Read me first!

If you are like me, you usually skip book introductions and jump straight into Chapter 1. By calling this section Read me First instead of Introduction, I am hoping you will actually read this first. It will help you get the most out of this book by becoming familiar with the learning objectives and getting a glimpse of each section and chapter. You will also find out the meaning of the icons we’ve splashed liberally across the book – I’m sure you can guess most of them yourself, but good data modelers must ensure their meaning is clearly communicated to their audience.

This book has ten key objectives for you, the reader:

1.      You will know when a data model is needed and which PowerDesigner models are the most appropriate for each situation

2.      You will be able to read a data model of any size and complexity with the same confidence as reading a book

3.      You will know when to apply and how to make use of all the key features of PowerDesigner

4.      You will be able to build, step-by-step in PowerDesigner, a pyramid of linked data models, including a conceptual data model, a fully normalized relational data model, a physical data model, and an easily navigable dimensional model

5.      You will be able to apply techniques such as indexing, transforms, and forward engineering to turn a logical data model into an efficient physical design

6.      You will improve data governance and modeling consistency within your organization by leveraging features such as PowerDesigner’s reference models, Glossary, domains, and model comparison and model mapping techniques

7.      You will know how to utilize dependencies and traceability links to assess the impact of change

8.      You will know how to integrate your PowerDesigner models with externally-managed files, including the import and export of data using Excel® and Requirements documents

9.      You will know where you can take advantage of the entire PowerDesigner model set, to increase the success rate of corporate-wide initiatives such as business intelligence and enterprise resource planning (ERP)

10.  You will understand the key differentiators between PowerDesigner and other data modeling tools you may have used before

This book contains seven sections:

Section I introduces data modeling, along with its purpose and variations.

Section II explains all of the components on a data model including entities, data elements, relationships, and keys. Also included is a discussion of the importance of quality names and definitions for your objects.

Section III explains the important role of data modeling tools, the key features required of any data modeling tool, and an introduction to the essential features of PowerDesigner. It also describes how to create and manage data modeling objects in PowerDesigner.

Section IV introduces the Data Model Pyramid, then dives into the relational and dimensional subject areas, logical, and physical data models, and describes how PowerDesigner supports these models and the connections between them.

Section V guides you through the creation of your own Data Model Pyramid.

Section VI focuses on additional PowerDesigner features (some of which have already been introduced) that make life easier for data modelers. Learn how to get information into and out of PowerDesigner, and improve the quality of your data models with a cross-reference of key PowerDesigner features with the Data Model Scorecard®.

Section VII discusses PowerDesigner topics beyond data modeling, including the XML physical model and the other types of model available in PowerDesigner.

To connect the book’s content with the book’s key objectives stated on the previous page: the following table shows the key sections that support each objective.



























































































Key points are included at the end of each chapter as a way to reinforce concepts. All of the key points are also summarized at the end of the text. Every chapter starts with a poem in the form of a haiku, which is a three-line poem containing five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

As we introduce you to new PowerDesigner features, we use ‘Your Turn’ sessions to familiarize you with them. At the end of most chapters there are thought-provoking exercises, with answers provided in the Appendix. Also at the back of the book are two handy glossaries, a quick-reference guide to PowerDesigner, and a comprehensive index.

Data Modeling Experience

PowerDesigner Experience

Suggested Approach

Little or None

Little or None

Ignore the PowerDesigner-specific chapters at first. Read all the data modeling text and complete the exercises. Now work through the PowerDesigner-specific material. Before you tackle Chapter 19, review the exercises, and perhaps even do them again.

Create at least one more Subject Area Model in PowerDesigner, and explore the Demo models provided with PowerDesigner.

Work through Chapter 19.

Good or Great

Little or None

Read or skim through the data modeling text, taking note of all the PowerDesigner material, and complete the exercises. Work through Chapter 10 in detail.

Before you tackle Chapter 19, create at least one more SAM in PowerDesigner, and explore the Demo models provided with PowerDesigner.

Work through Chapter 19.

Make sure that you cover at least the fundamental techniques – see Fundamentals of PowerDesigner in Chapter 10 to find out more.

Good or Great

Good or Great

Researching this book was a voyage of discovery for me. Please be patient, and work through Sections III, IV, V and VI. If you prefer, work from the PowerDesigner Glossary or the index to find topics of interest.

It is not possible to show you how to use all of PowerDesigner’s features in the space available, so we tell you what features there are, introduce to you them, and refer you to the comprehensive PowerDesigner documentation for more information. Some features are especially important for all PowerDesigner users, or for data modelers in particular, so please bear with us, even if the detail is excruciating. There is always an end in sight. For the same reason, we may even repeat ourselves several times. In some areas, you may wish for more detail; sorry but this is not a PowerDesigner training manual.

It’s important to know what you can expect to learn from a book, and it’s equally important to know what you will NOT learn from a book. We make no attempt here to teach database design or SQL; PowerDesigner supports many different relational technologies as well as XML schemas, and it would take a much larger book to explain how best to utilize that support.

This book uses icons to focus your attention on PowerDesigner topics, helping you to identify what’s really important to you.

Generally useful information about PowerDesigner and how it can help you.

Pay attention, you really need to read this to avoid pain or upset.

Tips and Tricks
Pay attention, this is worth remembering, try to commit this to memory.

Fundamental Knowledge and Techniques
These sections provide fundamental information about PowerDesigner. You need to understand these sections, or you will never really get to grips with PowerDesigner. See Fundamentals of PowerDesigner in Chapter 10 to find out more.


Try it out for yourself; the experience will reinforce what you read. In some cases, new material is included.

This is advanced stuff we’re talking about here, beyond the scope of this book. Refer to the PowerDesigner documentation or more advanced data modeling and design texts for more information.

We don’t have space here to tell you everything about PowerDesigner: use this phrase to search for more information in the on-line help or documentation. For example,

business rules (Core Features Guide)

This tells you to search for the phrase business rules, and examine the topics in the location called Core Features Guide.

As you work through the book, you will see references to objects and symbols in data models, keys on the keyboard, and parts of the PowerDesigner environment, such as items on PowerDesigner menus, tools on the palette, and dialog buttons.

Sometimes we just enclose an entry in single quotes (like ‘G’) where the context makes it obvious what we mean. Otherwise, we make use of the following simple conventions.

Object and symbol names

e.g. Ice Cream Flavor

menu options

e.g. Edit|Export in Color refers to the ‘Export in Color’ option on the ‘Edit’ menu.

tool name

e.g. Grabber, Export to Excel

<keyboard keys>, including combinations of them

e.g. <F1> <Ctrl+A>

<dialog buttons>

e.g. <OK> <Cancel>

PowerDesigner is a complex tool, providing support for a multitude of possible approaches. Sybase does not restrict you to any given methodology. We describe a methodology in this book, show you how to make it work in PowerDesigner, and describe some potential strategies for using PowerDesigner. By the way, every diagram in this book (except the cartoons and the pyramid in Section IV) was produced in PowerDesigner.

Data modeling is more than a job or a career - it is a mindset, an invaluable process, a healthy addiction, a way of life. Remember to Keep It Simple, and enjoy the ride!





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