Supply chain standard reports

The following are the JDE Supply Chain Management standard reports:

Report ID and report name



R41540 — Item Ledger Detail

This report lists the cumulative transactions from balance forward records before the G/L date that you selected in the processing options.

Inventory Management

R41530 — Stock Status

This report is used to list the location and status of the inventory items in a specific branch, plant, or warehouse.

Inventory Management

R41550 — Inventory Journal

This report is used to review the transactions against the inventory.

Inventory Management

R41590 — Valuation Report

This report is used to review the extended value of on-hand inventory.

Inventory Management

R41116 — Inventory Turn Report

This report is used to review the details of a cost center, item, and date range combination that you specify.

Inventory Management

R4051 — Supply and Demand Report

This report provides information about an item's demand, supply, and available quantities.

Inventory Management

R41700 — Margin Report

This report is used to identify the profit margin based on current information.

Inventory Management

R41580 — Cost Report

This report lists items that have a transaction cost that is different from the current average cost that you specified in the processing options.

Inventory Management

R41505 — Lot Trace and Track Print

This report provides trace and track information of the inventory items with lot number.

Inventory Management

R4152 — Buyers Guide

This report lists product and item performance information.

Inventory Management

R41560 — Item Master Directory

This report lists the item master records.

Inventory Management

R41510 — Price Book Report

This report lists the current prices for the inventory.

Inventory Management

R4164 — ABC Analysis Report

This report is based on the principle that a small number of items will account for the largest part of a company's business.

Inventory Management

R43530 — Request for Quotation

This report is used for quotations and shows the supplier information with order details.

Procurement Management

R43510 — Purchase Receiver Report

This report shows the details of purchases received at the customer warehouse.

Procurement Management

R43535 — Order Revisions History

This report is used to review the history of orders with all of their details.

Procurement Management

R43512 — Inventory Receipt Register

This report is used to review the details for received items with supplier and receipt details.

Procurement Management

R4401P — Order Detail

This report is used to review the details of orders that have been placed.

Procurement Management

R43632 — Open Purchase Order

This report is used to review the details of open purchase orders, by item.

Procurement Management

R43525 — Purchase Order Status

This report is used to review the status of purchase orders.

Procurement Management

R43415 — PO Summary by Supplier

This report is used to review purchase order information by supplier.

Procurement Management

R43420 — Purchase Ledger Report

This report is used to list the original detail line information and changes that have been made to the quantity or extended amount on each detail line.

Procurement Management

R43412 — Received/Vouched Status Report

This report is used to review the received and vouchered quantities with open quantity and amounts.

Procurement Management

R43428 — Logged Voucher

This report shows the details of logged vouchers with invoice number, document number, due date, and amount.

Procurement Management

R43450 — Voucher Reconciliation

This is a report that shows orders received but not vouchered.

Procurement Management

R04602 — Supplier Analysis

This report shows supplier analysis details.

Procurement Management

R42640 — Held Sales Orders

This report is used to review the list of all sales orders that are on hold for these reasons: credit, profit margin, partial order hold, and price review.

Sales Order Management

R42810 — Sales Journal

This report is used to review the sales details by customer, invoice number, and invoice date.

Sales Order Management

R42620 — Open Sales Orders

This report is used to review the orders that have been picked but not shipped, orders that have been picked but not billed, and the open orders that have passed the customer's requested ship date.

Sales Order Management

R42600 — Sales Ledger

This report is used to analyze the sales history.

Sales Order Management

R42611 — Sales Analysis Summary

This report is used to review period-to-date and year-to-date sales amounts and sales margins.

Sales Order Management

R42632 — Open Sales Order by Item

This report is used to review the number of open orders for an item and determine how to fill them using availability information.

Sales Order Management

R42118 — Backorders Report

This report is used to review the back orders, with branch/plant, order number, item number, and quantity failed.

Sales Order Management

R42520 — Print Pick Slip

This report is used to print ordered items that need to be shipped, and from which location and lot number they should be picked.

Sales Order Management

R42535 — Print Delivery Note

This report is used to print shipping documents that should accompany the order to its destination. Delivery personnel can use these documents to compare what they are supposed to deliver with what they are transporting.

Sales Order Management

R42810 — Print Sales Journal

This report is used to print the sales order with the following information: total invoice amounts, cost of goods sold, and profit amounts.

Sales Order Management

R42950 — Batch Update Sales Price/Cost

This report is used to adjust item price/cost by the new amount.

Sales Order Management

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