

absolute cell references, 257

accounting numbers, formatting, 298

Account Settings dialog box, 420

Action Settings dialog box, 486

adding/removing. See also deleting; Excel; Entourage

AutoCorrect entries, 45

backgrounds, 310

borders to cells in Excel, 306

bulleted lists, bullets from in PowerPoint, 362

color categories in Entourage, 439

digital signatures, 434–435

grids and guides, 127

holidays, calendar in Entourage, 461

languages to programs, 52

numbered lists, numbers from in PowerPoint, 362

page breaks in Word, 158, 160

picture borders, 80

Status bar items, 6

toolbars, 8–9, 496

Address Book in Entourage, 424

adjustment handles

on shapes, 112

Adobe Acrobat Reader, 492

AIFF files, 396

alias, starting Office program, 2

Align commands, 124–125

aligning. See also Word

header and footer text, 165

objects, 124–127

paragraph alignment, changing, 176

PowerPoint text, 357

shapes, 115

with SmartArt graphics, 98

text alignment, changing, 176

AND condition, 291

animations. See PowerPoint


ready-made, using, 506

recording, 507

Script menu, 506

writing, 507

appointments. See Calendar

archiving e-mail messages, 453

arguments. See also Excel

array formulas, Excel, 271

attachments to e-mail. See Entourage

auditing Excel worksheets, 279

AU files, 396

AutoArchive, 453

AutoComplete, 150. See also Excel

Addressing for e-mail, 428

AutoCorrect, 44–45.

editing entries, 45

examples of changes, 45

spell-checking with, 46

AutoCorrect dialog box, PowerPoint, 356

AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box, 44

AutoFill. See Excel


Excel columns and rows, adjusting, 251

PowerPoint, turning on/off in, 356

AutoFormat. See Excel

Automator, 505

automatic page breaks in Excel, 311


AutoRecover, 28

AutoSum, Excel calculations with, 277

AutoText, 156–157

inserting, 156

creating, 157

deleting, 157

AVERAGEIF function, 276

AVERAGE with AutoSum, 277

AVI files, PowerPoint supporting, 396


backgrounds. See also Excel; PowerPoint; themes

as shape fill, 120

Word, adding page backgrounds in, 194–195

Background Styles gallery, 377

back up

Project Center, 518

banded columns and rows, 382

bar charts, formatting, 102

bevel, 119

binary file format (BIFF12), 24

bitmaps. See bmp files

black and white

for pictures, 82

blank document creating, 11

BMP files, 83

bookmarks, creating, 218


pictures, applying to, 80

Word document, adding and removing to, 194–195

Break Link button, 199

brightness of pictures, 81

Bring to Front

with SmartArt graphics, 98

for stacking objects, 128

browsers, opening documents in, 14

browsing. See also PowerPoint

in Word documents, 136

bulleted lists. See PowerPoint; Word


calculations. See Excel

Calculator, 267

Calendar, 459, 460

All Day Event check box, 462

appointments, 462–465

details, including, 462–465

recurring appointments, scheduling, 462–465

scheduling, 462

customizing, 461

events, scheduling, 462–463


accepting requests for, 469

adding people to, 468

canceling requests for, 470

declining request for, 469

different time, proposing, 469

new event/meeting, scheduling, 462–463

resources, adding, 494–495

updating requests for, 498

Global Address List, 494


adding/removing, 461

opening, 460

Project Center, adding events, 513

recurring appointments, scheduling, 462–465

reminder, 466


automating and tracking, 469

meetings, scheduling with, 467–468

scheduling, 461

saving as Web page, 461


changing views, 471

completed, marking as, 474

contact, displaying tasks for, 424

creating and updating, 471

due date, setting, 471

recurring tasks, creating, 474

To-Do List, 472–474

creating, 472

flagging for follow up, 472

managing, 474

viewing, 473

time zone settings, 461

view, changing, 460

Web page, saving as, 461

work week settings, changing, 461

capitalization. See case sensitivity

captions, creating, 216

case sensitivity. See also Word

with AutoCorrect, 40–41

Excel tables, sorts in, 289

of passwords, 322

and spell-checking, 47

CD music

inserting in PowerPoint, 396

cell icons, sorting Excel tables by, 288–289

cell references, 256–257

cells, 186. See also Excel

in PowerPoint tables, 378, 380–381

Change Picture format, 74

characters, 157. See also symbols

inserting, 53, 383

nonprinting, 151


in Word, 168, 188

in Excel, 308–309

charts, 71. See also organization charts; PowerPoint

bar charts, formatting, 102

creating, 101

deleting, 102

editing data in, 106

as embedded objects, 101

Excel worksheets, linking to, 104


line and bar charts, 102

resetting, 102

hidden/empty cells in, 106

inserting, 101

layouts for, 103

legend, changing, 105

line charts, formatting, 102

series lines, 106

styles for, 103

titles for, 104

types, changing, 102

circles, drawing, 112

clearing. See also Excel

PowerPoint table formatting, 379

Click sound to hyperlinks, adding, 486

clip art, 71

inserting, 72

locating, 72

PowerPoint, placeholders in, 351

as shape fill, 122

Clipboard, 34

copying text with, 36–37

moving text with, 38–39

pasting text in, 38–39

Scrapbook, using, 40–41


Scrapbook, using, 40–41

Project Center, adding, 515

Clip Gallery, 72–73

Clip Organizer, 72

PowerPoint, inserting movie/sound in, 396

Close button, 32

closing documents, 32

Collapse Dialog button, 106

color modes

documents, adding to, 57

for pictures, 82

for themes, 60–61

colors. See also Excel; fills; Entourage; PowerPoint; themes

custom colors, adding, 57

of fonts, 36

hyperlink colors, 58

of organization charts, 100

recoloring pictures, 82–83

of SmartArt graphics, 97

for WordArt, 90, 91

Word document, adding page color to, 194–195

column breaks, 162–163

columns and rows. See also Excel; Word

PowerPoint text columns, 364

command buttons, 8


from menu, 7

from shortcut menu, 7

Comma separated values text (.csv), 344

comments. See also Excel

PowerPoint presentation, adding to, 410–411

communication. See Entourage


checking for, 20

Compatibility Report, 20

existing documents, converting, 22

older formats, saving documents in, 22–23

Compatibility Report, 20

Conditional formatting, Excel, 300

conditional formulas, 270

Conditional Sum Wizard, 278

connecting external data. See Excel

consolidating data, 336–337

constants, 256

contacts. See Entourage

contextual spell-checking, 47

contrast in pictures, 81


Excel tables to ranges, 287

existing documents, 22

Convert to Columns Wizard, 293

copying. See also Excel

active window, copying, 76

with Clipboard, 38–39

dialog box, files in, 15

with drag-and-drop, 35

importing/exporting by, 333, 344

macros to other workbook, 501

PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts, 353

correcting text, 44–45. See also AutoCorrect

COUNTA function, 276

counterclockwise text orientation, 302

COUNT function, 276

with AutoSum, 277

COUNTIF function, 276

cover page in Word, 224

cropping. See pictures


Euro Currency, 256

numbers, formatting, 298–299

curves, switching between, 114

custom dictionaries, 154

customer improvement program, 28

customizing. See also Excel; Entourage; PowerPoint; themes; Word

advanced document properties, 70

Calendar, 461

colors, 57

drop caps in Word, 192

SmartArt graphics, 98

cutting PowerPoint slides, 366


data labels, 105

data series, 101

Date Navigator, Calendar, 461

dates and times. See also Excel

for PowerPoint slide shows, 413

in Word, 166–167

defined names in Excel, 262

Deleted Items folder. See Entourage

deleting. See also Excel; PowerPoint; themes; Word

charts, 102

dialog box, files in, 15

hyperlinks, 485

macros, 500

page breaks in Word, 158, 160

shapes, 112

text, 34–35

WordArt, 88

delivery options. See Entourage

dependent cells, 257

desktop publishing.

Word document, adding effects to, 192

destination files, 108–109

detailed data, 275

diagnosing problems. See repairing problems

dialog box options, 9


adding words to, 46, 153

custom dictionaries, 153

exclusion dictionaries, 153

for spell-checking, 46

digital certificates, 434–435

digital ID, creating, 434–435

digital signatures, 434–435


of PowerPoint characters, 357

text boxes, text in, 198

of WordArt text, 92

distributing objects, 124

distribution lists. See Entourage

Document Map, 137

documents. See also formatting; read-only documents; shared documents; themes; Word

blank document creating, 11, 135

closing, 32

colors, customizing, 57

converting existing documents, 22

existing documents, opening, 14–15

passwords for, 68

previewing, 65

printing, 66

Project Center, adding, 516

properties, viewing/editing, 70

recently used documents, opening, 15

recovering, 28

saving, 22–23

shape fill, background as, 120

signatures, 432

templates, creating with, 12

Web page, opening as, 482

Document Themes folder, 64

DOCX files, 25

dotted lines in organization charts, 100

double spacing documents, 177

double strikethrough. See strikethrough/double strikethrough

Draft view, Word, 138–139

drag-and-drop, 34–35

Entourage folders, messages to, 443

SmartArt graphics, text into, 94


Excel cells, borders for, 306

PowerPoint tables, 378

shapes, 112

drop caps, adding and customizing, 192


Edit Data Source dialog box, 106

editing. See also Excel; Entourage

AutoCorrect entries, 45

chart data, 106

embedded objects, 108

freeforms, 114

hyperlinks, 485, 486

PowerPoint, slide timings in, 392–393

text, 34–35

themes, 61

effects. See also specific types

drop cap effects to Word document, 192

pictures, adding to, 78

shapes, adding to, 118–119

theme effects, applying, 59

for WordArt, 90

to Word text, 170–171

Electronic Business Cards (EBCs). See Entourage

Elements Gallery, 10

e-mail, 419. See also Entourage

harmful attacks, avoiding, 452

Project Center, adding, 514

servers, 419

shared documents for review, sending, 494

embedding, 108–109

charts as embedded objects, 101

editing embedded objects, 108

existing object, 108–109

new objects, 108–109

embossing in Word, 170–171

em dashes with AutoCorrect, 45

endnotes or footnotes, creating, 217

entire document, selecting, 150

Entourage, 417, 459. See also Calendar

Account Settings dialog box, 420–421, 456


color categories, 439

Address Book

adding, 424–425

import contacts, 424

addresses, 428

contact list, adding to, 441

appointments, 462–465

details, including, 462–465

recurring appointments, scheduling, 462–465

scheduling, 462

archiving messages, 453

ascending sort for contacts, 426

attachments, 431

forwarding messages with, 440

harmful attacks, avoiding, 452

reply message, attachment in, 441

shared documents, sending, 494

Auto Account Setup, 420

AutoArchive, 453

AutoComplete Addressing for e-mail, 428

backing up messages, 453

Blocked Senders tab, 452

color categories

adding/removing, 439

flag, sorting messages by color of, 438, 439

for notes, 475

Quick Click category, setting, 439


creating, 424

deleting, 424

Electronic Business Cards (EBCs), 424–425

grouping, 427

finding quickly, 426

importing, 424

sorting, 426

views, changing, 424


filtering messages based on, 446–447

inserting content in messages, 429

creating e-mail messages, 428


forwarded messages, 440

Deleted Items folder, 451

emptying, 451

retrieving messages from, 451


contacts, 424

folders, 443

messages, 451

notes, 475

delivery options

sending e-mail with, 448

setting, 435

descending sort for contacts, 426

distribution/group lists

creating, 427

sorting, 426

drag-and-drop messages to folders, 443


contact information, 424–425

notes, 475

Electronic Business Cards (EBCs), 424–425

as content in e-mail message, 429

as signature, 432


accepting requests for, 469

adding people to, 468

canceling requests for, 470

declining request for, 469

different time, proposing, 469

new event/meeting, scheduling, 462–463

resources, adding, 494–495

updating requests for, 498

file attachments to e-mail, 431

Filter dialog box, 447


for messages, 446–447

for notes, 475

setting and removing, 446–447


contacts, 426

messages, 446

first time, using for, 420

flagging e-mail messages, 483

Folder list, 418

viewing folders in, 423


deleting, 443

moving messages to, 443

new folders, creating, 442

organizing messages in, 442–443

rules for organizing, 444

search folders, using, 448–449

sorting items in, 442


forwarded messages, 441

replies to messages, 441

text of messages, 430

forwarding messages, 440–441

grouping contacts, 427

holidays, calendar

adding/removing, 461

HTML format, 430

hyperlinks in e-mail signatures, 432

importing data in, 424

instant messages

sending and receiving, 454

starting communication, 454

Instant Search pane, finding messages with, 446

iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone

synchronizing, 478–479


as attachments to e-mail, 431

viewing, 423

junk e-mail, reducing, 452

Large Messages folder, 448

logos in e-mail signatures, 432

mailing list

creating, 450

menu bar, 418

Microsoft Messenger, 454–455

mini calendar in Entourage, 418

multiple e-mail accounts, 420

My Day

preferences, 476, 477

quitting, 476

starting, 476

using, 477

viewing, 477

New Mail button, 428

newsgroup, 456

News Server

creating News Server Account, 456

newsgroup, 456

reading news message, 457

posting news message, 457

notes, creating and editing, 475

Out of Office message, creating, 446

Plain text format for e-mail, 430

preparing to use, 419


message contents, 441

Preview pane, 418

customizing, 515

reviewing messages in, 468

printing items, 480

profiles, 420

Quick Click category, setting, 439

Quick Filter, 446, 418

Quick Flag icon, 483

receiving messages, 436

options, setting, 434

redirecting messages, 441

replying to messages, 440


automating and tracking, 469

events/meetings, scheduling with, 467–468

scheduling, 461

resending e-mail messages, 434

rules, managing messages with, 444

Safe Senders/Safe Recipients tabs, 452


with AutoArchive, 453

file, mail message as, 442

search folders, using, 448–449

searching with Spotlight, 445

sending e-mail messages, 434

signatures for e-mail, 432


contacts, 426

distribution lists, 426

folders, items in, 442

messages, 438, 439

spam, reducing, 452

synchronizing, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, 478–479


changing views, 471

completed, marking as, 474

contact, displaying tasks for, 424

creating and updating, 471

due date, setting, 471

recurring tasks, creating, 474

themes, 430

To-Do List, 472–474

creating, 472

flagging for follow up, 472

managing, 474

viewing, 473

tracking options

sending e-mail with, 448

setting, 433

Unread Messages folder, 448

viewing window, 418

views of messages, 422, 446–447

Ways To Organize pane, 442

Web page format, changing e-mail format to, 448

writing e-mail messages, 429

envelopes, addressing and printing, 222

Error checker, Excel, 281

Error Smart Tag, 280

Euro Currency, 256


Calendar, scheduling in, 462–463

Excel, 225. See also macros; Web pages

absolute cell references, 257

accepting tracked changes, 328–329


backgrounds, 310

borders to cells, 306


vertical/horizontal, 302–303

orientation, 302–303


array arguments, 271

in formulas, 258

Function Argument dialog box, 272

lookup function arguments, 273

placeholder arguments, 268

array formulas, creating, 271

ascending order sorts, 288

auditing worksheets, 279


Formula AutoComplete, 260

labels, entering, 216–217


formulas, copying, 261

values in cells, entering, 232–233


searches with, 291

table parts, displaying, 290

AutoFit, changing columns and rows width or height with, 251


applying, 307

applying to lists, 285

automatic page breaks, 311

AutoSum, calculations with, 277


adding/removing, 310

for worksheets, 244

binary file format, workbooks in, 24

borders to cells, adding/removing, 306

calculated columns, creating, 292

calculations, 256

with AutoSum, 277

Error Smart Tag, 280

grand totals, 275

linking, 338

lists, calculations in, 292

multiple results, calculating, 271

subtotals, 275


inserting a formula, 267

cell references, 256–257


addresses, 264–265

borders, adding/removing, 306

clearing contents of, 235

comparison, formatting contents based on, 300

conditioning formatting, finding cells with, 300

deleting contents, 235–236

drawing borders, 306

editing contents, 234

flow of text in cell, controlling, 301

Format Painter, copying with, 285

formulas, displaying, 258–259

icon, sorting tables by, 288–289

inserting, 236

merging cells, 301

naming ranges and, 262–263

navigating in, 228–229

pointing to, 259

selecting, 227

tracking changes, 328–329

wrapping text in, 301

cell styles

applying, 308–309

custom style, creating, 308–309

charts, linking, 104


cell contents, 235

conditional formatting, 300

lists, 282

outlines, 294

print area, 315


adding background, 305

adding data, 304

for comments, 327

conditional formatting with color, 300

tables, sorting in, 288–289

columns and rows

AutoFit, changing width or height with, 251

calculated columns, creating, 292

entire rows or columns, selecting, 238

formatting in tables, 285

freezing/unfreezing, 253

height of rows, adjusting, 250–251

inserting, 248

multisheet ranges, selecting, 239

printing options, 316–317

repeating columns and rows, avoiding, 315

resizing, 250

selecting, 238–239

showing/hiding, 247

sorting data in rows, 288

text to columns, converting, 293

Use row and column names option, 265

width of columns, adjusting, 250–251


adding, 220, 326

clearing, 220–221

deleting, 220–221, 327

editing, 220–221, 327

formatting, 220–221, 327

presentation, inserting, 410–411

printing, 312

reading, 220–221, 326

comparing workbooks, 330

conditional formatting

creating, 300

deleting, 300

conditional formulas, creating, 270

Conditional Sum Wizard, 278

consolidating data, 336–337

contiguous range of cells, selecting, 227

converting lists to ranges, 287

Convert to Columns Wizard, 293


with Format Painter, 285

refreshable Web data, 342

worksheets, 244–245


fills, 233

margin settings, 312–313

printing options, 316–317

database queries, 340–341

data validation, adding, 295

dates and times

entering, 232

formatting numbers, 298

functions category, 268

worksheet, entering in, 232

defined names, 262


cell contents, 235–236

cell styles, 308–309

columns and rows, 249

comments, 327

font attributes, 299

in lists, 282, 286

page breaks, 311

worksheets, 241

descending order sorts, 288

detailed data, 275

different workbook, copying/moving worksheets to, 245

drawing borders, 306

drop-down list, creating, 296


cell contents, 234

comments, 327

formulas, 261

passwords and, 322

worksheet data, 106

elements of workbook, showing/hiding, 254

entire rows or columns, selecting, 238

Error checker, correcting problems with, 281

Error Smart Tag, 280

Euro Currency formatting, 259

external data, 340–341

retrieving, 340–341

sources of, 340–344

fill handles, 233


for table records, 290


cell contents, 235, 252

conditioning formatting, cells with, 300

Excel, creating searches with, 291

flagging messages for follow up, 438


for comments, 327

deleting font attributes, 299

tables, sorting by font color in, 288–289

Format Cells dialog box, 299, 300

Format Painter, copying with, 285


clearing, 235

comments, 327

comparison, formatting cell contents based on, 300

conditional formatting, 300

with Format Cells dialog box, 299

lists, 285

numbers, 298–299

Formula AutoComplete, 260

named cell or range, entering, 264

formula bar

cell contents, editing, 234

formulas, editing, 261

resizing, 258–259

Formula command, entering named range with, 265

formulas, 256

arguments in, 258

array formulas, creating, 271

AutoFill for copying, 261

cell references in, 257

cells, displaying in, 258–259

conditional formulas, 270

deleting columns and rows, rechecking after, 249

editing, 261

entering, 258

Error checker, correcting problems with, 281

with Formula AutoComplete, 260

linking, 338

Paste Special for copying, 260

precedence order, 256, 258

printing, 259

ranges in, 266

repairing problems, 281

selecting cells for, 227

showing/hiding, 320–321

simple formulas, creating, 258–259

freezing/unfreezing columns and rows, 253

full screen, viewing workbook in, 254

Function, entering functions with Formula Builder, 268–269

functions, 256

Formula Builder, entering with, 268–269

Insert Function button, entering with, 268

lookup functions, 272–273

nested functions, 256, 270

reference functions, 272–273

summarizing data with, 276

grand totals, calculating, 275

gridlines, printing, 316–317


creating, 294

multiple worksheets with, 244

headers and footers, 314

formatting header rows, 285

height of rows, adjusting, 250–251

HLOOKUP function, 272–273

horizontal page breaks, 311

hyperlinks for cells in, 484


FileMaker Pro, 343

text files, 333, 344

Web queries, data from, 341–342

Insert Function button, entering functions with, 268


cells, 236

columns and rows, 248

worksheets, 241

worksheets with Quick Style, 242

keyboard, navigating with, 228–229


consolidating data with, 336

entering, 230–231

flow of text in cell, controlling, 301

for name ranges, 264

linking worksheets, 338


AutoFilter, 290

AutoFormat styles, applying, 285

calculations in, 292

case sensitive sorts, 289

cell icon, sorting by, 288–289

converting to range, 287

creating, 282

deleting in, 282, 286

displaying records, 290

drop-down list, creating, 296

duplicate rows, removing, 286

edit data, 284–285

elements of list, formatting, 285

enter data, 284–285

entire lists, selecting, 286

formatting, 285

inserting columns and rows in, 286

multiple fields and attributes, sorting with, 288–289

names, 262

names for, 262

printing, 285

resizing, 287

searching, custom, 291

selecting columns and rows in, 286

totaling data in, 292

validation rules for, 295

locking/unlocking cells, 320–321

logical conditions with AutoFilter, 291

logical operators

with AutoFilter, 291

for validation rules, 295

long labels, truncating, 231

lookup functions, 272–273

macros, cell references with, 257


adjusting, 312–313

headers and footers, aligning, 314

merging text in cells, 301

merging workbooks, 330

mixed cell references, 257


columns and rows, adjusting width and height of, 251

margins, adjusting, 312–313

navigating with, 228

moving worksheets, 244

multisheet ranges, selecting, 239

named ranges

changing names, 264

Formula AutoComplete, entering with, 264

in formulas, 266

labels, working with, 264

Name box, entering with, 264

viewing names, 262


cells and ranges, 262–263

resizing name box in formula bar, 262–263

Use row and column names option, 265

worksheets, 239

navigating in, 228–229

nested functions, 256

conditional formulas, creating, 270

New Formatting Rule dialog box, 300

New Name dialog box, naming cells with, 263

non-contiguous range of cells, selecting, 227

number as label, entering, 230

numeric formatting, 298–299

numeric keypad, entering numbers with, 232

orientation of page, changing, 312

outlines, creating, 294

page breaks, inserting, 311

Page Layout view

headers and footers with, 314

margins in, 312


margins, adjusting, 312–313

orientation, changing, 312

print scaling, adjusting, 312

resizing, 312

Page Setup dialog box, 312

panes, splitting worksheet into, 252

passwords, 322–323

for shared workbooks, 329

pasting refreshable Web data, 342

patterns, adding, 305

placeholder arguments, 268

PivotTables, 334–335

point measurements, 250

precedence order, 256, 258

for conditional formatting, 300

predefined headers and footers, adding, 314


comments, 312

formulas, 259

gridlines, 316–317

letters of columns, 316–317

numbers for rows, 316–317

part of worksheet, 316

print area, setting, 315

scaling, adjusting, 312

scaling options, 316–317

titles of columns and rows on each page, 316

queries, database, 340–341


in formulas, 266

references in, 227

reference functions, 272–273

rejecting tracked changes, 328–329

relative cell references, 257

repeating data, entering, 233

replacing cell contents, 235, 252


columns and rows, 250

formula bar, 258–259

lists, 287

name box in formula bar, 262–263

pages, 312

retrieving data from, 340–344


macros, workbook with, 503

Web queries, 342

scenario, creating, 332

scope names, 262


locking/unlocking cells, 320–321


cells, 227

columns and rows, 238–239

lists, columns and rows in, 286

worksheets, 240

shared documents

comments, 326–327

passwords for shared workbooks, 329

workbooks, 324–325


columns and rows, 247

elements of workbook, 254

list formatting elements, 285

worksheets, 246

sort fields, 288–289


named ranges, 262

tables, data in, 288–289

splitting worksheet into panes, 252

storing data in, 228

subtotals, 275

calculating, 277

summarizing data

with functions, 276

with subtotals, 275

tabs, 226


columns, converting text to, 293

flow of text in cell, controlling, 301

functions, 274

labels, entering, 230

3-D cell references, 257

tracer arrows, auditing with, 279

tracking workbook changes, 328–329

Use row and column names option, 265

validation rules, creating, 295

values, entering, 232–233

vertical page breaks, 311

viewing window, 226, 346

views, switching between, 17

VLOOKUP function, 272

Web pages

hyperlinks to cells, formatting, 484

as workbooks or worksheets, 490

Web queries

refreshable data, 342

importing data from, 342

refreshing Web queries, 340–342

width of columns, adjusting, 250–251

wildcard characters in functions, 274

wrapping text in cells, 301

Excel Macro-Enabled Template (.xltm), 25, 503

Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (.xlsm), 25, 503

Exchange Server, 419

exclusion dictionaries, 154

existing documents, opening, 14–15

Expand Dialog button, 106

exporting. See importing/exporting

expressions, 256


FileMaker Pro database

importing from, 343


as e-mail attachments, 431

extensions, displaying, 22

pictures from file, inserting, 74

photos from Toolbox, inserting, 75

PowerPoint movies/sounds, inserting, 396

save file formats, 25

fill handles in Excel, 233

fills. See also gradient fills; texture fills; transparency

picture fills, 122

shapes, applying to, 120–121

to WordArt, 91

filters. See also Entourage

for Entourage messages, 446–447

Financial functions category, 268

finding. See also Entourage; replacing

Excel cell contents, 235, 252

help, 30–31

text, 42

themes, 59

Word, formatting in, 174

first-line indents, 180


documents, 110

e-mail messages, 438

repeated words, 47

flipping, 129

floating tables, 200

Folder pane in Entourage, 418

folders. See alsoEntourage

follow up, flagging, documents, 110

fonts. See also Excel; themes

changing fonts, 36

colors, 36

Excel tables, sorting in, 288–289

names of, 36

point size of, 37

printer fonts, 37

resizing, 36

for symbols, 53, 168

TrueType fonts, 37

Font Styles for shapes, 113

footers. See headers and footers

footnotes or endnotes, creating, 217

foreign languages. See languages

Format Cells dialog box

alignment options, 176

Excel, 299, 300

text formatting with, 37

Format dialog box, 176

Format Painter, 56

Format Shape dialog box, 120–121

for gradient fills, 123

for WordArt, 92

formatting, 36. See also charts; Excel; Entourage; PowerPoint; Word

Format Painter, 56

marks, viewing, 179

SmartArt graphics, 94–100, 120

text, 36–37

WordArt, 90–91

form letters, creating, 210–211

Formula AutoComplete. See Excel

formula bar. See Excel

Formula dialog box, 209

formulas. See Excel

Formula Builder

arguments, 268–269


with AutoCorrect, 45

formatting, 298

freeforms, 111

creating, 114

freezing/unfreezing Excel columns and rows, 253

Full Screen view. See Word

functions. See alsoExcel


galleries, 6

GIF files, 72

pictures, 83

for Web pages, 491

goal seek, “What If,” 331

gradient fills

to shapes, 120, 123

for WordArt, 91

grammar-checking, 152–153


for pictures, 82

grids and guides

adding/removing, 127

in charts, 101

moving, 127

objects, aligning, 126–127

turn on and off, 126–127

grouping/ungrouping. See also Excel

objects, 130–131

with SmartArt graphics, 98

tables, 130

gutter measurements, presetting, 148


hackers. See security

hanging indents, 180

hard page breaks, 158, 160

harmful attacks, avoiding, 452

headers and footers. See also Excel; PowerPoint

in Word, 164–165

help, 30

Microsoft, contacting, 29

searching for, 30–31

Help Viewer, 30

changing appearance of, 482

hiding. See showing/hiding

highlighting text in Word, 170–171

Highlight button, 174

HLOOKUP function, 272–273

horizontal page breaks in Excel, 311

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 25, 481. See also Entourage; Web pages

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) accounts, 419


colors, 58

creating, 484

deleting, 485

destinations for, 484

editing, 484, 486

jumping to, 484–485

moving, 484

programs, creating links to, 487

ScreenTips for, 485

to slide objects, 486–487

sounds, adding, 486–487

table of content entries as, 214

hyphenating words, 155, 178


iCalendar format, 468

.ics file extension, 468

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) accounts, 419

Import and Export Wizard,

importing contacts in Entourage, 344

importing text in Excel, 424

importing/exporting. See also Excel; XML (Extensible Markup Language)

with copy and paste, 333

other program, exporting file to, 333

PowerPoint notes and slides, 409

text files, 333, 344

Web queries, 342

Inbox. See Entourage

indenting PowerPoint text, 360–361

indexes, creating, 215

Insert Function feature, 268

instant messages

sending and receiving, 454

starting communication, 454

international currency numbers, formatting, 298–299

Internet. See also downloading; Microsoft Office Online; Web pages

iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone

synchronizing, 478–479

convert text to audio and send to, 504


saving a presentation to, 406

ISP (Internet service provider), 419

items. See Entourage


JPG/JPEG files

pictures, 83

for Web pages, 491

junk e-mail, reducing, 452

justified text in Word, 176


keyboard. See also PowerPoint

Excel, navigating in, 228–229

grid settings, overriding, 127

PowerPoint, browsing in, 347


labels. Excel; mailing labels

chart labels, changing, 105

chart legends, changing, 105

Word, captions in, 216

landscape orientation

for Excel pages, 312

PowerPoint slides in, 386

in Word, 147


adding language to programs, 52

for dates and times in Word, 167

dictionary language, choosing, 154

spell-checking in French, 47

thesaurus feature for, 48

translating text to other, 51


of charts, 103

for organization charts, 100

of SmartArt graphics, 97

Layout Styles with organization charts, 100


in table of contents, 214

left-aligning objects, 125

left indents, 180

legends on charts, 105

LEN function, 274

line charts, formatting, 102

lines, 111. See also Word

gradient fills for, 123

linking. See also hyperlinks

creating links, 108

existing object, 108–109

text boxes in Word, 199

updating links, 109

worksheets, 338

lists and galleries, 6

lists (tables). See also Excel

logical conditions with AutoFilter, 291

Logical functions category, 268

logical operators. See Excel

lookup functions, 272–273

in Formula Builder, 268

Lookup Wizard, 272–273

in Excel, 273

LOWER function, 274



copying to other workbook, 501

opening workbooks with, 502

Personal Macro Document, 501

availability of macros in, 500

running, 500

saving workbook with, 503

step mode, debugging with, 500–501

understanding, 500

mailing labels

addressing and printing, 222

mailing list

creating in Entourage, 450

mail merge. See Word

margins. See also Excel; Word

in PowerPoint tables, 381

Match Case option, 174

mathematical symbols, inserting, 53, 168

Math & Trig function category, 268

MAX function, 276

with AutoSum, 277


windows, 16

meetings. See Calendar


changing, 498

merging. See also Word

Excel cells, 301

PowerPoint comments, 411

metadata, 70

MHT/MHTML files, 25, 490

Microsoft Entourage. SeeEntourage

Microsoft Excel. SeeExcel

Microsoft Exchange Server, 419

meetings, scheduling, 462–463

Out of Office message, 446

Microsoft Messenger, 454–455

Microsoft Office Online. See also downloading; help

themes, searching for, 59

Microsoft Office Reminder, 110, 466

Microsoft PowerPoint. SeePowerPoint

Microsoft Project Center. SeeProject Center

Microsoft Project Gallery. SeeProject Gallery

Microsoft SQL Server database

retrieving data from, 340–341

Microsoft Update Web site, 29

Microsoft Word. SeeWord

MIN function, 276

with AutoSum, 277

mini calendar in Entourage, 418

mixed cell references, 257

modems, 419

motion clips, 72

mouse. See also Excel; IntelliMouse

commands, accessing, 7–8

hyperlinks, highlighting, 486

PowerPoint, timing in, 392

windows, resizing, 16

movies. See also PowerPoint

moving. See also PowerPoint

with Clipboard, 36–39

comments, 410

dialog box, files in, 15

with drag-and-drop, 35

Excel worksheets, 244

grids and guides, 127

hyperlinks, 484

MP3 files in PowerPoint, 396

MPG/MPEG files in PowerPoint, 396

multiple languages, adding, 52

music, CD

inserting in PowerPoint, 396

My Day

preferences, 476, 477

quitting, 476

starting, 476

using, 477

viewing, 477

My Templates

creating documents, from templates, 26

creating new documents from templates, 11

default location, 15

modify existing templates, 27

using templates, 12–13


named ranges. See Excel

naming/renaming. See also Excel; Entourage

dialog box, files in, 15

of fonts, 36

narrations in PowerPoint, 395


dialog boxes, 9

Excel workbooks, 228–229

PowerPoint slide shows, 401

nested functions. See Excel

nested tables, 200, 206

New Formatting Rule dialog box, Excel, 300

New Name dialog box, Excel, 263

New Task window, 471

newsgroup, 456

posting messages, 457

reading messages, 457

subscribing to, 457

News Server

creating News Server Account, 456

newsgroup, 456

reading news message, 457

posting news message, 457

nonprinting characters, 151

Normal view. See also PowerPoint

switching between views, 17

Notebook Layout view, 138–139, 140–141

creating new, 135


adding drawings, 141

adding images, movies, or music, 141

changing appearance, 140

changing section tabs, 140

creating, 140

delete notes, 141

enter notes, 140

format notes, 141

recording audio, 141

search for notes, 141

set indent levels, 141

notes. See also PowerPoint; Entourage

in Entourage, 475

Project Center, adding, 515

Notes Page view, PowerPoint, 408

numbered lists. See PowerPoint; Word

numeric keypad, 232


objects. See also PowerPoint

aligning, 124–127

distributing, 124

flipping, 129

grids and guides, aligning with, 126–127

grouping/ungrouping, 130–131

hidden objects, viewing, 128

regrouping, 130–131

rotating, 129

snapping to place, 126

stacking order, changing, 128

troubleshooting arrangement of, 131

wrapping text around, 196–197

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) drivers, 340–341



checking for, 20

Compatibility Report, 20

existing documents, converting, 22

older formats, saving documents in, 22–23

Sending To

Microsoft Word, from PowerPoint, 405

PowerPoint, from Microsoft Word, 146

iPhoto, from PowerPoint, 406

removing, 508

scripts, 504

Office program Viewer, 14

Office Reminder program

flagging documents, 110

reminders, 466

older formats, saving documents in, 22–23

OLE (object linking and embedding), 108–109.

Open dialog box

file extensions, displaying, 22

location, changing, 15

Office 2008 files in Office 2004, 502

operators, 256

Options dialog box, 29

OR condition, 291

organization charts

colors, 100

creating, 99

dotted lines, using, 100

layouts, changing, 100

Quick Styles with, 100

shapes with, 99

orientation. See also Landscape orientation; Portrait orientation

of SmartArt graphics, 96

of text, 302

Word, page orientation in, 147


in Excel, 294

shapes, applying to, 120–121

in Word, 146, 170–171

for WordArt, 91

Outline view, Word, 138–139, 146

Out of Office message, creating, 446


page breaks

in Excel, 158, 160–161, 311

Word, adding/removing in, 158, 160

Page Layout view. See also Excel

switching between views, 17

page numbers

in Word, 136, 166

page orientation. See orientation

Page Setup dialog box

Excel, 312

for margins, 148

in PowerPoint, 386

pagination. SeeWord

paragraphs. See also Word

new lines, starting, 158, 160

selecting, 150

styles, 188

part of document, selecting, 150

passwords. See also Excel

changing or removing, 68, 322–323

for documents, 68

opening documents with, 68, 322–323

strong passwords, creating, 68

Paste Options button, 34, 38

Paste Special for formulas, 260

pasting. See also PowerPoint

importing/exporting by, 333, 344

refreshable Web data, 342

special results, pasting data with, 38–39

text, 38–39

patterns. See Excel

PDF files, 25

saving document as, 492

shared documents, sending, 494

previewing, 65

percentages, formatting, 298

Personal Macro Workbook. See macros

phishing, 452

photographs, inserting, 74–75

Picture Border button, 80

Picture Effects gallery, 78

Picture Quick Style gallery, 76

pictures. See also PowerPoint

borders, applying, 80

brightness, changing, 81

contrast, changing, 81

cropping, 86


borders, 80

effects, adding, 78

fills, 122

for hyperlinks, 484

inserting, 74

precisely resizing, 84

quick style, adding, 76

recoloring, 82–83

relative size, retaining, 85

resizing, 84–85

rotating, 86–87

scaling, 84–85

shape fills, 76–77, 120

transparent background, setting, 83

WordArt, picture fill for, 91

wrapping text around, 196–197

Picture Shape gallery, 77

PivotTables. See Excel

placeholders. See also PowerPoint

PNG files

for pictures, 76, 83

Web pages and, 490, 491

point measurement

in Excel, 250

of fonts, 37

in PowerPoint, 365

polygons. See freeforms

POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) accounts, 419

portrait orientation

for Excel pages, 312

PowerPoint slides in, 386

in Word, 147

POT files, 25

POTM files, 25

POTX files, 25

PowerPoint, 345


bulleted lists, bullets from, 362

numbered lists, numbers from, 362

aligning text, 357


adding, 387

of bulleted lists, 388

chart elements, 388–389

customizing, 387

deleting, 390–391

dimming text after, 389

multiple animations, controlling, 390–391

order, modifying, 390

previewing, 387

slide objects, adding effects to, 390

for text, 388–389

time between animations, setting, 390–391

annotating slide shows, 402

AutoCorrect dialog box, 356

AutoFit, turning on/off, 356


graphics, adding, 376

resetting, 377

slide masters controlling, 376

styles, adding, 377

ballpoint pen option, 402

banner presentations, setting up slides for, 386


animations, 391

presentations, 347

bulleted lists

adding/removing bullets, 362

animation of, 388

character of bullet, changing, 362–363

distance between bullets and text, changing, 362

placeholder for, 351

text, entering, 355

character direction, changing, 357


animating elements of, 388–389

placeholders for, 351

clearing table formatting, 379

clip art, placeholders for, 351

Clip Organizer for inserting movie/sound, 396

collapsing/expanding slides, 366–367


bulleted lists, bullets in, 363

numbered lists, numbers in, 363

columns for text, creating, 364

comments, adding, 410–411

consistent presentations, creating, 369

copying, keyboard shortcuts for, 353


animations, 387

bulleted lists, 363

numbered lists, 363

slide shows, 400

cutting slides, 366

dates and times for slide shows, 413


animations, 390–391

columns and rows in tables, 381

masters, 370

narrations, 395

objects, 353

slides, 351, 358

delivering presentations, 385

dimming text after animation, 389

drawing tables, 378

duplicating slides, 351

editing timings for slides, 392–393

exporting notes and slides to, 409

felt tip pen option, 402

files, inserting movies/sounds from, 396


for headers and footers, 412


handout masters, 407

notes master, 409

tables, 382

handouts/handout masters

dates and times on, 413

dotted rectangles in, 407

formatting, 407

headers and footers, creating, 407

placeholders in, 374–375, 407

headers and footers

in handouts, 407

on slides, 412

highlighter pen options, 402

indenting text, 360–361


browsing with, 347

objects, working with, 352–353

kiosk, running slides shows at, 401

landscape orientation, setting up slides in, 386

ledger paper, setup for slides on, 386

letter paper, setup for slides on, 386

line spacing, adjusting, 365

looping movies/sounds, 398

margins in tables, 381

masters, 369

merging comments, 411

mouse, timing slides with, 392


Clip Organizer movie/sound, inserting, 396

files, inserting movies from, 396

placeholders for, 351

play options, setting, 397

saving as, 404–405


objects, 353

slides, 366

music, CD

inserting, 396


masters, 370

slide layout, 372

narration, recording, 395

navigating slide shows, 401

Next Slide button, 347

Normal view, 348–349

speaker notes, entering, 408

notes master

formatting, 409

placeholders, 374–375

Notes Page view, 408

Notes pane, viewing, 408

numbered lists

adding/removing numbers, 362

character of number, changing, 362–363

text, entering, 355


deleting, 353

masters controlling, 370

moving, 353

in notes master, 409

resizing, 352

selecting/deselecting, 352

on-screen show, setup for, 386

other presentations, inserting slides from, 368

Outline pane, 348

duplicating slides, 358–359

other program, inserting outline from, 358–359

rearranging slides in, 366–367

slides, working with, 358–359

text, entering, 358


other program, inserting outlines from, 358–359

slides, adding, 358

text, entering, 358

page setup options, 386

paper types, setting slides up for, 386


keyboard shortcuts for, 353

slides, 366

pen in slide shows, 402


for bullet character, 363

placeholders for, 351

placeholders, 350–351

default placeholders, 414

formatting, 374–375

in handout masters, 407

list of, 351

in masters, 369

showing/hiding, 374

slide layout, inserting in, 372–373

text placeholders, 354

pointer options for slide shows, 402

point measurement in, 365

portrait orientation, setting up slides in, 386

Presenter Tools, 349, 403


animations, 387

Previous Slide button, 347

printing slide shows, 400, 416

Quick Styles for tables, 379

Rehearse Timings option, 392–393


objects, 352

tables, 378–382

text as you type, 356

reviewer initials, correcting, 410

rotating text, 357

ruler, showing/hiding, 360

saving presentations

as slide shows, 406

as movies, 404–405


objects, 352

with Tab key, 353

text, 355

selection box, 352

shortcuts for slide shows, 401


master background objects on slide, 376

movies, 397

placeholders, 374–375

ruler, 360

slide shows, slides in, 399

sounds, 397

Show Markup button for comments, 410

slide layout

existing layout, creating new layout from, 372–373

masters controlling, 372–373

placeholders, inserting, 372–373

slide masters

backgrounds, controlling, 376

changing layout for, 375

deleting, 370

hiding background objects on slide, 376

naming/renaming, 370

new masters, inserting, 370–371

objects, controlling, 370

placeholders, 374–375

slide layout, controlling, 372–373

Slide Master view, 369

slide objects

animation effects, adding, 390

hyperlinks, adding, 486–487

Slide pane, rearranging slides in, 366


collapsing/expanding slides, 366–367

dates and times on, 413

deleting, 358

different number, starting numbering with, 415

existing slide, applying layout to, 350

headers and footers, adding, 412

moving, 366

new slide, creating, 350

numbering on, 414–415

from other presentations, 368

outline, adding slide to, 358

Outline pane, rearranging slides in, 366–367

placeholders, entering information in, 350–351

rearranging, 366–367

Rehearse Timings option, 392–393

setup options, 386

specific slide, numbering on, 415

themes, applying, 368

timings, setting, 350–393

Web graphics, saving as, 491

slide shows

annotating, 402

continuously running, 399

customizing, 400

dates and times, inserting, 413

headers and footers in, 412

hiding slides, 399

navigating, 401

options, setting, 401

pen, using, 402

pointer options, 402

printing, 400, 416

range of slides, showing, 399

saving presentations as, 406

setting up, 398–399

shortcuts for, 401

speaker notes, adding, 401

starting, 401

Slide Sorter view, 349

animation, viewing, 387

rearranging slides in, 366

Slides pane, Normal view, 349

slide transitions

all slides, applying to, 394

specifying, 394

SmartArt graphics, placeholders for, 351


Clip Organizer, inserting from, 396

files, inserting from, 396

narrations, recording, 395

play options, setting, 397


column spacing, adjusting, 364

line spacing, adjusting, 365

text spacing, adjusting, 365

speaker notes

dates and times on, 413

Normal view, entering in, 408

slide shows, adding to, 401

stacking text, 357


background styles, adding, 377

Quick Styles for tables, 379

Tab key, selecting with, 353


banded columns and rows, 382

cells in, 381

clearing formatting, 379

creating, 381

deleting columns and rows, 381

drawing, 381

formatting columns and rows in, 382

inserting columns and rows, 381

margins of cells, changing, 381

placeholders for, 351

Quick Styles, applying, 379

resizing, 381

tabs, 346

setting, 360–361


animations for, 388–389

AutoFit, turning on/off, 356

columns, creating, 364

dimming text after animation, 389

direction of characters, changing, 357

indenting text, 360

inserting, 354

in numbered or bulleted lists, 355

outlines, entering text for, 358

placeholder, entering into, 354

resizing as you type, 356

selecting, 355

spacing, adjusting, 365


in masters, 369

slides, applying to, 368


between animations, 390–391

between slides, 392–393

titles, placeholders for, 351

Viewer, 14

views, switching between, 17

voice narrations, 395

PPSM files, 25

PPS/PPSX files, 25

PPT files, 25

PPTM files, 25

PPTX files, 25

precedence order. See Excel


My Day, 477

Presenter Tools, 349, 403


gradient fills with, 123

pictures, adding to, 78

for shapes, 117


documents, 65

Web pages, 483

previous version of document, showing, 14

primary colors. See RGB color mode

printer fonts, 37

printing. See also Excel

documents, 66

envelopes, 222

mailing labels, 222

Entourage items, 480

Print Layout view

switching between views, 17

Word, 138–139

Print Preview, 65, 223

Privacy dialog box, 2

program menus, 7

program windows

existing documents, opening, 14–15

viewing, 6

Project Center

adding and removing

contacts, 513

clippings, 515

document files, 516

e-mails, 514

events, 515

notes, 515

tasks, 515

backing up, 518

creating, 510–511

sharing, 511

using, 512

working with, in Office, 517

Project Gallery, 13, 135

using, 4

creating documents, 2

preferences, 5

starting, 2

Project Palette, 516–517

proofing. See spell-checking

PROPER function, 274

proprietary company information, 50

Publication Layout view, 138–139, 142–145

creating new, 135


adding content, 144

linking text boxes, 144

creating, 142

viewing content and master pages, 143

inserting and removing content and master pages, 143

moving content pages, 143

adding drawings and lines, 145

grouping and ungrouping objects, 145

arranging objects, 145

adding/removing static guides, 145

showing/hiding guides, 145



in Excel, 340–341

from the web, 342

Query Wizard, 340–341

for external data, 340–342

Quick filter options, 446–447

Quick Styles. See also shapes

in Excel, 242–243

with organization charts, 100

to SmartArt graphics, 96

for shapes, 116

for tables in Word, 206–208

in Word, 186

for WordArt, 117

quitting Office, 32


read-only documents, 68, 322

alerts for opening document as, 324

documents, opening, 14

Recent Documents list, 14

recently used documents, opening, 15

Recently Used functions category, 268

recoloring pictures, 82–83


with AutoRecover, 28

documents, 28

Redo feature, 54


pictures, adding to, 78

to shapes, 119

to WordArt, 90

Regroup command, 130–131

reinstalling Office, 508

relative cell references, 257

relative size of picture, retaining, 85


flagging documents, 110

Office Reminder program, 466

removing Office, 508

renaming. See naming/renaming

repairing problems

in Excel formulas, 281

in existing documents, 14

objects, arrangement of, 131

repeated words, flagging, 47

Replace Text As You Type check box, 44–45

replacing. See also finding

Excel cell contents, 235, 252

shapes, 113

text, 42–43

Word, formatting in, 174–175

Reset Picture button, 81

resizing. See also Excel; PowerPoint

bitmaps, 85

fonts, 36

pictures, 84–85

shapes, 112–113

windows, 16

resources. See Calendar

restoring windows, 16

reveal formatting styles. See Word

reviewing marks, 221

Reviewing pane, 221

right indents, 180

rotating. See also 3-D rotation

pictures, 86–87

PowerPoint text, 357

shapes, 129

with SmartArt graphics, 98

text orientation, 302

WordArt, 92

rows. See columns and rows


PowerPoint ruler, showing/hiding, 360


Save as type

file formats, 25

for templates, 26–27

Save button, 22–23

Save command, 22

Save dialog box

accessing options in, 22

saving. See also Calendar; Entourage; templates; Web pages; XML (Extensible Markup Language)

documents, 20–23

formats list for, 25

older formats, documents in, 22–23

options, setting, 23

other formats, documents with, 24–25

PDF file, document as, 492

PowerPoint presentations as slide shows, 406

PowerPoint presentation to iPhoto, 406

properties of document, viewing/changing, 70

Web queries, 342

scaling pictures, 84–85

scenario, creating in Excel, 332

scope names in Excel, 262

Scrapbook, 40–41


for hyperlinks, 485

for themes, 59

turning on/off, 8


AppleScripts, 506–507

Automator, 505

Office, installing and running, 504

ready-made, 506

recording, 507

writing, 507


in Word documents, 136

searching. See finding; replacing

searching with Spotlight

Entourage items, 445

sections, inserting, 160–161

security. See also Excel

Check e-mail that are from or link to suspicious Web sites option, 452

for external data, 340–341

selecting. See also Excel; PowerPoint; Word

hyperlinks, 485

selection box in PowerPoint, 352

Send Backward, 128

Send to Back

with SmartArt graphics, 98

for stacking objects, 128

Sending To

Microsoft Word, from PowerPoint, 405

PowerPoint, from Microsoft Word, 146

iPhoto, from PowerPoint, 406

series lines, 106

servers, 419

Set Transparent Color command, 83

shading in Word document, 194–195


with fonts, 36

pictures, adding to, 78

to shapes, 119

in Word, 170–171

to WordArt, 90

Shape Effects gallery, 118

Shape Outline, 120–121

Shape Quick Style gallery, 116

shapes, 111. See also freeforms; objects; text boxes

adjusting, 113

applying shapes to pictures, 77

connecting two shapes, 128

drawing, 112

effects, adding to, 118–119

fills, applying, 120–121

formatting SmartArt shapes, 120

gradient fills for, 123

individual effects, adding, 119

with organization charts, 99

outlines, adding, 120–121

pictures and, 76–77, 122

presets adding, 117

Quick Styles

adding, 116

to text, 119

replacing, 113

resizing, 112–113

with SmartArt graphics, 98, 119


adding, 132

Quick Styles, adding, 119

texture fills to, 120, 122

to WordArt, 92

WordArt, adding, 119

shared documents, 319. See also Excel

e-mail, sending for review by, 494

tasks, displaying, 471

shortcuts, 7

changing keys, 499

showing/hiding. See also Excel; PowerPoint; Word

balloons, 220

Calendar To Do List items, showing/hiding, 472, 473

charts, hidden/empty cells in, 106

objects, viewing hidden objects, 128

Reviewing pane, 221

viewing hidden objects, 128

Word, hidden text in, 170–171

side-by-side tables, 200

signatures. See also digital signatures; documents

on e-mail, 432

Single File Web Pages, 490

single spacing documents, 177

single word, selecting, 150

size. See alsoresizing

of fonts, 36

Slide Master view, PowerPoint, 369

slides. See PowerPoint

Slide Show view, PowerPoint, 349

Slide Sorter view. See PowerPoint

SmartArt graphics, 71. See also organization charts

blank graphic, creating, 94

colors of, 97

converting text to, 94–95

creating, 94–95

customizing, 98

formatting, 96–97, 120

layout, changing, 97

orientation, changing, 96

with PowerPoint, 351

purposes, list of, 94

Quick Styles, applying, 96

resetting, 98

shapes with, 98, 119

2-D, editing shapes in, 119

snap to grid

aligning objects with, 125

snap to shape, aligning objects with, 125

soft edges

pictures, adding to, 78

to shapes, 119

with 3-D effects, 117, 118

soft page breaks, 158, 160

sorting. See also Excel

Entourage contacts, 426

Word, table contents in, 207

sounds. See also PowerPoint

hyperlinks, adding to, 486–487

source files, 108–109

spacing. SeePowerPoint

speaker notes. See PowerPoint

special characters

nonprinting, 151

in PowerPoint, 383

in Word, 175

spell-checking, 46

changing options, 47

in Word, 152–153

Split option, 252


searching in Entourage, 445

stacking order for objects, 128

starting programs, 2

Start menu

shortcuts, creating, 2

starting programs for, 2

Status bar, 6

Step by Step Mail Merge wizard, 210–211

strong passwords, creating, 598

styles. See also Excel; PowerPoint; Quick Styles; Word

for charts, 103

creating, applying, in Excel, 308–309

Table Quick Styles, 379

reveal formatting styles, 187

subscript, 37

in Word, 170–171

SUBSTITUTE function, 274

subtotals. See Excel

SUMIF function, 276

summarizing data. See Excel

superscript, 37

with AutoCorrect, 45

in Word, 170–171


between curves, 114

between views, 17

between windows, 16


with AutoCorrect, 45

inserting, 53

in Word, 168


Tab delimited text (.txt), 344

Tab key

indents, setting, 180–181

objects, selecting, 130

PowerPoint, selecting in, 353

tab leaders, 215

table of contents, creating, 214

Table Quick Styles, 268, 379

tables. See also Excel; PowerPoint; Word

ungrouping, 130

tabs, 3. See also Excel; PowerPoint

in dialog boxes, 9

stops, 179

Word, paragraph tabs in, 179

tasks. See Calendar

templates. See also Word

creating documents, from templates, 26

creating new documents from templates, 11

default location, 15

modify existing templates, 27

using templates, 12–13

text. See also Excel; PowerPoint; shapes; SmartArt graphics; themes; WordArt

alignment, changing, 176

AutoCorrect for, 44–45

deleting, 34–35

editing text, 34–35

finding text, 42

Format Cells dialog box, formatting with, 37

Format Painter, 56

formatting, 36–37

for hyperlinks, 484

replacing text, 42–43

translating text to other languages, 51

text boxes, 111. See alsoWord

creating, 115, 384

text files, importing, 344

text functions, 268, 274

texture fills

to shapes, 120, 122

for WordArt, 91

Theme Colors dialog box, 58

themes, 58. See also PowerPoint

applying, 59

custom themes

colors, 60–61

creating, 63

dark/light themes, 58


color themes, 60–61

custom themes, 63

effects, applying, 59

fonts, 63

editing, 61

effects, applying, 59


choosing, 62

deleting, 63

four text/background themes, 58

hyperlink colors, 58

six accent colors, 58

viewing, 59

Thesaurus feature, 48–50

THMX files, 63

3-D charts, 103

3-D effects. See alsobevel; 3-D rotation

precedence of, 118

3-D rotation

pictures, adding to, 78

to shapes, 119

to WordArt, 90

times. See dates and times

title bar in Entourage, 418


for charts, 104

of charts, 101

PowerPoint, placeholders in, 351

To-Do List. See also Entourage

tasks on, 471

toolbars, 8–9

adding/removing items, 496

customizing, 496

in Entourage, 458

docking or undocking, 9, 496

resizing, 8–9

showing or hiding, 9, 496


Compatibility Report, 20

customizing, 19

Formatting Palette, 36

Object Palette, 53, 73

opening, 18

Project Palette, 516–517

Reference Tools, 48–51

Scrapbook, 40–41

using, 18

tracer arrows in Excel, 279

Track Changes command, 220–221, 328–329


Word, changes in, 220–221

transform to WordArt, 90

Transition Quick Style gallery, 394

translating text to other languages, 51


picture background, setting, 85

troubleshooting. See repairing problems

TrueType fonts, 37


Undo feature, 33, 54

shape fills, 120

uninstalling Office, 508


checking for, 29

links, 109

table of contents in Word, 200

UPPER function, 274

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 483

for Web queries, 342


VBA. See Visual Basic for Applications

vector images, 72

vertical page breaks in Excel, 311

vertical text orientation, 302

views, changing

in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, 3

in Entourage, 422

View buttons, 6, 422

View selector, 17

View tab, 17

viruses, avoiding, 452

Visual Basic for Applications, 500–503

VLOOKUP function, 272


washout for pictures, 82


Word document, adding and customizing in, 193

WAV files, PowerPoint supporting, 396

Web addresses. See URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

Web Layout view, Word, 138–139

Web pages, 557. See also Excel; hyperlinks

Calendar as Web page, saving, 461

cell hyperlinks, 484

changing appearance of, 482

e-mail format, changing, 448

opening, 482

options, changing, 488

PowerPoint slides as Web graphics, 491

previewing, 483

saving, 490

slides as Web graphics, 491

Single File Web Pages, 490

slides as Web graphics, saving, 491

What If, goal seek in Excel, 331

wildcard characters in functions, 274


arranging, 16

resetting position, 16

switching between, 16

WMA or WMV files, PowerPoint, 396

WMF files, 72

Word, 133


columns, text in, 162

header and footer text, 165

paragraph alignment, changing, 176

table cells, text in, 206

AutoFormat, 172–173

AutoText, 156–157

inserting, 156

creating, 157

deleting, 157

bookmarks, creating, 218

borders, adding and removing, 176–195

browsing in, 136

bulleted lists

creating, 182

multi-level lists, creating, 183

styles, changing, 183

calculating values in tables, 209

captions, creating, 216


changing case of text, 170

searching for, 174–175

character spacing, changing, 184

colors to page, adding, 194–195

columns and rows

arranging text in, 162–163

breaks in, 162–163

modifying, 202–203

comparing documents, 219

cover page, adding, 224

creating new documents

New Blank Document, 135

New Blank Notebook Layout Document, 135

New Blank Publication Layout Document, 135


captions, labels for, 216

drop caps, 193

margins, 149

page size options, 147

watermarks, 193

date and time, inserting, 166–167


columns, 162

headers or footers, 164

page breaks, 158, 160

page numbers, 166

section breaks, 161

tables, elements in, 203

deselecting text, 150

direction text, changing, 185

double spacing documents, 177

Draft view, 138–139

drop caps, adding and customizing, 192

effects, formatting, 170–171

endnotes or footnotes, creating, 217

envelopes, addressing and printing, 222

finding formatting, 174

first-line indents, 180

footnotes or endnotes, creating, 217


AutoFormat, 172–173

marks, viewing, 179

Quick Style, 208

tables, 206–207

form letters, creating, 210–211

formulas in tables, calculating, 209

grammar-checking, 152–153

gutter measurements, presetting, 148

hanging indents, 180

headers and footers, 164–165

different pages, different headers and footers for, 164–165

height of rows, setting, 205

hiding text, 190

display/print, 190

highlighting text, 170

horizontal ruler, 178

hyphenation in, 155, 178

importing PowerPoint notes and slides, 409

indents, setting, 180–181

indexes, creating, 215

labels for captions, 216


numbers, adding, 181

spacing, changing, 177

mailing labels

addressing and printing, 222

with mail merge, 212–213

mail merge

for form letters, 210–211

for labels, 212–213


custom margins, creating, 149

indents and, 180

standard margins, selecting, 149

visually adjusting, 148


cells and tables, 204

comparing documents, 219

mail merge, 210–213

Notebook Layout view, 138–139, 140–141

creating new, 135


adding drawings, 141

adding images, movies, or music, 141

changing appearance, 140

changing section tabs, 140

creating, 140

delete notes, 141

enter notes, 140

format notes, 141

recording audio, 141

search for notes, 141

set indent levels, 141

numbered lists

creating, 182

multi-level lists, creating, 183

styles, changing, 183

orphan, 159

outlines in, 146, 170–171

Outline view, 138–139, 146

page backgrounds, adding, 194–195

page breaks, adding/removing, 158, 160

page numbers in, 136, 166

page setup in, 147

pagination, 159


alignment, changing, 176

indents, setting, 180–181

table of contents, adding to, 214

tabs, setting, 179

Print Layout view, 138–139

Print Preview, 223

print hidden text, 190

properties of tables, changing, 206

Publication Layout view, 138–139, 142–145

creating new, 135


adding content, 144

linking text boxes, 144

creating, 142

viewing content and master pages, 143

inserting and removing content and master pages, 143

moving content pages, 143

adding drawings and lines, 145

grouping and ungrouping objects, 145

arranging objects, 145

adding/removing static guides, 145

showing/hiding guides, 145

Quick Styles, applying, 186

reading documents in, 137

replacing formatting in, 174–175

reviewing changes in, 221

rulers, showing/hiding, 178

scrolling in, 136

sections, inserting, 160–161


in documents, 150

in tables, 201

text, 150

shading, adding and removing, 194–195


balloons, 220

formatting marks, 179

Reviewing pane, 221

rulers, 178

text, 190

single spacing documents, 177

sorting table contents, 207


character spacing, changing, 184

line spacing, changing, 177

with mail merge, 211

special characters,

finding and replacing, 175

inserting, 168

spell-checking, 152–153

splitting cells and tables, 204


applying, 186

bullet styles, changing, 183

modifying, 189

new style, creating, 188

number styles, changing, 183

reveal formatting, 187

viewing list of, 189

Tab key, setting indents with, 180–181

table of contents, creating, 214


aligning text in cells, 206

calculating values in, 209

creating, 200

evenly distributing columns and rows, 203

existing text, creating from, 200

formatting, 206–207

height of rows, setting, 205

merging cells and tables, 204

modifying, 202–203

moving in, 201

properties, changing, 205

Quick Styles, formatting with, 208

selecting elements of, 201

sorting contents of, 207

splitting cells and tables, 204

text, entering, 201

width of columns, setting, 203, 205

tabs for paragraphs, 179

text boxes, 198–199

creating, 199

linking, 199

text direction, 185

thumbnail view, 137

tracking changes in, 220–221

vertical ruler, 178


changing, 138–139

switching between, 17

watermarks, adding and customizing, 193

Web Layout view, 138–139

width of columns, setting, 203, 205

widow, 159

WordArt in Word

inserting, 89

formatting, 89

wrapping text

around objects, 196–197

in tables, 200

WordArt, 71

deleting, 88

direction of text, changing, 92

effects, applying, 90

fill, applying, 91

formatting, 90–91

inserting, 88

outlines, 91

position, changing, 92

rotating, 92

to shapes, 119

in Word, 89

WordArt Quick Style gallery, 88, 117

for shapes, 119

WordArt Styles group, 90

worksheets. See Excel

wrapping text. See also Word

in Excel cells, 301

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), 65


XLSB files, 25

XLSM files, 25, 503

XLSX files, 25, 503

XLT files, 25

XLTM files, 25, 503

XLTX files, 25, 503

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 24

saving, 22


Zoom controls, 6, 55

zooming, 55

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