
l1-norm minimization, 276

A*, 124, 127

AC, 449, 450, 452, 456, 460462

accommodation, 4, 29, 491

acquisition model, 257, 259, 261


illumination, 128, 133

pixels, 252, 253, 264, 266, 269, 270, 274276, 278

adaptation, 170, 178

chromatic, 150, 154, 168, 171

dark, 171

general brightness, 150, 153, 154

lateral brightness, 150

light, 171

steady-state, 170

temporal, 170

transient, 171


kernel design, 258, 261

processing, 180, 189

Wiener filter, 262


equation, 46

noise, 257

mutually independent Gaussian, 259

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 438, 439, 443, 444, 448, 451

aesthetics-assisted web search, 114

album management, 115

alternating projection, 229, 230

amacrine cells, 9

amplitude modulation, 287, 308

anisotropic diffusion, 255


brightness, 475, 479, 492

contrast, 470, 472, 475, 495

depth, 492, 494

motion smoothness, 496

resolution, 487, 490

application, 114

arithmetic coding, 435

astigmatism, 5


mask, 270274

modeling, 264

attentive-perceptual mask, 275


exposure, 124, 127129

focus, 124, 127, 128, 135

photo enhancement, 114

white balancing, 124, 127, 128, 137, 178, 179

color-by-correlation, 179

gray world, 179, 180

illuminant voting, 179

iterative processing, 179

white world, 179

average operator, 261

background simplicity, 108

backlight flushing, 483, 487

backward-compatible stereo, 493

bag-of-words model, 364


functions, 226

pursuit, 227

Bayer pattern, 139, 141, 142

Bayes rule, 258

Bayesian SR formulation, 259

BDI, See black data insertion

BF, See backlight flushing

BFI, See blurred frame insertion

bilateral filter, 229


depth cue, 29

disparity, 491, 492

biochemical reactions, 46

bipolar cells, 9

black data insertion, 483, 487


image integrity notator, 73

spot, 8

Bloch’s law, 480

block cipher, 438

block-based processing, 186

blockiness, 79


estimation, 204

global blur metric, 204

gradient-based, 204, 212

motion blur, 204

out of focus, 204

pixel-level blur metric, 206

scale-space-based, 206, 212

space-varying blur metric, 204

spatially variant blur, 204

quality assessment, 71

visualization, 207

incremental superimposition, 207

independent superimposition, 207

blurred frame insertion, 483, 487

blurring, 106

matrix, 260

BM3D, 230, 233

brightness, 151, 475

brute-force attack, 439, 451

camera responsivities, 152, 153

camera-to-object motion, 252

capture mode

still, 128

video, 128

center-surround differences, 272

charge transfer rate, 252

chosen-ciphertext attack, 439, 441, 453

chosen-plaintext attack, 439, 441, 445, 453

chroma, 188, 473


aberration, 5

adaptation, 125, 168, 170, 171, 178

adaptation point, 150, 152

chromaticity, 150154

diagram, 27, 174

space, 176

chrominance, 175, 176

CIE L*, 130, 131, 174

cipher block chaining (CBC), 438, 439, 451

ciphertext-only attack, 439, 441, 445, 452, 453

circularly symmetric, 260

classification, 112

clustering, 231, 242

collective updating, 230

collinear, 177

color, 98, 169, 171

channel correlation, 125, 141, 143

chromaticity, 177

constancy, 178

correction, 125, 126, 153, 154, 187

difference, 177

distribution, 99

enhancement, 180, 182187, 189

filter, 167, 178

array (CFA), 124, 125, 139141, 186

gamut, 28

harmony, 100

interpolation, 125, 139

management, 173

matching, 24, 172

functions, 25, 151153

modeling, 177, 180, 189

primaries, 151153, 172

ratio, 177, 181

rendering, 149, 150, 152, 154


perceptual, 174

standardized, 172

sensation, 169

space, 172

Lab, 174

Luv, 174, 175

opponent, 175

RGB, 172

XYZ, 173

statistics, 98

stimulus, 171, 178

vector, 175

color-by-correlation, 179

colorfulness, 150, 151, 153, 154

colorimetric match, 154

absolute, 152

relative, 152, 153

colorimetry, 151

absolute, 151

relative, 151, 152

combinatorial approach, 180, 183, 189

Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE), 151154, 172

complex cells, 13

compression, 126, 158161

artifact removal, 224, 232

artifacts, 252

frame dropping rates, 252

lossless, 126, 159

lossy, 126, 159

rates, 252


complexity, 186, 252, 253, 270, 278, 282

efficiency, 252, 253, 263, 264, 278

power, 252, 255

concealment attack, 454

conditional probability distribution, 259

cones, 6, 169

conjugate gradient, 253

conjunctive movement, 38

conspicuity maps, 272

constraint least squares, 253

contour integration, 224, 242

contrast, 171, 185, 187, 470, 471

masking, 58, 60, 61, 65, 74, 160, 161, 267

maximization, 136

sensitivity, 60, 66, 73, 74, 266, 267

detector, 270

mask, 270

model, 267

threshold, 253, 267, 281


movement, 38

rates, 262

convex cost function, 259

cornea, 3

Cornsweet illusion, 471, 494

cost function, 260, 266, 270, 275

curse of dimensionality, 223, 225

dark adaptation, 171

database, 94

DC, 436, 449452, 455462

DCTune, 66

decimation matrix, 257, 260

decreases, 22

defective pixel, 149


matrix, 257, 259, 260

process, 254, 277

demosaicking, 125, 139

depolarization, 47

depth, 105

cues, 29, 491

perception, 491

depth of field, 3

descriptive models, 225

detection thresholds, 265, 280

deterministic annealing (DA), 231

dictionary, 226

coding, 435

difference of Gaussians (DoG), 273

differential mean opinion score, 62

diffraction, 3


camera, 124126, 149, 152154, 167, 168, 178, 187

color imaging, 167

multimedia, 252

video quality metric, 74

watermarking, 432, 441, 442, 446, 453, 462, 463

diopters, 3

diplopia, 491

direct binary search, 289291, 300, 301, 303, 304

direction, 175

direction-selective cells, 13

discomfort, 491


cosine transform (DCT), 159, 223, 226, 267, 433, 435, 436, 445, 449, 450, 452458, 461463

wavelet transform (DWT), 435, 449, 450, 463

disjunctive movement, 38

disparity, 470, 491, 492

compression, 493

detection thresholds, 492

metric, 493

model, 492

sensitivity function, 492

distortion agnostic

no-reference QA, 69

quality assessment (QA), 72

distortion identification-based image verity and integrity evaluation, 72, 73

distributed coding, 434

divergence movement, 38

divisive normalization, 61

dominant, 320, 321, 325, 331, 336, 353

dorsal pathway, 44

dot product, 177

double-stimulus studies, 62

DRM (digital rights management), 440

DSCT, 402

duration of blur, 50

dyadic Gaussian scales, 272

dynamic range, 150, 152

eccentricity, 273

ecological perception, 37

edge, 205

activity, 141, 143

detector, 141, 143

enhancement, 126, 155158

linear, 156

nonlinear, 157

soft thresholding, 157

profile, 143

similarity score (ESS), 455

edge-adaptive interpolation, 196

efference copy signal, 39

electronic code book (ECB), 438, 439

electrophotographic, 287, 288

ellipsoidal signal classes, 255

end-stopped cells, 13


brightness, 475, 479

contrast, 470, 475

depth, 495

resolution, 487, 490

entropy, 435, 455

coding, 435, 443, 445


criteria, 260

l1-norm, 260

lp-norm, 258

diffusion, 288, 289

error-concealment attack (ECA), 433, 445 454460, 462, 463

Euclidean distance, 175, 188

execution time, 186

exposure, 127130

analysis, 130, 133

control, 133

error, 130, 133

index (EI), 134, 135

parameters, 129, 130, 133135

proper, 130

still, 130

time, 128, 133135

maximum, 135

minimum, 135

still, 127, 135

video, 128, 135

video, 130

weighting, 131

area, 131

classification, 132

modulation, 132

tonal, 131

extract-and-superimpose, 202

eye movement, 5

conjunctive, 38

convergence, 38

disjunctive, 38

divergence, 38

saccadic, 39

smooth pursuit, 39

f/number, 133135

face-related features, 108

facilitation, 22

feature extraction, 97, 111

feedback dominant phase, 45

feedforward dominant phase, 45

film speed, 127

first-generation patch models, 226, 229, 235, 241, 242

fixation points, 269

fixed-length coding (FLC), 443, 445, 449, 450

flare correction, 154, 155

flash, 133135, 139

fluorescent, 171

focal length, 3


analysis, 136

control, 137

region, 136

setting, 135, 136

format compliance, 442447, 449, 450

Fourier transform, 303, 304, 311, 312

fovea, 8, 38

foveal region, 269

fractional pixel shifts, 257

frame rate doubling, 483, 487

FRD, See frame rate doubling

frequency modulation, 288

Fresnel approximation, 479

FRM (underflow/overflow rate minimization), 459, 460, 462

full-reference quality assessment, 56, 57, 62, 65, 67, 69, 7375, 79, 80

Gabor filter, 272, 273

gamma correction, 153, 154, 174, 184

ganglion cells, 9


filter, 289, 296, 309

lens formula, 2

random variable, 257

random variables, 259

visual model, 295, 296

generative models, 225

geometric regularity property, 255

Gestalt, 322, 337

Gibbs prior, 259

glare, 476

global, 320325, 327, 329331, 334336, 339, 343346, 354

invariant, 229

reference color vector, 180, 183, 186

spectral characteristics, 168, 180, 186

thresholding, 265

golden-section rule, 102

gradient direction, 204, 205


18 percent, 130

midtone, 130

world, 179, 180


criteria, 400

model, 400, 403, 406

saliency measure, 403, 408

hidden Markov trees, 255

high dynamic range (HDR), 132

high-frequency detection methods, 264

entropy based, 264

gradient based, 264


attributes, 109

concept ontology, 373

semantic feature, 201

defected eyes, 201

realism, 201

simplicity, 201

high-pass operator, 259

high-resolution picture, 194, 196, 202, 204, 205

Hilbert space, 224, 226, 228, 243

histogram, 321, 323328, 333, 339, 340, 342344, 347352, 354

Hodgkin-Huxley equation, 46

hold-type blur, 481, 484

holographic display, 291

homomorphic encryption, 443

horizontal cells, 9

HR media, 252, 280

acquisition, 252

display, 252

transmission, 252

HR multimedia, 251, 252

HR priors, 259

Huber-Markov random fields, 259

hue, 150, 151, 188

cancellation experiment, 26

count, 99

difference, 188

Huffman coding, 435


study, 94


detection model, 266

sensitivity, 266

system (HVS), 124126, 139141, 143, 168171, 174176, 178, 225, 241, 253, 264, 266, 267, 269, 280, 433, 435

HVS perception, 270

hyperpolarization, 47

hysteresis, 44

illuminant, 137, 138, 168, 171, 178

mixed, 138, 139

voting, 179

illumination, 101, 171, 176


acquisition, 252

browsing, 194

deblurring, 203

denoising, 203, 208, 224, 232, 234

high resolution (HR), 251, 252, 254, 265

low resolution (LR), 254, 255, 257, 275

models, 225

patches, 225

processing chain, 124126

quality, 252, 263, 270, 274

assessment, 187, 234

rendering, 184

representation, 175

resampling, 196

B-spline approximation, 196

bicubic filter, 196

bilinear filter, 196

decimation, 196

high-order piecewise polynomial, 196

Lanczos, 196

resolution, 252

restoration, 229, 231, 255

retargeting, 198

sensor, 178, 186

CCD, 168

CMOS, 168

image quality assessment, 56, 65

impulse filter, 149

independent component analysis (ICA), 227

inter-pattern associations, 403, 405

International Telecommunications Union, 62, 75

interpolation, 252, 254, 260, 272, 275

adaptive, 143

bicubic, 254

bilinear, 254

chrominance, 143, 144

coefficients, 255

edge-directed, 255

kernel, 261, 262

kernel-based, 256

luminance, 141, 144


halftoning, 224, 232, 239, 241

problem, 252, 254, 256, 262, 263

ill-posed, 254, 255

involuntary fixation mechanism, 5

iris, 4

ISO, 134

noise limited, 134

saturation limited, 134


regularized optimization, 258

super-resolution, 279

JND-based saliency detector, 274

joint multimedia encryption-encoding (JMEE), 432, 433, 441, 443446

JPEG, 159161, 223, 226, 238, 433, 436, 449

quality assessment, 69

standard, 267

JPEG 2000, 436, 440, 448, 450

quality assessment, 70

judder, 128

just noticeable difference (JND), 66, 74, 188, 267, 268

K-SVD, 227, 233

Karhunen-Loève transform (KLT), 226

Kerckhoffs’ principle, 438

known-plaintext attack, 439, 441, 445, 453

Lab space, 174, 188

lateral geniculate nucleus, 11

leaky-integrator model, 46

least-squares error minimization, 259

lenticular lens, 291

light, 169

adaptation, 171, 266

source, 168

lightness, 19, 101, 150, 175, 188

contrast, 102

line spread function, 4


correlation coefficient, 63

perspective, 106

programming (LP), 461, 462

lithographic film, 287

Lloyd’s algorithm, 291, 297, 299302, 305, 315


average luminance, 17

band-limited contrast, 18

color ratio, 181

gains, 183

image features, 265

non-perceptual detection thresholds, 265

reference color vector, 183

spectral characteristics, 168, 180, 186

transient, 229

locality principle, 226

log-likelihood function, 258


features, 98, 253, 263, 266, 270, 272, 282

image feature, 199

bloom, 201

blur, 194, 195, 199, 202, 204, 212

noise, 194, 195, 199, 202, 208, 215

overexposure, 201

underexposure, 201

stimuli, 266

lowpass filter, 202

luma, 146, 147

luminance, 146, 147, 150, 151, 153, 175, 176

adaptation, 469

contrast, 153, 154

factor, 151153

masking, 268

sensitivity, 60, 266

similarity score (LSS), 455

variations, 266

Luv space, 174, 188

M-cells, 10

Macbeth color checker, 188

magnitude, 175

magnocellular, 10

layers, 11

pathway, 44

manifold, 229, 243

MAP optimization, 259

masking thresholds, 266

MCIF, See motion compensated filtering


opinion score, 62

square error, 262

median operator, 261


equation, 46

potential, 46

metamers, 25, 169

Michelson contrast, 16


l1 norm, 276

l1-norm, 256

least-squares error, 259

regularized norm, 256, 258, 260, 279

Minkowski sum, 66, 74

mise-en-scène, 400

ML estimation, 259

mode of operation, 438

model vector, 370

model-data mismatch, 243

modulation transfer function, 4

monitor, 149, 152154

cathode-ray tube (CRT), 152

liquid-crystal display (LCD), 152

monocular depth cues, 29

Monte Carlo, 232

morphing, 482, 486

motion, 128, 135

blur, 40, 41, 127, 128, 133, 135, 480

compensated filtering, 484, 487

compensation, 445

deblurring, 42, 49

estimation, 135, 258

parallax, 39

vector, 436, 450

vectors, 258

motion-based video integrity evaluation, 76

motor compensation, 39

moving ghosts problem, 40

MPEG, 226, 433, 436, 440, 445, 448450, 452, 453

MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 436

MPEG-7 standard, 369, 374, 378

multi-frame reconstruction, 256

multi-resolution analysis, 255

multimedia delivery chain, 252

multiplicative equation, 46

naive encryption, 442

natural scene statistics, 59, 67, 69

Nernst potential, 46

neurotransmitter, 47

neutral, 137, 138

no-reference quality assessment, 56, 69, 73, 77, 78, 80

noise, 125, 126, 144148, 155, 157

amplification, 126

distribution, 148, 149

estimation, 208

multirate, 210, 215

region-based, 208, 215

impulse, 149

power spectrum (NPS), 146, 147

chroma, 147

luma, 146, 147

read, 149

reduction, 125, 126, 144148, 158

shot, 148

variance, 259

visualization, 210

non-expansive mapping, 229

non-uniform sampler, 261

nonconvex, 227, 230, 232, 243


filter, 229

map, 229

nonlinearity, 229


mean denoising, 229

regularization, 230

sparse representation, 231, 240

sparsity, 224, 237

nonparametric sampling, 224

normalized color ratio, 177, 181


diagram, 140

limits, 254

sampling frequency, 140

object reflectance, 171

objective quality assessment, 56, 187

oblique effect, 140


constraint set, 230

model, 253, 257, 258, 274, 277

blur-warp, 260, 261

warp-blur, 260

window, 261, 262

oculomotor cues, 29

ontology, 373, 377, 381


color space, 175

colors, 12, 26


chiasm, 11

nerve, 9

radiation, 11

tracts, 11


flow, 483, 486

power, 3

optimization, 460463

optokinetic nystagmus (OKN), 40

outlier, 320322, 324, 326, 328, 335337, 339, 354

ratio, 63

overcomplete representation, 227

P-cells, 10

Panum’s fusional area, 491


approximation, 267

model, 267

parametric modeling, 262

partial threshold matrices, 295

parvocellular, 10

layers, 11

pathway, 44

patch-based image models, 243

patches, 223

peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), 57, 67, 72, 75, 233, 454, 455, 458, 459, 462

perceived contrast, 171

perception, 169, 175, 189, 320324, 328, 335


automatic thresholds, 265

blur highlight, 204

cluster, 403

detection, 253, 264, 276

feature, 194, 195, 199

grouping, 401, 403, 408, 411

mask, 268, 269, 274

match, 151, 153155

modeling, 253, 263, 266

organization, 242, 400

prominence, 400, 413, 415

quality, 187, 253, 264, 265

representation, 174

video quality metric, 75

weighting, 264, 280


active pixels, 266, 270

driven super-resolution, 253

significant pixels, 253, 264

personalized aesthetics, 115

PGA, See perceptual grouping algorithm


space, 232

transition, 232

photo selection, 115

photopic vision, 6, 169

photoreceptor, 169

cones, 169

rods, 169

piecewise smoothness

constraints, 259

priors, 259

pixel density, 252

pixel-adaptive gains, 180, 186

point spread function (PSF), 4, 257, 260

positive feedback, 44

Post-Script, 287

predictive coding, 436

presbyopia, 4


color, 173

visual cortex, 12, 266


distribution, 259

model, 254, 259, 262, 275

probability, 258

a posteriori, 258

conditional distribution, 259

distribution, 258

prior HR model, 259


high-level flow, 127

parameters, 134

preview, 128

video, 128

proprioceptive signal, 39

psychovisual experiment, 188

pupil, 4

pursuit movements, 6

PVEA (Perceptual Video Encryption Algorithm), 450

quality of experience, 57

quantization, 159161

radially averaged power spectral densities, 300, 301

random errors, 257

rating scale, 187

RC 4, 438, 444, 448, 451


imaging, 186

processing, 252

receptive field, 10

RECOD model, 43

reduced-reference quality assessment, 56, 62

redundancy, 241

exploitation, 224, 241, 242

reduction, 241

redundant representations, 225

reference white, 174

reflectance, 171, 178, 179

refraction, 2


thesaurus, 367

type, 368

context, 377

ontology, 377

region-of-interest encryption, 442

regression, 113


constraint set, 230

term, 256, 258, 260

bilateral total variation, 256

regularization term, 276

bilateral total variation, 276

regularized minimization, 262

replacement attack, 454

reproducible research, 243

reprojection, 482

reset phase, 45

resolution cells, 223

retina, 6, 169, 170


distance, 47

map, 37

mapping, 11

representation, 37

RGB space, 172, 173

rhodopsin, 7

rods, 6, 169

root mean squared error, 63

rule of thirds, 102

run-length coding, 435

saccades, 5, 269

saccadic movement, 39


detection, 253, 278

map, 270274, 278, 281

saliency-based visual attention, 270, 281


features, 253, 269

sampling array, 140

checkerboard, 140

diagonal, 140

horizontal and vertical, 140

luminance, 140

luminance-chrominance, 139

Nyquist frequency, 140

pattern, 140

saturation, 187

scalable encryption, 442

scene, 167, 168

context, 365, 373

detail, 125

illuminant, 168, 178, 179

interpretation, 415, 420

reflectance, 178

scotopic vision, 6, 169

second-generation patch models, 227, 229, 242

secondary color, 173


attention mask, 270

encryption, 432, 444447

semantic gap, 360

sensitivity, 169171

sensor, 125

camera, 124, 125

noise, 257

sensory coding, 241, 242

set theoretic, 229, 240

shape, 104

sharpening, 126, 155

sharpness, 106, 135, 136, 145147, 155

shot noise, 252

shunting equation, 46

shutter, 128

sign bit encryption, 441, 445, 449

similarity, 320, 323326

simple cells, 12

simulated annealing, 230

single-stimulus studies, 62

size preservation, 444, 445, 449

small-size LCD display, 194

smooth pursuit

eye motion, 481, 488

movement, 39


constraints, 259

prior model, 259

Snell’s law, 2

space-time blobs, 402

sparsity, 224, 227

spatial, 320322, 325327, 329332, 334337, 339, 340, 342345, 348, 353, 354

composition, 102

resolution, 288

spatio-temporal information, 255

Spearman’s rank ordered correlation coefficient, 63, 73, 77

spectral power distribution, 171

spectral sensitivity, 169

SPEM, See smooth pursuit eye motion

SPIHT, 235

SSIM (structural similarity index), 455

staircase effects, 254

statistically independent, 258

steady-state adaptation, 170

steepest descent, 275, 276

stereo, 491

3D, 491

stimulus, 178

stream cipher, 438, 452

structural similarity index, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 79, 233


colorfulness, 108

location, 108

region, 107

subject-background contrast, 108

subjective quality assessment, 56, 62, 187


motion, 255, 256

shifts, 257

subsampling, 202

sunlight, 171

super-resolution (SR), 252, 253

attentive-selective perceptual (AT-SELP), 253, 270, 272, 274, 278, 281

fusion-restoration (AT-SELP-FR), 276, 278, 279

MAP-based (AT-SELP-MAP), 275, 278, 279


MAP estimator, 258

MAP-based, 258, 274, 275

maximum a posteriori (MAP), 256

maximum likelihood (ML), 258

entropy-based, 265

FR-based, 279, 282

fusion-interpolation (FI), 255, 256, 258, 262

fusion-restoration (FR), 256, 258, 260, 262, 275

kernel-based, 254, 262

learning-based, 255, 262, 265

MAP-based, 253, 259, 262, 274, 278, 279, 282

maximum a posteriori (MAP), 258

model-based, 255

multi-frame, 253255, 257, 279

non-iterative kernel-based, 252, 258, 261

non-perceptual gradient-based, 264, 265

perceptually driven, 274

selective, 279

problem, 252, 256258, 260, 276, 279

regularized-norm minimization, 256, 258, 260, 279

selective, 252, 264

perceptual (SELP), 265

perceptually driven, 264

selective perceptual (SELP), 253

single-frame, 254, 255


Bayesian, 252

iterative, 252

non-iterative, 252

regularized optimization, 252

two-step fusion-restoration (FR), 253, 275

superior colliculus, 11

sustained channel, 44

system noise, 252


adaptation, 170

integration, 45, 480

upsampling, 481, 482, 484

texture and pattern, 104

thumbnail, 193, 196

perceptual thumbnail, 194, 195, 199, 203, 212

ROI-based thumbnail, 194, 195, 198

signal-level thumbnail, 194196, 215

tone scaling, 126, 184, 187

transducer function, 493

transducing agent, 47


adaptation, 171

channel, 44

transient-on-sustained inhibition, 45

transparent encryption, 432, 446

trichromacy, 25


coordinates, 25

values, 151154, 172

tungsten, 171

tuning parameters, 260

underdetermined system, 260

unified context, 380

ontology, 381

unit sphere, 175

unsharp masking, 472

3D, 474

unsupervised clustering, 402

using object models, 420

grouping-cum recognition, 423, 427

USO (Uehara-Safavi-Ogunbona), 458460

variable-length coding (VLC), 435, 443445, 449

vector space, 175

ventral pathway, 44

vergence, 29, 491

vestibular system, 39

vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), 39


aesthetics, 116

quality assessment, 56, 73

quality metric, 75


comfort, 491, 492

environment, 149, 152, 154

flare, 152, 154, 155


persistence, 50

spectrum, 169, 171

vision, 169


acuity, 269, 270

aesthetic quality, 91

assessment, 93

aesthetics, 92

assessment system, 96

attention, 253, 269, 270, 278, 280

foveated gaze attentive model (GAF), 271

frequency-tuned attention model (FT), 271

hierarchical visual attention (IT), 271

balance, 103

context, 372

cortex, 11

cues, 29

descriptor, 367

difference predictor, 66

discrimination model, 74

information fidelity, 68, 80

quality, 252, 256, 263, 269, 274, 281

assessment, 447, 452, 454, 455, 460

signal-to-noise ratio, 67

void-and-cluster (VaC), 292, 301, 309, 311314

voluntary fixation mechanism, 5


centroidal tessellations, 290, 291, 297301, 303, 304

diagrams, 290

optimization algorithm, 303

warping matrix, 260

wavelength, 169

wavelet domain, 255

Weber contrast, 15

Weber’s law, 60

Weber-Fechner law, 15

weighted sum, 257

white balancing, 125, 168, 178180, 182, 183, 187, 189

analysis, 137, 138

control, 139

gray world, 179, 180

white world, 179

white-point correction, 125

WMSN (wireless multimedia sensor network), 434, 444

XYZ space, 173

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