Chapter 5. Linear Models

Linear models are one of the most widely used models and form the foundation of many advanced nonlinear techniques such as support vector machines and neural networks. They can be applied to any predictive task such as classification, regression, or probability estimation.

When responding to small changes in the input data, and provided that our data consists of entirely uncorrelated features, linear models tend to be more stable than tree models. As we mentioned in the last chapter, tree models can over-respond to small variations in training data. This is because splits at the root of a tree have consequences that are not recoverable further down the line, that is, producing different branching and potentially making the rest of the tree significantly different. Linear models on the other hand are relatively stable, being less sensitive to initial conditions. However, as you would expect, this has the opposite effect, changing less sensitive data to nuanced data. This is described by the terms variance (for over fitting models) and bias (for under fitting models). A linear model is typically low-variance and high-bias.

Linear models are generally best approached from a geometric perspective. We know we can easily plot two dimensions of space in a Cartesian co-ordinate system, and we can use the illusion of perspective to illustrate a third. We have also been taught to think of time as being a fourth dimension, but when we start speaking of n dimensions, a physical analogy breaks down. Intriguingly, we can still use many of the mathematical tools that we intuitively apply to three dimensions of space. While it becomes difficult to visualize these extra dimensions, we can still use the same geometric concepts, such as lines, planes, angles, and distance, to describe them. With geometric models, we describe each instance as having a set of real-value features, each of which is a dimension in our geometric space. Let's begin this chapter with a review of the formalism associated with linear models.

We have already disused the basic numerical linear model solution by the least squared method for two variables. It is straightforward and easy to visualize on a 2D coordinate system. When we try to add parameters, as we add features to our model, we need a formalism to replace, or augment, an intuitive visual representation. In this chapter, we will be looking at the following topics:

  • The least squares method
  • The normal equation method
  • Logistic regression
  • Regularization

Let's start with the basic model.

Introducing least squares

In a simple one-feature model, our hypothesis function is as follows:

Introducing least squares

If we graph this, we can see that it is a straight line crossing the y axis at w0 and having a slope of w1. The aim of a linear model is to find the parameter values that will create a straight line that most closely matches the data. We call these the functions parameter values. We define an objective function, Jw, which we want to minimize:

Introducing least squares

Here, m is the number of training samples, hw(x(i)) is the estimated value of the ith training sample, and yi is its actual value. This is the cost function of h, because it measures the cost of the error; the greater the error, the higher the cost. This method of deriving the cost function is sometime referred to as the sum of the squared error because it sums up the difference between the predicted value and the actual value. This sum is halved as a convenience, as we will see. There are actually two ways that we can solve this. We can either use an iterative gradient descent algorithm or minimize the cost function in one step using the normal equation. We will look at the gradient descent first.

Gradient descent

When we graph parameter values against the cost function, we get a bowl shaped convex function. As parameter values diverge from their optimized values in either direction (from a single minima), the cost of our model grows. As the hypothesis function is linear, the cost function is convex. If this was not the case, then it would be unable to distinguish between global and local minimum.

The gradient descent algorithm is expressed by the following update rule:

Gradient descent

Where δ is the first derivative of Jw as it uses the sign of the derivative to determine which way to step. This is simply the sign of the slope of the tangent at each point. The algorithm takes a hyper parameter, α, which is the learning rate that we need to set. It is called a hyper parameter to distinguish it from the w parameters that are estimated by our model. If we set the learning rate too small, it will take longer to find the minimum; if set too high, it will overshoot. We may find that we need to run the model several times to determine the best learning rate.

Gradient descent

When we apply gradient descent to linear regression, the following formulas, which are the parameters of our model, can be derived. We can rewrite the derivative term to make it easier to calculate. The derivations themselves are quite complex, and it is unnecessary to work through them here. If you know calculus, you will be able to see that the following rules are equivalent. Here, we repeatedly apply two update rules to the hypothesis, employing a stopping function. This is usually when the differences between the parameters on subsequent iterations drop below a threshold, that is, t.

Initialize w0 and w1 and repeat:

Gradient descent

It is important that these update rules are applied simultaneously, that is, they are both applied in the same iteration, so the new values of both w0 and w1 are plugged back in the next iteration. This is sometimes called batch gradient descent because it updates all the training samples in one batch.

It is fairly straightforward to apply these update rules on linear regression problems that have multiple features. This is true if we do not worry about the precise derivations.

For multiple features, our hypothesis function will look like this:

Gradient descent

Here, x0 = 1, often called our bias feature, is added to help us with the following calculations. We see can see that, by using vectors, we can also write this as simply the transpose of the parameter values multiplied by the feature value vector, x. With multiple feature gradient descents, our cost function will apply to a vector of the parameter values, rather than just a single parameter. This is the new cost function.

Gradient descent

J(w) is simply J(w0, w1 …,wn), where n is the number of features. J is a function of the parameter vector, w. Now, our gradient descent update rule is as follows:

Gradient descent

Notice that we now have multiple features. Therefore, we write the x value with the subscript j to indicate the jth feature. We can break this apart and see that it really represents the j + 1 nested update rules. Each one is identical, apart from their subscripts, to the training rule that we used for single features.

An important point to mention here, and one that we will revisit in later chapters, is that, to make our models work more efficiently, we can define our own features. For a simple situation, where our hypothesis is to estimate the price of a block of land based on two features, width and depth, obviously, we can multiply these two features to get one feature, that is, area. So, depending on a particular insight that you might have about a problem, it can make more sense to use derived features. We can take this idea further and create our own features to enable our model to fit nonlinear data. A technique to do this is polynomial regression. This involves adding power terms to our hypothesis function, making it a polynomial. Here is an example:

Gradient descent

A way to apply this, in the case of our land price example, is to simply add the square and the cube of our area feature. There are many possible choices for these terms, and in fact, a better choice in our housing example might be in taking the square root of one of the terms to stop the function exploding to infinity. This highlights an important point, that is, when using polynomial regression, we must be very careful about feature scaling. We can see that the terms in the function get increasingly larger as x gets larger.

We now have a model to fit nonlinear data, however, at this stage, we are just manually trying different polynomials. Ideally, we need to be able to incorporate feature selection, to some extent, in our models, rather than have a human try to figure out an appropriate function. We also need to be aware that correlated features may make our models unstable, so we need to devise ways of decomposing correlated features into their components. We look at these aspects in Chapter 7, Features – How Algorithms See the World.

The following is a simple implementation of batch gradient descent. Try running it with different values of the learning rate alpha, and on data with a greater bias and/or variance, and also after changing the number of iterations to see what effect this has on the performance of our model:

import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def gradientDescent(x, y, alpha, numIterations):
    xTrans = x.transpose()
    m, n = np.shape(x)
    theta = np.ones(n)
    for i in range(0, numIterations):
        hwx =, theta)
        loss = hwx - y
        cost = np.sum(loss ** 2) / (2 * m)
        print("Iteration %d | Cost: %f " % (i, cost))
        gradient =, loss) / m
        theta = theta - alpha * gradient
    return theta

def genData(numPoints, bias, variance):
    x = np.zeros(shape=(numPoints, 2))
    y = np.zeros(shape=numPoints)
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        x[i][0] = 1
        x[i][1] = i
        y[i] = (i + bias) + random.uniform(0, 1) * variance
    return x, y

def plotData(x,y,theta):
    plt.plot(x[...,1],[theta[0] + theta[1]*xi for xi in x[...,1]])

x, y = genData(20, 25, 10)
iterations= 10000
alpha = 0.001

The output of the code is as shown in the following screenshot:

Gradient descent

This is called batch gradient descent because, on each iteration, it updates the parameter values based on all the training samples at once. With Stochastic gradient descent, on the other hand, the gradient is approximated by the gradient of a single example at a time. Several passes may be made over the data until the algorithm converges. On each pass, the data is shuffled to prevent it from getting stuck in a loop. Stochastic gradient descent has been successfully applied to large scale learning problems such as natural language processing. One of the disadvantages is that it requires a number of hyper parameters, although this does present opportunities for tweaking such as choosing a loss function or the type of regularization applied. Stochastic gradient descent is also sensitive to feature scaling. Many implementations of this, such as SGDClassifier and SGDRegressor from the Sklearn package, will use an adaptive learning rate by default. This reduces the learning rate as the algorithm moves closer to the minimum. To make these algorithms work well, it is usually necessary to scale the data so that each value in the input vector, X, is scaled between 0 and 1 or between -1 and 1. Alternatively, ensure that the data values have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. This is most easily done using the StandardScaler class from sklearn.preprocessing.

Gradient descent is not the only algorithm, and in many ways, it is not the most efficient way to minimize the cost function. There are a number of advanced libraries that will compute values for the parameters much more efficiently than if we implemented the gradient descent update rules manually. Fortunately, we do not have to worry too much about the details because there are a number of sophisticated and efficient algorithms for regression already written in Python. For example, in the sklearn.linear_model module, there are the Ridge, Lasso, and ElasticNet algorithms that may perform better, depending on your application.

The normal equation

Let's now look at the linear regression problem from a slightly different angle. As I mentioned earlier, there is a numerical solution; thus, rather than iterate through our training set, as we do with gradient descent, we can use what is called the normal equation to solve it in one step. If you know some calculus, you will recall that we can minimize a function by taking its derivative and then setting the derivative to zero to solve for a variable. This makes sense because, if we consider our convex cost function, the minimum will be where the slope of the tangent is zero. So, in our simple case with one feature, we differentiate J(w) with respect to w and set it to zero and solve for w. The problem we are interested in is when w is an n +1 parameter vector and the cost function, J(w), is a function of this vector. One way to minimize this is to take the partial derivative of J(w) for the parameter values in turn and then set these derivatives to zero, solving for each value of w. This gives us the values of w that are needed to minimize the cost function.

It turns out that an easy way to solve, what could be a long and complicated calculation, is what is known as the normal equation. To see how this works, we first define a feature matrix, shown as follows:

The normal equation

This creates an m by n + 1 matrix, where m is the number of training examples, and n is the number of features. Notice that, in our notation, we now define our training label vector as follows:

The normal equation

Now, it turns out that we can compute the parameter values to minimize this cost function by the following equation:

The normal equation

This is the normal equation. There are of course many ways to implement this in Python. Here is one simple way using the NumPy matrix class. Most implementations will have a regularization parameter that, among other things, prevents an error arising from attempting to transpose a singular matrix. This will occur when we have more features than training data, that is, when n is greater than m; the normal equation without regularization will not work. This is because the matrix XTX is non-transposable, and so, there is no way to calculate our term, (XTX)-1. Regularization has other benefits, as we will see shortly:

import numpy as np

def normDemo(la=.9):
    X = np.matrix('1 2 5 ; 1 4 6')
    y=np.matrix('8; 16')
    xti = ( * idx).I
    xtidt =

One of the advantages of using the normal equation is that you do not need to worry about feature scaling. Features that have different ranges (for example, if one feature has values between 1 and 10, and another feature has values between zero and 1000) will likely cause problems for gradient descent. Using the normal equation, you do not need to worry about this. Another advantage of the normal equation is that you do not need to choose the learning rate. We saw that, with gradient descent; an incorrectly chosen learning rate could either make the model unnecessarily slow or, if the learning rate is too large, it can cause the model to overshoot the minimum. This may entail an extra step in our testing phase for gradient descent.

The normal equation has its own particular disadvantages; foremost is that it does not scale as well when we have data with a large number of features. We need to calculate the inverse of the transpose of our feature matrix, X. This calculation results in an n by n matrix. Remember that n is the number of features. This actually means that on most platforms the time it takes to invert a matrix grows, approximately, as a cube of n. So, for data with a large number of features, say greater than 10,000, you should probably consider using gradient descent rather than the normal equation. Another problem that arises when using the normal equation is that, when we have more features than training data, that is, when n is greater than m, the normal equation without regularization will not work. This is because the matrix, XTX, is non-transposable, and so there is no way to calculate our term, (XTX)-1.

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