Service Provider Directory

The LinkedIn Service Provider Directory is accessible from the link in the footer of the LinkedIn home page when you’re not logged in to your LinkedIn account, or you can visit at any time to open the directory home page as shown in Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1: Browse the Service Provider Directory by category.

You cannot add yourself to the Service Provider Directory. Instead, other LinkedIn members must first recommend you by using the profile recommendation form discussed in Chapter 8 and selecting the Service Provider option at the bottom of the form. They also must choose the appropriate service provider category in the recommendation form, so your profile is attributed to the correct category in the Service Provider Directory. You are automatically added to the directory when you receive a predetermined number of service recommendations in the same category (your listing appears in that category in the directory). Most recently, the magic number was reported as six recommendations.

The service provider recommendation submitted to a person’s profile for work they’ve done in a specific job is different from recommendations of products and services that people can submit to Company Pages on LinkedIn. Make sure you’re submitting the appropriate recommendation in the correct place. Personal recommendations go on individual profiles; product and service recommendations go on Company Pages.

The Service Provider Directory is difficult to navigate and does not always load correctly or fully. However, it does offer one more way for people to find you on LinkedIn. Don’t spend a large amount of time trying to get listed in the directory. If you do great work and ask for recommendations from the right people, your listing will happen naturally. Instead, spend time interacting, building relationships, and demonstrating your expertise, which can help you reach your LinkedIn goals.

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