Cleaning data

To gain an understanding of which cleaning operations may be required for a particular dataset, we need to consider how the data was collected. One of the major cleaning operations involves dealing with missing data. We have already encountered an example of this in the last chapter, when we examined the temperature data. In this instance, the data had a quality parameter, so we could simply exclude the incomplete data. However, this may not be the best solution for many applications. It may be necessary to fill in the missing data. How do we decide what data to use? In the case of our temperature data, we could fill the missing values in with the average values for that time of year. Notice that we presuppose some domain knowledge, for example, the data is more or less periodic; it is in line with the seasonal cycle. So, it is a fair assumption that we could take the average for that particular date for every year we have a reliable record. However, consider that we are attempting to find a signal representing an increase in temperature due to climate change. In that case, taking the average for all years would distort the data and potentially hide a signal that could indicate warming. Once again, this requires extra knowledge and is specific about what we actually want to learn from the data.

Another consideration is that missing data may be one of three types, which are as follows:

  • empty
  • zero
  • null

Different programming environments may treat these slightly differently. Out of the three, only zero is a measurable quantity. We know that zero can be placed on a number line before 1, 2, 3, and so on, and we can compare other numbers to zero. So, normally zero is encoded as numeric data. Empties are not necessarily numeric, and despite being empty, they may convey information. For example, if there is a field for middle name in a form, and the person filling out the form does not have a middle name, then an empty field accurately represents a particular situation, that is, having no middle name. Once again, this depends on the domain. In our temperature data, an empty field indicates missing data as it does not make sense for a particular day to have no maximum temperature. Null values, on the other hand, in computing, mean something slightly different from its everyday usage. For the computer scientist, null is not the same thing as no value or zero. Null values cannot be compared to anything else; they indicate that a field has a legitimate reason for not having an entry. Nulls are different than empty values. In our middle name example, a null value would indicate that it is unknown if the person has a middle name or not.

Another common data cleaning task is converting the data to a particular format. For our purposes here, the end data format we are interested in is a Python data structure such as a NumPy array. We have already looked at converting data from the JSON and HTML formats, and this is fairly straight forward.

Another format that we are likely to come across is the Acrobats Portable Document Format (PDF). Importing data from PDF files can be quite difficult because PDF files are built on page layout primitives, and unlike HTML or JSON, they do not have meaningful markup tags. There are several non-Python tools for turning PDFs into text such as pdftotext. This is a command line tool that is included in many Linux distributions and is also available for Windows. Once we have converted the PDF file into text, we still need to extract the data, and the data embedded in the document determines how we can extract it. If the data is separated from the rest of the document, say in a table, then we can use Python's text parsing tools to extract it. Alternatively, we can use a Python library for working with PDF documents such as pdfminer3k.

Another common cleaning task is converting between data types. There is always the risk of losing data when converting between types. This happens when the target type stores less data than the source, for instance, converting to float 16 from float 32. Sometimes, we need to convert data at the file level. This occurs when a file has an implicit typing structure, for example, a spreadsheet. This is usually done within the application that created the file. For example, an Excel spreadsheet can be saved as a comma separated text file and then imported into a Python application.

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