
This may sound strange to some, but I need to say, Thank goodness for software vendors! Where would we professional data modelers be without software dedicated to helping us achieve our objectives, helping us to create and communicate our data models, and the associated extras we always need to define and integrate?

I thank Steve Hoberman for trusting me with his book and his words, and to Sybase for trusting me to bring out the best in their product. I am very grateful to them for allowing me to use material from their excellent PowerDesigner documentation.

Several individuals provided great assistance along the way: Steve, of course; and also the people from Sybase – David Dichmann, Matt Creason, and Laurie Barker, mainly, plus Jeff Giles and Jay Stevens from Team Sybase. I must also thank Alex Pratt and Ruairi Prendiville, my first PowerDesigner ‘mentors’. Anthony Hill’s patient responses to the many queries and issues I raised during the beta testing of PowerDesigner 16 were invaluable.

My old friend Ray Carroll found time during his busy retirement in France to chastise me for my hasty use of English.

Gabriel Tanase found time in his busy working life to review my work from the perspective of a PowerDesigner newbie.

Thanks also to David Hay for his helpful comments regarding the resolution of many-to-many relationships.

Without the help of all of the above people, this book would not be what it is today. Any errors or omissions that remain are purely mine.

Finally, thanks to my son George Brett for his amazing artwork; he calls these creatures “Koala Blobs.

Thanks George for your precision and sense of humor. I’ll think twice before consuming an ice cream cup in a fast-paced class. Thanks to Laurie Barker, David Dichmann, and Matt Creason for your guidance during this project. Thanks to all of the people who volunteer for our data management user groups, such as DAMA – you all help to advance our industry and keep us connected. Thanks Carol, for the superb editing job, Mark for the dynamite cover, and Abby for the great cartoons. Thanks to my family for tolerating my responses to Dad, can you play with me?, Honey, it’s after midnight, and Your dinner is getting cold, with Just five more minutes on the computer and I’ll be right there.


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