Other neural network architectures

In this chapter, we discussed one of the most popular feedforward neural network representations, the multi-layer perceptron. Neural networks are currently one of the most active research topics in the machine learning field, and there are many other neural network architectures that are well beyond the scope of this book. If you are interested in learning more about neural networks and algorithms for deep learning, I recommend reading the introduction and overview; Y. Bengio. Learning Deep Architectures for AI. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2(1):1–127, 2009. Yoshua Bengio's book is currently freely available at http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioy/papers/ftml_book.pdf.

Although neural networks really are a topic for another book, let's take at least a brief look at two other popular architectures, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks.

Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs or ConvNets) gained popularity in computer vision due to their extraordinary good performance on image classification tasks. As of today, CNNs are one of the most popular neural network architectures in deep learning. The key idea behind convolutional neural networks is to build many layers of feature detectors to take the spatial arrangement of pixels in an input image into account. Note that there exist many different variants of CNNs. In this section, we will discuss only the general idea behind this architecture. If you are interested in learning more about CNNs, I recommend you to take a look at the publications of Yann LeCun (http://yann.lecun.com), who is one of the co-inventors of CNNs. In particular, I can recommend the following literature for getting started with CNNs:

  • Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278–2324, 1998.
  • P. Y. Simard, D. Steinkraus, and J. C. Platt. Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Visual Document Analysis. IEEE, 2003, p.958.

As you will recall from our multi-layer perceptron implementation, we unrolled the images into feature vectors and these inputs were fully connected to the hidden layer—spatial information was not encoded in this network architecture. In CNNs, we use receptive fields to connect the input layer to a feature map. These receptive fields can be understood as overlapping windows that we slide over the pixels of an input image to create a feature map. The stride lengths of the window sliding as well as the window size are additional hyperparameters of the model that we need to define a priori. The process of creating the feature map is also called convolution. An example of such a convolutional layer, the layer that connects the input pixels to each unit in the feature map, is shown in the following figure:

Convolutional Neural Networks

It is important to note that the feature detectors are replicates, which means that the receptive fields that map the features to the units in the next layer share the same weights. Here, the key idea is that if a feature detector is useful in one part of the image, it might be useful in another part as well. The nice side effect of this approach is that it greatly reduces the number of parameters that need to be learned. Since we allow different patches of the image to be represented in different ways, CNNs are particularly good at recognizing objects of different sizes and different positions in an image. We do not need to worry so much about rescaling and centering the images as it has been done in MNIST.

In CNNs, a convolutional layer is followed by a pooling layer (sometimes also called sub-sampling). In pooling, we summarize neighboring feature detectors to reduce the number of features for the next layer. Pooling can be understood as a simple method of feature extraction where we take the average or maximum value of a patch of neighboring features and pass it on to the next layer. To create a deep convolutional neural network, we stack multiple layers—alternating between convolutional and pooling layers—before we connect it to a multi-layer perceptron for classification. This is shown in the following figure:

Convolutional Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) can be thought of as feedforward neural networks with feedback loops or backpropagation through time. In RNNs, the neurons only fire for a limited amount of time before they are (temporarily) deactivated. In turn, these neurons activate other neurons that fire at a later point in time. Basically, we can think of recurrent neural networks as MLPs with an additional time variable. The time component and dynamic structure allows the network to use not only the current inputs but also the inputs that it encountered earlier.

Recurrent Neural Networks

Although RNNs achieved remarkable results in speech recognition, language translation, and connected handwriting recognition, these network architectures are typically much harder to train. This is because we cannot simply backpropagate the error layer by layer; we have to consider the additional time component, which amplifies the vanishing and exploding gradient problem. In 1997, Juergen Schmidhuber and his co-workers introduced the so-called long short-term memory units to overcome this problem: Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) units; S. Hochreiter and J. Schmidhuber. Long Short-term Memory. Neural Computation, 9(8):1735–1780, 1997.

However, we should note that there are many different variants of RNNs, and a detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this book.

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