
1NF. See first normal form (1NF)

2NF. See second normal form (2NF)

3NF. See third normal form (3NF)

abstraction, 362–73, 471, 517

alternate key. See key, alternate

annotation, 131

application stability, 341, 364

application subject area model (ASAM), 319–21

architect, 517

ASAM. See application subject area model (ASAM)

assertion statement, 56, 96, 264

adding model extension for, 193

associative entity, 517

attribute, 50, 128, 525

Auto-Layout, 173

Barker, 92

bottom-up approach, 325

BPM. See business process model

browser, 108, 124–25, 207

BSAM. See business subject area model (BSAM)

business analyst, 517

business process model, 500

business subject area model (BSAM), 315–18

business user, 64

candidate key. See key, candidate

canvas, 108, 115

cardinality, 54, 366, 517

category, 448

chaos, 341

class word, 517


collection, 128, 525

comment, 131

communication, 35

after, 36

during, 36

loss of, 364

comparison subject area model (CSAM), 321–24

composer, 525

composite object, 525

conceptual attribute, 215

conformed dimension, 367, 518

conversion table, 525

CSAM. See comparison subject area model (CSAM)

data definition language, 84, See also PowerDesigner, code preview

data element, 49, 518

logical level, 49

physical level, 50

subject area level, 49

data item, 224–28, 525

data model, 2829, 46, 518

comparison with spreadsheet, 29–30

purpose of, 324

uses of, 38

data model pyramid, 309

Data Model Scorecard, 467–74

data modeler, 33, 59, 518

data modeling, 33, 518

data movement model, 500

data quality, 341

database administrator, 518

DBA. See database administrator

DDL. See data definition language


importance of, 64, 313

weak, 37

writing a good one, 64

denormalization, 518

explanation, 386

fold up but easily separate (FUBES), 393–96

repeating data elements technique, 398–99

repeating groups technique, 396–97

summarization, 399

within PowerDesigner, 416–17

dependency, 525, See also link and sync, See generation model

external, 95

internal, 95

dependency matrix, 248–51, 525

description, 131

displaying on diagram symbols, 164

developer, 518

diagram, 139

dimension, 338, 366

dimensional attribute, 338

dimensional data model, 307, 519

dimensional data modeling, 321, 334

dimensional level, 338

dimensional model. See dimensional data model

dimensional modeling, 365–67, See dimensional data modeling

DMM. See data movement model

document, 525

domain, 50, 519

PowerDesigner, 216–23

type, 51

uses of, 52

EAM. See enterprise architecture model

enterprise architecture model, 500

enterprise data model, 473, 519

enterprise glossary, 448–50

entity, 43, 519

logical level, 45

notation, 45

physical level, 45

strong, 46

subject area level, 45

weak, 46

entity attribute. See attribute

entity instance, 43, 519

extended attribute, 526

extended collection, 526

extended dependency, 526

extended object, 526

extensible markup language, 495–97, 519

extension, 526, See also model extension

external dependency, 526

factless fact, 367, 520

FEM. See free model

first normal form (1NF), 346–54

flexibility. See application stability

foreign key. See key, foreign

framework, 477, 526

free model, 500

FUBES. See denormalization

generate, 526, See also model generation

Global Unique ID, 182

glossary, 69, 244–46, 526

Grabber, 23, 121, 147, 514

grain, 338, 366, 520

graphical synonym, 177

grid editor, 526

GUID. See Global Unique ID

hierarchy, 58

How, 44

hybrid approach, 325

IAM. See impact and lineage model

IDEF1X, 82, 92

identifier, 74, 526

impact analysis, 38

impact and lineage analysis, 486, 526

impact and lineage model, 501

index, 404, 520

Information Engineering, 82, 91

information overload, 28

inheritance, 526

inheritance link, 526

integration, 75

interface, 107–9

internal dependency, 527

key, 71, 520

alternate, 74, 517

candidate, 71, 517

foreign, 76, 77, 520

natural, 75, 521

primary, 74, 340, 522

surrogate, 75, 295, 524

keyword, 131

library, 527

lineage, 452–55, 484–87

link, 121, See also traceability link

link and sync, 90, 309, 425, 527, See also model generation

logical attribute, 215

logical data model (LDM)

explanation of, 307, 333, 520

using PowerDesigner to build a, 367–73

mapping editor, 432

measure, 338, 520

Merise, 93

metadata, 8788, 521

metamodel, 487, 527

meter, 338, 521

MMR. See multimodel report

model, 28, 179

model extension, 192, 487

adding stereotypes using, 382

auto attaching to new models, 488

Relationship Assertion with Plural Names, 210

model generation, 90, 426–29

multimodel report, 501

naming standard, 69

naming template, 527

natural key. See key, natural

network, 58

normalization, 339–62, 521

object, 105, 521, 527

object list, 132

object oriented model, 501

object property sheet, 527

ontology, 521

OOM. See object oriented model

partial key relationship, 470

partition, 522

partitioning, 405–6

physical data model (PDM)

explanation of, 307, 386, 522

using PowerDesigner to build a, 409–15

Pointer, 121

portal, 480


auto-layout for diagrams in, 173–76

building blocks of, 104

checking spelling in, 479

code preview in, 403

collaboration within, 100–101

comparing and merging in, 480–83

creating data elements in, 213–54

creating entities in, 205–12

creating keys in, 287–306

creating models in, 180–81

creating relationships in, 255–77

database support within, 94

demo workplace within, 118–20

dependency matrix in, 248

Excel support within, 98

exporting a model from, 459–62

extension. See also model extension

fundamentals of, 103

generating models within, 426–29

generation links viewer, 237

graphical synonym in, 176, 272–74

importing a model into, 458–65

importing existing models into, 98

improving model readability using, 156–67

list report in, 296

managing allowable values in, 247

manipulating objects in, 137–38

menus within, 125

mirroring names to codes within, 106, 455

names and codes in, 105–7, 450–52

naming standard support in, 94

object lists in, 132–37

object property sheets in, 125–30

organizing views within, 109–15

package. See PowerDesigner, partitioning a model in

partitioning a model in, 191–92

project within, 462

rearranging the canvas of, 116–17

renaming objects and symbols in, 153–54

replica object within, 234

reporting within, 462

reverse engineering in, 418

round-trip engineering within, 98

routing link within, 146, 151–52, 270–72

scope of, 88

sharing resources within, 476

showing and hiding symbols in, 154–56

submodel. See PowerDesigner, partitioning a model in

subtyping in, 277–83

symbol content of, 160–65

symbol format of, 165–73

toolbars within, 109

toolbox within, 120–24

transferring properties in, 246

types of models in, 88

undoing work in, 138

versioning of models within, 96

welcome page for, 104

working with diagrams in, 139–45

working with models in, 179–84

working with objects within, 117–18

working with projects in, 185–88

working with symbols in, 145–53

precision, 36–37

primary key. See key, primary

program, 522

project, 522, 527

project diagram, 527

project manager, 522

Properties, 117

property, 527

property sheet, 527

recursive relationship, 522, See also reflexive relationship, See also relationship, recursive

reference model, 447, 527

reflexive relationship, 527

relational, 92

relational data model, 307

relational data modeling, 334

relational model. See relational data model

relationship, 53, 522

label, 37

logical level, 54

physical level, 54

reading, 55–57

recursive, 58

subject area level, 54

replica, 528, See PowerDesigner, replica object

repository, 475

requirement, 131

requirements model, 501

resource file, 528

reverse engineering, 38, See also PowerDesigner, reverse engineering in

RI. See rule, referential integrity

role name, 262

RQM. See requirements model

rule, 53, 131

action, 53

data, 53

loss of, 365

referential integrity, 53

structural, 53

SCD. See slowly changing dimension (SCD)

scope creep, 469

second normal form (2NF), 354–60

semi-structured data, 522

shortcut, 528

slowly changing dimension (SCD), 408–9, 523

SME. See subject matter expert

snowflake, 406–8, 523

spreadsheet, 29, 523

stakeholder, 324, 523

star schema, 400, 523

stereotype, 131, 528

structured data, 523

subject area, 311

subject area model (SAM)

benefits of, 315

explanation of, 307, 312, 523

how to build a, 324–26

using PowerDesigner to build a, 327–30

subject matter expert, 523

sub-object, 528

subtype, 60

subtyping, 6061

resolving on physical, 420

supertype, 60

surrogate key. See key, surrogate

taxonomy, 524

template, 477

third normal form (3NF), 360–62

toolbar, 114

toolbox, 108

top-down approach, 325

traceability link, 127, 131, 210, 430–31, 528

unified modeling language, 29

use case, 524

user, 524

user profile, 477

view, 401–3, 524

wayfinding, 28, 32, 524

What, 44

When, 44

Where, 44

Who, 44

Why, 44

workspace, 178, 528

XML. See extensible markup language

XML model, 501

XSM. See XML model

[1] You’ll find out about names and codes in Chapter 10

[2] See the Quick Reference Guide for the link

[3] CSV – Comma-Separated Value – a textual format that can be edited in spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel. Other data modeling tools may be able to import these files.

[4] This is the name of the tab where you will usually find the property. It may vary for some types of objects. If your property sheets have been customized, properties may appear on different tabs.

[5] “Top to Bottom”, “Bottom to Top”, “Left to Right”, and “Right to Left”

[6] “Top to Bottom”, “Bottom to Top”, “Left to Right”, and “Right to Left”

[7] Nicely illustrated at

[8] Called “Relationship Assertion with Plural Entity Names”

[9] For example, the ‘Fact Model’ described in (Ross & Lam, 2011, pp. 103-130)

[10] See

[11] The XML Metadata Interchange standard designed to assist with integrating tools, repositories, applications, and data warehouses – see

[12] A partial key relationship is when only part of the parent entitys primary key is brought over to the child entity as a foreign key. Good design practice ensures that when a relationship is created between two entities, the entire primary key from the parent entity on the one side of the relationship line is copied over to the child entity on the many side of the relationship line. A partial key relationship is when a subset of those data elements in the primary key are copied, instead of all of the data elements in the primary key.


[14] These were all available when we went to press, but we cannot guarantee they’ll be there when you need them

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