The future

Those who study IT system design are well are that we have a lot to learn about how to do this. There remain lots of potential for improvement, not just in terms of what we produce, but how we produce it. So methodology is key for me; in particular, how UX fits into the SDLC.

Of course, that means we need new people and new thinking. Like all professions, we need informed and educated UX professionals, not just people who have just decided they are a UX expert after doing a few short online courses or have a very narrow understanding of UX like many of the visual designers I meet. Any UX professional needs to rigorously learn the craft and stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us by studying their work.

In my work, I'm particularly interested in working with those who's IT skills extend beyond UX--I think the future involves multi-skilled UX professionals who's expertise overlaps (greatly) with others involved in the SDLC.

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