Chapter 5. Semi-Supervised Learning


In previous chapters, we've tackled a range of data challenges using advanced techniques. In each case, we've applied our techniques to datasets with reasonable success.

In many regards, though, we've had it pretty easy. Our data has been largely derived from canonical and well-prepared sources so we haven't had to do a great deal of preparation. In the real world, though, there are few datasets like this (except, perhaps, the ones that we're able to specify ourselves!). In particular, it is rare and improbable to come across a dataset in the wild, which has class labels available. Without labels on a sufficient portion of the dataset, we find ourselves unable to build a classifier that can accurately predict labels on validation or test data. So, what do we do?

The common solution is attempt to tag our data manually; not only is this time-consuming, but it also suffers from certain types of human error (which are especially common with high-dimensional datasets, where a human observer is unable to identify class boundaries as well as a computational approach might).

A fairly new and quite exciting alternative approach is to use semi-supervised learning to apply labels to unlabeled data via capturing the shape of underlying distributions. Semi-supervised learning has been growing in popularity over the last decade for its ability to save large amounts of annotation time, where annotation, if possible, may potentially require human expertise or specialist equipment. Contexts where this has proven to be particularly valuable have been natural language parsing and speech signal analysis; in both areas, manual annotation has proven to be complex and time-consuming.

In this chapter, you're going to learn how to apply several semi-supervised learning techniques, including, Contrastive Pessimistic Likelihood Estimation (CPLE), self learning, and S3VM. These techniques will enable us to label training data in a range of otherwise problematic contexts. You'll learn to identify the capabilities and limitations of semi-supervised techniques. We'll use a number of recent Python libraries developed on top of scikit-learn to apply semi-supervised techniques to several use cases, including audio signal data.

Let's get started!

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