Principle component analysis

Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is the most common form of dimensionality reduction that we can apply to features. Consider the example of a dataset consisting of two features and we would like to convert this two-dimensional data into one dimension. A natural approach would be to draw a line of the closest fit and project each data point onto this line, as shown in the following graph:

Principle component analysis

PCA attempts to find a surface to project the data by minimizing the distance between the data points and the line we are attempting to project this data to. For the more general case where we have n dimensions and we want to reduce this space to k-dimensions, we find k vectors u(1),u(2), ..., u(k) onto which to project the data so as to minimize the projection error. That is we are trying to find a k-dimensional surface to project the data.

This looks superficially like linear regression however it is different in several important ways. With linear regression we are trying to predict the value of some output variable given an input variable. In PCA we are not trying to predict an output variable, rather we are trying to find a subspace onto which to project our input data. The error distances, as represented in the preceding graph, is not the vertical distance between a point and the line, as is the case for linear regression, but rather the closest orthogonal distance between the point and the line. Thus, the error lines are at an angle to the axis and form a right angle with our projection line.

An important point is that in most cases, PCA requires that the features are scaled and are mean normalized, that is, the features have zero mean and have a comparable range of values. We can calculate the mean using the following formula:

Principle component analysis

The sum is calculated by replacing the following:

Principle component analysis

If the features have scales that are significantly different, we can rescale using the following:

Principle component analysis

These functions are available in the sklearn.preprocessing module.

The mathematical process of calculating both the lower dimensional vectors and the points on these vectors where we project our original data involve first calculating the covariance matrix and then calculating the eigenvectors of this matrix. To calculate these values from first principles is quite a complicated process. Fortunately, the sklearn package has a library for doing just this:

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import numpy as np
X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]])
pca = PCA(n_components=1)

We will get the following output:

Principle component analysis
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