Other neural net architectures

Much of the most important work being done in the field of neural net models, and indeed machine learning in general, is using very complex neural nets with many layers and features. This approach is often called deep architecture or deep learning. Human and animal learning occurs at a rate and depth that no machine can match. Many of the elements of biological learning still remain a mystery. One of the key areas of research, and one of the most useful in practical applications, is that of object recognition. This is something quite fundamental to living systems, and higher animals have evolved an extraordinary ability to learn complex relationships between objects. Biological brains have many layers; each synaptic event exists in a long chain of synaptic processes. In order to recognize complex objects, such as people's faces or handwritten digits, a fundamental task that is needed is to create a hierarchy of representation from the raw input to higher and higher levels of abstraction. The goal is to transform raw data, such as a set of pixel values, into something we can describe as, say, a person riding bicycle. An approach to solving these sorts of problems is to use a sparse representation that creates higher dimensional feature spaces, where there are many features, but only very few of them have non-zero values. This approach is attractive for several reasons. Firstly, features may become more linearly separable in higher feature spaces. Also, it has been shown in certain models that sparsity can be used to make training more efficient and help extract information from very noisy data. We will explore this idea and the general concept of feature extraction in greater detail in the next chapter.

Another interesting idea is that of recurrent neural networks or RNNs. These are in many ways quite distinct from the feed forward networks that we have considered so far. Rather than simply static mappings between input and output, RNNs have at least one cyclic feedback path. RNNs introduce a time component to the network because a unit's input may include inputs that it received earlier via a feedback loop. All biological neural networks are highly recurrent. Artificial RNNs have shown promise in areas such as speech and hand writing recognition. However, they are, in general, much harder to train because we cannot simply back propagate the error. We have to take into consideration the time component and the dynamic, nonlinear characteristics of such systems. RNNs will provide a very interesting area for future research.

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