Multiclass classification

So far, we have just looked at binary classification. For multiclass classification, we assume that each instance belongs to only one class. A slightly different classification problem is where each sample can belong to more than one target class. This is called multi-label classification. We can employ similar strategies on each of these types of problem.

There are two basic approaches:

  • One versus all
  • One versus many

In the one versus all approach, a single multiclass problem is transformed into a number of binary classification problems. This is called the one versus all technique because we take each class in turn and fit a hypothesis function for that particular class, assigning a negative class to the other classes. We end up with different classifiers, each of which is trained to recognize one of the classes. We make a prediction given a new input by running all the classifiers and picking the classifier that predicts a class with the highest probability. To formalize it, we write the following:

Multiclass classification

To make a prediction, we pick the class that maximizes the following:

Multiclass classification

With another approach called the one versus one method, a classifier is constructed for each pair of classes. When the model makes a prediction, the class that receives the most votes wins. This method is generally slower than the one versus many method, especially when there are a large number of classes.

All Sklearn classifiers implement multiclass classification. We saw this in Chapter 2, Tools and Techniques, with the K-nearest neighbors example, where we attempted to predict one of three classes using the iris dataset. Sklearn implements the one versus all algorithm using the OneVsRestClassifier class and the one versus one algorithm with OneVsOneClassifier. These are called meta-estimators because they take another estimator as an input. They have the advantage of being able to permit changing the way more than two classes are handled, and this can result in better performance, either in terms of computational efficiency, or generalization error.

In the following example, we use the SVC:

from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier, OneVsOneClassifier
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

X,y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=10000, n_features=5)
X1,y1 = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=10000, n_features=5)
clsAll=OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(random_state=0)).fit(X, y)
clsOne=OneVsOneClassifier(LinearSVC(random_state=0)).fit(X1, y1)
print("One vs all cost= %f" % clsAll.score(X,y))
print("One vs one cost= %f" % clsOne.score(X1,y1))

We will observe the following output:

Multiclass classification
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