
Step 0. Define T0 = 2<ω and σ0 = image.

Step n + 1. There are three substeps:

Substep 1 (Coding x). For each k, if x(n) = 0 then define image = image. Otherwise, let image = image. Define Tn+1,0,k = image. Hence there is a recursive oracle functional Φik such that for each yTn+1,0,k, Φyik = Tn+1,0,k. Note that the function kik is recursive. It follows from the Recursion Theorem that there is a number k0 such that image = image for all y ∈ [image]. Fix this k0 and define image = image, and Tn+1,0 = Tn+1,0,k0.

Substep 2 (Coding xn). For each k, define


By the discussion above, there are recursive functions f, g so that image = xn and image = Tn+1,1,k for all y ∈ [Tn+1,1,k]. By the Recursion Theorem, there is a k1 such that image = image = Tn+1,1,k1 for all y ∈ [Tn+1,1,k1]. Define σn+1,1 = image and Tn+1,1 = Tn+1,1,k1.

Substep 3 (Forcing a minimal cover). This is the only place where z″ is used.

Case 1. There exists a σTn+1,1 and a number iσ such that for all m > iσ, τ1, τ2σ, {τ1, τ2} ⊂ Tn+1,1image(m) ↓∧ image(m)↓ implies image(m) = image(m). Choose the least such σTn+1,1 in the sense of the coding of strings. Define S = image. For each k, define Sk = SR1(SLk(S)). By the Recursion Theorem again, there is a k2 so that image = SR1(SLk2(S)) for all y ∈ [SR1(SLk2(S))]. Define σn+1 = R1(SLk2(S)) and Tn+1 = Sσn+1.

Case 2. Otherwise, for each k define Sk = image. Then we can Sk-recursively find a subperfect tree Pk of Sk such that for all y ∈ [Pk], image is total and for all τ0, τ1Pk, if τ0|τ1 then there is an i such that for all reals z0τ0 and z1τ1, image(i)↓ ≠ image(i)↓. By the Recursion Theorem, there is a k2 such that image = Pk2 for all y ∈ [Pk2]. Let Tn+1 = Pk2 and σn+1 = imageTn+1.

Let en+1 = k3. Then image+1 = Tn+1 for all y ∈ [Tn+1]. This completes the construction at step n + 1.

Note that by induction on n, Tn+1Ti<n+1xi.

Finally, let z = imagen σn.

By the construction, Tn+1Ti<n+1xi is a pointed tree for each n. Thus zT xn for every nω. If image is total and imageTi<n+1xi, then we have Case(2) at Substep 3 of Step n + 1. Then it is obvious that zT image. Hence z is a minimal cover of A.

We show that z″ ≥T x. This is proved by induction on n that x(n) may be z″-uniformly computed. To do this, we argue that the index en is uniformly computed from z″.

Suppose we are at step n + 1. By inductive hypothesis, assume that z″ recursively computes the index en. By the construction, we have image = Tn for all y ∈ [Tn]. Use z to recursively find an initial segment of z which is R1(image) or L1(image) for some k0. In the first case, x(n) = 0. In the second case, x(n) = 1. Note that image is the perfect tree in Substep 1 of the construction. Now z-recursively find k1 such that R1((image)Lk1(image)) ⪯ z. Then image = image(R1((image)Lk1(image)), xn, image) = Tn+1,1. Use z″ to decide which case image is in. In Case 1, we z″-recursively find the least σTn+1,1 with the required property. Let S = image. Then use z to compute the k2 such that image = SR1(SLk2(S)). Then en+1 = k2 and Tn+1 = SR1(SLk2(S)) = image. In Case 2, use z to compute the k2 such that imagez. Then by the construction, en+1 = k2 and Tn+1 = image.

Thus z″ ≥T x.

Theorem 8.3.2. (Chong and Yu [15]). Assume (ω1)L = ω1. There is a image-maximal chain in the Turing degrees.

Proof. By Lemma 8.3.1, P is a image-cofinally progressive relation. Hence by Theorem 8.2.4, there is a image-set A as prescribed. image(ii) implies that A is a maximal chain.

8.3.2 Antichains in the Turing degrees

Given a partial ordering (P, <P), a set AP is an antichain if any distinct x, yA are <P-incomparable. A is maximal if it is not a proper subset of an antichain.

Define a binary relation P(x, y) to hold if either (1) or (2) below is satisfied:

(1)There exist n ≠ = m such that (x)n ≠ (x)m but (x)n is Turing comparable with (x)m;

(2){(x)n | nω} ∪ {y} is an antichain such that

(2a)x ⊕(y)0image,

(2b){(x)n | nω} ∪ {(y)0} is an antichain, and

(2c)for every r <L (y)0, {(x)n | nω} ∪ {r} is not an antichain.

Lemma 8.3.3. If 2ω = (2ω)L, then P is a cofinally progressive relation.

Proof. Fix y0. Given x, let X = {(x)n | nω}. Assume that the set X ∪ {y0} is an antichain of Turing degrees. We show that for any y1 ≥(xy0)″, there is a z such that

(1)z″ ≥T y1,

(2)y0T zT y1,

(3)X ∪ {z} is an antichain.

Then given a constructible y−1 and a countable antichain X ∪ {y0} such that for every r <L y0, X ∪ {r} is not an antichain, by Proposition 4.3.4, there is a y1T (y−1Xy0)″ such that y1image. Then by (1)–(3) above, there is a z such that zh y1 (and hence y0zimage) and X ∪ {z} is an antichain. Thus {z | P(x, y0z)} is cofinally progressive.

We construct a real z such that (zx0)″ ≥T y1 and the following requirements are satisfied:


Then X ∪ {zy0} is an antichain. The real z is obtained as the union of a sequence of finite strings σ0σ1 ≺ ….


Step 0. Let σ0 = image.

Step n + 1 = 〈e, i〉.

Substep 1 (Satisfying Ne,i). Consider the following statement:


If the statement is true, then find the (lexicographically) least such τ and define image = τ. Then for every real zimage, image is total implies imageT y0. Thus image ≠ (x)i since X ∪ {y0} is an antichain. If the statement is false, then find the least τ0σn for which there exists a (least) τ1σn such that Φτ0y0(m) ↓ ≠ Φτ1y0(m)↓ for some m. Define image = τk for the k < 2 where Φτky0(m) ≠ (x)i(m).

Substep 2 (Coding y1). Define σn+1 = (image)(y1(n)).

Finally, let z = imagen σn.

Since y0T (x)i for all i, the same conclusion holds for zy0. By the construction, zy0T (x)i for all i, and so X ∪ {zy0} is an antichain.

To see that (zy0)″ ≥T y1, consider the statement in Substep 1. The statement is decidable by image. If it is true, then we can image-recursively find the least such τ. Then τ = image. Otherwise, wecan image-recursively find both τ0 and τ1. In this case we use z to decide which string is the image. Thus y1(n) = 0ifand only if z(|image|+ 1) = 0. Moreover, σn+1 = z ↾(|image|+ 1). Hence the sequence {σn}n can be computed from zimage. Therefore (zy0)″ ≥T zimageT y1.

Clearly the entire construction can be decoded by y1. Thus y1T z.

Theorem 8.3.4. (Chong and Yu [16]). Assume (2ω)L = 2ω. There exists a image-thin maximal antichain in the Turing degrees.

Proof. By Lemma 8.3.3, P is a cofinally progressive relation. Note that (2c) is equivalent to


Thus P is image. Hence by Theorem 8.2.4, there is a image set A with the prescribed properties. Using image(ii), we show by induction on <L that A is an antichain.

Suppose xA and {y | yAy <L x} is an antichain. By I(ii), there is a z coding {y | yAy <L x} so that P(z, y) holds. Then by (2), {(z)n | nω} ∪ {y} is an antichain. So A is an antichain. Note that Aimage. This together with Lemma 4.3.1 implies that A is a thin set. By (2b) above, A is maximal.

8.3.3 Exercises

Exercise 8.3.1. Prove that there is no image-maximal chain in the Turing degrees.

Exercise 8.3.2. Prove that ZFC+ “There is no image-maximal chain in the Turing degrees” is consistent if and only if ZFC+ “There is an inaccessible cardinal” is consistent.

Exercise 8.3.3. Prove that there exists a thin maximal antichain in the Turing degrees.

Exercise 8.3.4. Prove that every maximal antichain in the Turing degrees is of size 20.

Exercise 8.3.5. Prove that if there exists a image-thin maximal antichain in the Turing degrees, then every real is constructible.

Exercise 8.3.6. Prove that there exists no image-maximal chain of hyperdegrees.

*Exercise 8.3.7 (Harrington and Kechris [46]). Prove that every Turing degree ≥ deg(image)is a minimal cover.

8.4 Martin’s conjecture for image-functions

8.4.1 image-Martin’s conjecture in L

Since Borel determinacy is a theorem of ZF + DC [93], the results in Chapter 7 hold under ZF + DC for image-functions. Since Chapter 7 is concerned with total functions, by Proposition 1.1.8 (iv) the results apply to total image-functions as well. However, the situation changes when it comes to partial image-functions. Throughout this section, a function F is said to be image if its graph GF is image. We prove that Martin’s conjecture fails for certain image-functions under the assumption V = L. For a start, Lemma 7.2.1 says (under ZF + AD + DC) that ≤M is a linear ordering for increasing uniformly degree invariant functions. The conclusion fails if one assumes V = L.

Theorem 8.4.1. Assume V = L. There is a image-uniformly degree invariant function F that is increasing and order preserving on a cone such that for all y, there exist reals x0, x1T y satisfying F(x0) ≡T x0 and F(x1)≥T imagex1.

Proof. Assume V = L. Define P(x, y) as

yimageimage = (y)0 ∧ (y)1 = x ∧ (y)2 is the <L-least real such that (y)2T (y0)

Since “image = (y)0” is image, P is a image-cofinally progressive relation. By Theorem 8.2.4, there is a image-set A satisfying the prescribed properties in image.

By the definition of P, every real is Turing below some real in A. Moreover, P ensures that <T is a well ordering and consistent with <L on A.

Define F(x) = y if


(2)xT y;

(3)x >T 0⇒(∀n)(x ≰T((y)1)n).

Roughly speaking, y is the <T-least real in A such that xT y.

By (3)and the property of A, F is well defined. Furthermore, it is image, increasing, order persevering and uniformly degree invariant (xT y implies F(x) = F(y)). Moreover, since F(x) = x for every xA, we have F(x)≡T x cofinally.

For every real s, choose xsA such that xsT s. Then for the <T-least real yA above xs, there is a z coding {x | x <L yxA} = {x | x <T yxA} so that P(z, y) holds. Obviously xsT z′ ≤T imagez. By the definition of P,


and (y)1 = z. Thus

{((y)1)n | nω}={r | rT xrA}.

Since imageT r for all rA with rT xs, we have imageT ((y)1)n for all nω. Hence F(image) = y. In other words, F(image) ≥T image.

Thus the function F is M-incomparable with the function G where G(x) ≡T x′ for every x.

Assume ZF + DC + AD. By Lemma 7.1.4, if F is uniformly degree invariant and nonincreasing on a cone, then F(x) <T x on a cone C = {x | xT z0} for some z0. We show that this also fails for image-functions under V = L.

Theorem 8.4.2. Assume V = L. There is a uniform degree invariant, nonincreasing image-function F such that F(x)|T x on a cone. In particular, F is not constant on a cone.

Proof. Let A be the image-set as constructed in Theorem 8.4.1. Define F(x) = y if and only if there is a real zT y′ such that


(2)the degree of y is minimal;

(3)y = image for some e such that for all i<e, if the degree of image is minimal then (image)′ ≢T z, and

(4)x >T 0⇒(∀n)(x ≰T((z)1)n).

We leave it to the reader to verify that F is the desired counterexample.

By Lemma 7.2.4, ZF+AD+DC implies that ≤M is a well-ordering on the set of increasing uniformly degree invariant functions. This again fails under the assumption V = L.

Theorem 8.4.3. Assume V = L. There is a sequence of uniform degree invariant, increasing, image-functions {fn}n<ω such that Fn+1 <M Fn for all n. Thus <M is not a prewellordering.

Proof. Define P(x, y) by


Clearly P(x, y) is a image-cofinally progressive relation. By Theorem 8.2.4, there is a image-set A with the property prescribed by P.

By the definition of P, every real is Turing below some element of A and <T is a well-ordering consistent with <L on A.

It is not difficult to see that there is an arithmetical set W ⊆ {(m, n, z)| m, n<ωz ∈ 2ω} such that {image}n<ω, where image = {m | (m, n, z) ∈ W}, is a sequence of z-r.e. sets satisfying z <T image <T image for each n.

Let Fn(x) = y if there exists a z <T y such that


(ii)zT x;

(iii)y = image;

(iv)x >T 0⇒(∀m)(x ≰T ((z)0)m).

Roughly speaking, y is image+1 for the <T-least z in A with zT x.

Clearly {fn}n<ω is a sequence of image-functions. Note that for any x <T y in A, x′ ≤T y. Hence for every n, Fn is degree invariant and increasing.

By (iv) and the property of A, F is well defined. By the choice of {image}n<ω, {fn}n<ω is a <M-descending sequence.

8.4.2 The consistency strength of image-Martin’s conjecture

Given that the results in Chapter 7 are established under AD which is essentially a large cardinal assumption, one would expect a direct connection between Martin’s conjecture and large cardinals. The first level for such an investigation is clearly image. We prove that if image-Martin’s conjecture is true, then 0 exists.2

Define the Friedman set F* as


It is not difficult to see that F* is image.

Lemma 8.4.4. F* is cofinal in the Turing degrees.

Proof. For any real z, let


Then F(z) is image(z) and nonempty. By Gandy’s Basis Theorem (2.5.3) relativized to z, there is a x such that image = image and xzF(z). Then xzF.

We will use the following result due to Harrington. A sketch of the proof is given in Exercises 8.4.3 to 8.4.8.

Lemma 8.4.5 (Harrington [45]). If 0 does not exist, then image = 2ω F is cofinal in the Turing degrees.

Theorem 8.4.6. (Chong, Wang and Yu [13]). If there is no uniformly order-preserving image-function G such that {x | G(x) = image } and {x | G(x) = image are cofinal in the Turing degrees, then 0 exists.

Proof. If 0 does not exist, then by Lemmas 8.4.4 and 8.4.5, both F* and image* are cofinal. Let P(x, y) be an arithmetical predicate defined as

ximage* ⇔ (∀y)P(x, y).

Claim 1. If xT y are such that xF* and yimage*, then imagexh y.

Proof. As y ∉ F*, thereare α < image and aα with aimage Lα+1[y]. Then a ∉ Lα+1[x] and imageα < image. As xT y, imagexh y.

By Claim 1, if xT y are such that xF* and yimage*, then imageT imagey.

Now define G(x) = y as follows:

(1)(y)0 = 0 imageximage* or (y)0 = 1image∧(∃v T (y)0P(x, v),

(2)(y)1 = imagex,

(3)image is partial ⇒(y)e+2 = image,

(4)u = image is total ⇒

(i) (y)0(0) = 0 ∧ (∃vT (y)1P(u, v) ∧ (y)e+2 = 1image where i is the least index so that image = image, or

(ii) (y)0(0) = 1 ∧ (∃vT (y)1P(u, v) ∧ (y)e+2 = 1image, or

(iii) (∀vT (y)1)P(u, v) ∧ (y)e+2 = 0image.

It is straightforward to verify that G is image.

Claim 2. If xF* then G(x)≡T image.

Proof. Clearly xF* ⇒ imageT G(x) and (G(x))0 ⊕(G(x))1T image.

Given e < ω, image can uniformly decide whether image is total. Suppose that image is total. To calculate (G(x))e+2(n) we need to check clauses (4 ii, 4 iii) above. Now the predicate (∀vT (y)1)P(u, v) is image(imagex), and hence recursive in image. Once this predicate is decided, image will be able to complete the calculation with the use of two recursive functions f, g such that u = imageimage = image and u = imageimage = image.

Claim 3. If ximage* then G(x)≡T image

Proof. This is similar to the proof of Claim 2, except for he final step in the calculation of (G(x))e+2(n). Now image can decide whether (4 i) or (4 iii) holds, as in the above claim. If (4 iii) holds, then the calculation is again similar to the above. Suppose that (4 i) holds. Then uF*. By Claim 1, imageuh x and thus imageT imagex = (G(x))1. Now the index i prescribed in (4 i) may be found uniformly via a image(imagex) procedure. Hence image computes (G(x))e+2(n) uniformly.

It follows from the last two claims that G is degree invariant. Moreover, G preserves ≤T by Claim 1.

To show that G is uniformly order preserving, let h be a recursive function such that (∀x, y, e)(x = imageimagex = image). In addition, let s be another recursive function with


Suppose that x = image. Then

(1)(G(x))0 = (G(y))e+2,

(2)(G(x))1 = image, and

(3)(G(x))i+2 = (G(y))s(i)+2.

Hence G is as desired.

8.4.3 Exercises

Exercise 8.4.1. Use Theorem 6.5.6 to prove that if 0 exists, then Martin’s conjecture for image-uniformly degree invariant functions is true.

Exercise 8.4.2. Prove that there is a sentence φ in the language of partial ordering of the Turing degrees such that {x |〈image(≥ x), ≤〉 ⊨ φ} is cofinal and if it contains a cone, then 0 exists.

Exercise 8.4.3. Suppose that α > β > ω are countable admissible ordinals and g is a generic real produced by Steel forcing over Lα. Then for any ordinal γ < β and any set Aγ, if ALαLβ[g], then ALβ.

Exercise 8.4.4. Suppose that the Friedman set F* contains a cone of Turing degrees. Then there is a real x such that for any yT x, any α < image and any Aα, if AL then Aimage [y].

Exercise 8.4.5. Assume that the Friedman set F* contains a cone of Turing degrees. Show that there is a real x such that for any yT x and countable ordinal α, if Lα[y] is admissible then α is a cardinal in L.

Exercise 8.4.6. Assume that the Friedman set F* contains a cone of Turing degrees. Show that there is a real x such that for any yT x and ordinal α, if Lα[y] is admissible then α is a cardinal in L.

Exercise 8.4.7. Suppose that x is a real such that for any ordinal α, if Lα[x] is admissible then α is a cardinal in L. Furthermore, assume that V = L[x]. Then there is an ordinal α <ℵ2 and an elementary embedding π : Lα[x]→ L3[x] such that

2 ∈ Range(π),

there is an ordinal β < α such that π(β) > β, and

(Range(π))ω ⊆ Range(π).

Exercise 8.4.8. As in Exercise 8.4.7, let β be the least ordinal such that π(β) > β. Then the set {XL | Xββπ(X)} is an ω-complete nonprincipal ultrafilter over Limage(β). Thus there is a nontrivial elementary embedding of L into L.

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