Appendix D. Packages Used/Referenced

Package Authors Description
Amelia James Honaker
Gary King
Matthew Blackwell
Program for missing data
aplpack Hans Peter Wolf
Uni Bielefeld
Another Plot PACKage: adds stem.leaf(), bagplot(), faces(), spin3R(), plotsummary(), plothulls(), and some slider functions
car John Fox
Sanford Weisberg
Companion to Applied Regression
corrplot Taiyun Wei Visualization of a correlation matrix
DescTools Andri Signorell
Other contributors
Tools for descriptive statistics
epade Andreas Schulz Easy Plots
epicalc Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong Epidemiological calculator
foreign R Core Team Read data stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, Weka, dBase...
GGally Barret Schloerke
Jason Crowley
Di Cook
Heike Hofmann
Hadley Wickham
Francois Briatte
Moritz Marbach
Edwin Thoen
Extension to ggplot2
ggplot2 Hadley Wickham
Winston Chang
An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics
gmodels Gregory R. Warnes
other contributors
Various R programming tools for model fitting
gpairs John W. Emerson
Walton A. Green
Produces a generalized pairs (gpairs) plot
gplots Gregory R. Warnes
Ben Bolker
Lodewijk Bonebakker
Robert Gentleman
Wolfgang Huber
Andy Liaw
Thomas Lumley
Martin Maechler
Arni Magnusson
Steffen Moeller
Marc Schwartz
Bill Venables
Various R programming tools for plotting data
grid Paul Murrell The Grid Graphics Package
hexbin Dan Carr
Other contributors
Hexagonal Binning Routines
HistData Michael Friendly
Stephane Dray
Hadley Wickham
James Hanley
Dennis Murphy
Datasets from the history of statistics and data visualization
Hmisc Frank E. Harrell Jr,
Other contributors
Harrell Miscellaneous
lattice Deepayan Sarkar Lattice Graphics
latticeExtra Deepayan Sarkar
Felix Andrews
Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice
multcomp Torston Hothorn
Frank Bretz
Peter Westfall
Other contributors
Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models
ncdf David Pierce Interface to Unidata netCDF data files
nlme Jose Pinheiro
Douglas Bates
Other contributors
Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
plotrix Jim Lemon, Ben Bolker, Sander Oom, Eduardo Klein, Barry Rowlingson, Hadley Wickham, Anupam Tyagi,
Olivier Eterradossi, Gabor Grothendieck, Michael Toews, John Kane, Rolf Turner, Carl Witthoft, Julian Stander, Thomas Petzoldt,
Remko Duursma, Elisa Biancotto, Ofir Levy,
Christophe Dutang, Peter Solymos, Robby Engelmann,
Michael Hecker, Felix Steinbeck, Hans Borchers,
Henrik Singmann, Ted Toal, Derek Ogle
Various plotting functions
psych William Revelle Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research
Quandl Raymond McTaggart
Gergely Daroczi
Quandl Data Connection
Rcmdr John Fox
Milan Bouchet-Valat
Other contributors
A platform-independent basic-statistics GUI (graphical user interface) for R, based on the tcltk package
RcmdrMisc John Fox
Other contributors
R Commander Miscellaneous Functions
RcmdrPlugin.EZR Yoshinobu Kanda R Commander Plug-in for the EZR (Easy R) Package
RcmdrPlugin.HH Richard M. Heiberger
Contributions from Burt Holland
Rcmdr support for the HH package
RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 Triad sou
Kengo Nagashima
Rcmdr Plug-in for Kaplan-Meier Plots and Other Plots by Using the ggplot2 Package
RcmdrPlugin.NMBU Kristian Hovde Liland
Solve Sæbø
R Commander Plug-in for Statistics at NMBU
ResearchMethods Mohamed Abdolell
Sam Stewart
Using GUIs to help teach statistics to non-statistics students
  Hadley Wickham Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
rgl Daniel Adler
Duncan Murdoch
Other contributors
3D Visualization Using OpenGL
scatterplot3d Uwe Ligges
Martin Maechler
Sarah Schnackenberg
3D Scatter Plot
RCurl Duncan Temple Lang General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface for R
Sleuth2 F. L. Ramsey
D. W. Schafer
Other contributors
Data sets from Ramsey and Schafer (2001)
sm Adrian Bowman
Adelchi Azzalini
Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density estimation
vcd David Meyer
Achim Zeileis
Kurt Hornik
Other contributors
Visualizing Categorical Data
XLConnect Mirai Solutions GmbH
Martin Studer
Other contributors
Excel Connector for R
XML Duncan Temple Lang Reading and creating XML (and HTML) documents
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