
The journey of writing Google Analytics Breakthrough started long before we signed the agreement with the publisher. The idea had been brewing in our minds for years.

For more than 12 years in our analytics consulting work at E-Nor, we’ve had the good fortune of working with some incredibly smart people—marketers, analysts, and executives from some of the most recognized brands in the world. It’s very fulfilling when, during our discussions, we see that spark in their eyes when they “get” analytics and have the “aha!” moment. To “get” analytics involves asking great, sometimes difficult questions and then challenging yourself to find the answers. We are sincerely grateful to our clients and training participants for encouraging, nudging, and requiring us (sometimes in that order!) to push the envelope—both for the Google Analytics product and for ourselves—to positively impact their organizations.

We also owe a debt of gratitude to industry veterans and “founders” who helped foster a family atmosphere and shape a cooperative and collaborative analytics community. We especially want to recognize Avinash Kaushik for evangelizing analytics to the non-converted, Jim Sterne for being the one and only analytics godfather, Eric Peterson for writing one of the very first books on demystifying analytics, and Brian Clifton, whose books provided much of the technical foundation that we still leverage many years later. We’d also like to recognize the high-cardinality list (data-geek joke) of acquaintances and friends within the industry for being giants whose shoulders we’re able to stand on. You have and will continue to inspire us.

A special thank you to the Digital Analytics Association (DAA) community, volunteers, and dedicated staff for all of your countless hours dedicated toward advancing our industry. Of course, we also want to thank our competitors and “frenemies.” You all know who you are, and we still read your blogs and learn from you!

We wanted this book to include tips and advice from the trenches, so we sought out thought leaders and top practitioners to add more color and a diversity of perspective and experience to the book. Thank you to all the guest contributors for their invaluable input.

We also thank the team at our partner Google, namely the Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager teams. From the technical and marketing leadership to product managers, to Analytics 360 partner managers, sales, and support, to every Googler who has contributed to making GA the amazing product it is today. Few products benefit companies on such a large scale and in such an irreplaceable way. Keep on innovating!

Special thanks go to the Wiley team: Sheck Cho, who helped us refine our vision for the book, Pete Gaughan and Connor O’Brien for their expert guidance and editorial insight, Michael Henton for easing so much detail into the cover design, and Vincent Nordhaus for getting us to the finish line.

We also want to humbly thank our families, loved ones, and friends who have supported us at every step. Ghaidaa and Amina, your sacrifices and support have been invaluable to us as a company, and especially as individuals. We love you and thank you all.

Last, but definitely not least, we literally couldn’t have completed this project without the amazing “E-Norians.” The culture of teamwork, collaboration, learning, respect, and support that we are fortunate to work in easily makes E-Nor the best company on the planet to work for.

A high-five and thank you to our E-Nor family:

  • John H. - You were right all along: we are lucky that you deal with us.
  • Allaedin - You’re the heartbeat of E-Nor.
  • Joel - We don’t know what is in the Portland water supply (in those uncovered water reservoirs), but keep drinking, baby. Oh, and bring back the ‘stache.
  • Tracy - You keep us informed and always bring us back to the big picture.
  • Tara - The mile-high city produced some mile-high talent.
  • Mike - The Warriors keep beating the Rockets. Wish you would embrace it instead of fighting it, but we still love you.
  • Patrick - Unassuming demeanor + incisive mind = great combination.
  • Awwad - Every company needs a gem: you’re ours.
  • Madel - Not sure what happened in Thailand, but keep it up. :)
  • Nabil - Our traffic cop: nothing gets by you.
  • Nesreen - Thank you for keeping us on task and on time!
  • Morsi - CampaignAlyzer is the next BIG thing; couldn’t have done it without you.
  • Hazem - Kind, sincere, and reliable. We wish we could clone you.
  • Bilal - BHS (Bald-Headed Syndrome) or not, your guidance, humor, and insight are invaluable.
  • Abdullah - You are a rockstar. Next time, share the Porsche.
  • Bashar - Thank you for pioneering our efforts in the new MENA frontiers.
  • Pat - Everything is super-sized in Texas, and so is your support and help.
  • Tina - Too many things to include in one line. You are a rock.
  • Sri - Content is king, but you’ll rule it in 2016 and beyond.
  • John A. - Our very own Ferrari. How’s the beach, buddy? :)
  • Farid - You can sing and dance, and you have nice hair. You are awesome—no joke.

Of course a very, very special thank-you to Asmaa for her dedication and creativity in supporting us with the graphic design and illustrations for the book, and for putting up with our crazy schedule and last-minute requests.

With gratitude,

Feras, Shiraz, and Eric

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