Chapter 7. Features – How Algorithms See the World

So far in this book, we suggested a number of ways and a number of reasons for creating, extracting, or, otherwise, manipulating features. In this chapter, we will address this topic head on. The right features, sometimes called attributes, are the central component for machine learning models. A sophisticated model with the wrong features is worthless. Features are how our applications see the world. For all but the most simple tasks, we will process our features before feeding them to a model. There are many interesting ways in which we can do this, and it is such an important topic that it's appropriate to devote an entire chapter to it.

It has only been in the last decade or so that machine learning models have been routinely using tens of thousands of features or more. This allows us to tackle many different problems, such as those where our feature set is large compared to the number of samples. Two typical applications are genetic analysis and text categorization. For genetic analysis, our variables are a set of gene expression coefficients. These are based on the number of mRNA present in a sample, for example, taken from a tissue biopsy. A classification task might be performed to predict whether a patient has cancer or not. The number of training and test samples together may be a number less than 100. On the other hand, the number of variables in the raw data may range from 6,000 to 60,000. Not only will this translate to a large number of features, it also means that the range of values between features is quite large too. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Feature types
  • Operations and statistics
  • Structured features
  • Transforming features
  • Principle component analysis

Feature types

There are three distinct types of features: quantitative, ordinal, and categorical. We can also consider a fourth type of feature—the Boolean—as this type does have a few distinct qualities, although it is actually a type of categorical feature. These feature types can be ordered in terms of how much information they convey. Quantitative features have the highest information capacity followed by ordinal, categorical, and Boolean.

Let's take a look at the tabular analysis:

Feature type










Range, variance, and standard deviation

Skewness, kurtosis













The preceding table shows the three types of features, their statistics, and properties. Each feature inherits the statistics from the features from the next row it in the table. For example, the measurement of central tendency for quantitative features includes the median and mode.

Quantitative features

The distinguishing characteristic of quantitative features is that they are continuous, and they usually involve mapping them to real numbers. Often, feature values can be mapped to a subset of real numbers, for example, expressing age in years; however, care must be taken to use the full scale when calculating statistics, such as mean or standard deviation. Because quantitative features have a meaningful numeric scale, they are often used in geometric models. When they are used in tree models, they result in a binary split, for example, using a threshold value where values above the threshold go to one child and values equal to or below the threshold go to the other child. Tree models are insensitive to monotonic transformations of scale, that is, transformations that do not change the ordering of the feature values. For example, it does not matter to a tree model if we measure length in centimeters or inches, or use a logarithmic or linear scale, we simply have to change the threshold values to the same scale. Tree models ignore the scale of quantitative features and treat them as ordinal. This is also true for rule-based models. For probabilistic models, such as the naïve Bayes classifier, quantitative features need to be discretized into a finite number of bins, and therefore, converted to categorical features.

Ordinal features

Ordinal features are features that have a distinct order but do not have a scale. They can be encoded as integer values; however, doing so does not imply any scale. A typical example is that of house numbers. Here, we can discern the position of a house on a street by its number. We assume that house number 1 will come before house number 20 and that houses with the numbers 10 and 11 would be located close to each other. However, the size of the number does not imply any scale; for example, there is no reason to believe that house number 20 will be larger than house number 1. The domain of an ordinal feature is a totally ordered set such as a set of characters or strings. Because ordinal features lack a linear scale, it does not make sense to add or subtract them; therefore, operations such as averaging ordinal features do not usually make sense or yield any information about the features. Similar to quantitative features in tree models, ordinal features result in a binary split. In general, ordinal features are not readily used in most geometric models. For example, linear models assume a Euclidian instance space where feature values are treated as Cartesian coordinates. For distance-based models, we can use ordinal features if we encode them as integers and the distance between them is simply their difference. This is sometimes referred to as the hamming distance.

Categorical features

Categorical features, sometimes called nominal features, do not have any ordering or scale, and therefore, they do not allow any statistical summary apart from the mode indicating the most frequent occurrence of a value. Categorical features are often best handled by probabilistic models; however, they can also be used in distance-based models using the hamming distance and by setting the distance to 0 for equal values and 1 for unequal values. A subtype of categorical features is the Boolean feature, which maps into the Boolean values of true or false.

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