Chapter 9. Additional Python Machine Learning Tools

Over the course of the eight preceding chapters, we have examined and applied a range of techniques that help us enrich and model data for many applications.

We approached the content in these chapters using a combination of Python libraries, particularly NumPy and Theano, while the other libraries were drawn upon as and when we needed to access specific algorithms. We did not spend a great deal of time discussing what other options existed in terms of tools, what the unique differentiators of these tools were, or why we might be interested.

The primary goal of this final chapter is to highlight some other key libraries and frameworks that are available to you to use. These tools streamline and simplify the process of creating and applying models. This chapter presents these tools, demonstrates their application, and provides extensive advice regarding Further reading.

A major contributor to succeed in solving data science challenges and being successful as a data scientist is having a good understanding of the latest developments in algorithms and libraries. As professionals, data scientists tend to be highly dependent on the quality of the data they use, but it is also very important to have the best tools available.

In this chapter, we will review some of the best in the recent tools available to data scientists, identifying the benefits they offer, and discussing how to apply them alongside tools and techniques discussed earlier in this book within a consistent working process.

Alternative development tools

Over the last couple of years, a number of new machine learning frameworks have emerged that offer advantages in terms of workflow. Usually these frameworks are highly focused on a specific use case or objective. This makes them very useful, perhaps even must-have tools, but it also means that you may need to use multiple workflow improvement libraries.

With an ever-growing set of new Python ML projects being lit up to address specific workflow challenges, it's worth discussing two libraries that add to our existing workflow and which accelerate or improve the work we've done in the preceding chapters. In this chapter, we'll be introducing Lasagne and TensorFlow, discussing the code and capabilities of each library and identifying why each framework is worth considering as a part of your toolset.

Introduction to Lasagne

Let's face it; sometimes creating models in Python takes longer than we'd like. However, they can be efficient for models that are more complex and offer big benefits (such as GPU acceleration and configurability) libraries similar to Theano can be relatively complex to use when working on simple cases. This is unfortunate because we often want to work with simple models, for instance, when we're setting up benchmarks.

Lasagne is a library developed by a team of deep learning and music data mining researchers to work as an interface to Theano. It is designed specifically to nail a particular goal—to allow for fast and efficient prototyping of new models.

This focus dictated how Lasagne was created, to call Theano functions and return Theano expressions or numpy data types, in a much less complex and more easily understood manner than the same operations written in native Theano code.

In this section, we'll take a look at the conceptual model underlying Lasagne, apply some Lasagne code, and understand what the library adds to our existing practices.

Getting to know Lasagne

Lasagne operates using the concept of layers, a familiar concept in machine learning. A layer is a set of neurons and operating rules that will take an input and generate a score, label, or other transformations. Neural networks generally function as a set of layers that feed input data in at one end and push output values out at the other (though the ways in which this gets done vary broadly).

It has become very popular in deep learning contexts to start treating individual layers as first class citizens. Traditionally, in machine learning work, a network would be established from layers using only a few parameter specifications (such as node count, bias, and weight values).

In recent years, data scientists seeking that extra edge have begun to take increasing interest in the configuration of individual layers. Nowadays it is not unusual in advanced machine learning environments to see layers that contain sub-models and transformed inputs. Even features, nowadays, might skip layers as needed and new features may be added to layers partway through a model. As an example of some of this refinement, consider the convolutional neural network architectures employed by Google to solve image recognition challenges. These networks are extensively refined at a layer level to generate performance improvements.

It therefore makes sense that Lasagne treats layers as its basic model component. What Lasagne adds to the model creation process is the ability to stack different layers into a model quickly and intuitively. One may simply call a class within lasagne.layers to stack a class onto your model. The code for this is highly efficient and looks as follows:

l0 = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=X.shape)

l1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(
l0, num_units=10, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh)

l2 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l1, num_units=N_CLASSES, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)

In three simple statements, we have created the basic structure of a network using simple and configurable functions.

This code creates a model using three layers. The layer l0 calls the InputLayer class, acting as an input layer for our model. This layer translates our input dataset into a Theano tensor, based on the expected shape of the input (defined using the shape parameter).

The next layers, l1 and l2 are each fully connected (dense) layers. Layer l2 is defined as an output layer, with a number of units equal to the number of classes, while l1 uses the same DenseLayer class to create a hidden layer of 10 units.

In addition to configuration of the standard parameters (weights, biases, unit count and nonlinearity type) available to the DenseLayer class, it is possible to employ entirely different network types using different classes. Lasagne provides classes for a broad set of familiar layers, including dense, convolutional and pooling layers, recurrent layers, normalisation and noise layers, amongst others. There is, furthermore, a special-purpose layer class, which provides a range of additional functionality.

If something more bespoke than what these classes provide is needed, of course, the user can resort to defining their own layer type easily and use it in conjunction with other Lasagne classes. However, for a majority of prototyping and fast, iterative development contexts, this is a great amount of pre-prepared capability.

Lasagne provides a similarly succinct interface to define the loss calculation for a network:

true_output = T.ivector('true_output')
objective = lasagne.objectives.Objective(l2, loss_function=lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy)

loss = objective.get_loss(target=true_output)

The loss function defined here is one of the many available functions, including squared error, hinge loss for binary and multi-class cases, and crossentropy functions. An accuracy scoring function for validation is also provided.

With these two components, a loss function and a network architecture, we again have everything we need to train a network. To do this, we need to write a little more code:

all_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(l2)
updates = lasagne.updates.sgd(loss, all_params, learning_rate=1)
train = theano.function([l0.input_var, true_output], loss, updates=updates)

get_output = theano.function([l0.input_var], net_output)

for n in xrange(100):
 train(X, y)

This code leverages the theano functionality to train our example network, using our loss function, to iteratively train to classify a given set of input data.

Introduction to TensorFlow

When we reviewed Google's take on the convolutional neural network (CNN) in Chapter 4, Convolutional Neural Networks, we found a convoluted, many-layered beast. The question of how to create and monitor such networks only became more important as the network scales in layer count and complexity to attack challenges that are more complex.

To address this challenge, the Machine Intelligence research organisation at Google developed and distributed a library named TensorFlow, which exists to enable easier refinement and modeling of very involved machine learning models.

TensorFlow does this by providing two main benefits; a clear and simple programming interface (in this case, a Python API) onto familiar structures (such as NumPy objects), and powerful diagnostic and graph visualisation tools, such as TensorBoard, to enable informed tuning of a data architecture.

Getting to know TensorFlow

TensorFlow enables a data scientist to design data transformation operations as a flow across a computation graph. This graph can be extended and modified, while individual nodes can be tuned extensively, enabling detailed refinements of individual layers or model components. The TensorFlow workflow typically involves two phases. The first of these is referred to as the construction phase, during which a graph is assembled.

During the construction phase, we can write code using the Python API for Tensorflow. Like Lasagne, TensorFlow offers a relatively simple interface to writing network layers, requiring simply that we specify weights and bias before creating our layers. The following example shows initial setting of weight and bias variables, before creating (using one line of code each) a convolutional layer and a simple max-pooling layer. Additionally, we use tf.placeholder to generate placeholder variables for our input data.

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784])
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 10])

W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([5, 5, 1, 32]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([32]))

h_conv = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_image, W) + b)
h_pool = max_pool_2x2(h_conv)

This structure can be extended to include a softmax output layer, just as we did with Lasagne.

W_out = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1024,10]))
B_out = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))

y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(h_conv, W_out) + b_out)

Again, we can see significant improvements in the iteration time over writing directly in Theano and Python libraries. Being written in C++, TensorFlow also provides performance gains over Python, providing advantages in execution time.

Next up, we need to train and evaluate our model. Here, we'll need to write a little code to define our loss function for training (cross entropy, in this case), an accuracy function for validation and an optimisation method (in this case, steepest gradient descent).

cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y), reduction_indices=[1]))

train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(cross_entropy)

correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_,1), tf.argmax(y_,1))

accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

Following this, we can simply begin running our model iteratively. This is all succinct and very straightforward:
for i in range(20000):
  batch = mnist.train.next_batch(50)
  if i%100 == 0:
    train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={
        x:batch[0], y_: batch[1], keep_prob: 1.0})
    print("step %d, training accuracy %g"%(i, train_accuracy)){x: batch[0], y_: batch[1], keep_prob: 0.5})

print("test accuracy %g"%accuracy.eval(feed_dict={
    x: mnist.test.images, y_: mnist.test.labels, keep_prob: 1.0}))

Using TensorFlow to iteratively improve our models

Even from the single example in the preceding section, we should be able to recognise what TensorFlow brings to the table. It offers a simple interface for the task of developing complex architectures and training methods, giving us easier access to the algorithms we've learnt about earlier in this book.

As we know, however, developing an initial model is only a small part of the model development process. We usually need to test and dissect our models repeatedly to improve their performance. However, this tends to be an area where our tools are less unified in a single library or technique, and the tests and monitoring solutions less consistent across models.

TensorFlow looks to solve the problem of how to get good insight into our models during iteration, in what it calls the execution phase of model development. During the execution phase, we can make use of tools provided by the TensorFlow team to explore and improve our models.

Perhaps the most important of these tools is TensorBoard, which provides an explorable, visual representation of the model we've built. TensorBoard provides several capabilities, including dashboards that show both basic model information (including performance measurements during each iteration for test and/or training).

Using TensorFlow to iteratively improve our models

In addition, TensorBoard dashboards provide lower-level information including plots of the range of values for weights, biases and activation values at every model layer; tremendously useful diagnostic information during iteration. The process of accessing this data is hassle-free and it is immediately useful.

Using TensorFlow to iteratively improve our models

Further to this, TensorBoard provides a detailed graph of the tensor flow for a given model. The tensor is an n-dimensional array of data (in this case, of n-many features); it's what we tend to think of when we use the term the input dataset. The series of operations that is applied to a tensor is described as the tensor flow and in TensorFlow it's a fundamental concept, for a simple and compelling reason. When refining and debugging a machine learning model, what matters is having information about the model and its operations at even a low level.

Using TensorFlow to iteratively improve our models

TensorBoard graphs show the structure of a model in variable detail. From this initial view, it is possible to dig into each component of the model and into successive sub-elements. In this case, we are able to view the specific operations that take place within the dropout function of our second network layer. We can see what happens and identify what to tweak for our next iteration.

This level of transparency is unusual and can be very helpful when we want to tweak model components, especially when a model element or layer is underperforming (as we might see, for instance, from TensorBoard graphs showing layer metaparameter values or from network performance as a whole).

TensorBoards can be created from event logs and generated when TensorFlow is run. This makes the benefits of TensorBoards easily obtained during the course of everyday development using TensorFlow.

Using TensorFlow to iteratively improve our models

As of late April 2016, the DeepMind team joined the Google Brain team and a broad set of other researchers and developers in using TensorFlow. By making TensorFlow open source and freely available, Google is committing to continue supporting TensorFlow as a powerful tool for model development and refinement.

Knowing when to use these libraries

At one or two points in this chapter, we probably ran into the question of Okay, so, why didn't you just teach us about this library to begin with? It's fair to ask why we spent time digging around in Theano functions and other low-level information when this chapter presents perfectly good interfaces that make life easier.

Naturally, I advocate using the best tools available, especially for prototyping tasks where the value of the work is more in understanding the general ballpark you're in, or in identifying specific problem classes. It's worth recognising the three reasons for not presenting content earlier in this book using either of these libraries.

The first reason is that these tools will only get you so far. They can do a lot, agreed, so depending on the domain and the nature of that domain's problems, some data scientists may be able to rely on them for the majority of deep learning needs. Beyond a certain level of performance and problem complexity, of course, you need to understand what is needed to construct a model in Theano, create your own scoring function from scratch or leverage the other techniques described in this book.

Another part of the decision to focus on teaching lower-level implementation is about the developing maturity of the technologies involved. At this point, Lasagne and TensorFlow are definitely worth discussing and recommending to you. Prior to this, when the majority of the book was written, the risk around discussing the libraries in this chapter was greater. There are many projects based on Theano (some of the more prominent frameworks which weren't discussed in this chapter are Keras, Blocks and Pylearn2)

Even now, it's entirely possible that different libraries and tools will be the subject of discussion or the default working environment in a year or two years' time. This field moves extremely fast, largely due to the influence of key companies and research groups who have to keep building new tools as the old ones reach their useful limits… or it just becomes clear how to do things better.

The other reason to dig in at a lower level, honestly, is that this is an involved book. It sets theory alongside code and uses the code to teach the theory. Abstracting away how the algorithms work and simply discussing how to apply them to crack a particular example can be tempting. The tools discussed in this chapter enable practitioners to get very good scores on some problems without ever understanding the functions that are being called. My opinion is that this is not a very good way to train a data scientist.

If you're going to operate on subtle and difficult data problems, you need to be able to modify and define your own algorithm. You need to understand how to choose an appropriate solution. To do these things, you need the details provided in this book and even more very specific information that I haven't provided, due to the limitations of (page) space and time. At that point, you can apply deep learning algorithms flexibly and knowledgeably.

Similarly, it's important to recognise what these tools do well, or less well. At present, Lasagne fits very well within that use-case where a new model is being developed for benchmarking or early passes, where the priority should be on iteration speed and getting results.

TensorFlow, meanwhile, fits later into the development lifespan of a model. When the easy gains disappear and it's necessary to spend a lot of time debugging and improving a model, the relatively quick iterations of TensorFlow are a definite plus, but it's the diagnostic tools provided by TensorBoard that present an overwhelming value-add.

There is, therefore, a place for both libraries in your toolset. Depending on the nature of the problem at hand, these libraries and more will prove to be valuable assets.

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