Operations and statistics

Features can be defined by the allowable operations that can be performed on them. Consider two features: a person's age and their phone number. Although both these features can be described by integers, they actually represent two very different types of information. This is clear when we see which operations we can usefully perform on them. For example, calculating the average age of a group of people will give us a meaningful result; calculating the average phone number will not.

We can call the range of possible calculations that can be performed on a feature as its statistics. These statistics describe three separate aspects of data. These are—its central tendency, its dispersion, and its shape.

To calculate the central tendency of data, we usually use one or more of the following statistics: the mean (or average), the median (or the middle value in an ordered list), and the mode (or the majority of all values). The mode is the only statistic that can be applied to all data types. To calculate the median, we need feature values that can be somehow ordered, that is ordinal or quantitative. To calculate the mean, values must be expressed on some scale, such as the linear scale. In other words they will need to be quantitative features.

The most common way of calculating dispersion is through the statistics of variance or standard deviation. These are both really the same measure but on different scales, with standard deviation being useful because it is expressed on the same scale as the feature itself. Also, remember that the absolute difference between the mean and the median is never larger than the standard deviation. A simpler statistic for measuring dispersion is the range, which is just the difference between the minimum and maximum values. From here, of course, we can estimate the feature's central tendency by calculating the mid-range point. Another way to measure dispersion is using units such as percentiles or deciles to measure the ratio of instances falling below a particular value. For example, the pth percentile is the value that p percent of instances fall below.

Measuring shape statistics is a little more complicated and can be understood using the idea of the central moment of a sample. This is defined as follows:

Operations and statistics

Here, n is the number of samples, μ is the sample mean, and k is an integer. When k = 1, the first central moment is 0 because this is simply the average deviation from the mean, which is always 0. The second central moment is the average squared deviation from the mean, which is the variance. We can define skewness as follows:

Operations and statistics

Here ơ is the standard deviation. If this formula gives a value that is positive, then there are more instances with values above the mean rather than below. The data, when graphed, is skewed to the right. When the skew is negative, the converse is true.

We can define kurtosis as a similar relationship for the fourth central moment:

Operations and statistics

It can be shown that a normal distribution has a kurtosis of 3. At values above this, the distribution will be more peaked. At kurtosis values below 3, the distribution will be flatter.

We previously discussed the three types of data, that is, categorical, ordinal, and quantitative.

Machine learning models will treat the different data types in very distinct ways. For example, a decision tree split on a categorical feature will give rise to as many children as there are values. For ordinal and quantitative features, the splits will be binary, with each parent giving rise to two children based on a threshold value. As a consequence, tree models treat quantitative features as ordinal, ignoring the features scale. When we consider probabilistic models such as the Bayes classifier, we can see that it actually treats ordinal features as categorical, and the only way in which it can handle quantitative features is to turn them into a finite number of discrete values, therefore converting them to categorical data.

Geometric models, in general, require features that are quantitative. For example, linear models operate in a Euclidean instance space, with the features acting as Cartesian coordinates. Each feature value is considered as a scalar relationship to other feature values. Distance-based models, such as the k-nearest neighbor, can incorporate categorical features by setting the distance to 0 for equal values and 1 for unequal values. Similarly, we can incorporate ordinal features into distance-based models by counting the number of values between two values. If we are encoding feature values as integers, then the distance is simply the numerical difference. By choosing an appropriate distance metric, it is possible to incorporate ordinal and categorical features into distance-based models.

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