In Conclusion

I hope that, after reading this book, you’ve acquired a new outlook on lead-generation marketing. The purpose of the book is to help you to devise a lead-generation strategy that makes sense for your company so you can build your campaigns intelligently and cost-effectively.

Any business can use these tactics effectively. If you use the tools I’ve provided in this book, you can easily scale up your lead-generation efforts to provide more quality leads to your company. And if you continuously test and measure your results to determine how well the tactics are working and how cost-effective they are, you’ll be able to do it without breaking the bank.

When I started out in lead-generation marketing, I didn’t have these tools. I had to create them myself. But once I did, the marketing departments I directed were able to achieve a positive ROMI for our lead-generation results within a very short time. We were able to acquire more leads without losing a lot of money or expending a lot of effort. Also, by continuously testing and measuring our results, I was able to communicate our success to my superiors. This allowed me to justify a larger marketing budget and to increase my organization’s marketing initiatives.

Hopefully, you can do the same in your company’s marketing organization, using the tools given you in this book. I wish you success and good luck.

› › › What You Should Know ‹ ‹ ‹

To review, here is what you should know about integrated lead-generation marketing campaigns:

Image An integrated marketing campaign is one that uses two or more lead-generation tactics in conjunction with each other. You should use as many of the seven lead-generation tactics as will work for your type of business and as many as you have the budget and resources to use.

Image When you use lead-generation tactics in an integrated campaign, it becomes easier to plan and execute the campaign. You can build the creatives for all the tactics you plan to use around a common marketing theme, offer, call-to-action, etc.

Image You don’t need to spend equal time and resources on each tactic in an integrated campaign. You can have a primary tactic that receives the largest amount of time and budget, and also use secondary tactics that receive less time and budget.

Image An integrated campaign also makes it easier to measure the results of each tactic, and to compare those results on a tactic-by-tactic basis. However, it is important that you measure the results for each tactic around the same goals (e.g., a $50 target CPA) in an apples-to-apples comparison.

Image Your lead-generation tactics can support your brand initiatives as well. Your lead-generation creatives should all use the same logos and imagery to help reinforce your brand and build awareness. Look for ways to tie the look and feel of your lead-generation tactics to your current branding campaign.

Image When you use several tactics at once, it can produce a “halo effect.” If your target customer sees your brand and hears about your company through several different mediums (direct mail, display ads, etc.), they will take your products or services more seriously as a possible solution to their needs. They will then be more inclined to listen to your offer when you make it to them.

Image To test the results of an integrated marketing campaign, you should use the same testing tools discussed in previous chapters to measure the results of each individual tactic. But you also need to measure how using the tactics together provided a different return from using each tactic individually.

Image If you use the tools provided in this book, you will be able to deploy a successful lead-generation strategy in your marketing organization. By continuously testing and measuring your results, you will be able to increase your lead-generation efforts and provide more quality leads for your company in an efficient, cost-effective way.

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