Just start

When I start collaborating with a team, I always emphasize isolating the problem. In some instances, that means banning any discussion about a solution. What is the problem? Working with designers to find the solution is the easy part. Picking apart the problem is hard. Then, you start. In early product design stages, I find it helpful to strip away functionality and decide what the least amount of function a user would need. My credo, stolen from Jack Dorsey--"make every detail perfect and limit the number of details." I can attest--people get by using very stripped down products and create massive value.

The lessons I've learned building software mirrors my career path. It's incredibly difficult to predict a plan when designing and building software. Often there are unexpected bumps and mountains. Expect the unexpected. In traditional product development, there's a tremendous amount of project planning that goes in prior to execution. But careers and software don't work like that.

You'll never learn more than on the day you start. Months and months of planning can be rendered useless in one day. The day you start. So, my parting words to anyone looking into getting into software design, development, or a career change in general. Just start. You're never going to feel ready. There's never a day you wake up "ready". There's no one that walks up to your doorstep and deems you "ready". There's no "ready" wand. There not a book titled READY. Just start. And if you need a bulletproof vest for some inspiration, I have one lying around.

Ross's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-reichardt-11048b88

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