
Book Description

Covers all aspects including Facebook Marketplace, FacebookPlaces, and Facebook Deals.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Part 1: Strategic Facebook Marketing
    1. 1 Your Facebook Strategy
      1. Why You Need Facebook
      2. It’s All About the Customer
        1. Define Your Customers
        2. Find Your Customers
        3. Fulfill Your Customers’ Needs
      3. Define Your Business Goals
        1. What Do You Want?
        2. Prioritize
        3. Show Me the Money
      4. Identifying Success
        1. Going Beyond the Numbers
        2. Campaign by Campaign
        3. Measure Success
      5. Observing the Competition
        1. Finding Your Competition
        2. Staying Ahead of the Enemy
        3. Making Frienemies
    2. 2 Your Target Market
      1. Defining Your Target Market
        1. Dividing Your Market into Segments
        2. Harnessing the Power of Social Media
        3. Marketing to Individual Segments
      2. Creating Niches
        1. Defining Niches on Facebook
        2. To Niche or Not to Niche
        3. Searching for People on Facebook
      3. Marketing to Them Strategically
        1. Mimicking Their Voice
        2. Generating a Positive Response
        3. Identifying Their Needs and Wants
    3. 3 Your Facebook Marketing Plan
      1. Developing a Marketing Program
        1. Mapping Out Your Goals
        2. Choosing Which Products and Services to Feature
        3. Choosing Your Promotion Strategies
      2. Creating a Marketing Calendar
        1. Scheduling Posts
        2. Deviating from Your Schedule
        3. Deciding on Topics
        4. Figuring How Much Time to Spend on Marketing
      3. Crafting Your Posts
        1. Developing Content
        2. Asking Your Audience What They Want to Hear
        3. Keeping It Short and Sweet
    4. 4 Facebook Campaigns
      1. The Components
        1. Wall Posts
        2. Unique Page Tabs
        3. Facebook Ads
        4. Sponsored Stories
        5. Email Marketing
      2. Establishing Your Campaign Goals
      3. Composing Your Campaign Message
      4. Standing Out from the Crowd
        1. Getting the Creative Juices Flowing
        2. Thinking Strategically About Artwork
        3. Having Crazy Fun
      5. Launching Campaigns
        1. Establishing a Timeline
        2. Setting a Budget
      6. Analyzing Your Campaign
    5. 5 The Voice of Your Business
      1. Finding Your Voice
        1. Choosing a Celebrity Spokesperson
        2. Choosing a Role Model
      2. Speaking Like an Authority
      3. Your Social Media Team as One Voice
        1. Modeling
        2. Acting Your Part
      4. Moving from Voice to Content
        1. Strategizing Your Posts
        2. Dividing Your Content
      5. The Art of Facebook Posting
      6. Responding with a Smile
      7. Defining Your Business Brand
  8. Part 2: Your Business on Facebook
    1. 6 Creating Your Facebook Account
      1. It’s Your Life on Facebook
        1. Are You on Facebook Yet?
        2. Setting Up Your Account
      2. Creating a Facebook Brand
        1. Storytelling
        2. Your Profile Picture
        3. Other Details
        4. A Word About Admins
      3. Getting Personal in Business
        1. Who to Talk to
        2. What to Say
        3. What Not to Say
    2. 7 Facebook Fan Pages
      1. Build It and They Will Come?
        1. Setting Up Your Fan Page
        2. Choosing a Name
        3. Creating Custom Tabs
      2. Creating Wild Fans
        1. WIIFM
        2. Broadcast vs. Interaction
      3. Checking Out Some of the Best Fan Pages
        1. Big Brands
        2. Medium-Sized Brands
        3. Small Businesses
        4. What All Successful Brands Have in Common
    3. 8 Facebook Group Pages
      1. When Fan Pages Don’t Cut It
        1. Hidden Groups
        2. Closed Groups
        3. Open Groups
      2. Setting Up Your Group
      3. Build Them Bigger and Faster
        1. United Messaging
        2. Group Documents
        3. Group Events
      4. Best Practice on Group Pages
        1. Connecting Within Groups
        2. Sharing Is Caring
        3. Get Personal
  9. Part 3: Engaging Customers on Facebook
    1. 9 Harnessing the Power of Friends and Fans
      1. Friends
        1. Playing the Numbers Game with Friends
        2. Understanding the Power of Friends
        3. Adding and Deleting Friends
      2. Fans
        1. Understanding the Power of Fans
        2. Calculating a Fan’s Worth
      3. Scaling Walls and News Feeds
        1. The Anatomy of a Wall
        2. The Anatomy of a News Feed
        3. Getting into Friends’ and Fans’ Top Stories
    2. 10 Social Media Engagement
      1. Things That Make Them Like Your Business
        1. The Top Five Ways to Engage Your Fans
        2. Imprinting Your Brand
        3. What Keeps Them Coming Back
      2. Promotions Drive Traffic and Fans
        1. Drive Traffic with Contests and Sweepstakes
        2. The Rules
        3. Promotions FAQs
      3. Facebook Social Plugins
        1. Social Buttons
        2. Social Activity
        3. Social Streams
    3. 11 Facebook Events and Pictures
      1. Facebook Events
        1. Types of Events
        2. Creating Your First Event
        3. Getting Influencers to Attend Your Event
      2. Using Facebook Pictures to Connect with Customers
        1. People Love Pictures of Themselves
        2. Marketing via Tagging
        3. Creating a Tag
    4. 12 Viral Videos
      1. Facebook Video
      2. Uploading Videos
        1. Uploading to Your Facebook Page
        2. Sending Video as a Message
        3. Posting Video on Someone’s Wall
        4. Integrating YouTube with Facebook
      3. Viral Marketing
        1. Interest People
        2. Inform People
        3. Entertain People
    5. 13 Facebook Games
      1. Why Facebook Games Matter
        1. Gamification
        2. Reaching Your Market
      2. Using Games to Boost Your Fan Base
        1. Making Waves Game
        2. Whopper Sacrifice Game
        3. Ford Fiesta Movement
      3. Getting Involved in Gaming
        1. How Games Work on Facebook
        2. The Financial End of Games
      4. Developing Games
        1. Creating Your Own Games
        2. Hiring an Outside Company
    6. 14 Facebook Apps
      1. Applications That Build Buzz
        1. Understanding How Your Business Can Benefit from Apps
        2. Types of Apps
        3. Most Popular Apps
        4. How Apps Have Gained Fans
      2. Creating Your Own Apps
      3. Making Revenue from Applications
      4. Mobile Apps
      5. Creating a Successful App
  10. Part 4: Facebook Measurement and Sales Tools
    1. 15 Facebook Advertising
      1. Basics of Facebook Advertising
        1. Types of Ads
        2. Getting Your Ads Approved
        3. Building Your Targeted Ads
        4. Cost Per Impression vs. Cost Per Click
        5. Setting a Daily or Lifetime Budget
      2. Advanced Advertising Tactics
        1. Getting People to Like You
        2. Using Images to Draw People In
        3. Writing Effective Ads
      3. Measuring Success with Ads
        1. The Ad Manager
        2. Three Report Options
        3. Interpreting Your Reports
        4. Testing Ad Variations
    2. 16 Your Page Analytics and Measurements
      1. Facebook Insights
        1. Discovering Facebook Insights
        2. Navigating the Page Overview
        3. Website Insights
        4. App Insights
      2. Your Analytics Toolbox
        1. Insights Emails
        2. Website Analytics
        3. Other Facebook Analytics Providers
      3. What’s Missing in the Measurements?
        1. How well is the competition doing?
        2. Who are my top fans?
        3. What are my fans worth?
        4. How many of our fans have become customers?
        5. How effective are my ad campaigns?
      4. What It All Comes Down To
    3. 17 Selling on Facebook
      1. Sell Products on Facebook
        1. Marketing Transparency
        2. The Direct Approach
        3. When to Ask for the Sale
      2. Facebook Marketplace
      3. Store Integration
        1. Anatomy of a Facebook Store
        2. Outsourcing the Creation of Your Store
      4. Alternatives That Work
        1. Open Graph
        2. Facebook Credits
    4. 18 Local Business and Facebook Places
      1. The Small Business and Facebook
        1. A Step Ahead
        2. Local Community
        3. Point of Sale
      2. Facebook Places
        1. Create a Facebook Place
        2. Integrating Your Places Page with Your Facebook Page
      3. Facebook Deals
        1. Setting Up a Deal
        2. Promoting Your Deal
        3. Great Ideas for Deals
  11. Part 5: Mastering Facebook
    1. 19 Your Social Media Team
      1. Putting Together a Social Media Team
        1. Why You Need a Team
        2. The Stakeholders
        3. Choosing the Right People
        4. Establishing Team Roles
        5. Dividing and Conquering
        6. Setting Up Workflow
      2. Writing a Social Media Policy
      3. In Case of Emergency
    2. 20 Should You Hire a Facebook Consultant?
      1. What Is a Facebook Marketing Expert?
      2. Qualifying a Consultant
      3. When Is It the Right Time?
      4. Budgeting Considerations
      5. A Few Words About Using Interns
      6. Training Your Team
        1. Online Training
        2. In-Person Training
        3. Books, Articles, White Papers, and Websites
        4. Diving into a New Social Platform
        5. Exploring the History of Projects
        6. The Art of Real Referrals
      7. Marketing with More Influential People
        1. The Power of Influencers
        2. How to Find and Win Influencers
      8. A Success Story
    3. 21 Is Your Business Likeable?
      1. What Makes a Likeable Business?
        1. Giving
        2. Keeping It Real
        3. Empathizing
      2. Clarity = Power
        1. Authority Figures
        2. Influencers
        3. High Integrity
      3. All You Need Is Love
        1. I Like You a Lot
        2. It Takes Time and Commitment
        3. Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind
  12. Appendixes
    1. A Glossary
    2. B Resources
    3. C Facebook and the Social Media Playing Field
    4. D Your Facebook Marketing Checklist
  13. Index