Viewing the Entourage Window

View. Click one of the view buttons—Mail, Address Book, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, or Project Center—to work in that view.

Toolbar. The toolbar provides buttons you click to quickly execute commands. The buttons on this toolbar change depending on the current view.

Favorites bar. The Favorites bar (New!) is a customizable place to provide shortcut buttons to frequently visited places, such as Inbox, or Calendar.

Folder list. The Folder list displays the contents of the folder, such as Inbox, you select for each account. In Entourage, you store information in folders and the folder you use depends on the Entourage item you are using. At the bottom of the Folder list is a special folder, such as Mail Views, that contains custom views which display the specified information. Click the triangle to expand or collapse a folder.

Message list. In Mail view, the Message list displays message headers for the selected mail folder in the Folder list.

Preview pane. The Preview pane gives you a greater area for reading your e-mail messages without having to scroll to view them.

Mini Calendar. The Mini Calendar allows you to quickly view your schedule for a specific date or range of dates. Click the arrows to switch months or the dot to view the current month.

Search box. Using the Spotlight search engine, the Search box allows you to locate items with certain text in a specified folder.

Quick Filter. The Quick Filter applies your rules and settings to narrow down the list of items shown in any view.

Status bar. The Status bar displays program status information, including progress, selection, and send & receive time.


Preparing for Entourage

Entourage is Microsoft’s personal information manager and electronic mail (e-mail) software for handling incoming and outgoing e-mail messages.

To use Entourage as your personal information management (PIM) and e-mail tool, you need to be connected to the Internet or a network. Through this connection, you can take full advantage of the e-mail, scheduling, and contact capabilities of Entourage. Before you start Entourage for the first time, you need to know about the different types of connections and e-mail servers you can use with Entourage.

You can use Entourage on a standalone computer or one that is part of a network of computers, also called a local area network (LAN). When you connect your standalone or networked computer to the Internet so you can communicate electronically, your computer becomes part of a worldwide network. You need two things to establish a connection to the Internet: a physical connection and an Internet service provider (ISP).

Options for physical connections include a modem via a phone line (also called a dial-up network connection), a cable broadband modem, or a digital subscriber line (DSL) connected directly to your computer or through a LAN. Your options for an ISP, however, are numerous and vary greatly, both in cost and features, and depend upon the type of physical connection you choose. ISPs can include your local telephone or cable company, or a company, such as MSN or AOL (American Online), that provides only Internet access service.

The ISP provides the names of your incoming and outgoing e-mail servers, which collect and store your e-mail until you are ready to retrieve or send it. If you are using a modem, your ISP provides the phone number and modem settings needed to establish an Internet connection.

If you are working on a LAN that uses its own mail server, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, to send and receive e-mail, your network administrator provides all the information that you need for establishing a connection. However, you still need to set up your Entourage Profile with the Exchange mail connector. You will need the Exchange Server name from your system administrator.

Once you establish your connection, you can send and receive e-mail, or you can communicate using instant messaging, participating in a chat room, or subscribing to a newsgroup.

There are several different types of e-mail accounts that you can use with Entourage: POP3, IMAP, and HTTP:

  • Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) is a common e-mail account type provided by ISPs. Messages are downloaded from the e-mail server and stored on your local computer.

  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is similar to POP3 except that messages are stored on the e-mail server.

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a common type of Web e-mail account. Messages are stored, retrieved, and displayed as individual Web pages. Hotmail is an example of an HTTP e-mail account.

Setting Up an Account

When you start Entourage for the first time, what you see depends on whether you installed Entourage as a new program or as an upgrade. In either case, a setup wizard appears to step you through the process of setting up a profile and an e-mail service. A profile is a collection of all the data necessary to access one or more e-mail accounts and address books. A service is a connection to an e-mail server where you store and receive e-mail messages. Before you use Entourage, the Auto Account Setup tries to configure the account for you. All you need to do is specify your e-mail account name and password. If Entourage is unable to complete the account set up, you can manually enter account information, including the names of the incoming and outgoing e-mail servers, which you need to get from your ISP. If you installed Entourage as an upgrade, Entourage 2008 uses existing settings.

Set Up an Account in Entourage

image Start Entourage.

image Click the Tools menu, click Accounts, click the Mail tab, click the New button, and then click Mail.

  • The first time you start Entourage, the Account Setup Assistant wizard automatically appears, displaying the Set Up a Mail Account screen.

image Enter your e-mail address in the form name@domain, such as .

image If this account is for an Exchange Server, select the My account is on an Exchange server check box.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


Entourage tries to determine the account type and establish the related settings.

image If Entourage fails to determine the account type, enter the information requested.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


image In the Verify and Complete Settings screen, enter (or verify) your name, the account ID and password, incoming and outgoing mail servers.

You can get incoming and outgoing mail server information from your ISP or company).

  • To save your password, select the Save password in Mac OS X Keychain check box. If you clear the check box, Entourage prompts for the password each time you connect.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


image In the Verify Setting screen, click Verify My Settings to make sure your settings are correct.

image When the test is successful, click the right arrow button to continue.


image In the Setup Complete screen, enter a name for the account, and then select final options you want.

image Click Finish.


Did You Know?

You can change account settings. In the Accounts window, double-click the account name, change the settings you want on the different tabs, and then click OK.

You can delete an account. In the Accounts window, select the account you want to delete, and then click the Delete button on the toolbar.

You can select a default account. If you have multiple accounts, you need to make one the default, or main account. In the Accounts window, select the account, and then click the Make Default button on the toolbar.

Changing Views

The View buttons on the toolbar are designed to display more of what you need to see in a simple and straightforward layout. When you click an Entourage view button, the entire Entourage window transforms to provide a clear, uncluttered view of your Mail, Address Book, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Project Center. In addition to the View buttons, you can also access the views using the Go To submenu on the View menu. The View menu also allows you to show and hide program elements, such as Quick Filter, Favorites bar, and Folder list. If you prefer the Preview pane in a different location, you can display it on the right (default) or below the Message list. If you like the Toolbox (New!) in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can use it in Entourage too. It only contains the Scrapbook, Reference Tools, and Object Palette tabs.

Change Views

  • View buttons. On the left side of the toolbar, click a view button: Mail, Address Book, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Project Center.

  • View menu. Click the View menu, point to Go To, and then click Mail, Address Book, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Project Center.

  • Show or hide elements. Click the View menu, and then click one of the following:

    • Show Quick Filter or Hide Quick Filter.

    • Show Favorites Bar or Hide Favorites Bar.

    • Show Folder List or Hide Folder List.

    • Show Quick Filter or Hide Quick Filter.

  • Toolbox. Click the Tools menu, point to Toolbox, and then click Object Palette, Reference Tools, or Scrapbook.

  • Preview pane. Click the View menu, point to Preview Pane, and then click On Right, Below List, or None (hides it).


Viewing Items and Folders

When you use Entourage, you work with views. The main views in Entourage are Mail, Address Book, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Project Center. Within those views, Entourage stores related items in folders. For each of these views, you can choose how to display the items and folders in which you stored the items. You can use a special folder, such as Mail Views, that contain custom views which display the specified information. For example, in Mail view, you can select a folder to display Sent Items, or Junk E-mail, or select a view to display items due today, high priority, flagged for follow up, or received today.

View an Item or Folder

image Click a view button on the toolbar to switch to that Entourage view.

image Click the View menu, and then click Show Folder List to display it, if necessary.

image Click a triangle next to an item or folder to expand/collapse it.

image Click the view you want to apply or a folder in the Folder list.


Did You Know?

You can add or remove a folder to the Favorites bar. In the Folder list, drag the folder you want to the Favorites bar. To remove an item from the Favorites bar, drag the shortcut name off the Favorites bar.

You can show or hide the Favorites bar. Click the Mail button on the toolbar, click the View menu, and then click Show Favorites Bar or Hide Favorites Bar.

Creating a Contact

A contact is a person or company with whom you want to communicate. One contact can have several mailing addresses, various phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and Web sites. You can store all this data in the Address Book folder along with more detailed information, such as job titles, and birthdays. When you create a contact you also create an Electronic Business Card (vCards), which you can customize and share with others as an attachment or as part of your signature. When you double-click a contact, you open a dialog box in which you can edit the detailed contact information. You can also directly edit the contact information from within the Address Book folder. If you send the same e-mail message to more than one person, you can group contacts together into a distribution list.

Import Contacts in the Address Book

image Click the File menu, and then click Import.

image In the Begin Import screen, select an import option:

  • Entourage information from an archive or earlier version. Select to import contacts from a back up or earlier version.

  • Information from another application. Select to import from Apple Mail or Qualcomm Eudora.

  • Contacts or messages from a text file. Select to import contracts from a text file (tab or comma delimited, or as an MBOX file; an Entourage data storage format). Export contracts in other e-mail programs or databases into a text file for import here.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


Screens vary depending on the option you selected.

image Follow the screens and provide information to complete the import, which includes an import program, data file, and data types.


Create or Modify a Contact

image Click the Address Book button on the toolbar.

image Click the New button to create, or double-click an existing contact to edit a contact.

  • In Mail view, you can also Control-click a message header or an vCard, and then click Add Sender To Address Book. If the option is grayed out, the address already exists in the Address Book.

image Type as much information as you know about the contact.

  • For a new contact, click More to expand the dialog box.


image Click a tab to select the type of information you want to enter or edit.


image Click the File menu, and then click Save.

Did You Know?

You can delete a contact. Click Address Book button on the toolbar, select the contacts you want to delete, click the Delete button on the toolbar or press Delete, and then click Delete to confirm the deletion.

You can use a Global Address List with Microsoft Exchange. The Global Address list is a special address book that allows you to search for and get information about all Microsoft Exchange users.

Sorting Contacts

Entourage allows you to sort contacts in any view and by any field, either in ascending order (A to Z) or descending order (Z to A). You can sort contacts by a specific field or by a column header appearing at the top of the view’s table (Name, Company, Categories, Projects, and so on). When sorted in a view, the contacts maintain the same view, but their order has changed. It’s also possible to generate multi-layered sorts within a sort by adding more fields to the sort. For example, you might want to sort contacts by their company names first and then alphabetically by their last names.

View and Sort Contacts

image Click the Address Book button on the toolbar.

image Click the View menu, point to Columns, and then select the item names that you want to display.

A check mark on the menu indicates the column is currently shown, while no check mark indicates the column is not shown.

image Click a column head in the table format view to sort by that column.

The triangle in the column head indicates the direction of the sort. If the triangle points down, the column sorts ascending order (A to Z). If the triangle points up, the column sorts in descending order (Z to A).

image Click the column head again to resort in ascending or descending order.


Did You Know?

You can find a contact quickly. Click Address Book on the toolbar, and then start typing the name of the contact you want to find in the Search box. The contact that best matches the text is displayed.

Creating a Contact Group

A contact group is a collection of contacts usually grouped together because of a specific task or association and then identified by one name. You can use a contact group in your e-mail messages, task requests, and other contact groups. When you address an e-mail message using a contact group, you are sending the message to everyone whose address is included in the list. Because a contact group often contains many names, it provides a faster, more efficient way to address an e-mail message to multiple recipients.

Create a Contact Group

image Click the Address Book button on the toolbar.

image Click the New button arrow on the toolbar, and then click Group.

  • You can also click the File menu, point to New, and then click Group.

image Type the name for the contact group.

image Click the Add button on the toolbar.

image Type the contact’s name or e-mail address.

A drop-down list appears with matching names from Address Book.

image Select a person from the list, or type the complete e-mail address for the person.

Add as many contacts to the group as you want.

image Select the Don’t show addresses when sending to the group check box to prevent the display of group member’s e-mail addresses.


image Click the File menu, and then click Save.

image When you’re done, click the Close button.

Creating and Addressing an E-Mail Message

When you create an e-mail message, the untitled message window opens with all the tools you need to communicate electronically. Your first step is addressing the message. You must identify who will receive the message or a copy of the message. For each recipient, you enter an e-mail address. You can enter the address manually by typing it in the To or Cc box, or you can select an address from your list of contacts. If you enter multiple addresses, you must separate the addresses with a semicolon (;). You can type a semicolon after each recipient’s e-mail address, or you can just press Return after a recipient’s address. Addressing a new message also means indicating the purpose of the message by entering a subject. Try to indicate the intent of the message as briefly and clearly as possible.

Create and Address an E-Mail Message

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar to display the Inbox folder.

image Click the New button on the toolbar.

image Specify the e-mail address of each recipient you want to use:

  • Enter the e-mail address of each recipient. As you type, Entourage displays a list with matching names and addresses. If the address you want appears in a list, click the name to use it.

  • Click the Address Book button, and then drag contacts to the To box. You can also drag contacts to the Cc (carbon copy) or Bcc (blind carbon copy) boxes.

image To check addresses for send-ability, click the Check Names button.


image Type a subject that indicates the purpose of the message.


Write a Message and Check Spelling

image In the message window, click in the message body area.

image Type the content of your message.

image Control-click any word that appears with a red wavy underline to display a list of suggested corrections, and then click a suggested word to replace the error, or click another option.


image To check spelling, click the Tools menu, click Spelling, and then use the Spelling dialog box to ignore or change words in the message.

  • To select a spelling language to use, click the Tools menu, point to Spelling Language, and then select a language.

image To insert research, use thesaurus or dictionary, translate text, click the Tools menu, click Thesaurus to open the Reference tab on the Toolbox, and then use the panels to find the right word or definition you want.

Did You Know?

You can automatically check spelling before you send a message. Click the Entourage menu, click Preferences, click Spelling, select the Always check spelling before queuing outgoing messages check box, and then click OK.

See Also

See “Checking Spelling” on page 46 for information on the Spelling dialog box..

Formatting Message Text

You can specify a file format for message text. The Plain Text format is one that all e-mail programs recognize, but it doesn’t support text formatting. The HTML format allow text formatting, but are not always supported. However, most programs that don’t recognize HTML, convert the message to plain text. When you use HTML, you can use tools, such as bold, italicize, and underline text to help draw the reader’s attention to key words and emphasize the meaning of your message. With Word as the Entourage e-mail editor, you can take advantage of Word’s formatting features when you write the text of your e-mail messages. In additional to message text, you can also insert other content, including pictures, sound, and movies. However, media files can dramatically increase the size of an e-mail, which can cause transmission problems when you send it.

Format the Message Text

image Create or open the message you want to change.

image Click the Use HTML button on the toolbar to format the message in HTML or plain text.


When the button is pushed, the message format is HTML. When it’s not, the message format is plain text.

image If you selected HTML, use the tools on the toolbar to format the message text and background.

image To insert media in ann HTML message, click the Insert button on the toolbar, and then click Picture, Background Picture, Sound, or Movie.


Did You Know?

You can specify the file format for all messages. Click the Entourage menu, click Preferences, click Compose, click the Mail Format drop-down, select HTML or Plain Text, and then click OK.

Attaching a File to a Message

You can also add an attachment to your e-mail messages. An attachment can be a file, such as a document or a picture. When you add an attachment to a message, an attachment icon appears under the Subject box in the Attachment pane, identifying the name and size of the attachment. Although you can add multiple attachments to a message, you should limit the number and size of the attachments. The size of the attachment affects the time it takes to send the message. The larger the attached file, the longer it takes to send. If an attached file is too large, the message might not be sent. After you send the message with the attachment, which appears with a paper clip icon, message recipients can double-click the attachment icon to open and view the file.

Attach a File to a Message

image Create or open the message you want to change.

image Click the triangle next to Attachments to open the Attachment pane, and then click Add

  • You can also click the Attach button on the toolbar.

image Navigate to the folder that contains the file.

image Click the file you want to attach.

image Click Open.


image To remove a file attachment, select the attachment file in the Attachment pane, and then click Remove.

image Click the bar under the Attachments pane to display an options window.

  • Click the Any computer (AppleDouble) option or one for a specific computer type.

  • Select the Compress in ZIP format to compress the file

  • Select or clear Append file name extensions and send attachments to Cc and Bcc recipients check boxes.


Creating a Signature

If you type the same information at the end of each e-mail message that yo create, then you can automate that task by creating a signature. A signature can consist of both text and pictures. You can customize your signature with a variety of formatting styles, such as font type, size and color. For example, for your personal correspondence you can create a signature that includes a closing, such as Best Regards and your name; for business correspondence, you can create a signature that includes your name, address, job title, and phone and fax numbers. You can even include a logo image, sound or movie. You can create as many signatures as you want.

Create and Insert a Signature

image Click the Tools menu, click Signatures.

image Click the New button on the toolbar.

image Type a name for the new signature.

image Type your signature text.

image Select the signature text, and then use formatting buttons to customize the text.

image Click the File menu, and then click Save.

image Click the Close button in the Signature window.


image Select the check boxes for the signatures you want to randomly insert in a message.


image Click the Close button in the Signatures window.

image To insert a signature in a message, create or open a message, click the Signature button on the toolbar, and then select the signature name you want.

  • To remove a signature, click the Signature button on the toolbar, and then click None.

Setting Message Delivery Priorities

When you send a message, you can set message delivery options to help you track and manage it. You can specify the level of importance, highest, high, normal (the default), low, and lowest. If you need a recipient to follow up on an e-mail, you can set a follow up flag or reminder. You can specify when the follow up flag or reminder is due, today, tomorrow, this week, next week, or a specific date. When the To Do item is finished, you can mark it as complete.

Set Importance and Follow Up Options

image Create or open the message you want to change.

image To set an importance level, click the Priority button on the toolbar, and then select the priority level you want:

  • Highest.

  • High.

  • Normal.

  • Low.

  • Lowest.

image To set a follow up option, click the To Do button arrow, and then select the option you want:

  • Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week.

  • No Due Date or Choose Date.

  • Add Reminder.

  • Mark as Complete.

  • Clear To Do Flag.


Sending Messages

When you click the Send button, Entourage connects to the e-mail server, and moves the message to the Outbox folder, which sends your message to its recipient and checks the server for incoming mail. You can also send and check for messages from one or more accounts by clicking the Send button on the toolbar or using the Send & Receive submenu on the Tools menu. If you need customization, you can set send and receive options. If security is an issue, you can encrypt message contents, or add a digital signature. An encrypted message requires only recipient with the proper software key to decode and read the message, while a digitally signed message assures the message came from the sender. Before you can use these security options, you need to obtain a certificate, also known as a digital ID, from an authorized issuer, such as VeriSign (

Send a Message

image Create a new message, or open an existing message saved in the Drafts folder.

image Click the Send button on the toolbar.

  • You can also click the Tools menu, point to Send & Receive, and then click Send & Receive All, Send All, or an account name.


The message is sent to the Outbox folder. If you’re working offline, Entourage waits to automatically send the message until you reconnect. Click the Entourage menu, and then click Work Offline to deselect it.

Set Message Delivery Options

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Accounts.

image Click the Mail tab,and then double-click the account you want to change.

image Click the Account Settings tab.

image Select the Include this account in my “Send & Receive All” Schedule check box.

image Click the Options tab, and then set options to select a default signature, and work with the mail server.

image Click the Advanced tab, and then set options to select folders to store messages and specify when to delete messages.

image Click OK.


image Click the Close button.

Set Security Options

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Accounts.

image Click the Mail tab,and then double-click the account you want to change.

image Click the Mail Security tab.

image To specify a certificate, click Select at the top.

image To select a certificate to use for encryption, click Select at the bottom.

image Select the check boxes with the delivery options you want for digital signing and encryption.

image Click OK.


image Click the Close button.

Receiving and Reading Messages

Messages that have been sent to you are stored on your e-mail server until Entourage retrieves them. By default, Entourage retrieves your mail at regular intervals. You can also retrieve your messages between scheduled retrieval times by clicking the Send & Receive button. When a message is retrieved, its message header appears in the Entourage Inbox. Click the message header to display the contents of the message in the Preview pane, which increases the area for reading your e-mail. If you receive a message that contains an attachment, you can open, save, or remove it.

Receive and Read Messages

image Click the Send/Receive button on the toolbar. If a message arrives when you’re online, a mail alert appears above the Dock. Click the alert to open it.

image To display a message in the Inbox, click the message header.

image Read the contents of the message in the Preview pane.


image If the message contains an attachment, click the triangle to open the Attachment pane, and then do any of the following:

  • Open. Double-click the attachment file.

  • Preview. File attachments, such as PDF and JPEG files, appear in the Preview pane.

  • Save. Click the attachment file, click Save, specify a location, and then click Save.

  • Remove. Click the attachment file, and then click Remove.


Did You Know?

You can close, open, or move the Preview pane. To move the Preview pane location, click the View menu, point to Preview Pane, and then click On Right, Below List, or None.

Check for Mail Using a Schedule

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Schedules.

image Click the New button on the toolbar.

image Type a name for the schedule.

image Click the When drop-down, click Repeating Schedule, and then specify a time interval.

image Select the Only if connected check box to run only when you’re connected to the Internet.

image Click the Action drop-down, and then click Receive Mail, and then select an account.

image To add more accounts, click Add Action, and then repeat Step 6.

image Select the Stay Connected option.

image Select the Enable check box.

image Click OK.


image Select the check boxes next to the schedules that you want to run.

image To edit or remove a schedule, do the following:

  • Edit. Double-click the schedule.

  • Remove. Select the schedule, and then click the Delete button.


image Click the Close button in the Schedules window.

The Send/Receive schedule provides a way for POP or Hotmail type account to quickly get mail. If you’re using an Exchange account, you don’t need to do this.

Flagging Messages

As you look through the list of messages that you have received, you might find messages that require your attention, though you don’t have the time to respond when you are reading the message. To make sure you don’t overlook an important message, you can click the flag icon next to the message to mark it with a To Do flag. The To Do flag icon will help jog your memory so you can respond promptly to the message. The To Do list provides an up-to-date list of messages marked with To Do flags in your mailbox.

Flag and Follow Up a Message

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Click the Inbox folder.

image Scan your messages to see if any require follow up.

image To set a follow up flag, select the messages you want, click the To Do button arrow on the toolbar, and then select the option you want.

  • The To Do flags include: Today, Tomorrow, This Week, No Due Date, or Choose Date.

  • To mark a follow up message as complete, select the messages you want, click the To Do button arrow on the toolbar, and then click Mark as Complete. The flag icon changes to a check mark.

  • To remove a follow-up flag, select the messages you want, click the To Do button arrow on the toolbar, and then click Clear To Do Flag.


Did You Know?

You can quickly sort messages by To Do flag. Click the Arrange By header button, and then click To Do Flag Status. To toggle the sort order, click the button to the right of the Arrange By header.

Categorizing Messages By Color

When your Inbox is full of messages, sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between them. To help you locate and manage related messages and other items in Entourage, you can assign a color category to e-mail, calendar, and task items. When you’re working on a project, you can quickly see all related items at a glance. You can customize the color categories by name. For example, you can name the green category Finance and assign it the money related items.

Color Categorize Messages

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Click the Inbox folder.

image Select the messages you want to change.

image Click the Categories button arrow on the toolbar, and then click the color you want. Click None to remove a color.


The first time you select a color category, a dialog box appears, asking you to name the color category.

image To change the color categories, click the Categories button arrow, click Edit Categories, select a new color, specify a new name, save your changes, and then click the Close button.


Did You Know?

You can quickly sort messages by color category. Click the Arrange By header button, and then click Categories. To toggle the sort order, click the button to the right of the Arrange By header.

Replying To and Forwarding a Message

You can respond to messages in your Inbox in two ways: you can reply to the person who sent you the message, or you can forward the message to others. Replying to a message sends a copy of the original message and new text that you type to the sender, or to both the sender and all the other original recipients. You can reply by returning a message to only the sender or to the sender and all other original recipients. The reply message recipient sees RE: and the original subject in the message header. Forwarding a message sends a message to someone who was not on the original recipient list. You can also type additional information at the start of the forwarded message before sending the message. To forward a message, you click the Forward button. The recipient sees FW: and the original subject in the message header.

Reply To a Message

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Select the message to which you want to reply.

image Click the Reply button to reply to the sender only, or click the Reply To All button to send a message to the sender and all the recipients of the original message.

image Type any new message text.


image Click the Send button.

Did You Know?

Entourage does not resend the attachment in the reply message. When you reply to a message, Entourage doesn’t include a copy of the attachment; however, it does lists the file name(s).

You can customize reply and forwarded messages. Click the Entourage menu, click Preferences, click Reply & Forward, and then select an option to specify how Entourage should handle the text of messages that you reply to or forward.

Forward a Message

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Select the message that you want to forward.

image Click the Forward button on the toolbar.

image Enter the name(s) of the recipient(s) in the To and Cc boxes.

image Type any new message text.

image Click the Send button.


Did You Know?

Entourage sends a copy of the attachment in a forwarded message. When you forward a message, Entourage includes a copy of any attachments received with the original message.

Add an e-mail address to your contact list. Open the e-mail message, Control-click the e-mail address you want, click Add Sender To Address Book, enter any additional information, save the contact, and then click the Close button.

You can forward a message as an attachment. In Mail view, open the message you want to forward, Control-click the message, click Forward as Attachment, and then click the Send button.

Organizing Messages in Folders

Although Entourage provides the Inbox folder, this folder will become cluttered with messages unless you decide how you want to handle the messages that you have read. Some messages will be deleted immediately; others you will reply to or forward. With the exception of the deleted messages, all messages will remain in the Inbox until you move them elsewhere. To organize the messages you want to keep, you can create folders and move messages between the folders.

Create a New Folder

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Click the Inbox folder.


image Click the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder or Subfolder.

image Type a new name for the folder.

image Click Create.


image To rename or move a folder in the Folder list, do the following:

  • Rename. Click the folder name, edit the name, and then press Return.

  • Move. Drag the folder name to another location in the Folder list.

Did You Know?

You can save a mail message as a file. Click the mail message you want to save, click the File menu, click Save As, type a new file name, click the Format drop-down, select a file type, and then click Save.

Sort items within a folder. If available, click a column button to sort items in the folder by that column in either ascending or descending order.

Delete a Folder

image Select the folder you want to delete.

image Click the Edit menu, and then click Delete Folder.

  • You can also press Delete or Control-click the folder, and then click Delete Folder.


image Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Move a Message to a Folder

image Display the folder that contains the message you want to move.

image Select the messages that you want to move.

image Drag the message to a folder in the Folders list.

  • You can also click the Message menu, point to Move To, click Choose folder, select a folder, and then click Move.


Managing Messages with Rules

Entourage provides a way to organize messages in folders using specific criteria, known as rules, that you set. For example, you can create a rule to automatically move, categorize, forward, and delete messages. You can color-code the messages that you send to or receive from particular contacts for quick and easy recognition.

Manage Messages Using Rules

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Rules.

image Click the New button on the toolbar.

image Type a name for the rule.

image Specify the search criterion you want to use for the rule.

  • To add more search criterion, click Add Criterion. To remove one, click Remove Criterion.

image Specify the action you want to take when the criterion is met.

  • To add more actions, click Add Action. To remove one, click Remove Action.

image Select the Do not apply other rules to messages that meet these criteria check box to only apply the rule to new messages.

image Select the Enable check box.

image Click OK.


image Select the check boxes next to the rules that you want to run.

image To edit or remove a rule, do the following:

  • Edit. Double-click the rule.

  • Remove. Select the rule, and then click the Delete button.


image Click the Close button in the Rules window.

Searching with Spotlight

With Spotlight preferences (New!) enabled (the default) in Entourage, you can use Spotlight to search for e-mail, calendar events, tasks, contacts, and other Entourage items. Spotlight is conveniently located on the right side of the menu bar on your Mac screen. You can identify Spotlight by the blue icon with a magnifying glass. Spotlight performs a live search of your Home folder on your computer using the information you know. As you type in Spotlight, a menu appears displaying a list of everything Spotlight can find to match what you’ve typed so far.

Search with Spotlight

image Click the Spotlight (magnifying-glass) icon on the right side of the menu bar or press image.

image In the Spotlight field, start to type what you want to find. To find a specific phrase, place quotes around it. For example, “Apple Computer.”


Spotlight only recognizes the beginnings of words.

As you type, a menu begins to display a list of everything Spotlight can find to match what you’ve typed so far. As you continue to type, the list changes.

image To open an item on the menu, click the item or use the arrow keys to scroll down the list, and then press Return.

image To clear or stop a search, click the Close button (x) in the Spotlight field.


Did You Know?

You can enable Spotlight. Click the Entourage menu, click Preferences, click Spotlight in the left pane, select the Include Entourage items in Spotlight search results check box, and then click OK.

Finding and Filtering Messages

By using the Quick Filter in your Inbox, you can easily and quickly locate one particular piece of e-mail among what may be hundreds of stored messages. If you know that the message contains a specific word or phrase in its title, contents, or properties, you can conduct a search using that word or phrase as the criteria. If you assign categories to your messages, you can locate them searching by category. You can use a filter to view only the items that meet the conditions you have defined. For example, you can filter your messages so the only ones that appear are those that you flagged as high priority or have categorized as business items.

Find a Message Using Quick Filter

image Select the folder in the Folder list with the items you want to filter.

image Click the first drop-down on the Quick Filter bar, and then select a filter type, such as Subject, From, To, Category is, or Project is.

Depending on your selection, additional drop-down menus or a text box appears.

image Specify the search criteria you want. As you enter criteria, Entourage displays the results.

image To redisplay all your items, click the Clear button on the Quick Filter bar.


Did You Know?

You can create an Out of Office message (New!). If you have a Microsoft Exchange account, you can have Entourage reply to message automatically when you’re out of the office. You can now schedule your Out of Office times in advance, so you don’t forget to turn it off. Click the Tools menu, click Out of Office Assistant, and then follow the instructions.

Perform a Basic and Advanced Search

image Click in the Search box, and then type the search text.

  • To use a recent search, click the magnifying glass drop-down, and then select the text.

image To narrow down or expand the search, click a button on the Search bar.

image To perform an advanced search, click the plus (+) button, and then do the following:

  • Click the first drop-down on the Search bar, and then select a match option.

  • Specify the search criteria you want. As you enter criteria, Entourage displays the results.

  • To add a criterion, click the plus (+) button to its right.

  • To remove a criterion, click the minus (-) button to its right.

image To redisplay all your messages, click the Clear button on the Search bar.


Using Search Folders

Entourage’s search folders are another way that Entourage makes managing mail easier. Search folders are not like the folders that you create or even like the Entourage default folders. Search folders store information about your messages, without having to move the messages to a specific folder. There are several search folders already created: Flagged, which displays the message you flag; Unread, which displays the unread mail you have accumulated. You can also create a search folder for the messages that meet your specific criteria.

Use a Search Folder

image In any view, click the triangle next to a Search Folder, such as Mail Views, Calendar Views, or Notes Views.

image Click the saved search you want to use.


Did You Know?

You can retrieve mail messages from the Deleted Items folder. Items remain in the Deleted Items folder until you empty it. To retrieve mail messages from the Deleted Items folder, click Deleted Items folder in the Folder list. Drag an item to the Inbox or to any other folder icon in the Folder list.

You can empty the Deleted Items folder. To empty the Deleted Items folder and permanently delete its contents, Control-click Deleted Items in the Folders list, click Empty Deleted Items, and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Customize a Search Folder

image In any view, click the triangle next to a Search Folder, such as Mail Views, Calendar Views, or Notes Views.

image Control-click the saved search, and then click Edit Saved Search.

image Make the changes you want.

image Click the Save Search button on the toolbar.


Create a Search Folder

image Click the view button where you want to save the search.

image Click the File menu, point to New, and then click Saved Search.

image Click the first drop-down, and then select a match option.

image Specify the search criteria you want. As you enter criteria, Entourage displays the results.

image To add or remove a criterion, click the plus (+) or minus (-) button to its right.

image To redisplay all your messages, click the Clear button on the Search bar.

image Click the Save Search button on the toolbar, type a name, and then click OK.


Creating a Mailing List

A mailing list allows members to send and receive messages to/from all subscribers of the list. If you want to hold forum discussions to convey information and ask questions over e-mail, a mailing list is a good way to go. You can set up and manage a mailing list using the Mailing List Manager. The main disadvantage of using a mailing list is the increased number of e-mails you receive from members of the list.To help you manage the number of e-mails, you can have mailing list e-mails automatically moved into a separate folder and delete your own sent copies.

Create and Manage a Mailing List

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Mailing List Manager.

image Click the New button on the toolbar.

image Click the Mailing List tab.

image Type a name for the mailing list.

image Specify an address for the list, and then specify where to store messages to and from the list.


image Click the Advanced tab, and then set options to determine what to do with messages.

image Click OK.


image To edit or remove a schedule, do the following:

  • Edit. Double-click the list.

  • Remove. Select the list, and then click the Delete button.

image Click the Close button.

Deleting Messages

As your Inbox gets full and harder to manage, you can quickly delete messages you no longer need. When you delete a message, it’s not permanently deleted from your computer. The message is placed in the Deleted Items folder, where it stays until you empty it. The Deleted Items folder works like the Trash Can icon on the Desktop. If you delete a message by mistake, you can move it out of the Deleted Items folder to restore it. If you don’t want to delete your messages just in case you might need to reference them later, you can archive them or move them to other another folder.

Delete Messages

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Click the Inbox folder.

image Select the message you want to delete.

image To delete the message, click the Delete button or press Delete.

image To restore a deleted message, click the Deleted Items folder in the Folders List, and then drag the message to another folder, such as the Inbox.


image To permanently delete all messages, Control-click the Deleted Items Folder, and then click Empty Delete Items.


Reducing Junk E-Mail

You can have Entourage handle junk e-mail for you. You can specify what should be considered junk e-mail and how Entourage should handle that e-mail (New!). You can ensure that e-mail from certain addresses or domains, which might seem to be junk e-mail, but is actually from a person or site you want. If you create a contact for an individual in Address Book, e-mails from the person are not classified as junk. You can also make sure that the mail you send isn’t treated as junk e-mail. If Entourage detects a phishing message (a technique criminals use to trick user into revealing personal information) with links to a specious Web site, a warning alert appears.

Reduce Junk E-Mail and Spam

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Junk E-mail Protection.

image Click the Level tab.

image Select the level of junk e-mail protection you want: None, Low, High, or Exclusive.

image Select the Delete messages from the Junk E-mail folder older than X days check box, and then specify the number of days you want.

image Click the Safe Domains tab, and then specify the messages from the addresses or domains that should not be be treated as junk mail.

image Click the Blocked Senders tab, and then specify the messages from addresses or domains that should not be junk e-mail.

image Click OK.


Did You Know?

You can deal with junk mail as it arrives. If you receive a message that is junk mail, select the message, click the Message menu, and then click Mark as Junk.


Archiving Messages

You can archive information in Entourage by exporting selected items using the Export wizard to an archive file (.RGE) or copying message folders onto the Desktop. When you drag a folder from Entourage onto the Desktop, the messages in the folder are converted into the MBOX file format. After you archive messages, you can import them back into Entourage by dragging the message folder onto a folder in the Folder list, or by using the Import command on the File menu. The imported folder appears as a subfolder within the destination folder.

Archive Messages

image Click the File menu, and then click Export.

image In the Export screen, select options to specify which the items you want to include in the archive.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


image In the Delete Archived Items? screen, specify whether you want to keep the items in Entourage after the archive or delete them.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


image Type a name for the archive file, select a location, and then click Save.


image Click Done.

Did You Know?

You can copy a message folder onto the Desktop. Click the Mail button on the toolbar, select the folder in the Folder list, and then drag it onto the Desktop. Entourage creates a back up of all the message in the folder in the MBOX format. If the backed up folder contains subfolders, they are not included in the back up. Each folder needs to be dragged separately onto the Desktop.

Sending and Receiving Instant Messages

Entourage can identify contacts in an e-mail message who also use Microsoft Messenger, an instant messaging service. An instant message (IM) is an online typewritten conversation in real time between two or more contacts over the Internet. Instant messages require both parties to be online, and the communication is instantaneous. Before you can send and receive instant messages, you need to get an account with the instant messenger service. When you display an e-mail message in the Preview pane, or open a message in Entourage from an IM contact, online status indicator appears next to the sender’s name. When you click the online status, Entourage displays a menu with options sign in to Messenger, and send an instant message. Entourage needs to be your default e-mail program and you must be signed in to your corporate account in Messenger. After you start a conversation with someone, you can add others to the conversation.

Start an Instant Message from Entourage

image Open a message from a contact signed into Instant Messenger.

image Click the online status indicator.

image Click Send Instant Message.

  • You can also click Sign in to Microsoft Messenger to sign in and use Messenger.

A Conversation window opens to begin a conversation with your contact.


Did You Know?

You can change your online status anytime. Click the File menu, point to My Status, and then click the status you want: Online, Busy, Be Right Back, Away, On The Phone, Out To Lunch, or Appear Offline.

You can close Windows Messenger while you are signed in. Click the Close button. Windows Messenger continues to run in the background as long as you are signed in.

Send and Receive Instant Messages

image If necessary, double-click the contact to whom you want to send an instant message in Messenger.

image In the Conversation window, type the message.

The text wraps to another line to fit in the window; however, if you want to start a new line of text, press Shift+Enter.

image To add another person to the conversation, click the Invite someone to this conversation button, and then double-click a contact.

image Click Send or press Return.

image Wait for a reply.


Did You Know?

You can send an e-mail from Messenger. In Messenger, click the Actions menu, point to Send Other, and then click Send an E-mail Message.

You can quickly switch back to Entourage. In Messenger, Click the File menu, point to Go To, and then click My E-mail Inbox. Entourage needs to be your default e-mail program, and your e-mail address cannot be from MSN or Hotmail, which opens your browser.

Creating a News Server Account

A newsgroup is an electronic forum where people from around the world with a common interest can share ideas, ask and answer questions, and comment on and discuss any subject. Before you can participate in a newsgroup, you must select a news server. A news server is a computer located on the Internet, which stores newsgroup messages, also called articles, on different topics. You need to get the name of the news server and possibly an account name and password. If you’re not sure where to get one, perform a Web search for public news servers. When you add a news server account to Entourage, it retrieves a list of newsgroups available on that server. Often this list is quite lengthy. Once you select a newsgroup, you can view its contents. If you like the newsgroup, you can create a link to subscribe to it.

Create a News Server Account

image Click the Tools menu, and then click Accounts.

image Click the New button arrow on the toolbar, and then click News.


image Select a mail account, and then enter an organization name for use in posts.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


image Enter the news server or IP address. For example, provides access to the Microsoft News Server.

image If the server requires a user name and password, select the My news server requires me to log on check box.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.


image Enter an account ID and password. Select the Save password in my Mac OS keychain check box to save your information.

image Click the right arrow button to continue.

image Enter an account name, and then click Finish.

Reading and Posting a News Message

You can read new newsgroup messages after you retrieve them. Newsgroup messages appear in the Preview pane, just as e-mail messages do. To view a newsgroup message in the Display pane, click the title of the message in the Preview pane. If the Expand Indicator appears to the left of a newsgroup message, then the message contains a conversation thread. A conversation thread consists of the original message on a particular topic along with any responses that include the original message. To read the responses, click to display the message titles, then click the title of the message you want to read. To hide all the responses to a conversation thread, click the Collapse Indicator to the left of a newsgroup message. Icons appear next to the news messages to indicate whether a conversation thread is expanded or collapsed, and whether or not it has been read.

Read and Post a News Message

image Click the Mail button on the toolbar.

image Click the news server in the Folders list.

image If this is the first time you’re opening the news server, click Receive to get a list of newsgroups.

image To subscribe to a list, select the newsgroup, and then click the Subscribe button on the toolbar.

  • To narrow down the newsgroup list, click the View menu, and then click Subscribed Only. Click the command again to view the entire list.

image Select the newsgroup that you want to view in the Folders list.

image Select and read different messages in the newsgroup. Use the Search box to narrow down the Message list.


image Click the New button to create a new message, or click the Reply or Reply All button to respond to a message. Fill in the message, and then click the Send button.


Customizing Toolbars in Entourage

Entourage uses toolbar on almost every window. Each toolbar contains different set of buttons depending on the view or features provided by Entourage. Each toolbar is independent of the other, which means you can customize them individually (New!). For example, the Task window doesn’t include the Save, which is something you’ll use a lot. You can use the Customize Toolbar command on the View menu to quickly drag and drop the Save button into the toolbar. You can also customize how the buttons appear on the toolbar. If you don’t want to show a toolbar, you can hide it. The changes you make to one toolbar will not affect another.

Customize Toolbars in Entourage

image Open the window with the toolbar that you want to change.

image Click the View menu, and then click Customize Toolbar.

image Drag the buttons you want into the toolbar, or drag the default set into the toolbar.

image To further customize the toolbar, do any of the following:

  • Click the Show drop-down, and then select a toolbar display: Icon & Text, Icon Only, or Text Only.

  • Select the Use Small Size check box to reduce the size of the toolbar buttons.

image Click Done.


Did You Know?

You can show and hide individual toolbars in Entourage. Open the window with the toolbar you want to show or hide, click the View menu, and then click Show Toolbar or Hide Toolbar.

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