tools menu (SharePoint Server), 412

top-level sites, creating, 285-287

Topology and Services category, Central Admin tool, 482

traffic, logging via ISA Server 2006, 705-707

training plans (user environment design process), 88

transaction log backups, SQL databases, 621

Transaction Log section (SQL Server Management Studio), SQL database backups, 624

Translation Management libraries, 200

Translation Management workflow template (SharePoint Server), 717

transport-level security, 551


business issues

application information access, 73

content organization, 72-73

document collaboration, 71

email attachment change, 72

excessive email traffic, 74

multiple searches, 70-71

recreating documents, 70

ISA access, 707

Trusted Data Connection Libraries settings (Excel Services, Shared Services Administration), 360

Trusted Data Providers settings (Excel Services, Shared Services Administration), 360

Trusted File Locations settings (Excel Services, Shared Services Administration), 360


UC (unified communications)

Office Communications Server 2007, 653-654

administering environment, 671-673

client component, 674-675

installation, 655-670

product history, 652-653

Unclassified Records document library, 399

unghosted sites

resetting formatting, 157

SharePoint migration, 146-147

Unified Messaging roles, Exchange Server 2007 planning, 644

Unified Messaging Server roles, 640


documentation, monthly maintenance tasks, 591

operating system installation, 120-122

Upgrade and Migration category, Central Admin tool, 486-487

Upgrade dialog box, 153

upgrades, architectures (user environment design process), 108-109

Upload Form Templates (Forms Server), 764

Upload menu (document libraries), 173

UPS (uninterruptible power supply) battery, testing, 590

URL (universal resource locators), AAM, 694-695

usage reporting, Shared Services Administration, 507

user environment design process

Desktop configuration, 104-105

documentation, 87

Microsoft Office product integration, 106-107

prioritizing goals, 86-87

reviewing previous implementations

adoption patterns, 107

planning architecture upgrades, 108-109

staffing support, 110

typical problems, 110

SharePoint Server

customizing Site Directory, 101

Enterprise Edition decisions, 98-101

groups/security, 97

My Sites design, 103

site template selection, 96-97

SharePoint Services, 88

groups/security, 94-95

site collection options, 89-94

User-defined Function Assemblies settings (Excel Services, Shared Services Administration), 360


collaboration, 6

Office Communications Server 2007, 671

presence information, 17-19

profile configuration, 504-507

Site Settings Administration tool, 470-471


validating form data, InfoPath, 758

verification, ISA Server 2006 monitoring, 711-712

Verification dialog box, 665


Edit menu (document libraries), 191

library configuration setting, 246-248

lists, 274

Versioning option (InfoPath Form Options window), 751

versions (SharePoint)

products and technologies, 26-27

WSS and MOSS, 27-28

video conferencing, 653

View Digital Signatures option (Word 2007, Prepare menu), 345

View in Datasheet option (Actions menu), 176

View menu (document libraries)

All Documents view, 180

Create View option, 181

Explorer view, 180

Modify this View option, 181

View Properties option (Edit menu), 181

View RSSFeed option (Actions menu), 177

View Version History option (Word 2007, Server menu), 346

View Workflow Tasks option (Word 2007, Server menu), 348

views, document library, 269

Access, 272

Datasheet, 272

Gantt, 272

standard, 270-271

virtual servers

IIS, 56-57

isolation (security), 520

virtualization of servers, 116

Visio 2007

Gantt charts, creating, 389

linking SharePoint data to shapes, 387

publishing files to SharePoint, 388

task lists, 390-391

Vista (Windows), Desktop configuration design process, 104

VPN (virtual private networks), security, 552-553


WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), workflows, 738


applications, 43

Central Admin tool, 493-496

presence information, 651

SharePoint 2007 installation, 136-137

conferencing, 653

SSL encryption, 685

forced encryption, 692

internal certificate authority, 688-692

third-party certificate authority, 686-688

traffic risks, 683

HTTP exploits, 684

SSL encryption, 684-685

Web Browser view

Excel 2003, 350-351

Excel 2007, Open Snapshot option, 355

web browsers

Desktop configuration design process, 104-105

Excel 2007, publishing to, 353-355

web content management

cache profiles, 423-425

CMS2002, 409-410

corporate intranet, 77

CSS, 409

document conversion, 427-428

publishing sites, 410-411

choosing master pages, 416-417

creating master pages, 421

creating page layouts, 421-422

editing Field Control content, 413-414

modifying master pages, 417-420

page libraries, 412

publishing templates, 410

Reusable Content lists, 416

site templates, 409

site themes, 409

site variations, 425-426

web publishing/deployment, 428-431

Web Farm FQDN dialog, 664

Web Listener dialog, 702

Web Part galleries, 330-331

Web Part pages, 294-296

web parts

SharePoint migration, 147

workbook data, accessing, 360-361

zones, adding workflows to, 741

Web servers, 42

weekly tasks (maintenance schedules)

archiving event logs, 589

checking disk space, 588-589

verifying hardware components, 589

Wiki Page libraries, 195-196

Wiki sites, creating, 304-305

Windows Authentication mode, SQL Server 2005 installation security, 525-526

Windows Microsoft Update, 122

Windows Scheduler, scheduling backups, 618-619

Windows Server 2003

Certificate Services, 555-556

EFS, 557

operating system installation, 118-120

R2 Edition Unleashed, 118

Service Pack 1, Security Configuration Wizard, 533-534

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, 26

Windows SharePoint Services. See WSS

Windows Update (WSUS), 539

Windows Vista. See Vista (Windows)


Maintenance Plan Wizard

Complete the Wizard page, 582

Define Cleanup History Task page, 581

Define Database Check Integrity Task page, 579

Define Rebuild Index Task page, 580

Define Reorganize Index Task page, 580

Define Update Statistics Task page, 581

Reports to Generate page, 582

Select Maintenance Task Order page, 579

Select Plan Properties page, 582

SQL Server maintenance plans, 577-582

Security Configuration Wizard (Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1), 533-534

Word 2003, 336

docm files, opening/viewing, 337-338

docx files, opening/viewing, 337-338

mixed Word environments, 337

SharePoint usage in, Shared Workspace task pane, 339-340

Word 2007, 336

mixed Word environments, 337

Prepare menu, 345

Server menu

Check Out option, 346

Compare option, 346

Document Management Information option, 348

View Version History option, 346

View Workflow Tasks option, 348

SharePoint usage in

Advanced Document Properties option, 341

Document Management task pane, 342

Document Properties option, 341

Office 2007 integration, 30

publishing files, 342-344

saving files, 342-344

Word Viewer program, 337


Excel Services, loading in, 362

publishing to, Excel 2007, 355

web parts, accessing via, 360-361

Workflow menu (SharePoint Server), 412


configuration settings, 503

creating/managing, advantages of, 715-716

Edit menu (document libraries), 192

enhanced collaboration, 15

processing, corporate intranet, 77

SharePoint, settings configuration, 716-717

SharePoint Designer

adding web part zones, 741

creating in, 729-733, 736

editing in, 737-742

executing in, 736

Site Backup tool, 739

site management tools, 738-739

Site Summary reports, 739

standard actions, 731

standard conditions, 731

standard operands, 731

SharePoint Portal, predefined workflows, 718-720

SharePoint Server

accessing reports, 722

adding in, 718

customizing workflows, 724-726, 729

predefined workflows, 717

restrictions, 718

workflow templates, 717

SharePoint Services, three-state workflows, 723-724

workspaces, 296

creating, 285-287

document workspaces, 297-299

managing, 301

meeting workspaces, 299-301

planning, 284-290

WSH (Windows Scripting Host), 568

WSS (Windows SharePoint Services), 40, 115

installation, 141-143

key features, 27-28

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services)

automatic client configuration via Group Policy, 545

Automatic Updates Client, 539

configuring, 542

development of, 539

farm security, 538-539

hardware prerequisites, 540

installation, 540-541

server synchronization, 542-543

software patches

approving, 543

deploying, 547

Windows Update, 539

X - Y - Z

xslx file extension, 336

zip files, 336. See also Open Office XML file format

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